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Extensive measurements of aerosol radiative and microphysical properties were made at an island location, Minicoy (8.3 degrees N, 73.04 degrees E) in the southern Arabian Sea. A large variability in aerosol characteristics associated with changes in air mass and precipitation characteristics was observed. Six distinct transport pathways were identified on the basis of cluster analysis. The Indo-Gangetic Plain, along with the northern Arabian Sea and west Asia (NWA), was identified to be the region having the highest potential for aerosol mass loading at the island. This estimate is based on the concentration weighted trajectory as well as cluster analysis. Dust transport from the NWA region was found to make a substantial contribution to the supermicron mass fraction. The black carbon mass mixing ratios observed were the lowest compared to previous measurements over this region. Consequently, the atmospheric radiative forcing efficiency was low and was in the range 10-28 W m(-2).


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Mobile genetic elements constitute a remarkably diverse group of nonessential selfish genes that provide no apparent function to the host. These selfish genes have been implicated in host extinction, speciation and architecture of genetic systems. Homing endonucleases, encoded by the open reading frames embedded in introns or inteins of mobile genetic elements, possess double-stranded DNA-specific endonuclease activity. They inflict sequence-specific double-strand breaks at or near the homing site in intron- or intein-less allele. Subsequently, through nonreciprocal exchange the insertion sequence (intron or intein) is transferred from an intein- or intron-containing allele to an intein- or intron-less allele. The components of host double-strand break repair pathway are thought to finish the "homing" process. Several lines of evidence suggest that homing endonucleases are capable of promoting transposition into ectopic sites within or across genomes for their survival as well as dispersal in natural populations. The occurrence of inteins at high frequencies serves as instructive models for understanding the mechanistic aspects of the process of homing and its evolution. This review focuses on genetic, biochemical, structural, and phylogenetic aspects of homing endonucleases, and their comparison with restriction endonucleases.


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DNA topoisomerases are ubiquitous nuclear enzymes that govern the topological interconversions of DNA by transiently breaking/rejoining the phosphodiester backbone of one (type I) or both (type II) strands of the double helix. Consistent with these functions, topoisomerases play key roles in many aspects of DNA metabolism. Type II DNA topoisomerase (topo II) is vital for various nuclear processes, including DNA replication, chromosome segregation, and maintenance of chromosome structure. Topo II expression is regulated at multiple stages, including transcriptional, posttranscriptional, and posttranslational levels, by a multitude of signaling factors. Topo II is also the cellular target for a variety of clinically relevant anti-tumor drugs. Despite significant progress in our understanding of the role of topo II in diverse nuclear processes, several important aspects of topo II function, expression, and regulation are poorly understood. We have focused this review specifically on eukaryotic DNA topoisomerase II, with an emphasis on functional and regulatory characteristics.


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A reduced 3D continuum model of dynamic piezoelectricity in a thin-film surface-bonded to the substrate/host is presented in this article. While employing large area flexible thin piezoelectric films for novel applications in device/diagnostics, the feasibility of the proposed model in sensing the surface and/or sub-surface defects is demonstrated through simulations - which involve metallic beams with cracks and composite beam with delaminations of various sizes. We have introduced a set of electrical measures to capture the severity of the damage in the existing structures. Characteristics of these electrical measures in terms of the potential difference and its spatial gradients are illustrated in the time domain. Sensitivity studies of the proposed measures in terms of the defected areas and their region of occurence relative to the sensing film are reported. The simulations' results for electrical measures for damaged hosts/substrates are compared with those due to undamaged hosts/substrates, which show monotonicity with high degree of sensitivity to variations in the damage parameters.


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Atrial fibrillation is the most common arrhythmia requiring treatment. This Thesis investigated atrial fibrillation (AF) with a specific emphasis on atrial remodeling which was analysed from epidemiological, clinical and magnetocardiographic (MCG) perspectives. In the first study we evaluated in real-life clinical practice a population-based cohort of AF patients referred for their first elective cardioversion (CV). 183 consecutive patients were included of whom in 153 (84%) sinus rhythm (SR) was restored. Only 39 (25%) of those maintained SR for one year. Shorter duration of AF and the use of sotalol were the only characteristics associated with better restoration and maintenance of SR. During the one-year follow-up 40% of the patients ended up in permanent AF. Female gender and older age were associated with the acceptance of permanent AF. The LIFE-trial was a prospective, randomised, double-blinded study that evaluated losartan and atenolol in patients with hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). Of the 8,851 patients with SR at baseline and without a history of AF 371 patients developed new-onset AF during the study. Patients with new-onset AF had an increased risk of cardiac events, stroke, and increased rate of hospitalisation for heart failure. Younger age, female gender, lower systolic blood pressure, lesser LVH in ECG and randomisation to losartan therapy were independently associated with lower frequency of new-onset AF. The impact of AF on morbidity and mortality was evaluated in a post-hoc analysis of the OPTIMAAL trial that compared losartan with captopril in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and evidence of LV dysfunction. Of the 5,477 randomised patients 655 had AF at baseline, and 345 patients developed new AF during the follow-up period, median 3.0 years. Older patients and patients with signs of more serious heart disease had and developed AF more often. Patients with AF at baseline had an increased risk of mortality (hazard ratio (HR) of 1.32) and stroke (HR 1.77). New-onset AF was associated with increased mortality (HR 1.82) and stroke (HR of 2.29). In the fourth study we assessed the reproducibility of our MCG method. This method was used in the fifth study where 26 patients with persistent AF had immediately after the CV longer P-wave duration and higher energy of the last portion of atrial signal (RMS40) in MCG, increased P-wave dispersion in SAECG and decreased pump function of the atria as well as enlarged atrial diameter in echocardiography compared to age- and disease-matched controls. After one month in SR, P-wave duration in MCG still remained longer and left atrial (LA) diameter greater compared to the controls, while the other measurements had returned to the same level as in the control group. In conclusion is not a rare condition in either general population or patients with hypertension or AMI, and it is associated with increased risk of morbidity and mortality. Therefore, atrial remodeling that increases the likelihood of AF and also seems to be relatively stable has to be identified and prevented. MCG was found to be an encouraging new method to study electrical atrial remodeling and reverse remodeling. RAAS-suppressing medications appear to be the most promising method to prevent atrial remodeling and AF.


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Analytical expressions are derived, using asymptotics, for the fluid-structure coupled wavenumbers in a one-dimensional (1-D) structural acoustic waveguide. The coupled dispersion equation of the system is rewritten in the form of the uncoupled dispersion equation with an added term due to the fluid-structure coupling. As a result of this coupling, the prior uncoupled structural and acoustic wavenumbers, now become coupled structural and acoustic wavenumbers. A fluid-loading parameter e, defined as the ratio of mass of fluid to mass of the structure per unit area, is introduced which when set to zero yields the uncoupled dispersion equation. The coupled wavenumber is then expressed in terms of an asymptotic series in e. Analytical expressions are found as e is varied from small to large values. Different asymptotic expansions are used for different frequency ranges with continuous transitions occurring between them. This systematic derivation helps to continuously track the wavenumber solutions as the fluid-loading parameter is varied from small to large values. Though the asymptotic expansion used is limited to the first-order correction factor, the results are close to the numerical results. A general trend is that a given wavenumber branch transits from a rigid-walled solution to a pressure-release solution with increasing E. Also, it is found that at any frequency where two wavenumbers intersect in the uncoupled analysis, there is no more an-intersection in the coupled case, but a gap is created at that frequency. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: Mulibrey nanism (MUL; Muscle-liver-brain-eye nanism; OMIM 253250) is an autosomal recessive growth disorder more prevalent in Finland than elsewhere in the world. Clinical characteristics include severe prenatal onset growth restriction, cardiopathy, multiple organ manifestations but no major neurological handicap. MUL is caused by mutations in the TRIM37 gene on chromosome 17q22-23, encoding a peroxisomal protein TRIM37 with ubiquitin E3-ligase activity. Nineteen different mutations have been detected, four of them present in the Finnish patients. Objective: This study aimed to characterize clinical and histopathological features of MUL in the national cohort of Finnish patients. Patients and methods: A total of 92 Finnish patients (age 0.7 to 77 years) participated in the clinical follow-up study. Patients hospital records and growth charts were reviewed. Physical, radiographic and laboratory examinations were performed according to a clinical protocol. Thirty patients (18 females) were treated with recombinant human GH for a median period of 5.7 years. Biopsies and autopsy samples were used for the histopathological and immunohistochemical analyses. Results: MUL patients were born small for gestational age (SGA) with immature craniofacial features after prenatal-onset growth restriction. They experienced a continuous deceleration in both height SDS and weight-for-height (WFH) postnatally. In infancy feeding difficulties and frequent pneumonias were common problems. At the time of diagnosis (median age 2.1 years) characteristic craniofacial, radiological and ocular features were the most constant findings. MUL patients showed a dramatic change in glucose metabolism with increasing age. While the children had low fasting glucose and insulin levels, 90% of the adults were insulin resistant, half had type 2 diabetes and an additional 42% showed impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). Seventy percent fulfilled the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Adult Treatment Panel III criteria for metabolic syndrome as adults. GH therapy improved pre-pubertal growth but had only minor impact on adult height (+5 cm). Interestingly, treated subjects were slimmer and had less frequent metabolic concerns as young adults. MUL patients displayed histologically a disturbed architecture with ectopic tissues and a high frequency of both benign and malignant tumours present in several internal organs. A total of 232 tumorous lesions were detected in our patient cohort. The majority of the tumours showed strong expression of endothelial cell marker CD34 as well as α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA). Fifteen of the tumours were malignant and seven of them (five Wilms tumours) occurred in the kidney. Conclusions: MUL patients present a distinct postnatal growth pattern. Short-term response of GH treatment is substantial but the long-term impact remains modest. Although MUL patients form a distinct clinical and diagnostic entity, their clinical findings vary considerably from infancy to adulthood. While failure to thrive dominates early life, MUL adults develop metabolic syndrome and have a tendency for malignancies and vascular lesions in several organs. This speaks for a central role of TRIM37 in regulation of key cellular functions, such as proliferation, migration, angiogenesis and insulin signalling.


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The wear resistance of high chromium iron is well recorded. However, the same is not the case as regards the use of manganese at higher percentages in high chromium irons and its influence on wear behaviour. Hence, this work highlights the slurry wear characteristics of chromium 16–19%) iron following the introduction of manganese at two levels i.e. 5 and 10%. It is known that the wear properties are dictated by the microstructural features. To alter the structure, the cooling rate of casting has been varied by adopting two different types of moulds (i.e. sand and metal) and subsequently subjecting to thermal treatment. The as-cast and heat treated samples are examined for microstructure and then evaluated for hardness and slurry erosion properties. As the manganese content is increased from 5 to 10%, the hardness showed a decrease in value both in the as-cast and heat treated conditions. The slurry erosion loss, expectedly, showed an increase irrespective of the sample condition (i.e. mould type/heat treatment adopted). The findings are corroborated with the microstructural features obtained through optical and scanning electron microscopy.


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Ductility based design of reinforced concrete structures implicitly assumes certain damage under the action of a design basis earthquake. The damage undergone by a structure needs to be quantified, so as to assess the post-seismic reparability and functionality of the structure. The paper presents an analytical method of quantification and location of seismic damage, through system identification methods. It may be noted that soft ground storied buildings are the major casualties in any earthquake and hence the example structure is a soft or weak first storied one, whose seismic response and temporal variation of damage are computed using a non-linear dynamic analysis program (IDARC) and compared with a normal structure. Time period based damage identification model is used and suitably calibrated with classic damage models. Regenerated stiffness of the three degrees of freedom model (for the three storied frame) is used to locate the damage, both on-line as well as after the seismic event. Multi resolution analysis using wavelets is also used for localized damage identification for soft storey columns.


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A new approach based on finite difference method, is proposed for the simulation of electrical conditions in a dc energized wire-duct electrostatic precipitator with and without dust loading. Simulated voltage-curren characteristics with and without dust loading were compared with the measured characteristics for analyzing the performance of a precipitator. The simple finite difference method gives sufficiently accurate results with reduced mesh size. The results for dust free simulation were validated with published experimental data. Further measurements were conducted at a thermal power plant in India and the results compares well with the measured ones.


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In atherosclerosis, cholesterol accumulates in the vessel wall, mainly in the form of modified low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Macrophages of the vessel wall scavenge cholesterol, which leads to formation of lipid-laden foam cells. High plasma levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) protect against atherosclerosis, as HDL particles can remove peripheral cholesterol and transport it to the liver for excretion in a process called reverse cholesterol transport (RCT). Phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) remodels HDL particles in the circulation, generating prebeta-HDL and large fused HDL particles. In addition, PLTP maintains plasma HDL levels by facilitating the transfer of post-lipolytic surface remnants of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins to HDL. Most of the cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) in plasma is bound to HDL particles and CETP is also involved in the remodeling of HDL particles. CETP enhances the heteroexchange of cholesteryl esters in HDL particles for triglycerides in LDL and very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL). The aim of this thesis project was to study the importance of endogenous PLTP in the removal of cholesterol from macrophage foam cells by using macrophages derived from PLTP-deficient mice, determine the effect of macrophage-derived PLTP on the development of atherosclerosis by using bone marrow transplantation, and clarify the role of the two forms of PLTP, active and inactive, in the removal of cholesterol from the foam cells. In addition, the ability of CETP to protect HDL against the action of chymase was studied. Finally, cholesterol efflux potential of sera obtained from the study subjects was compared. The absence of PLTP in macrophages derived from PLTP-deficient mice decreased cholesterol efflux mediated by ATP-binding cassette transporter A1. The bone marrow transplantation studies showed that selective deficiency of PLTP in macrophages decreased the size of atherosclerotic lesions and caused major changes in serum lipoprotein levels. It was further demonstrated that the active form of PLTP can enhance cholesterol efflux from macrophage foam cells through generation of prebeta-HDL and large fused HDL particles enriched with apoE and phospholipids. Also CETP may enhance the RCT process, as association of CETP with reconstituted HDL particles prevented chymase-dependent proteolysis of these particles and preserved their cholesterol efflux potential. Finally, serum from high-HDL subjects promoted more efficient cholesterol efflux than did serum derived from low-HDL subjects which was most probably due to differences in the distribution of HDL subpopulations in low-HDL and high-HDL subjects. These studies described in this thesis contribute to the understanding of the PLTP/CETP-associated mechanisms underlying RCT.


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Fractal Minkowski curves to design a compact dual-frequency microstrip ring antenna are proposed. Sides of a square ring have been selectively replaced with first and second iterations of the generalised fractal geometry to design a smaller antenna with dual-frequency operation. This behaviour has been explained based on current distributions on the antenna structure. Measured results compare well with electromagnetic simulations.