769 resultados para organizational creativity
Today there are approximately 581,000 children in the United States foster care system. Children of color, one special population group, are disproportionately represented in the foster care system. Family preservation, a program that aims to improve family functioning and thus decrease the need for foster care, has been examined closely. Some researchers believe that family preservation programs have failed partly due to practitioners' inability to target appropriate families (Feldman, 1990; Schuerman, Rzepnicki & Littell, 1994). Additionally, research confirms that children of color are not the target of family preservation services (Denby, Curtis, & Alford, 1998). Improvements in the effectiveness of family preservation will require many types of reform both internal and external to the program. Among the types of internal reform needed is accurate "targeting of services. " Given the overrepresentation of children of color in the foster care system, this group must be among those who are targeted for services. The results of a national survey of 254 family preservation workers reveal a "profile" of the worker who is likely to target special populations, including children of color, for family preservation services. A case is made for service improvements and training to facilitate the "profiled" workers' competencies.
A review of literature related to appointment-keeping served as the basis for the development of an organizational paradigm for the study of appointment-keeping in the Beta-blocker Heart Attack Trial (BHAT). Features of the organizational environment, demographic characteristics of BHAT enrollees, organizational structure and processes and previous organizational performance variables were measured so as to provide exploratory information relating to the appointment-keeping behavior of 3,837 participants enrolled at thirty-two Clinical Centers. Results suggest that the social context of individual behavior is an important consideration for the understanding of patient compliance. In particular, the degree to which previous organizational performance--as measured by obtaining recruitment goals--and the ability to utilize resources had particularly strong bivariate associations with appointment-keeping. Implications for future theory development, research and practical implications were provided as was a suggestion for the development of multidisciplinary research efforts conducted within the context of Centers for the study and application of adherence behaviors. ^
La hiperactividad es algo más que un trastorno simple, negativo y defectuoso. Las personas con TDAH tienen un potencial latente del que nadie habla (como la creatividad, el ingenio, la hiperconcentración, la sensibilidad, entre otros). Ser hiperactivo es positivo si tenemos la habilidad de comprender y tratar el trastorno desde una perspectiva educativa diferente ya que el alumnado con TDAH es uno de los colectivos que suman más amonestaciones, sanciones y expulsiones en los centros educativos de nuestro país. Sin embargo, estos niños pueden tener éxito académico y, posteriormente, en su vida laboral y afectiva, si previamente hemos sabido comprenderlos y actuar con un proceso educativo adecuado a su idiosincrasia y si hemos sabido otorgar cierto grado de organización y reencauzamiento en sus mentes a veces infravaloradas. Para ello, las administraciones públicas educativas deben desarrollar estrategias de formación eficientes para formar a un profesorado que, muchas veces, asiste desorientado e impotente a un comportamiento caótico, desordenado e impulsivo que puede provocar serios conflictos no sólo en la enseñanza sino en el mismo clima de convivencia escolar.
El presente artículo tiene como propósito proponer la incorporación de la teoría administrativa denominada Gestión del Conocimiento (GC), en Bibliotecas Universitarias (BU). ¿El qué, el cómo y el para qué? Representa un reto de gestión que conlleva a la implementación de diversas estrategias para el cambio y la innovación (ECI). Hipotéticamente, el diseño de estrategias de gestión posibilita que la BU en los escenarios competitivos de la sociedad de conocimiento y el tercer entorno desarrolle nuevas competencias y directrices para el aprovechamiento de sus diversos recursos con eficiencia y logren alcanzar sus objetivos con eficacia. La innovación es otra de las variables que posibilita la transformación de los servicios que son ofertados a los usuarios, también denominados "socios estratégicos", bajo la visión de creatividad, sustentabilidad y bienestar
El presente artículo tiene como propósito proponer la incorporación de la teoría administrativa denominada Gestión del Conocimiento (GC), en Bibliotecas Universitarias (BU). ¿El qué, el cómo y el para qué? Representa un reto de gestión que conlleva a la implementación de diversas estrategias para el cambio y la innovación (ECI). Hipotéticamente, el diseño de estrategias de gestión posibilita que la BU en los escenarios competitivos de la sociedad de conocimiento y el tercer entorno desarrolle nuevas competencias y directrices para el aprovechamiento de sus diversos recursos con eficiencia y logren alcanzar sus objetivos con eficacia. La innovación es otra de las variables que posibilita la transformación de los servicios que son ofertados a los usuarios, también denominados "socios estratégicos", bajo la visión de creatividad, sustentabilidad y bienestar
El presente artículo tiene como propósito proponer la incorporación de la teoría administrativa denominada Gestión del Conocimiento (GC), en Bibliotecas Universitarias (BU). ¿El qué, el cómo y el para qué? Representa un reto de gestión que conlleva a la implementación de diversas estrategias para el cambio y la innovación (ECI). Hipotéticamente, el diseño de estrategias de gestión posibilita que la BU en los escenarios competitivos de la sociedad de conocimiento y el tercer entorno desarrolle nuevas competencias y directrices para el aprovechamiento de sus diversos recursos con eficiencia y logren alcanzar sus objetivos con eficacia. La innovación es otra de las variables que posibilita la transformación de los servicios que son ofertados a los usuarios, también denominados "socios estratégicos", bajo la visión de creatividad, sustentabilidad y bienestar
The importance of organizing local people for development work is widely recognized. Both governmental and non-governmental agencies have implemented various projects that have needed and encouraged collective action by people. Often, however, such projects malfunction after the outside agencies retreat from the project site, suggesting that making organizations is not the same as making a system of making organizations. The latter is essential to make rural organizations self-reliant and sustainable. This paper assumes that such a system exists in local societies and focuses on the capacity of local societies for creating and managing organizations for development. It reveals that (1) such capability differs according to the locality, (2) the difference depends on the structure of the organizations that coordinate people's social relations, and (3) the local administrative bodies define, at least partly, the organizational capability of local societies. We compare two rural societies, one in Thailand and the other in the Philippines, which show clear contrasts in both the form of microfinance organizations and the way of making these organizations.
In this paper, the authors present results from a study on the usage rate of 2.0 tools and technologies among Spanish enterprises. The main objective of the study is to analyze, from the perceptions of executives, the influence of social software tools on a set of business processes. This analysis has been made using two graphic tools: the “2.0 Success Matrix” and the “Tool’s Footprint”. Both the review of literature and the empirical work have lead to important findings and conclusions.
The results obtained after incorporating the competence “creativity” to the subject Technical Drawing of the first course of the Degree in Forestry, Technical University of Madrid, are presented in this study.At first, learning activities which could serve two functions at the same time -developing students’ creativity and developing other specific competences of the subject- were considered. Besides, changes in the assessment procedure were made and a method which analyzes two aspects of the assessment of the competence creativity was established. On the one hand, the products are evaluated by analyzing the outcomes obtained by students in the essays suggested and by establishing a parameter to assess the creativity expressed in those essays. On the other, an assessment of the student is directly carried out through a psychometric test which has been previously chosen by the team.Moreover, these results can be applied to similar or could be of general application
The tremendous expansion and the differentiation of the neocortex constitute two major events in the evolution of the mammalian brain. The increase in size and complexity of our brains opened the way to a spectacular development of cognitive and mental skills. This expansion during evolution facilitated the addition of microcircuits with a similar basic structure, which increased the complexity of the human brain and contributed to its uniqueness. However, fundamental differences even exist between distinct mammalian species. Here, we shall discuss the issue of our humanity from a neurobiological and historical perspective.
An online open access test (CREAX self-assessment) has been used in this work so that students from degrees in engineering in the Universidad Polite¿cnica of Madrid (UPM) could self-assess their creative competence after several classroom activities. Different groups from the first year course have been statistically compared using data from their assessment. These first year students had different professors in the subject ?Technical Drawing? and belonged to several degrees in the UPM. They were as well compared regarding sex and a group of first year students was also compared to another last year group of the degree so as to observe possible differences in the achievement of this competence. Only one difference was detected concerning sex in one of the degrees. Among degrees, the higher marks obtained by students who had done specific exercises for the development of creativity in class is highlighted. Finally, a significantly high mark was observed in students during their last year of degree with respect to first year students. The tool CREAX has become very useful in the assessment of this competence in the UPM degrees in which it has been implemented.
Contributing to the acquisition of professional creativity and teamwork skills has been a special challenge for some of the subjects taught at the Technical University of Madrid (UPM), and this has been a starting point for the work described in this paper. Some professors have intuited that the use of cooperative classrooms could facilitate the acquisition of these skills. We describe the new methodologies applied within cooperative classrooms by some professors, and present the procedure for measuring students’ perception of their own learning outcomes, skill improvements, and overall satisfaction with the use of this kind of classroom. For this project, 250 students enrolled in several subjects answered a questionnaire. The featuresof thesubjectsinvolved intheproject arewidely disparate. We present the results of the statistical analysis with special emphasis on creativity and teamwork skills, and we conclude that the use of cooperative classroom has a positive influence on the acquisition of these skills. This work has the added value of being the first analysis of student perception of the use of cooperative classroom in the acquisition of creativity and teamwork skills.
The building sector has experienced a significant decline in recent years in Spain and Europe as a result of the financial crisis that began in 2007. This drop accompanies a low penetration of information and communication technologies in inter-organizational oriented business processes. The market decrease is causing a slowdown in the building sector, where only flexible small and medium enterprises (SMEs) survive thanks to specialization and innovation in services, which allow them to face new market demands. Inter-organizational information systems (IOISs) support innovation in services, and are thus a strategic tool for SMEs to obtain competitive advantage. Because of the inherent complexity of IOIS adoption, this research extends Kurnia and Johnston's (2000) theoretical model of IOIS adoption with an empirical model of IOIS characterization. The resultant model identifies the factors influencing IOIS adoption in SMEs in the building sector, to promote further service innovation for competitive and collaborative advantages. An empirical longitudinal study over six consecutive years using data from Spanish SMEs in the building sector validates the model, using the partial least squares technique and analyzing temporal stability. The main findings of this research are the four ways an IOIS might contribute to service innovation in the building sector. Namely: a) improving client interfaces and the link between service providers and end users; b) defining a specific market where SMEs can develop new service concepts; c) enhancing the service delivery system in traditional customer?supplier relationships; and d) introducing information and communication technologies and tools to improve information management.
In the process of value creation, organizations perform an intense intra-organizational dialog through which internal VS alignment is achieved towards certain strategic objectives. Within the context of complex organizational networks, were goal conflicts are preprogrammed through incentive structures, VS alignment as legitimation of action towards strategic goals has special interest. On the one hand it facilitates the access to necessary resources for goal achievement and on the other it increases the sustainability and supports commonly agreed upon decisions leading to success. This paper provides a winnerless process (WLP) differential equations model for quantifying intra-organizational value stream (VS) alignment dynamics that can help design sustainable lean management solutions. This paper presents ongoing research results that show how the model was implemented in one industrial facility.
This study analyzes the effect of organizational characteristics on the innovation project performance. This research applies fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) to a large sample of Spanish firms appearing in the Community Innovation survey (CIS). The results show that the combination of organizational innovation, firm size and cooperationwith national and, especially, international firms is a sufficient condition for the success of innovation projects within the organization. Evidence also suggests that variables such as the investment on R&D peremployee or the seniority of the company do not affect the success of innovation projects. These findings help complement some results in previous studies on innovation projects performance.