899 resultados para [JEL:I21] Health, Education, and Welfare - Education - Analysis of Education
Die lösliche Epoxidhydrolase (sEH) gehört zur Familie der Epoxidhydrolase-Enzyme. Die Rolle der sEH besteht klassischerweise in der Detoxifikation, durch Umwandlung potenziell schädlicher Epoxide in deren unschädliche Diol-Form. Hauptsächlich setzt die sEH endogene, der Arachidonsäure verwandte Signalmoleküle, wie beispielsweise die Epoxyeicosatrienoic acid, zu den entsprechenden Diolen um. Daher könnte die sEH als ein Zielenzym in der Therapie von Bluthochdruck und Entzündungen sowie diverser anderer Erkrankungen eingesetzt werden. rnDie sEH ist ein Homodimer, in dem jede Untereinheit aus zwei Domänen aufgebaut ist. Das katalytische Zentrum der Epoxidhydrolaseaktivität befindet sich in der 35 kD großen C-terminalen Domäne. Dieser Bereich der sEH s wurde bereits im Detail untersucht und nahezu alle katalytischen Eigenschaften des Enzyms sowie deren dazugehörige Funktionen sind in Zusammenhang mit dieser Domäne bekannt. Im Gegensatz dazu ist über die 25 kD große N-terminale Domäne wenig bekannt. Die N-terminale Domäne der sEH wird zur Haloacid Dehalogenase (HAD) Superfamilie von Hydrolasen gezählt, jedoch war die Funktion dieses N-terminal Domäne lange ungeklärt. Wir haben in unserer Arbeitsgruppe zum ersten Mal zeigen können, dass die sEH in Säugern ein bifunktionelles Enzym ist, welches zusätzlich zur allgemein bekannten Enzymaktivität im C-terminalen Bereich eine weitere enzymatische Funktion mit Mg2+-abhängiger Phosphataseaktivität in der N-terminalen Domäne aufweist. Aufgrund der Homologie der N-terminalen Domäne mit anderen Enzymen der HAD Familie wird für die Ausübung der Phosphatasefunktion (Dephosphorylierung) eine Reaktion in zwei Schritten angenommen.rnUm den katalytischen Mechanismus der Dephosphorylierung weiter aufzuklären, wurden biochemische Analysen der humanen sEH Phosphatase durch Generierung von Mutationen im aktiven Zentrum mittels ortsspezifischer Mutagenese durchgeführt. Hiermit sollten die an der katalytischen Aktivität beteiligten Aminosäurereste im aktiven Zentrum identifiziert und deren Rolle bei der Dephosphorylierung spezifiziert werden. rnrnAuf Basis der strukturellen und möglichen funktionellen Ähnlichkeiten der sEH und anderen Mitgliedern der HAD Superfamilie wurden Aminosäuren (konservierte und teilweise konservierte Aminosäuren) im aktiven Zentrum der sEH Phosphatase-Domäne als Kandidaten ausgewählt.rnVon den Phosphatase-Domäne bildenden Aminosäuren wurden acht ausgewählt (Asp9 (D9), Asp11 (D11), Thr123 (T123), Asn124 (N124), Lys160 (K160), Asp184 (D184), Asp185 (D185), Asn189 (N189)), die mittels ortsspezifischer Mutagenese durch nicht funktionelle Aminosäuren ausgetauscht werden sollten. Dazu wurde jede der ausgewählten Aminosäuren durch mindestens zwei alternative Aminosäuren ersetzt: entweder durch Alanin oder durch eine Aminosäure ähnlich der im Wildtyp-Enzym. Insgesamt wurden 18 verschiedene rekombinante Klone generiert, die für eine mutante sEH Phosphatase Domäne kodieren, in dem lediglich eine Aminosäure gegenüber dem Wildtyp-Enzym ersetzt wurde. Die 18 Mutanten sowie das Wildtyp (Sequenz der N-terminalen Domäne ohne Mutation) wurden in einem Expressionsvektor in E.coli kloniert und die Nukleotidsequenz durch Restriktionsverdau sowie Sequenzierung bestätigt. Die so generierte N-terminale Domäne der sEH (25kD Untereinheit) wurde dann mittels Metallaffinitätschromatographie erfolgreich aufgereinigt und auf Phosphataseaktivität gegenüber des allgemeinen Substrats 4-Nitophenylphosphat getestet. Diejenigen Mutanten, die Phosphataseaktivität zeigten, wurden anschließend kinetischen Tests unterzogen. Basiered auf den Ergebnissen dieser Untersuchungen wurden kinetische Parameter mittels vier gut etablierter Methoden berechnet und die Ergebnisse mit der „direct linear blot“ Methode interpretiert. rnDie Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die meisten der 18 generierten Mutanten inaktiv waren oder einen Großteil der Enzymaktivität (Vmax) gegenüber dem Wildtyp verloren (WT: Vmax=77.34 nmol-1 mg-1 min). Dieser Verlust an Enzymaktivität ließ sich nicht durch einen Verlust an struktureller Integrität erklären, da der Wildtyp und die mutanten Proteine in der Chromatographie das gleiche Verhalten zeigten. Alle Aminosäureaustausche Asp9 (D9), Lys160 (K160), Asp184 (D184) und Asn189 (N189) führten zum kompletten Verlust der Phosphataseaktivität, was auf deren katalytische Funktion im N-terminalen Bereich der sEH hindeutet. Bei einem Teil der Aminosäureaustausche die für Asp11 (D11), Thr123 (T123), Asn124 (N124) und Asn185 (D185) durchgeführt wurden, kam es, verglichen mit dem Wildtyp, zu einer starken Reduktion der Phosphataseaktivität, die aber dennoch für die einzelnen Proteinmutanten in unterschiedlichem Ausmaß zu messen war (2 -10% and 40% of the WT enzyme activity). Zudem zeigten die Mutanten dieser Gruppe veränderte kinetische Eigenschaften (Vmax allein oder Vmax und Km). Dabei war die kinetische Analyse des Mutanten Asp11 Asn aufgrund der nur bei dieser Mutanten detektierbaren starken Vmax Reduktion (8.1 nmol-1 mg-1 min) und einer signifikanten Reduktion der Km (Asp11: Km=0.54 mM, WT: Km=1.3 mM), von besonderem Interesse und impliziert eine Rolle von Asp11 (D11) im zweiten Schritt der Hydrolyse des katalytischen Zyklus.rnZusammenfassend zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass alle in dieser Arbeit untersuchten Aminosäuren für die Phosphataseaktivität der sEH nötig sind und das aktive Zentrum der sEH Phosphatase im N-terminalen Bereich des Enzyms bilden. Weiterhin tragen diese Ergebnisse zur Aufklärung der potenziellen Rolle der untersuchten Aminosäuren bei und unterstützen die Hypothese, dass die Dephosphorylierungsreaktion in zwei Schritten abläuft. Somit ist ein kombinierter Reaktionsmechanismus, ähnlich denen anderer Enzyme der HAD Familie, für die Ausübung der Dephosphorylierungsfunktion denkbar. Diese Annahme wird gestützt durch die 3D-Struktur der N-terminalen Domäne, den Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit sowie Resultaten weiterer biochemischer Analysen. Der zweistufige Mechanismus der Dephosphorylierung beinhaltet einen nukleophilen Angriff des Substratphosphors durch das Nukleophil Asp9 (D9) des aktiven Zentrums unter Bildung eines Acylphosphat-Enzym-Zwischenprodukts, gefolgt von der anschließenden Freisetzung des dephosphorylierten Substrats. Im zweiten Schritt erfolgt die Hydrolyse des Enzym-Phosphat-Zwischenprodukts unterstützt durch Asp11 (D11), und die Freisetzung der Phosphatgruppe findet statt. Die anderen untersuchten Aminosäuren sind an der Bindung von Mg 2+ und/oder Substrat beteiligt. rnMit Hilfe dieser Arbeit konnte der katalytischen Mechanismus der sEH Phosphatase weiter aufgeklärt werden und wichtige noch zu untersuchende Fragestellungen, wie die physiologische Rolle der sEH Phosphatase, deren endogene physiologische Substrate und der genaue Funktionsmechanismus als bifunktionelles Enzym (die Kommunikation der zwei katalytischen Einheiten des Enzyms) wurden aufgezeigt und diskutiert.rn
Bisphosphonates (BPs) are powerful drugs that inhibit bone metabolism. Adverse side effects are rare but potentially severe such as bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ). To date, research has primarily focused on the development and progression of BRONJ in cancer patients with bone metastasis, who have received high dosages of BPs intravenously. However, a potential dilemma may arise from a far larger cohort, namely the millions of osteoporosis patients on long-term oral BP therapy.
Understanding the canopy cover of an urban environment leads to better estimates of carbon storage and more informed management decisions by urban foresters. The most commonly used method for assessing urban forest cover type extent is ground surveys, which can be both timeconsuming and expensive. The analysis of aerial photos is an alternative method that is faster, cheaper, and can cover a larger number of sites, but may be less accurate. The objectives of this paper were (1) to compare three methods of cover type assessment for Los Angeles, CA: handdelineation of aerial photos in ArcMap, supervised classification of aerial photos in ERDAS Imagine, and ground-collected data using the Urban Forest Effects (UFORE) model protocol; (2) to determine how well remote sensing methods estimate carbon storage as predicted by the UFORE model; and (3) to explore the influence of tree diameter and tree density on carbon storage estimates. Four major cover types (bare ground, fine vegetation, coarse vegetation, and impervious surfaces) were determined from 348 plots (0.039 ha each) randomly stratified according to land-use. Hand-delineation was better than supervised classification at predicting ground-based measurements of cover type and UFORE model-predicted carbon storage. Most error in supervised classification resulted from shadow, which was interpreted as unknown cover type. Neither tree diameter or tree density per plot significantly affected the relationship between carbon storage and canopy cover. The efficiency of remote sensing rather than in situ data collection allows urban forest managers the ability to quickly assess a city and plan accordingly while also preserving their often-limited budget.
Nitrogen and water are essential for plant growth and development. In this study, we designed experiments to produce gene expression data of poplar roots under nitrogen starvation and water deprivation conditions. We found low concentration of nitrogen led first to increased root elongation followed by lateral root proliferation and eventually increased root biomass. To identify genes regulating root growth and development under nitrogen starvation and water deprivation, we designed a series of data analysis procedures, through which, we have successfully identified biologically important genes. Differentially Expressed Genes (DEGs) analysis identified the genes that are differentially expressed under nitrogen starvation or drought. Protein domain enrichment analysis identified enriched themes (in same domains) that are highly interactive during the treatment. Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis allowed us to identify biological process changed during nitrogen starvation. Based on the above analyses, we examined the local Gene Regulatory Network (GRN) and identified a number of transcription factors. After testing, one of them is a high hierarchically ranked transcription factor that affects root growth under nitrogen starvation. It is very tedious and time-consuming to analyze gene expression data. To avoid doing analysis manually, we attempt to automate a computational pipeline that now can be used for identification of DEGs and protein domain analysis in a single run. It is implemented in scripts of Perl and R.
Spectrographic analysis of limestones as a possible method of correlation of geologic formations is an altogether new line of investigation. As far as known the only previous work consists of a few analyses made by Fred Lines in his bachelor thesis work at Montana School of mines in the spring of 1942.
Radiolabeled antagonists of specific peptide receptors identify a higher number of receptor binding sites than agonists and may thus be preferable for in vivo tumor targeting. In this study, two novel radioiodinated 1,4-benzodiazepines, (S)-1-(3-iodophenyl)-3-(1-methyl-2-oxo-5-phenyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-benzo[e][1,4]diazepin-3-yl)urea (9) and (R)-1-(3-iodophenyl)-3-(1-methyl-2-oxo-5-phenyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-benzo[e][1,4]diazepin-3-yl)urea (7), were developed. They were characterized in vitro as high affinity selective antagonists at cholecystokinin types 1 and 2 (CCK(1) and CCK(2)) receptors using receptor binding, calcium mobilization, and internalization studies. Their binding to human tumor tissues was assessed with in vitro receptor autoradiography and compared with an established peptidic CCK agonist radioligand. The (125)I-labeled CCK(1) receptor-selective compound 9 often revealed a substantially higher amount of CCK(1) receptor binding sites in tumors than the agonist (125)I-CCK. Conversely, the radioiodinated CCK(2) receptor-selective compound 7 showed generally weaker tumor binding than (125)I-CCK. In conclusion, compound 9 is an excellent radioiodinated nonpeptidic antagonist ligand for direct and selective labeling of CCK(1) receptors in vitro. Moreover, it represents a suitable candidate to test antagonist binding to CCK(1) receptor-expressing tumors in vivo.
The objective of this study was to estimate the annual direct medical costs of hospitalizations due to osteoporotic fractures in Switzerland. Days of hospital stay in 1992 were quantified using the casuistic of the medical statistics department of VESKA (Vereinigung Schweizerischer Krankenhäuser, the Swiss Hospital Association), which covers 43% of all hospital beds of that country. Number and incidence of total hospitalizations due to fractures were calculated by extrapolating to 100% the 43% VESKA-selected sample. To estimate number and incidence of hospitalizations due to osteoporotic fractures, internationally accepted age-specific osteoporosis attribution rates were applied. According to the latter the probability of a fracture being caused by osteoporosis increases with age. Mean length of stay for all fractures was calculated (= total hospital days divided by number of cases). By multiplying these mean lengths of stay by the number of osteoporosis-related fracture cases, the number of bed-days due to osteoporotic fractures was calculated. To compare the direct medical costs of hospitalization due to osteoporosis with those due to other frequent diseases, days of hospital stay caused by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), stroke, acute myocardial infarction and breast cancer were estimated using the same methodology. A total estimate of 63,170 (f: 33,596, m: 29,574) hospitalizations due to fractures (and other osteoporosis-related diagnoses) was calculated, thus leading to overall annual incidence rates of hospitalizations for fractures of 950/100,000 women and 877/100,000 men. In women, 548,615 hospital days were found to be caused by osteoporosis, 353,654 days by COPD, 352,062 days by stroke, 200,669 days by breast carcinoma and 131,331 days by myocardial infarction. In men, COPD caused more hospitalization days (537,164) than myocardial infarction (196,793), stroke (180,524) or osteoporosis (152,857). Taking a mean price for a hospital day in Switzerland of 845 Swiss francs, the annual costs of acute hospitalizations due to osteoporosis and its complications were approximately 600 million Swiss francs (f: 464, m: 130 million Swiss francs) in 1992. We conclude that there is enough economic evidence to justify wide-scale interventions against osteoporosis in Switzerland.
The molecular mechanisms governing sex determination and differentiation in the zebrafish (Danio rerio) are not fully understood. To gain more insights into the function of specific genes in these complex processes, the expression of multiple candidates needs to be assessed, preferably on the protein level. Here, we developed a targeted proteomics method based on selected reaction monitoring (SRM) to study the candidate sex-related proteins in zebrafish which were selected based on a global proteomics analysis of adult gonads and representational difference analysis of male and female DNA, as well as on published information on zebrafish and other vertebrates. We employed the developed SRM protocols to acquire time-resolved protein expression profiles during the gonad differentiation period in vas::EGFP transgenic zebrafish. Evidence on protein expression was obtained for the first time for several candidate genes previously studied only on the mRNA level or suggested by bioinformatic predictions. Tuba1b (tubulin alpha 1b), initially included in the study as one of the potential housekeeping proteins, was found to be preferentially expressed in the adult testis with nearly absent expression in the ovary. The revealed changes in protein expression patterns associated with gonad differentiation suggest that several of the examined proteins, especially Ilf2 and Ilf3 (interleukin enhancer-binding factors 2 and 3), Raldh3 (retinaldehyde dehydrogenase type 3), Zgc:195027 (low density lipoprotein-related receptor protein 3) and Sept5a (septin 5a), may play a specific role in the sexual differentiation in zebrafish.
Hyperkalemia is an important cause of membrane depolarization in renal failure. A recent theoretical model of axonal excitability explains the effects of potassium on threshold electrotonus, but predicts changes in superexcitability in the opposite direction to those observed. To resolve this contradiction we assessed the relationship between serum potassium and motor axon excitability properties in 38 volunteers with normal potassium levels. Most threshold electrotonus measures were strongly correlated with potassium, and superexcitability decreased at higher potassium levels (P = 0.016), contrary to the existing model. Improved modelling of potassium effects was achieved by making the potassium currents obey the constant-field theory, and by making the potassium permeabilities proportional to external potassium, as has been observed in vitro. This new model also accounted well for the changes in superexcitability and other excitability measures previously reported in renal failure. These results demonstrate the importance of taking potassium levels into account when assessing axonal membrane dysfunction by excitability testing, and provide evidence that potassium currents are activated by external potassium in vivo.
Sensitivity to spatial and temporal patterns is a fundamental aspect of vision. Herein, we investigated this sensitivity in adult zebrafish for a wide range of spatial (0.014 to 0.511 cycles/degree [c/d]) and temporal frequencies (0.025 to 6 cycles/s) to better understand their visual system. Measurements were performed at photopic (1.8 log cd m(-2)) and scotopic (-4.5 log cd m(-2)) light levels to assess the optokinetic response (OKR). The resulting spatiotemporal contrast sensitivity (CS) functions revealed that the OKR of zebrafish is tuned to spatial frequency and speed but not to temporal frequencies. Thereby, optimal test parameters for CS measurements were identified. At photopic light levels, a spatial frequency of 0.116 ± 0.01 c/d (mean ± SD) and a grating speed of 8.42 ± 2.15 degrees/second (d/s) was ideal; at scotopic light levels, these values were 0.110 ± 0.02 c/d and 5.45 ± 1.31 d/s, respectively. This study allows to better characterize zebrafish mutants with altered vision and to distinguish between defects of rod and cone photoreceptors as measurements were performed under different light conditions.
Spontaneous pneumomediastinum commonly occurs in healthy young men or parturient women in whom an increased intra-alveolar pressure (Valsalva maneuver, asthma, cough, emesis) leads to the rupture of the marginal pulmonary alveoli. The air ascends along the bronchi to the mediastinum and the subcutaneous space of the neck, causing cervico-fascial subcutaneous emphysema in 70-90% of cases. Ninety-five forensic cases, including five cases of hanging, were examined using postmortem multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) prior to autopsy until December 2003. This paper describes the findings of pneumomediastinum and cervical emphysema in three of five cases of hanging. The mechanism of its formation is discussed based on these results and a review of the literature. In conclusion, when putrefaction gas can be excluded the findings of pneumomediastinum and cervical soft tissue emphysema serve as evidence of vitality of a hanged person. Postmortem cross-sectional imaging is considered a useful visualization tool for emphysema, with a great potential for examination and documentation.
QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY Many persons are travelling all over the world; the elderly with pre-existing diseases also travel to places with less developed health systems. Reportedly, fewer than 0.5% of all travellers need repatriation. We aimed to analyse and examine people who are injured or ill while abroad, where they travelled to and by what means they were repatriated. METHODS Retrospective cross-sectional study with adult patients repatriated to a single level 1 trauma centre in Switzerland (2000-2011). RESULTS A total of 372 patients were repatriated, with an increasing trend per year. Of these, 67% were male; the median age was 56 years. Forty-nine percent sustained an injury, and 13% had surgical and 38% medical pathologies. Patients with medical conditions were older than those with injuries or surgical emergencies (p <0.001). Seventy-three percent were repatriated from Europe. For repatriation from Africa trauma was slightly more frequent (53%, n = 17) than illnesses, whereas for most other countries illnesses and trauma were equally distributed. Injured patients had a median Injury Severity Score of 8. The majority of illnesses involved the nervous system (38%), mainly stroke. Forty-five percent were repatriated by Swiss Air Ambulance, 26% by ground ambulance, 18% by scheduled flights with or without medical assistance and two patients injured near the Swiss boarder by helicopter. The 28-day mortality was 4%. CONCLUSIONS The numbers of travellers repatriated increased from 2000 to 2011. About half were due to illnesses and half due to injuries. The largest group were elderly Swiss nationals repatriated from European countries. As mortality is relatively high, special consideration to this group of patients is warranted.
Diamonds are known for both their beauty and their durability. Jefferson National Lab in Newport News, VA has found a way to utilize the diamond's strength to view the beauty of the inside of the atomic nucleus with the hopes of finding exotic forms of matter. By firing very fast electrons at a diamond sheet no thicker than a human hair, high energy particles of light known as photons are produced with a high degree of polarization that can illuminate the constituents of the nucleus known as quarks. The University of Connecticut Nuclear Physics group has responsibility for crafting these extremely thin, high quality diamond wafers. These wafers must be cut from larger stones that are about the size of a human finger, and then carefully machined down to the final thickness. The thinning of these diamonds is extremely challenging, as the diamond's greatest strength also becomes its greatest weakness. The Connecticut Nuclear Physics group has developed a novel technique to assist industrial partners in assessing the quality of the final machining steps, using a technique based on laser interferometry. The images of the diamond surface produced by the interferometer encode the thickness and shape of the diamond surface in a complex way that requires detailed analysis to extract. We have developed a novel software application to analyze these images based on the method of simulated annealing. Being able to image the surface of these diamonds without requiring costly X-ray diffraction measurements allows rapid feedback to the industrial partners as they refine their thinning techniques. Thus, by utilizing a material found to be beautiful by many, the beauty of nature can be brought more clearly into view.