995 resultados para lymphatic vessel
Nowadays, the great saphenous vein is the vascular conduit that is most frequently employed in coronary and peripheral revascularization surgery. It is known that saphenous vein bypass grafts have shorter patency than arterial ones, partly because the wall of the normal saphenous vein has different structural and functional characteristics. The features of this vein can be affected by the large distention pressures it is submitted to during its preparation and insertion into the arterial system. Indeed, a vein graft is subjected to considerable changes in hemodynamic forces upon implantation into the arterial circulation, since it is transplanted from a non-pulsatile, low-pressure, low-flow environment with minimal shear stress to a high-pressure system with pulsatile flow, where it undergoes cyclic strain and elevated shear. These changes can be responsible for functional and morphological alterations in the vessel wall, culminating in intima hyperproliferation and atherosclerotic degeneration, which contribute to early graft thrombosis. This review has followed a predetermined strategy for updating information on the human saphenous vein (HSV). Besides presenting the aspects relative to the basic pharmacology, this text also includes surgical aspects concerning HSV harvesting, the possible effects of the major groups of cardiovascular drugs on the HSV, and finally the interference of major cardiovascular diseases in the vascular reactivity of the HSV.
Background Reports of iatrogenic thermal injuries during laparoscopic surgery using new generation vessel-sealing devices, as well as anecdotal reports of hand burn injuries during hand-assisted surgeries, have evoked questions about the temperature safety profile and the cooling properties of these instruments. Methods This study involved video recording of temperatures generated by different instruments (Harmonic ACE [ACE], Ligasure V [LV], and plasma trisector [PT]) applied according the manufacturers` pre-set settings (ACE setting 3; LV 3 bars, and the PT TR2 50W). The video camera used was the infrared Flex Cam Pro directed to three different types of swine tissue: (1) peritoneum (P), (2) mesenteric vessels (MV), and (3) liver (L). Activation and cooling temperature and time were measured for each instrument. Results The ACE device produced the highest temperatures (195.9 degrees +/- 14.5 degrees C) when applied against the peritoneum, and they were significantly higher than the other instruments (LV = 96.4 degrees +/- 4.1 degrees C, and PT = 87 degrees +/- 2.2 degrees C). The LV and PT consistently yielded temperatures that were < 100 degrees C independent of type of tissue or ""on""/ ""off"" mode. Conversely, the ACE reached temperatures higher than 200 degrees C, with a surprising surge after the instrument was deactivated. Moreover, temperatures were lower when the ACE was applied against thicker tissue (liver). The LV and PT cooling times were virtually equivalent, but the ACE required almost twice as long to cool. Conclusions The ACE increased the peak temperature after deactivation when applied against thick tissue (liver), and the other instruments inconsistently increased peak temperatures after they were turned off, requiring few seconds to cool down. Moreover, the ACE generated very high temperatures (234.5 degrees C) that could harm adjacent tissue or the surgeon`s hand on contact immediately after deactivation. With judicious use, burn injury from these instruments can be prevented during laparoscopic procedures. Because of the high temperatures generated by the ACE device, particular care should be taken when it is used during laparoscopy.
Background: Noninvasive diagnosis of giant cell arteritis (GCA) remains challenging, particularly with regard to evaluation of extracranial arterial disease. Objectives: The objective of the study was to retrospectively review extracranial involvement in patients with GCA and/or polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR), evaluated with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), especially 3-dimensional contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography images of the aortic arch and its branches. Methods: Clinical information, biopsy status, and MRI examinations of 28 patients with GCA/PMR were reviewed. Patient images were mixed randomly with 20 normal control images and were independently reviewed by 2 radiologists. Interobserver agreement for detection of arterial stenosis was determined by the k coefficient. Results: Both readers described vascular alterations in keeping with extracranial GCA in 19 of 28 patients (67%) with good interobserver agreement (k = 0.73) and with even higher agreement on diagnosing nonocclusive versus occlusive disease (k = 1.00). The most common lesions were bilateral axillary stenosis or obstructions, observed by both readers in 8 patients (28%). Among the 19 patients with magnetic resonance angiography lesions in the subclavian/axillary arteries, 12 (75%) had biopsy-proven GCA, but only 5 (41%) of these patients had clinical features of large artery disease. Conclusions: In our series review, MRI could provide accurate information on involvement of the aortic arch and its branches in extracranial GCA, depicting different degrees of stenosis. Our analysis also illustrates that occult large artery vasculitis should be considered in patients without biopsy-proven GCA, patients with classic GCA but without clinical signs of large artery disease, and in patients initially diagnosed as having PMR.
The Holt-Oram syndrome was confirmed in an asymptomatic 36-year-old man by a novel TBX5-gene mutation (exon 8 acceptor splicing site, c.663-1G greater than A). Computed tomography showed an atrial septal defect and an anomalous right coronary artery crossing between the aorta and pulmonary arteries. Surgery corrected the septal defect and the initial segment of the anomalous vessel was unroofed and enlarged. Anomalous coronary arteries were not previously described in the Holt-Oram syndrome patients and should be added to the list of possible associated cardiac defects.
Lymphoscintigraphy is the technique of choice for sentinel lymph node detection in women with early breast cancer, but there is limited information evaluating the value of this technique in animals. We investigated mammary lymphatic drainage in 25 young female mongrel dogs by intramammary injection of 18.5 MBq of Tc-99m-dextran (70,000 Da). Lymph node anatomical referencing was obtained using an external marker, bone scintigraphy, or scintiscanning the body contour. Cranial and caudal thoracic mammary glands drained into the cranial sternal lymph node and axillary lymph center. The cranial thoracic mammary gland also drained into the superficial cervical lymph node in two of five animals. The cranial abdominal gland was drained by the axillary lymph center. The caudal abdominal mammary gland was drained by the superficial inguinal lymph node in all animals and simultaneously by medial iliac lymph nodes in four of five animals. In one dog, this mammary gland was also drained by the mediastinal and the superficial cervical lymph nodes. The inguinal mammary gland was drained by superficial inguinal lymph nodes and simultaneously via the medial iliac lymph node in one animal. Lymphatic communications between lymph nodes were identified in 11 of 25 (44%) animals. Tc-99m-dextran mammary lymphoscintigraphy was easy and rapid to perform and may provide valuable information for further studies.
Evidence from several sources supports a close phylogenetic relationship between elephants and sirenians. To explore whether this was reflected in similar placentation, we examined eight delivered placentae from the Amazonian manatee using light microscopy and immunohistochemistry. In addition, the fetal placental circulation was described by scanning electron microscopy of vessel casts. The manatee placenta was zonary and endotheliochorial, like that of the elephant. The interhaemal barrier comprised maternal endothelium, cytotrophoblasts and fetal endothelium. We found columnar trophoblast beneath the chorionic plate and lining lacunae in this region, but there was no trace in the term placenta of haemophagous activity. The gross anatomy of the cord and fetal membranes was consistent with previous descriptions and included a four-chambered allantoic sac, as also found in the elephant and other afrotherians. Connective tissue septae descended from the chorionic plate and carried blood vessels to the labyrinth, where they gave rise to a dense capillary network. This appeared to drain into shorter vessels near the chorionic plate. The maternal vasculature could not be examined in the same detail, but maternal capillaries ran rather straight and roughly parallel to the fetal ones. Overall, there is a close resemblance in placentation between the manatee and the elephant.
Tonsillar polyps are nonneoplastic lesions usually composed of variable amounts of lymphoid and vascular and connective tissues. All of them are generally assumed to be hamartomatous proliferations, but the profile of vascular and connective components has yet to be explored. The vascular system of the tonsils is complex and includes highly specialized structures (i.e., high endothelial venules (HEVs)) involved in lymphocyte homing into lymphoid tissues. In 14 tonsillar polyps and 26 control tonsils, an immunohistochemical study was performed using CD34 (blood vessels and HEVs), MECA-79 (HEVs), D2-40 (lymphatic vessels), Ki-67, collagens I and III, fibronectin, and tenascin-C. The polyps showed increased total lymphatic area, whereas the number of blood vessels and lymphatics and the blood vascular area did not differ significantly from those of control tonsils. Rare Ki-67+ endothelial cells were found. In the polyps, we detected, possibly for the first time, HEVs amid lymphoid tissue, and that the amount of the latter correlated positively with HEV density. The polyps also presented lesser amounts of fibronectin and collagens I and III than in normal tonsils, which were distributed in a disorganized fashion. Tenascin-C expression was uncommon in the polyps and control tonsils. Tonsillar polyps are composed of disorganized connective tissue and lymphatic channels which can be considered hamartomatous proliferations. However, the lymphoid component is possibly reactive due to its relationship with the HEVs. The highly differentiated phenotype of the HEVs and their complex biology are not in agreement with what would be expected for a component of hamartomatous nature.
Hamartoma is a proliferation of normal tissues that are considered endogenous to the site of occurrence. In the head and neck region, hamartomas composed of other tissues different from blood and lymphatic vessels (hemangiomas and lymphangiomas) are very uncommon. We report an unusual case of upper lip angiomyolipomatous hamartoma in an 8-month-old patient. The patient underwent surgical treatment and the 1-year follow-up revealed no signs of recurrence. Angiomyolipomatous hamartoma is a very rare condition in the paediatric population group, especially in the head and neck region. It should be considered in the differential diagnosis of congenital lesions in childhood. (C) 2010 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery.
Pulmonary vascular remodeling is an important pathological feature of pulmonary hypertension, leading to increased pulmonary vascular resistance and reduced compliance. It involves thickening of all three layers of the blood vessel wall (due to hypertrophy and/or hyperplasia of the predominant cell type within each layer), as well as extracellular matrix deposition. Neomuscularisation of non-muscular arteries and formation of plexiform and neointimal lesions also occur. Stimuli responsible for remodeling involve transmural pressure, stretch, shear stress, hypoxia, various mediators [angiotensin II, endothelin (ET)-1, 5-hydroxytryptamine, growth factors, and inflammatory cytokines], increased serine elastase activity, and tenascin-C. In addition, there are reductions in the endothelium-derived antimitogenic substances, nitric oxide, and prostacyclin. Intracellular signalling mechanisms involved in pulmonary vascular remodeling include elevations in intracellular Ca2+ and activation of the phosphatidylinositol pathway, protein kinase C, and mitogen-activated protein kinase. In animal models of pulmonary hypertension, various drugs have been shown to attenuate pulmonary vascular remodeling. These include angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor antagonists, ET receptor antagonists, ET-converting enzyme inhibitors, nitric oxide, phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors, prostacyclin, Ca2+-channel antagonists, heparin, and serine elastase inhibitors. Inhibition of remodeling is generally accompanied by reductions in pulmonary artery pressure. The efficacy of some of the drugs varies, depending on the animal model of the disease. In view of the complexity of the remodeling process and the diverse aetiology of pulmonary hypertension in humans, it is to be anticipated that successful anti-remodeling therapy in the clinic will require a range of different drug options. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Background Long-term success of the implant restorations is based upon the biology and vasculature of the bone surrounding the implants, especially for the bone between two implants. Purpose The aim of this study was to evaluate how loaded implants placed 2 or 3 mm apart influence bone vessel organization. Material and methods Six mongrel dogs were used for the study. The four mandibular premolars were extracted and 3 months later, four 4.5 x 10 mm implants were placed on each side of the mandible. The implants were placed so that two adjacent implants were 2 mm (group 1) or 3 mm (group 2) distant from each other. After 12 weeks, the implants were loaded with provisional prostheses, then metallic crowns were placed 4 weeks later. Both temporary and metallic restorations were made so that the distance between the contact point and the bone crest was 5 mm. The animals were sacrificed after 8 weeks. The hemi-mandibles were removed and prepared for analysis. The interimplant bone vasculature of the two groups was studied using scanning electron microscopic images fractal analysis. The fractal dimension (D(f)) was calculated using the box-counting method. Results The values of the D(f) for the blood vessels were significantly higher (P <.05) in the specimens of the group 2 (1.969 +/- 0.169) than the group 1 (1.556 +/- 0.246). Conclusion The presence of more blood vessels in the group 2 is another indication that 3 mm is a preferable distance for contiguous implants than the 2 mm distance. To cite this article:Traini T, Novaes AB, Piattelli A, Papalexiou V, Muglia VA. The relationship between interimplant distances and vascularization of the interimplant bone.Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 21, 2010; 822-829.doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2010.01926.x.
The apocreadiid digenean Homalometron senegalense is redescribed from the soleid fish Synaptura kleinii from off Corsica in the western Mediterranean. For the first time, lymphatic vessels are described for this species, and the implications of this in the systematics of the Apocreadiidae discussed. This species is considered closest to H. galaicus and H. wrightae, both also reported from soleid hosts. The concept of Apocreadiidae espoused is that most recently developed by Cribb & Bray (1999).
Multiple frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis (MFBIA) has previously been shown to provide accurate relative measures of lymphedema in the upper limb of patients (1). This paper reports the results of a three year prospective study to evaluate the efficacy of MFBIA to predict the early onset of lymphedema in patients following treatment for breast cancer. Bioelectrical impedance measurements and circumferential measurements of each upper limb were recorded in healthy control subjects (n=60) to determine the normal range of the ratio (dominant/non-dominant) of extracellular and total limb volumes respectively. Patients undergoing surgery for the treatment of breast cancer were recruited as the study group; MFBIA and circumferential measurements were recorded pre-surgery, one month post-surgery and then at two month intervals for 24 months. One hundred and two patients were recruited into the study. Twenty patients developed lymphedema in the 24 months follow up period of this study. In each of these 20 cases MFBIA predicted the onset of the condition up to 10 months before the condition could be clinically diagnosed. Estimates of the sensitivity and specificity were both approximately 100%. At the time of detection by MFBIA, only one of the patients returned a positive test result from the total limb volumes determined from the circumferential measures. These results confirmed the suitability of the MFBIA technique as a reliable diagnostic procedure for the early detection of lymphedema.
A new method of measuring heat of desorption is proposed in this Letter. The principle of the method is to measure the amount of mass released when a controlled amount of energy is supplied directly to a solid adsorbent. This is in contrast to conventional methods such as microcalorimetry, where heat released upon adsorption is measured. In this method, a quantified heat supply is generated by passing a de current through a carbon pellet, which is equilibrated with a gas phase confined in a closed vessel. As a consequence of the heating, the particle temperature is increased, resulting in partial desorption of adsorbed molecules. The variations of pellet temperature and the system pressure with respect to time are used to determine the heat of desorption as a function of loading.
The effects of five neuropeptides (CGRP, SOM, SP, NPY, VIP), L-NAME (nitric oxide synthase inhibitor), and adrenaline on the contractile tone of the aortic anastomosis in the estuarine crocodile, Crocodylus porosus, were investigated. None of the neuropeptides, which had previously been found to be present in the aortic anastomosis, had any direct effect on the tension developed by ring preparations. L-NAME itself significantly increased the basal tone of the vascular ring preparations, suggesting a tonic release of nitric oxide in the preparation. Adrenaline produced concentration-dependent vasoconstrictions that were counteracted by profound reflex vasodilatations that were susceptible to blockade by L-NAME. Immunohistochemistry revealed the presence of nitric oxide synthase and tyrosine hydroxylase-containing (indicating the presence of a adrenergic innervation) nerve fibres in the adventitia and adventitio-medial border of the aortic anastomosis. These data demonstrate opposing actions of adrenaline and nitric oxide on the vascular smooth muscle in the anastomosis of the C. porosus. The morphology of the anastomosis, with the extremely thick muscular vessel wall, suggests a sphincter-like function for this vessel that could be controlled mainly by adrenergic and nitrergic mechanisms, (C) 2001 Academic Press.
To test the hypothesis that Vegf-B contributes to the pulmonary vascular remodelling, and the associated pulmonary hypertension, induced by exposure of mice to chronic hypoxia. Methods: Right ventricular systolic pressure, the ratio of right ventricle/[left ventricle+septum] (RV/[LV+S]) and the thickness of the media (relative to vessel diameter) of intralobar pulmonary arteries (o.d. 50-150 and 151-420 mum) were determined in Vegfb knockout mice (Vegfb(-/-); n=17) and corresponding wild-type mice (Vegfb(+/+); n=17) exposed to chronic hypoxia (10% oxygen) or housed in room air (normoxia) for 4 weeks. Results: In Vegfb(+/+) mice hypoxia caused (i) pulmonary hypertension (a 70% increase in right ventricular systolic pressure compared with normoxic Vegfb(+/+) mice; P