899 resultados para metropoli- tan areas
Department of Mathematics, Cochin University of Science and Technology
The present study deals with the different hydrogeological characteristics of the coastal region of central Kerala and a comparative analysis with corresponding hard rock terrain. The coastal regions lie in areas where the aquifer systems discharge groundwater ultimately into the sea. Groundwater development in such regions will require a precise understanding of the complex mechanism of the saline and fresh water relationship, so that the withdrawals are so regulated as to avoid situations leading to upcoming of the saline groundwater bodies as also to prevent migration of sea water ingress further inland. Coastal tracts of Kerala are formed by several drainage systems. Thick pile of semi-consolidated and consolidated sediments from Tertiary to Recent age underlies it. These sediments comprise phreatic and confined aquifer systems. The corresponding hard rock terrain is encountered with laterites and underlined by the Precambrian metamorphic rocks. Supply of water from hard rock terrain is rather limited. This may be due to the small pore size, low degree of interconnectivity and low extent of weathering of the country rocks. The groundwater storage is mostly controlled by the thickness and hydrological properties of the weathered zone and the aquifer geometry. The over exploitation of groundwater, beyond the ‘safe yield’ limit, cause undesirable effects like continuous reduction in groundwater levels, reduction in river flows, reduction in wetland surface, degradation of groundwater quality and many other environmental problems like drought, famine etc.
Everywhere, on the coastal belt it is proved without doubt that the pristine ground water quality was severely deteriorated after the 26 December 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. But how far is more relevant, as it is decided by the so-called pre-tsunamic situation of the region. In water quality studies it is this reference finger print which earmarks regional ground water chemistry based on which the monthly variability could rationally be interpreted. This Ph D thesis comprises the testing and evaluation of the facts: whether there is any significant difference in the water quality parameters under study between stations and between months in Tsunami Affected Dug Wells (TADW). Whether the selected water quality parameters vary significantly from BIS and WHO standards. Whether the water quality index (WQI) differ significantly between Tsunami Affected Dug Wells (TADW) and Bore Wells (BW). Whether there is any significant difference in the water quality parameters during December 2005 and December 2008. Is there any significant change in the Water Quality Parameters before 2001 and after tsunami (2005) in TADW.
An experiment was designed to assess the occurrence of multiple antibiotic resistances in Vibrio sp from different (brackish and marine) environments. Water samples from nine marine landing sites and two coastal inland aquaculture farms were screened for the Vibrio spp and assessed their resistance to twenty-two different antibiotics, which are commonly encountered in the aquatic ecosystem. Tissue samples (shrimp, mussel and sepia) were tested from the sampling site with highest antibiotic resistance. Of the total 119 Vibrio isolates, 16. 8% were susceptible to all antibiotics. Of the resistant (83.19%) Vibrio strains, 30.3% were resistant against three antibiotics, 55.5% were resistant against 4-10 antibiotics, 14.14% were resistant against more than 10 antibiotics and 54% have shown multiple antibiotics resistance (MAR). Antibiotic resistance index was higher in Coastal 3, 6, Aqua farm 2 in isolates from water samples and all the tissues tested. Interestingly, incidence of antibiotic resistance in isolates from water samples was comparatively lower in aquaculture farms than that observed in coastal areas. Highest incidence of antibiotic resistance was evident against Amoxycillin, Ampicillin, Carbencillin and Cefuroxime followed by Rifampicin and Streptomycin and lowest against Chloramphenicol, Tetracycline, Chlortetracycline, Furazolidone, Nalidixic acid, Gentamycin Sulphafurazole, Trimethoprirn, Neomycin and Amikacin irrespective of the sampling sites. Results from various tissue samples collected from the sites of highest antibiotic resistance indicated that antibiotic resistance Vibrio spp collected from fish and tissue samples were higher than that of water samples. Overall results indicated that persistent use of antibiotics against diseases in human beings and other life forms may pollute the aquatic system and their impact on developing antibiotic resistant Vibrio sp may be a serious threat in addition to the use of antibiotics in aquaculture farms.
La televisió molt aviat podria deixar de ser aquella caixa tonta davant la qual estàvem obligats a empassar-nos allò que només ella ens proposava. Els primers de descobrir una nova forma de fer servir la tele seran els veïns del Pla de l'Estany, que la podran utilitzar per sol·licitar hora al metge, pagar impostos o demanar informacions diverses. L'Easy de la UdG i el Consell Comarcal del Pla de l'Estany signaran el proper 7 de juny un conveni per a desenvolupar aplicacions d'intel·ligència artificial a través de la xarxa de la televisió digital terrestre (TDT)
Seleccionado en la convocatoria: Ayudas a la innovaci??n e investigaci??n educativa en centros docentes de niveles no universitarios, Gobierno de Arag??n 2009-10
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Resumen tomado del autor
En esta investigación se exploran distintas herramientas usadas por comunidades virtuales en Internet para la creación, difusión y defensa de sus ideas en contra de comunidades rivales y algunas veces la sociedad. El caso de estudio particular en que se ha centrado este trabajo es el de distintos grupos relacionados con la anorexia nerviosa y sus usos de la imagen de los nombres e imagen de usuario. La metodología de investigación usada es cualitativa y experimental.
Resumen tomado de la revista
Short video produced by the National Physical Laboratories on class 3B and 4 laser controlled areas
Este Estudio de Caso cruza las variables de conflicto interno armado en la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, y territorio indígena Wiwa, con el fin de mostrar la influencia que llegó a tener el conflicto en todos los ámbitos de la vida individual y sobre todo grupal de los Wiwa, quienes presentan una especial relación con el territorio; la afectación fue tan grande que los llevó a ser considerados pueblo indígena en vía de extinción. La investigación está centrada en el primer periodo del ex-Presidente Álvaro Uribe, cuatrienio en el cual los actores armados del conflicto (FARC, AUC, Fuerzas Militares y de Policía) aumentaron su accionar, sobre todo por lo estratégico que resulta tener dominio territorial en la Sierra, ya que esta zona del país perteneciente ancestralmente a los cuatro pueblos indígenas serranos, sirve como zona de resguardo de grupos armados, tiene suelos aptos para la ganadería, el cultivo de banano, palma, pero también para los cultivos ilícitos, la salida al mar permite el tráfico de armas y drogas, además de poseer muchas fuentes hídricas. Se muestra entonces el conflicto de intereses entre los mismos grupos armados, y el de los grupos armados con los Wiwa, quienes denunciaron el desprecio absoluto por su cultura y su pensamiento territorial. Además de ello se evidencia como mediante actos de terror y violencia se violaron los derechos humanos y se infringió el derecho internacional humanitario.
Luego del terremoto ocurrido en Haití en enero de 2010, el país quedo sumido en una inestable situación social, que requirió la ayuda de la comunidad internacional y de importantes organizaciones internacionales como Naciones Unidas y sus organismos especializados para salir de la difícil situación. Por medio de esta tesis se analiza el actuar de UNICEF y PNUD en el mejoramiento social de Haití después del terremoto, evaluando que tan positivos fueron sus programas de ayuda en la consecución de bienestar social para sus habitantes, pasando por las limitaciones que debieron enfrentar y los ámbitos en los que no se lograron las mejoras necesarias, partiendo de la hipótesis que las acciones de estos organismos especializados evidenciaron una capacidad limitada para cumplir con los objetivos propuestos.