998 resultados para remote desktop software


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Este artigo teve por objetivo levantar as opiniões de alunos e professores sobre o software "Sinais Vitais". O trabalho foi desenvolvido no Departamento de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal do Ceará. Trabalhou-se com um total de seis alunos e três professores, os quais foram submetidos a uma entrevista após a utilização do software. As entrevistas geraram dez categorias, as quais foram separadas em dois temas: Características que estimularam a utilização do software "Sinais Vitais" e Software educacionalmente correto. Concluiu-se que os professores valorizaram a correção do conteúdo, enquanto os alunos enfocaram mais a dinâmica do programa.


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En aquest treball es pretén explicar el procés metodològic que s'ha seguit per a crear una eina informàtica de visualització de dades "online" per al Consorci d'Ardenya – Cadiretes. Inicialment s'explica el context en el que es desenvolupa el projecte, com a conveni de col·laboració en pràctiques, per a realitzar el treball de final del Màster en Tecnologies de la Informació Geogràfica, en la seva tretzena edició. S'explica també la situació de l'entitat col·laboradora del projecte, el consorci d'Ardenya – Cadiretes. Els objectius que es fixen al projecte són els de generar aquest visor amb eines de software lliure, de manera que el cost de producció sigui el menor possible. També es pretén crear una aplicació de senzill ús i que resulti atractiva per al client web. Es repassen els diferents aspectes tècnics i funcionals que ha de tenir en compte el projecte, per tal que aquest es pugui desenvolupar de forma correcte. Es tracten temes com el tipus de programari que s'ha de fer servir i per que unes aplicacions es consideren més oportunes que d'altres per a treballar tasques concretes del propi projecte. A través de la metodologia seguida en el projecte es repassa el dia a dia que s'ha anat seguint durant el projecte, des de l'inici en el que s'instal·laven els diferents programes necessaris fins al final de l'escriptura del codi de programació, passant per l'edició de les dades geogràfiques o la càrrega d'aquestes al servidor de mapes


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Nowadays, the joint exploitation of images acquired daily by remote sensing instruments and of images available from archives allows a detailed monitoring of the transitions occurring at the surface of the Earth. These modifications of the land cover generate spectral discrepancies that can be detected via the analysis of remote sensing images. Independently from the origin of the images and of type of surface change, a correct processing of such data implies the adoption of flexible, robust and possibly nonlinear method, to correctly account for the complex statistical relationships characterizing the pixels of the images. This Thesis deals with the development and the application of advanced statistical methods for multi-temporal optical remote sensing image processing tasks. Three different families of machine learning models have been explored and fundamental solutions for change detection problems are provided. In the first part, change detection with user supervision has been considered. In a first application, a nonlinear classifier has been applied with the intent of precisely delineating flooded regions from a pair of images. In a second case study, the spatial context of each pixel has been injected into another nonlinear classifier to obtain a precise mapping of new urban structures. In both cases, the user provides the classifier with examples of what he believes has changed or not. In the second part, a completely automatic and unsupervised method for precise binary detection of changes has been proposed. The technique allows a very accurate mapping without any user intervention, resulting particularly useful when readiness and reaction times of the system are a crucial constraint. In the third, the problem of statistical distributions shifting between acquisitions is studied. Two approaches to transform the couple of bi-temporal images and reduce their differences unrelated to changes in land cover are studied. The methods align the distributions of the images, so that the pixel-wise comparison could be carried out with higher accuracy. Furthermore, the second method can deal with images from different sensors, no matter the dimensionality of the data nor the spectral information content. This opens the doors to possible solutions for a crucial problem in the field: detecting changes when the images have been acquired by two different sensors.


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O estudo objetivou relatar a experiência da construção de um software educativo sobre a ausculta dos sons respiratórios. Nesse processo, aplicou-se o referencial pedagógico de Lev Semenovic Vygotsky, e delimitou-se o conteúdo de modo a abarcar o método da ausculta passo a passo, as finalidades, a classificação dos sons normais e adventícios e as respectivas características estetoacústicas. Para o desenvolvimento do sistema, foi utilizada a tecnologia 3D, incluindo avatares (personificações virtuais do paciente, do enfermeiro e dos objetos) e ambiente virtual para a ausculta, usando procedimentos de simulação. Ao final do processo, concluiu-se que iniciativas dessa natureza, embora sejam permeadas de dificuldades, trazem contribuições importantes ao ensino-aprendizagem de conteúdos relativos à área da Enfermagem.


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Usability is critical to consider an interactive software system successful. Usability testing and evaluation during product development have gained wide acceptance as a strategy to improve product quality. Early introduction of usability perspectives in a product is very important in order to provide a clear visibility of the quality aspects not only for the developers, but also for the testing users as well. However, usability evaluation and testing are not commonly taken into consideration as an essential element of the software development process. Then, this paper exposes a proposal to introduce usability evaluation and testing within a software development through reuse of software artifacts. Additionally, it suggests the introduction of an auditor within the classification of actors for usability tests. It also proposes an improvement of checklists used for heuristics evaluation, adding quantitative and qualitative aspects to them


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Devices for venous cannulation have seen significant progress over time: the original, rigid steel cannulas have evolved toward flexible plastic cannulas with wire support that prevents kinking, very thin walled wire wound cannulas allowing for percutaneous application, and all sorts of combinations. In contrast to all these rectilinear venous cannula designs, which present the same cross-sectional area over their entire intravascular path, the smartcanula concept of "collapsed insertion and expansion in situ" is the logical next step for venous access. Automatically adjusting cross-sectional area up to a pre-determined diameter or the vessel lumen provides optimal flow and ease of use for both, insertion and removal. Smartcanula performance was assessed in a small series of patients (76 +/- 17 kg) undergoing redo procedures. The calculated target pump flow (2.4 L/min/m2) was 4.42 +/- 61 L/ min. Mean pump flow achieved during cardiopulmonary bypass was 4.84 +/- 87 L/min or 110% of the target. Reduced atrial chatter, kink resistance in situ, and improved blood drainage despite smaller access orifice size, are the most striking advantages of this new device. The benefits of smart cannulation are obvious in remote cannulation for limited access cardiac surgery, but there are many other cannula applications where space is an issue, and that is where smart cannulation is most effective.


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El proyecto consiste en la creación de un CRM de contact center con canal de telefonía y correo electrónico. Se ha llevado a cabo utilizando software libre. Se integra con centralita telefónica para permitir la realización de llamadas por Voip.


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Proyecto de migración e implantación de software libre en el Ayuntamiento de Palencia.


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver um sistema de informação em enfermagem com aplicação na assistência de enfermagem e no gerenciamento do serviço. O SisEnf - Sistema de Informação em Enfermagem - é um software livre composto pelo módulo assistencial de enfermagem: histórico, exame clínico e plano de cuidados; o módulo gerencial compõe-se de: escala de serviço, gestão de pessoal, indicadores hospitalares e outros elementos. O sistema foi implementado na Clínica Médica do Hospital Universitário Lauro Wanderley, da Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Tendo em vista a necessidade de aproximação entre usuário e desenvolvedor, e a constante mudança de requisitos funcionais durante o processo iterativo, foi adotado o método do processo unificado. O SisEnf foi desenvolvido sobre plataforma WEB e com emprego de software livre. Portanto, o trabalho desenvolvido procurou auxiliar o processo de trabalho da enfermagem que agora terá oportunidade de incorporar a tecnologia da informação na sua rotina de trabalho.


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Winter maintenance, particularly snow removal and the stress of snow removal materials on public structures, is an enormous budgetary burden on municipalities and nongovernmental maintenance organizations in cold climates. Lately, geospatial technologies such as remote sensing, geographic information systems (GIS), and decision support tools are roviding a valuable tool for planning snow removal operations. A few researchers recently used geospatial technologies to develop winter maintenance tools. However, most of these winter maintenance tools, while having the potential to address some of these information needs, are not typically placed in the hands of planners and other interested stakeholders. Most tools are not constructed with a nontechnical user in mind and lack an easyto-use, easily understood interface. A major goal of this project was to implement a web-based Winter Maintenance Decision Support System (WMDSS) that enhances the capacity of stakeholders (city/county planners, resource managers, transportation personnel, citizens, and policy makers) to evaluate different procedures for managing snow removal assets optimally. This was accomplished by integrating geospatial analytical techniques (GIS and remote sensing), the existing snow removal asset management system, and webbased spatial decision support systems. The web-based system was implemented using the ESRI ArcIMS ActiveX Connector and related web technologies, such as Active Server Pages, JavaScript, HTML, and XML. The expert knowledge on snow removal procedures is gathered and integrated into the system in the form of encoded business rules using Visual Rule Studio. The system developed not only manages the resources but also provides expert advice to assist complex decision making, such as routing, optimal resource allocation, and monitoring live weather information. This system was developed in collaboration with Black Hawk County, IA, the city of Columbia, MO, and the Iowa Department of transportation. This product was also demonstrated for these agencies to improve the usability and applicability of the system.


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Tratando-se de uma era na qual a informação constitui abertura concernente aos benefícios que dela advêm, o campo da informática em enfermagem ganha seu momento. Este estudo teve como objetivo construir um software educativo para o ensino-aprendizado da técnica de cateterismo urinário de demora e comparar a apreensão do conhecimento sobre a técnica de cateterismo urinário de demora antes e após a aplicação de um software educativo. Pesquisa descritiva de abordagem quantitativa tendo como fundamentação pedagógica na construção do software as teorias de Piaget e Vygotsky. Posteriormente, avaliou-se o processo ensino-aprendizagem através de um questionário composto por 10 questões de múltipla escolha, anterior à utilização do software, e o mesmo teste após o manuseio do software, resolvidos por 60 alunos participantes. Os dados obtidos demonstraram significativa contribuição do software após a aplicação do mesmo, sendo bastante útil no processo ensino-aprendizagem.


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This paper describes a Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) case study in engineering education carried out within the context of a network management course. The case study shows that the use of two computing tools developed by the authors and based on Free- and Open-Source Software (FOSS) provide significant educational benefits over traditional engineering pedagogical approaches in terms of both concepts and engineering competencies acquisition. First, the Collage authoring tool guides and supports the course teacher in the process of authoring computer-interpretable representations (using the IMS Learning Design standard notation) of effective collaborative pedagogical designs. Besides, the Gridcole system supports the enactment of that design by guiding the students throughout the prescribed sequence of learning activities. The paper introduces the goals and context of the case study, elaborates onhow Collage and Gridcole were employed, describes the applied evaluation methodology, anddiscusses the most significant findings derived from the case study.


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Swain corrects the chi-square overidentification test (i.e., likelihood ratio test of fit) for structural equation models whethr with or without latent variables. The chi-square statistic is asymptotically correct; however, it does not behave as expected in small samples and/or when the model is complex (cf. Herzog, Boomsma, & Reinecke, 2007). Thus, particularly in situations where the ratio of sample size (n) to the number of parameters estimated (p) is relatively small (i.e., the p to n ratio is large), the chi-square test will tend to overreject correctly specified models. To obtain a closer approximation to the distribution of the chi-square statistic, Swain (1975) developed a correction; this scaling factor, which converges to 1 asymptotically, is multiplied with the chi-square statistic. The correction better approximates the chi-square distribution resulting in more appropriate Type 1 reject error rates (see Herzog & Boomsma, 2009; Herzog, et al., 2007).


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A complexidade para operacionalizar o método de dimensionamento de profissionais de enfermagem, diante das inúmeras variáveis relativas à identificação da carga de trabalho, do tempo efetivo de trabalho dos profissionais e do Índice de Segurança Técnica (IST), evidenciou a necessidade de desenvolver um software, denominado: Dimensionamento Informatizado de Profissionais de Enfermagem (DIPE). Este estudo exploratório descritivo teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade técnica e o desempenho funcional do DIPE. Participaram como sujeitos da pesquisa dezoito avaliadores, sendo dez enfermeiros docentes ou enfermeiros gerentes de unidades de saúde hospitalar e oito especialistas em informática em saúde. A avaliação do software baseou-se na norma NBR ISO/IEC 9126-1, considerando as características funcionalidade, confiabilidade, usabilidade, eficiência e ma­nutenibilidade. A avaliação do software obteve resultados positivos, sobre os quais os avaliadores concordaram em todas as características avaliadas. As sugestões relatadas serão importantes para a proposição de melhorias e aprimoramento do DIPE.