819 resultados para obesity, bariatric surgery, Food Frequency Questionnaire, Dietary Record, dietary habits


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Study objectives: The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between sleep duration and dietary habits in elderly obese patients treated at an institute of cardiology. Methods: The fifty-eight volunteers were elderly patients with obesity (classified as obese according to BMI) of both genders, between 60 and 80 years of age. All participants were subjected to assessments of food intake, anthropometry, level of physical activity, and duration of sleep. Results: The men had significantly greater weight, height, and waist circumference than women. Sleep durations were correlated with dietary nutrient compositions only in men. We found a negative association between short sleep and protein intake (r = -0.43; p = 0.02), short sleep and monounsaturated fatty acids intake (r = -0.40; p = 0.03), and short sleep and cholesterol dietary intake (r = -0.50; p = 0.01). Conclusions: We conclude that mainly in men, volunteers that had short sleep duration showed a preference for high energy-density as fatty food, at least in part, may explain the relationship between short sleep duration and the development of metabolic abnormalities.


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Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of the comorbidities related to obesity. Liver biopsy has been used as the "gold standard" for the diagnosis, grading, and prognosis of obese patients. The objective of the present study was to evaluate clinical predictors of more advanced stages of NAFLD. In this retrospective study we assessed several physical and laboratorial factors, including some cytokines, in morbidly obese patients submitted to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass that could be related to the diagnosis and staging of NAFLD. Fragments of the livers were obtained from wedge biopsies during operation. The medical records of 259 patients were studied. The patients were divided into four groups: normal hepatic biopsy, steatosis, mild nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), and moderate and severe NASH. There were no differences in cytokine levels among groups. The triglyceride levels were the only variable that could stratify the grades of NAFLD and also differentiate from normal livers in the female patients. Also in this group, the aminotransferases and GGT levels and fasting glucose were predictors of the more advanced stages of NASH, while BMI and weight were predictors of the more advanced stages of NASH in male patients. There are no available markers in clinical practice to detect the initial stages of NAFLD. It is very important to perform a liver biopsy in all patients submitted to bariatric surgery and in obese patients with no indication to be operated in the presence of elevated blood levels of aminotransferases, GGT, and fasting glucose.


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We investigated the association between diet and head and neck cancer (HNC) risk using data from the International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology (INHANCE) consortium. The INHANCE pooled data included 22 case-control studies with 14,520 cases and 22,737 controls. Center-specific quartiles among the controls were used for food groups, and frequencies per week were used for single food items. A dietary pattern score combining high fruit and vegetable intake and low red meat intake was created. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the dietary items on the risk of HNC were estimated with a two-stage random-effects logistic regression model. An inverse association was observed for higher-frequency intake of fruit (4th vs. 1st quartile OR = 0.52, 95% CI = 0.43-0.62, p (trend) < 0.01) and vegetables (OR = 0.66, 95% CI = 0.49-0.90, p (trend) = 0.01). Intake of red meat (OR = 1.40, 95% CI = 1.13-1.74, p (trend) = 0.13) and processed meat (OR = 1.37, 95% CI = 1.14-1.65, p (trend) < 0.01) was positively associated with HNC risk. Higher dietary pattern scores, reflecting high fruit/vegetable and low red meat intake, were associated with reduced HNC risk (per score increment OR = 0.90, 95% CI = 0.84-0.97).


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Objective: Enhanced sodium intake increases volume overload, oxidative stress and production of proinflammatory cytokines. In animal models, increased sodium intake favours ventricular dysfunction after myocardial infarction (MI). The aim of this study was to investigate, in human subjects presenting with ST-segment elevation MI (STEMI), the impact of sodium intake prior the coronary event. Methods: Consecutive patients (n = 372) admitted within the first 24 h of STEMI were classified by a food intake questionnaire as having a chronic daily intake of sodium higher (HS) or lower (LS) than 1.2 g in the last 90 days before MI. Plasma levels of 8-isoprostane, interleucin-2 (IL-2), tumour necrosis factor type alpha (TNF-alpha), C-reactive protein (CRP) and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) were measured at admission and at the fifth day. Magnetic resonance imaging was performed immediately after discharge. Total mortality and recurrence of acute coronary events were investigated over 4 years of follow-up. Results: The decrease of 8-isoprostane was more prominent and the increase of IL-2, TNF-alpha and CRP less intense during the first 5 days in LS than in HS patients (p < 0.05). Sodium intake correlated with change in plasma BNP between admission and fifth day (r = 0.46; p < 0.0001). End-diastolic volumes of left atrium and left ventricle were greater in HS than in LS patients (p < 0.05). In the first 30 days after MI and up to 4 years afterwards, total mortality was higher in HS than in LS patients (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Excessive sodium intake increases oxidative stress, inflammatory response, myocardial stretching and dilatation, and short and long-term mortality after STEMI. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A obesidade é um tema recorrente na literatura científica da atualidade. Isso se deve ao aumento exponencial de sua prevalência em todas as camadas da sociedade. A popularidade deste tema fez também com que assuntos associados a ele emergissem e ganhassem maior notabilidade em publicações da área da saúde. Com objetivo de avaliar o que vem sendo estudado no campo da obesidade e nutrição, esta revisão realiza um apanhado de todos os artigos publicados dentro destes temas em algumas das principais revistas científicas brasileiras nos últimos dois anos. Dentre os subtemas selecionados neste trabalho, aqueles relacionados à obesidade infantil chamaram atenção por aparecerem com maior frequência. Estes foram subdivididos em: prevalência, influências intrauterinas e do aleitamento que podem levar ao desenvolvimento desta condição, consequências na qualidade de vida, sistema cardiovascular e metabolismo e possíveis estratégias de prevenção. Além disso, foram explorados temas relacionados à obesidade em adultos como seus fatores de risco e novas estratégias de prevenção, com atenção especial aos muitos estudos avaliando diferentes aspectos relacionados à cirurgia bariátrica. Finalmente, abordou-se o tema da desnutrição e o impacto da deficiência de micronutrientes específicos como selênio, vitamina D e vitamina B12. A partir dos resultados, tornou-se possível concluir a real importância da obesidade e da nutrição na manutenção da saúde e também as diversas frentes de pesquisa que a envolvem na atualidade. Dessa forma, é essencial que se criem novas formas de atualização que sejam rápidas e eficientes, direcionadas aos profissionais de saúde envolvidos no tratamento destes indivíduos.


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OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência da adesão ao seguimento nutricional ambulatorial pós-cirúrgico e avaliar sua associação com fatores selecionados em indivíduos submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica. MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte retrospectiva com base na revisão de dados pós-operatórios de 241 prontuários de adultos submetidos à gastroplastia redutora com derivação em Y de Roux entre 2006 e 2008. Considerou-se aderente o indivíduo que compareceu a quatro ou mais consultas nutricionais nos 12 primeiros meses após a cirurgia. Para investigar a associação entre adesão ao seguimento nutricional e idade, sexo, estado conjugal, escolaridade, situação empregatícia, distância entre a residência e o hospital, estratégias para perda de peso no período pré-operatório, índice de massa corporal no pré-cirúrgico imediato, presença de comorbidades e duração da internação pós-operatória, foram calculadas razões de prevalência e utilizou-se regressão múltipla de Poisson. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de adesão foi de 56% (IC95%=49,7-62,3) nessa população predominantemente feminina (80,9%), com média de idade de 44,4 anos (DP=11,6) e de IMC pré-operatório de 47,2kg/m² (DP=6,2). Dos fatores estudados, somente a duração da internação pós-operatória igual ou superior a 6 dias mostrou-se significativamente associada à adesão após análise ajustada por sexo e idade (RP=1,46; IC95%=1,15-1,86). CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de adesão encontrada foi semelhante às de estudos internacionais, mas baixa considerando-se 75% como referência. A maior adesão observada nos indivíduos com internação pós-operatória prolongada pode sugerir que o maior contato com a equipe multiprofissional aumente a percepção da necessidade de cuidados com a saúde em longo prazo.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Os procedimentos aplicados a pacientes ex-obesos idosos após terapêuticas bariátricas estão em ascensão. Dados fidedignos quanto à evolução e às complicações nesse grupo populacional ainda são escassos na literatura. O objetivo do presente estudo é analisar a evolução e as complicações em abdominoplastias realizadas em pacientes com idade mais avançada após perda ponderal maciça, e compará-las às de pacientes mais jovens. MÉTODO: Foram analisados, retrospectivamente, pacientes com perda ponderal maciça submetidos a cirurgia para contorno da região abdominal, entre julho de 2005 e julho de 2011, no Hospital Estadual Sapopemba (HESAP). Como critério para divisão dos grupos, a fim de analisar o período pós-operatório e as complicações das abdominoplastias realizadas após perda ponderal maciça, foi estabelecida idade > 60 anos. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 264 pacientes, 19 deles com idade entre 60 anos e 75 anos (grupo I) e 245 entre 22 anos e 59 anos (grupo J). O grupo I apresentou 10,5% de complicações maiores (P > 0,999) e 41,1% de complicações menores (P = 0,280), enquanto o grupo J obteve 10,6% de complicações maiores (P > 0,999) e 30,2% de complicações menores (P = 0,280). CONCLUSÕES: Os pacientes com > 60 anos de idade não apresentaram maior número de complicações que o grupo mais jovem.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A partir da década de 1990 foram iniciados os primeiros tratamentos cirúrgicos da obesidade em adolescentes, seguindo a sequência cirurgia bariátrica, perda ponderal e dismorfismo corporal, criando demanda por cirurgias plásticas para readequação do contorno corporal. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar fatores associados a cirurgias plásticas de readequação de contorno corporal (morbidade e mortalidade), realizadas em pacientes submetidos a cirurgia bariátrica durante a adolescência. MÉTODO: Entre janeiro de 2008 e janeiro de 2011, 5 pacientes submetidos a gastroplastia redutora durante a adolescência, com consequente perda e estabilização de peso, foram submetidos a cirurgias plásticas do contorno corporal. A média de idade no início das cirurgias plásticas foi de 19,7 anos, sendo 3 (60%) pacientes do sexo feminino. Foram realizadas dermolipectomias abdominais em todos (100%) os pacientes, dermolipectomias crurais em 4 (80%), dermolipectomias braquiais em 2 (40%), mamoplastia com inclusão de implantes de silicone em 2 (40%) pacientes do sexo feminino, mastopexia na terceira paciente do sexo feminino (20%) e correção de ginecomastia em 1 (20%), toracoplastia em 2 (40%), torsoplastia em 2 (40%) e torsoplastia reversa em 1 (20%). Foram realizadas, em média, 3 intervenções cirúrgicas por paciente, sendo operados 20 sítios cirúrgicos. RESULTADOS: Ocorreram deiscências em 3 (15% dos sítios cirúrgicos) casos e foi necessário revisar a ressecção dermogordurosa por flacidez residual em 3 (15% dos sítios cirúrgicos) casos. CONCLUSÕES: Foram identificados alguns fatores associados às cirurgias plásticas de readequação de contorno corporal na amostra de 5 pacientes submetidos a cirurgia bariátrica durante a adolescência, comparáveis aos da literatura específica.


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Objetivos: Avaliar a equivalência da operação gastrectomia vertical com anel (GVA), em relação à operação gastroplastia vertical com anel e derivação gástrica em Y-de-Roux (DGA), na indução de perda ponderal e modificação da composição corporal em obesas mórbidas. Verificar os impactos laboratoriais e clínicos da GVA sobre as principais doenças associadas à obesidade mórbida, e a ocorrência de complicações, em comparação à DGA. Métodos: Ensaio clínico prospectivo não-randomizado, incluindo 65 mulheres obesas mórbidas, distribuídas em dois grupos, GVA (n = 33) e DGA (n = 32). Operadas consecutivamente, pelo mesmo cirurgião, por via laparotômica. Os parâmetros avaliados foram antropométricos; composição corporal, por meio de bioimpedância elétrica; laboratoriais; efeitos sobre as doenças pré-existentes e complicações. Resultados: Ocorreu perda de peso expressiva (p = 0,0000), redução do índice de massa corporal - IMC (p = 0,0000) e cintura abdominal (p = 0,0000) em ambos grupos. O índice cintura/quadril diminuiu (p = 0,0000) após ambas intervenções. A perda do excesso de IMC foi de 86,05% ± 14,2 no grupo GVA e 85,91 ± 15,71 no grupo DGA. A variação da gordura corporal foi de -35,84% ± 8,66 no grupo GVA e de -37,64% ± 9,62 no grupo DGA. A redução dos níveis de triglicerídios (p = 0,0222) foi mais expressiva no grupo DGA. O grupo DGA atingiu os alvos terapêuticos para o colesterol-LDL com maior freqüência (p = 0,0005), que o grupo GVA. Intolerância à glicose, diabetes mellitus tipo 2, hipertensão arterial sistêmica, esteatose hepática e síndrome metabólica, foram controladas de forma semelhante entre as técnicas. Anemia foi mais prevalente no grupo DGA (p=0,0033) e a esofagite erosiva, no grupo GVA (p = 0,0032). Não houve diferença na formação de cálculos biliares entre os grupos. Conclusões: A GVA é tão efetiva quanto a DGA em induzir perda ponderal e modificação favorável da composição corporal. A GVA é menos efetiva no controle da dislipidemia, em relação à DGA. GVA acarreta anemia em menor freqüência e, esofagite erosiva de maneira mais freqüente, que a DGA. GVA não é mais segura que a DGA, mas deve ser considerada intervenção bariátrica efetiva como segunda opção.


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Nowadays obesity can be defined as a global epidemic. The precise identification of circulating biomarkers involved in this pathology could be essential to early diagnose potential co-morbidities and to better address the development of future therapeutic strategies. Published evidences show that circulating steroid hormones and endocannabinoids might have a role in the physiopathology of obesity; however, a precise and reliable quantification of these molecules is still lacking. In the first part of the present thesis, we developed a sensitive, specific and accurate quantification method for nine steroid hormones using a liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) system. This method has been used first for a comparative study with immunoassays, currently used in the clinical practice to quantify these molecules and then to redefine circulating reference intervals in healthy subjects. Furthermore, we measured circulating steroid hormones in three groups of subjects: normo-weight, over-weight and obese, defining different steroid hormones profiles depending on the obesity state. The role of circulating endocannabinoids in humans is still unclear, however there are several evidences concerning their involvement in obesity. In the second part of the thesis, we determined changes of circulating endocannabinoids in obese patients after a weight loss induced by bariatric surgery, currently the most effective long-term treatment for obesity, using LC/MS-MS. We measured basal and dynamic endocannabinoids plasma levels in 12 patients with severe obesity before, one month after and six months after the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass intervention, currently one of the most performed types of bariatric surgery. All together the findings illustrated in this thesis project will help better define the role of steroid hormones and endocannabinoids in the framework of obesity in humans and the role that each type of molecule might have in its pathophysiology.


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Increased body mass index (BMI), as an approximation of body adiposity, is a risk factor for developing several adult malignancies. To quantify these risks, we reported a comprehensive systematic review (Lancet 2008; 371: 569-78) of prospective observational studies determining associations between BMI and risk of incident cancer for 20 cancer types. We demonstrated that associations are: (i) sex-specific; (ii) exist for a wider range of malignancies than previously thought; and (iii) are broadly consistent across geographic populations. In the present paper, we tested these data against the Bradford-Hill criteria of causal association, and argue that the available data support strength of association, consistency, specificity, temporality, biological gradient, plausibility, coherence and probably analogy. However, the experimental evidence supporting reversibility is currently lacking, though indirect evidence from longitudinal data in cohort studies and long-term follow-up post-bariatric surgery is emerging. We additionally assessed these data against appropriate adjustment for available confounding factors; measurement error and study design; and residual confounding; and found lack of alternative explanations. We conclude that there is considerable evidence to support a causal association between BMI and risk for many cancer types, but in order to establish the role of weight control in cancer prevention, there is a need to develop trial frameworks in which to better test reversibility.


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The prevalence of obesity and its comorbidities is constantly rising and is one of the most threatening global health and economic problems worldwide. Whereas bariatric surgery is well accepted in the treatment of morbid obesity, surgical treatment for ist comorbidities (metabolic surgery) such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia and other diseases are still under discussion. A more profound knowledge of its physiologic mechanisms is crucial for the future implementation of the bariatric and metabolic surgery to treat obesity-related comorbidities.


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Wernicke encephalopathy (WE) is a serious complication of bariatric surgery with significant morbidity and mortality. A few cases have been reported in the literature, mainly in patients after a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. Since sleeve gastrectomy (SG) has become a more established and popular bariatric procedure, WE is expected to appear more frequently after SG. We performed a literature review on WE after SG, and 13 cases have been found to be sufficiently documented. The risk of WE needs to be considered in patients with a prolonged vomiting episode and any type of neurological symptoms, independent of the presence of any surgical complications.


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BACKGROUND There are no specific Swiss home parenteral nutrition (HPN) data showing patient characteristics, quality of life (QoL) and complications. The goal of this study was to collect representative nationwide data on current adult HPN patients in Switzerland for international comparability and benchmarking. METHODS This was a multicenter, nationwide, observational study. We conducted interviews for demographics, PN characteristics, QoL and complications. The data were assessed at baseline and after a follow-up of 3 months using a questionnaire. RESULTS Thirty-three adult patients were included. The most common underlying diseases were cancer, radiation enteritis and state after bariatric surgery, and the most prevalent indication was short bowel syndrome. During the 3-month observation period, significant increase or stabilization of body weight occurred in the patients, physical activity scores improved from 34.0 to 39.4 and mental scores improved from 41.9 to 46.4. HPN dependency and traveling restrictions were of the greatest concern. Diarrhea, xerostomia and/or thirst were frequent complaints. CONCLUSION Anthropometric parameters and QoL improved during the observational period in this HPN cohort. These Swiss HPN data are prerequisite for evaluation and comparison of HPN recommendations and best clinical practice, status of professional care instructions related to HPN effectiveness, quality of treatment and patient safety.


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Background Malabsorptive bariatric surgery requires lifelongmicronutrientsupplementation.Basedontherecommendations, we assessed the number of adjustments of micronutrientsupplementationandtheprevalenceofvitaminandmineral deficiencies at a minimum follow-up of 5 years after biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD-DS). Methods Between October 2010 and December 2013, a total of 51 patients at a minimum follow-up of 5 years after BPDDS were invited for a clinical check-up with a nutritional blood screening test for vitamins and minerals. Results Forty-three of fifty-one patients (84.3 %) completed the blood sampling with a median follow-up of 71.2 (range 60–102) monthsafter BPD-DS. At that time,all patientswere supplemented with at least one multivitamin. However, 35 patients (81.4 %) showed either a vitamin or a mineral deficiencyoracombinationofit.Nineteenpatients(44.1%)were anemic,and17patients(39.5%)hadanirondeficiency.High deficiency rates for fat-soluble vitamins were also present in 23.2 % for vitamin A, in 76.7 % for vitamin D, in 7.0 % for vitamin E, and in 11.6 % for vitamin K. Conclusions Theresultsofourstudyshowthattheprevalence ofvitaminandmineraldeficienciesafterBPD-DSis81.4%at a minimum follow-up of 5 years. The initial prescription of micronutrientsupplementationandfurtheradjustmentsduring thefirstfollow-upwereinsufficient toavoidlong-term micronutrient deficiencies. Life-long monitoring of micronutrients at a specialized bariatric center and possibly a better micronutrient supplementation, is crucial to avoid a deficient micronutrient status at every stage after malabsorptive bariatric surgery