982 resultados para topological insulator


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A detailed investigation has been undertaken into a field-induced electron emission (FIEE) mechanism that occurs at microscopically localised `sites' on uncoated, dielectric-coated and composite-coated metallic cathodes. An optical imaging technique has been used to observe and characterize the spatial and temporal behaviour of the populations of emission sites on these cathodes under various experimental conditions, e.g. pulsed-fields, gas environment etc. This study has shown that, for applied fields of 20MVm^-1, thin dielectric (750AA) and composite metal-insulator (MI) overlayers result in a dramatic increase in the total number of emission sites (typically 30cm^-2), and hence emission current. The emission process has been further investigated by a complementary electron spectroscopy technique which has revealed that the localised emission sites on these cathodes display field-dependent spectral shifts and half-widths, i.e. indicative of a `non-metallic' emission mechanism. Details are also given of a comprehensive investigation into the effects of the residual gas environment on the FIEE process from uncoated Cu-cathodes. This latter study has revealed that the well-known Gas Conditioning process can be performed with a wide range of gas species (e.g. O_2, N_2 etc), and furthermore, the degree of conditioning is influenced by both a `Voltage' and `Temperature' effect. These experimental findings have been shown to be particularly important to the technology of high-voltage vacuum-insulation and cold-cathode electron sources. The FIEE mechanism has been interpreted in terms of a hot-electron process that is associated with `electroformed' conducting channels in MI, MIM and MIMI surface microstructures.


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Atomic ordering in network glasses on length scales longer than nearest-neighbour length scales has long been a source of controversy(1-6). Detailed experimental information is therefore necessary to understand both the network properties and the fundamentals of glass formation. Here we address the problem by investigating topological and chemical ordering in structurally disordered AX2 systems by applying the method of isotopic substitution in neutron diffraction to glassy ZnCl2. This system may be regarded as a prototypical ionic network forming glass, provided that ion polarization effects are taken into account(7), and has thus been the focus of much attention(8-14). By experiment, we show that both the topological and chemical ordering are described by two length scales at distances greater than nearest-neighbour length scales. One of these is associated with the intermediate range, as manifested by the appearance in the measured diffraction patterns of a first sharp diffraction peak at 1.09( 3) angstrom(-1); the other is associated with an extended range, which shows ordering in the glass out to 62( 4) angstrom. We also find that these general features are characteristic of glassy GeSe2, a prototypical covalently bonded network material(15,16). The results therefore offer structural insight into those length scales that determine many important aspects of supercooled liquid and glass phenomenology(11).


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An embedding X ⊂ G of a topological space X into a topological group G is called functorial if every homeomorphism of X extends to a continuous group homomorphism of G. It is shown that the interval [0, 1] admits no functorial embedding into a finite-dimensional or metrizable topological group.


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In this paper, we give a criterion for unconditional convergence with respect to some summability methods, dealing with the topological size of the set of choices of sign providing convergence. We obtain similar results for boundedness. In particular, quasi-sure unconditional convergence implies unconditional convergence.


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Let a compact Hausdorff space X contain a non-empty perfect subset. If α < β and β is a countable ordinal, then the Banach space Bα (X) of all bounded real-valued functions of Baire class α on X is a proper subspace of the Banach space Bβ (X). In this paper it is shown that: 1. Bα (X) has a representation as C(bα X), where bα X is a compactification of the space P X – the underlying set of X in the Baire topology generated by the Gδ -sets in X. 2. If 1 ≤ α < β ≤ Ω, where Ω is the first uncountable ordinal number, then Bα (X) is uncomplemented as a closed subspace of Bβ (X). These assertions for X = [0, 1] were proved by W. G. Bade [4] and in the case when X contains an uncountable compact metrizable space – by F.K.Dashiell [9]. Our argumentation is one non-metrizable modification of both Bade’s and Dashiell’s methods.


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It is shown that the construct of supertopological spaces and continuous maps is topological.


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∗ This work was partially supported by the National Foundation for Scientific Researches at the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science under contract no. MM-427/94.


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Visual mental imagery is a process that draws on different cognitive abilities and is affected by the contents of mental images. Several studies have demonstrated that different brain areas subtend the mental imagery of navigational and non-navigational contents. Here, we set out to determine whether there are distinct representations for navigational and geographical images. Specifically, we used a Spatial Compatibility Task (SCT) to assess the mental representation of a familiar navigational space (the campus), a familiar geographical space (the map of Italy) and familiar objects (the clock). Twenty-one participants judged whether the vertical or the horizontal arrangement of items was correct. We found that distinct representational strategies were preferred to solve different categories on the SCT, namely, the horizontal perspective for the campus and the vertical perspective for the clock and the map of Italy. Furthermore, we found significant effects due to individual differences in the vividness of mental images and in preferences for verbal versus visual strategies, which selectively affect the contents of mental images. Our results suggest that imagining a familiar navigational space is somewhat different from imagining a familiar geographical space. © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd.


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Митрофан М. Чобан, Петър Ст. Кендеров, Уорън Б. Муурс - Полу-топологична група (съответно, топологична група) е група, снабдена с топология, относно която груповата оперция произведение е частично непрекъсната по всяка от променливите (съответно, непрекъсната по съвкупност от променливите и обратната операция е също непрекъсната). В настоящата работа ние даваме условия, от топологичен характер, една полу-топологична група да е всъщност топологична група. Например, ние показваме, че всяка сепарабелна псевдокомпактна полу-топологична група е топологична група. Показваме също, че всяка локално псевдокомпактна полу-топологична група, чиято групова операция е непрекъсната по съвкупност от променливите е топологична група.


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Александър В. Архангелски, Митрофан М. Чобан, Екатерина П. Михайлова - Изследвани са прирасти със свойството на Бер на топологични групи.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 46H05, 46H20; Secondary 46M20.


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The concept of types was introduced by Harsányi[8]. In the literature there are two approaches for formalizing types, type spaces: the purely measurable and the topological models. In the former framework Heifetz and Samet [11] showed that the universal type space exists and later Meier[13] proved that it is complete. In this paper we examine the topological approach and conclude that there is no universal topological type space in the category of topological type spaces.


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In this thesis, a numerical design approach has been proposed and developed based on the transmission matrix method in order to characterize periodic and quasi-periodic photonic structures in silicon-on-insulator. The approach and its performance have been extensively tested with specific structures in 2D and its validity has been verified in 3D.