997 resultados para 110-673B
German words.
Chemical turbulence in the oscillatory catalytic CO oxidation on Pt(110) is suppressed by means of focused laser light. The laser locally heats the platinum surface which leads to a local increase of the oscillation frequency, and to the formation of a pacemaker which emits target waves. These waves slowly entrain the medium and suppress the spatiotemporal chaos present in the absence of laser light. Our experimental results are confirmed by a detailed numerical analysis of one- and two-dimensional media using the Krischer-Eiswirth-Ertl model for CO oxidation on Pt110. Different control regimes are identified and the dispersion relation of the system is determined using the pacemaker as an externally tunable wave source.
The genesis of a catalytically active model Pt/Al2O3/NiAl{110} oxidation catalyst is described. An ultrathin, crystalline γ-Al2O3 film was prepared via direct oxidation of a NiAl{110} single-crystal substrate. The room-temperature deposition of Pt clusters over the γ-Al2O3 film was characterised by LEED, AES and CO titration and follows a Stranski–Krastanov growth mode. Surface sulfation was attempted via SO2/O2 adsorption and thermal processing over bare and Pt promoted Al2O3/NiAl{110}. Platinum greatly enhances the saturation SOx coverage over that of bare alumina. Over clean Pt/γ-Al2O3 surfaces some adsorbed propene desorbs molecularly [similar]250 K while the remainder decomposes liberating hydrogen. Coadsorbed oxygen or sulfate promote propene combustion, with adsorbed sulfoxy species the most efficient oxidant. The chemistry of these alumina-supported Pt clusters shows a general evolution from small polycrystalline clusters to larger clusters with properties akin to low-index, Pt single-crystal surfaces.
El uso de fuentes de Zn (orgánicas e inorgánicas) en el pienso de cerdos prepúberes se ha mostrado indispensable, ya que este mineral ha evidenciado beneficios relacionados con aspectos reproductivos, respuesta inmunitaria, estado de salud, ganancia de peso, consumo de pienso. Los primeros estudios que identificaron al Zn como componente fundamental en la reproducción fueron en la década de los 40´s, en donde se estableció la importancia de este mineral en el desarrollo de las células de Leydig, a partir de estos descubrimientos se recomienda la utilización del mineral en el pienso de los cerdos. Sin embargo, las recomendaciones que se han hecho para apoyar el efecto del Zn en la reproducción, fueron identificadas hace 30 años, y poco se ha estudiado desde entonces con respecto al nivel de Zn que habría que incluir en el pienso. Por otra parte, la industria alimenticia animal ha desarrollado fuentes minerales con mayor biodisponibilidad, por un lado para que el organismo pueda utilizarlo más rápida y eficientemente (>biodisponibilidad) y por otra parte para evitar que el mineral consumido por el animal, se pierda a través de las deyecciones, asegurando con ello no solo la reducción de las pérdidas económicas, sino la minimización del impacto ambiental que el Zn ejerce negativamente. De esta manera, se decidió realizar una investigación que proporcionara información sobre el efecto de las fuentes y niveles de Zn, en la eficiencia de crecimiento y desarrollo de cerdos prepúberes y verracos jóvenes, en el desarrollo de los testículos y sus estructuras celulares, así como en el comportamiento sexual de los verracos jóvenes. Para lo anterior se utilizaron 50 cerdos de la línea genética York x Landrace, con un peso medio inicial de 35±1.25, estos animales se distribuyeron en siete tratamientos, los cuales correspondieron a dietas formuladas con y sin la adición de fuente de Zn (ZnSO4, ZnO, ZnMet) , y a dos niveles (150ppm y 200ppm de Zn). La dieta base fue formulada utilizando la tabla de necesidades nutritivas del FEDNA (2006). Todos los cerdos fueron colocados en jaulas individuales, con comedero y bebedero individual. Se les dio un periodo de adaptación de 15 días, posteriormente se inició la fase experimental en la que se midió el consumo de pienso (CDP), conversión alimenticia (CA), ganancia de peso (GDP), al finalizar el periodo de crianza (Crecimiento, Desarrollo y Finalización) y los cerdos llegaron a un peso mayor a 100Kg, se sacrificaron tres cerdos, de los cuales se obtuvieron los testículos, epidídimos, bazo, páncreas, hueso (fémur), hígado y riñones, para analizar a través de Espectrofotometría de Absorción Atómica la concentración de Zn...
In this paper, we use density functional theory corrected for on-site Coulomb interactions (DFT + U) and hybrid DFT (HSE06 functional) to study the defects formed when the ceria (110) surface is doped with a series of trivalent dopants, namely, Al3+, Sc3+, Y3+, and In 3+. Using the hybrid DFT HSE06 exchange-correlation functional as a benchmark, we show that doping the (110) surface with a single trivalent ion leads to formation of a localized MCe / + O O • (M = the 3+ dopant), O- hole state, confirming the description found with DFT + U. We use DFT + U to investigate the energetics of dopant compensation through formation of the 2MCe ′ +VO ̈ defect, that is, compensation of two dopants with an oxygen vacancy. In conjunction with earlier work on La-doped CeO2, we find that the stability of the compensating anion vacancy depends on the dopant ionic radius. For Al3+, which has the smallest ionic radius, and Sc3+ and In3+, with intermediate ionic radii, formation of a compensating oxygen vacancy is stable. On the other hand, the Y3+ dopant, with an ionic radius close to that of Ce4+, shows a positive anion vacancy formation energy, as does La3+, which is larger than Ce4+ (J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 2010, 20, 135004). When considering the resulting electronic structure, in Al3+ doping, oxygen hole compensation is found. However, Sc 3+, In3+, and Y3+ show the formation of a reduced Ce3+ cation and an uncompensated oxygen hole, similar to La3+. These results suggest that the ionic radius of trivalent dopants strongly influences the final defect formed when doping ceria with 3+ cations. In light of these findings, experimental investigations of these systems will be welcome.
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2222 é a Resolução que o Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas adoptou em 27/5/15. 7450 reunião. A Carta das Nações Unidas de 1945 visa a paz internacional, prevenção e resolução dos conflitos. A protecção dos jornalistas e colaboradores é um desiderato que vem sendo reafirmado desde a Resolução 1265, 1999. § 2222 is the Resolution adopted by the United Nations Security Council on 5/27/15. 7450 meeting. The 1945 United Nations Charter aims at international peace, conflict prevention and resolution. The protection of journalists and employees has been reaffirmed since Resolution 1265, 1999.
La tesi propone un esempio di riqualificazione energetica di un edificio residenziale sito a Castel Maggiore (Bologna) con l’applicazione della pratica di detrazione fiscale Bonus 110% introdotta nell’anno 2020 con il Decreto Rilancio. Il lavoro segue l’iter burocratico e progettuale alla base di questa pratica, a partire dalle fasi preliminari di studio dello stato di fatto dell’edificio fino alla realizzazione degli interventi proposti. La tesi si sviluppa come segue. I primi due capitoli definiscono alcuni concetti base della termotecnica e le regole per l’applicazione del Bonus 110. I due capitoli successivi forniscono la situazione dell’edificio allo stato di fatto sia per quanto riguarda la struttura e l’impianto termico sia per quanto riguarda le dispersioni termiche e il fabbisogno energetico. Allo stato di fatto il condominio presenta strutture non coibentate, infissi e impianto termico datati. Il quinto capitolo riporta gli interventi previsti: quelli trainanti sono il rifacimento dell’impianto termico e la coibentazione delle pareti esterne e della copertura; quelli trainati sono la sostituzione degli infissi e l’installazione dell’impianto fotovoltaico. Il sesto capitolo presenta il dimensionamento del generatore di calore e dell’impianto fotovoltaico, nonché i risultati ottenuti con l’analisi energetica dell’edificio in seguito all’esecuzione degli interventi proposti. Il settimo capitolo riporta i dimensionamenti dei vari componenti dell’impianto, mentre nell’ottavo capitolo si esegue l’analisi economica complessiva. Gli interventi effettuati comportano un calo drastico delle dispersioni termiche e dell’indice di prestazione energetica, un maggior comfort all’interno dei locali e un notevole aumento nell’uso di energia primaria rinnovabile. L’edificio passa dalla classe energetica F alla classe energetica A4, realizzando così pienamente gli obiettivi di efficientamento energetico e rientrando ampiamente nei requisiti imposti dalla pratica Bonus 110%.
Il tema centrale di questo elaborato è lo studio completo di un caso di ristrutturazione edilizia le cui spese vengono agevolate mediante l’incentivo denominato “Superbonus 110 %”. Partendo dalla descrizione dello sfondo normativo e legislativo vigente che regola l’applicazione di questa agevolazione (in continuo e costante aggiornamento) si procede all’analisi del caso di ristrutturazione edilizia scelto, ovvero un edificio condominiale, composto da 12 unità immobiliari distinte, sito nel comune di Patti (ME). Verranno studiati in una prima fase gli interventi applicabili all’edificio, ai sensi del DI 06/08/2020, per poi procedere ad una selezione in funzione dei risultati di una diagnosi energetica. Gli interventi scelti verranno poi approfonditi sotto l’aspetto tecnico affinché possano soddisfare i requisiti minimi per accedere all’agevolazione e affinché possano garantire le migliori prestazioni possibili all’edificio in funzione dei suoi parametri energetici. Verrà poi stimato il costo totale della ristrutturazione suddividendo le spese da effettuare nei capitoli degli interventi migliorativi studiati. Verrà redatto l’Attestato di Prestazione Energetica post-intervento e dimostrato il salto di classe necessario per ottenere l’agevolazione del Superbonus 110 %. Infine, verrà redatta l’asseverazione delle spese, la quale attesta la congruità delle spese effettuate e la regolarità degli interventi previsti e mostra il risparmio di energia primaria complessivo conseguito in seguito all’applicazione degli interventi migliorativi effettuati.
This study aimed to identify novel biomarkers for thyroid carcinoma diagnosis and prognosis. We have constructed a human single-chain variable fragment (scFv) antibody library that was selected against tumour thyroid cells using the BRASIL method (biopanning and rapid analysis of selective interactive ligands) and phage display technology. One highly reactive clone, scFv-C1, with specific binding to papillary thyroid tumour proteins was confirmed by ELISA, which was further tested against a tissue microarray that comprised of 229 thyroid tissues, including: 110 carcinomas (38 papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTCs), 42 follicular carcinomas, 30 follicular variants of PTC), 18 normal thyroid tissues, 49 nodular goitres (NG) and 52 follicular adenomas. The scFv-C1 was able to distinguish carcinomas from benign lesions (P=0.0001) and reacted preferentially against T1 and T2 tumour stages (P=0.0108). We have further identified an OTU domain-containing protein 1, DUBA-7 deubiquitinating enzyme as the scFv-binding antigen using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. The strategy of screening and identifying a cell-surface-binding antibody against thyroid tissues was highly effective and resulted in a useful biomarker that recognises malignancy among thyroid nodules and may help identify lower-risk cases that can benefit from less-aggressive management.
The neuromuscular activity of venom from Bothrops fonsecai, a lancehead endemic to southeastern Brazil, was investigated. Chick biventer cervicis (CBC) and mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm (PND) preparations were used for myographic recordings and mouse diaphragm muscle was used for membrane resting potential (RP) and miniature end-plate potential (MEPP) recordings. Creatine kinase release and muscle damage were also assessed. In CBC, venom (40, 80 and 160μg/ml) produced concentration- and time-dependent neuromuscular blockade (50% blockade in 85±9 min and 73±8 min with 80 and 160μg/ml, respectively) and attenuated the contractures to 110μM ACh (78-100% inhibition) and 40mM KCl (45-90% inhibition). The venom-induced decrease in twitch-tension in curarized, directly-stimulated preparations was similar to that in indirectly stimulated preparations. Venom (100 and 200μg/ml) also caused blockade in PND preparations (50% blockade in 94±13 min and 49±8 min with 100 and 200μg/ml, respectively) but did not alter the RP or MEPP amplitude. In CBC, venom caused creatine kinase release and myonecrosis. The venom-induced decrease in twitch-tension and in the contractures to ACh and K(+) were abolished by preincubating venom with commercial antivenom. These findings indicate that Bothrops fonsecai venom interferes with neuromuscular transmission essentially through postsynaptic muscle damage that affects responses to ACh and KCl. These actions are effectively prevented by commercial antivenom.
The ethanol oxidation reaction (EOR) is investigated on Pt/Au(hkl) electrodes. The Au(hkl) single crystals used belong to the [n(111)x(110)] family of planes. Pt is deposited following the galvanic exchange of a previously deposited Cu monolayer using a Pt(2+) solution. Deposition is not epitaxial and the defects on the underlying Au(hkl) substrates are partially transferred to the Pt films. Moreover, an additional (100)-step-like defect is formed, probably as a result of the strain resulting from the Pt and Au lattice mismatch. Regarding the EOR, both vicinal Pt/Au(hkl) surfaces exhibit a behavior that differs from that expected for stepped Pt; for instance, the smaller the step density on the underlying Au substrate, the greater the ability to break the CC bond in the ethanol molecule, as determined by in situ Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy measurements. Also, we found that the acetic acid production is favored as the terrace width decreases, thus reflecting the inefficiency of the surface array to cleave the ethanol molecule.