965 resultados para hormone therapy


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The possible carcinogenic risk of immunosuppressive therapies is an important issue in everyday clinical practise. Carcinogenesis is a slow multi step procedure, thus a long latency period is needed before cancer develops. PUVA therapy is used for many skin diseases including psoriasis, early stage cutaneous T cell lymphoma, atopic dermatitis, palmoplantar pustulosis and chronic eczema. There has been concern about the increased melanoma risk associated to PUVA therapy, which has previously been associated with an increased risk on non-melanoma skin cancer, especially squamous cell carcinoma. The increased risk of basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is also documented but it is modest compared to squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). This thesis evaluated melanoma and noncutaneous cancer risk associated to PUVA, and the persistence of nonmelanoma cancer risk after the cessation of PUVA treatment. Also, the influence of photochemotherapy to the development of secondary cancers in cutaneous T cell lymphoma and the role of short term cyclosporine in later cancer development in inflammatory skin diseases were evaluated. The first three studies were performed on psoriasis patients. The risk of melanoma started to increase 15 years after the first treatment with PUVA. The risk was highest among persons who had received over 250 treatments compared to those under 250 treatments. In noncutaneous cancer, the overall risk was not increased (RR=1.08,95% CI=0.93-1.24), but significant increases in risk were found in thyroid cancer, breast cancer and in central nervous system neoplasms. These cancers were not associated to PUVA. The increased risk of SCC was associated to high cumulative UVA exposure in the PUVA regimen. The patients with high risk had no substantial exposure to other carcinogens. In BCC there was a similar but more modest tendency. In the two other studies, the risk of all secondary cancers (SIR) in CTCL patients was 1.4 (95% CI=1.0-1.9). In separate sites, the risk of lung cancer, Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphomas were increased. PUVA seemed not to contribute to any extent to the appearance of these cancers. The carcinogenity of short-term cyclosporine was evaluated in inflammatory skin diseases. No increased risk for any type of cancer including the skin cancers was detected. To conclude, our studies confirm the increased skin cancer risk related to PUVA treatment in psoriasis patients. In clinical practice, this has led to a close and permanent follow-up of patients treated with PUVA. In CTCL patients, PUVA treatment did not contribute to the development of secondary cancers. We could not detect any increase in the risk of cancer in patients treated with short term cyclosporine, unlike in organ transplant patients under such long-term therapy.


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Prostate cancer (PCa) frequently relapses after hormone ablation therapy. Unfortunately, once progressed to the castration resistant stage, the disease is regarded as incurable as prostate tumours are highly resistant to conventional chemotherapy. Therefore, an effective treatment strategy is urgently needed for improving the treatment outcome of the patients.


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Cancer is a devastating disease with poor prognosis and no curative treatment, when widely metastatic. Conventional therapies, such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, have efficacy but are not curative and systemic toxicity can be considerable. Almost all cancers are caused due to changes in the genetic material of the transformed cells. Cancer gene therapy has emerged as a new treatment option, and past decades brought new insights in developing new therapeutic drugs for curing cancer. Oncolytic viruses constitute a novel therapeutic approach given their capacity to replicate in and kill specifically tumor cells as well as reaching tumor distant metastasis. Adenoviral gene therapy has been suggested to cause liver toxicity. This study shows that new developed adenoviruses, in particular Ad5/19p-HIT, can be redirected towards kidney while adenovirus uptake by liver is minimal. Moreover, low liver transduction resulted in a favorable tumor to liver ratio of virus load. Further, we established a new immunocompetent animal model Syrian hamsters. Wild type adenovirus 5 was found to replicate in Hap-T1 hamster tumors and normal tissues. There are no antiviral drugs available to inhibit adenovirus replication. In our study, chlorpromazine and cidofovir efficiently abrogated virus replication in vitro and showed significant reduction in vivo in tumors and liver. Once safety concerns were addressed together with the new given antiviral treatment options, we further improved oncolytic adenoviruses for better tumor penetration, local amplification and host system modulation. Further, we created Ad5/3-9HIF-Δ24-VEGFR-1-Ig, oncolytic adenovirus for improved infectivity and antiangiogenic effect for treatment of renal cancer. This virus exhibited increased anti-tumor effect and specific replication in kidney cancer cells. The key player for good efficacy of oncolytic virotherapy is the host immune response. Thus, we engineered a triple targeted adenovirus Ad5/3-hTERT-E1A-hCD40L, which would lead to tumor elimination due to tumor-specific oncolysis and apoptosis together with an anti-tumor immune response prompted by the immunomodulatory molecule. In conclusion, the results presented in this thesis constitute advances in our understanding of oncolytic virotherapy by successful tumor targeting, antiviral treatment options as a safety switch in case of replication associated side-effects, and modulation of the host immune system towards tumor elimination.  


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Gastric motility disorders, including delayed gastric emptying (gastroparesis), impaired postprandial fundic relaxation, and gastric myoelectrical disorders, can occur in type 1 diabetes, chronic renal failure, and functional dyspepsia (FD). Symptoms like upper abdominal pain, early satiation, bloating, nausea and vomiting may be related to gastroparesis. Diabetic gastroparesis is related to autonomic neuropathy. Scintigraphy is the gold standard in measuring gastric emptying, but it is expensive, requires specific equipment, and exposes patients to radiation. It also gives information about the intragastric distribution of the test meal. The 13C-octanoic acid breath test (OBT) is an alternative, indirect method of measuring gastric emptying with a stable isotope. Electrogastrography (EGG) registers the slow wave originating in the pacemaker area of the stomach and regulating the peristaltic contractions of the antrum. This study compares these three methods of measuring gastric motility in patients with type 1 diabetes, functional dyspepsia, and chronic renal failure. Currently no effective drugs for treating gastric motility disorders are available. We studied the effect of nizatidine on gastric emptying, because in preliminary studies this drug has proven to have a prokinetic effect due to its cholinergic properties. Of the type 1 patients, 26% had delayed gastric emptying of solids as measured by scintigraphy. Abnormal intragastric distribution of the test meal occurred in 37% of the patients, indicating impaired fundic relaxation. The autonomic neuropathy score correlated positively with the gastric emptying rate of solids (P = 0.006), but HbA1C, plasma glucose levels, or abdominal symptoms were unrelated to gastric emptying or intragastric distribution of the test meal. Gastric emptying of both solids and liquids was normal in all FD patients but abnormal intragastric distribution occurred in 38% of the patients. Nizatidine improved symptom scores and quality of life in FD patients, but not significantly. Instead of enhancing, nizatidine slowed gastric emptying in FD patients (P < 0.05). No significant difference appeared in the frequency of the gastric slow waves measured by EGG in the patients and controls. The correlation between gastric half-emptying times of solids measured by scintigraphy and OBT was poor both in type 1 diabetes and FD patients. According to this study, dynamic dual-tracer scintigraphy is more accurate than OBT or EGG in measuring gastric emptying of solids. Additionally it provides information about gastric emptying of liquids and the intragastric distribution of the ingested test meal.


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Paikallisesti levinnyttä (T3-4 M0) ja luustoon levinnyttä (T1-4 M1) eturauhassyöpää sairastaneet potilaat satunnaistettiin kirurgiseen kastraatioon (orkiektomia) tai lääkkeelliseen kastraatioon lihaksensisäisellä polyestradiolifosfaatilla (PEP) annoksella 240 mg/kk. Verrattiin hoitojen kliinistä tehoa sekä sydän- ja verisuonikomplikaatioita (SV-komplikaatioita). Verrattiin myös hoitoa edeltäviä plasman testosteroni (T) ja estradioli (E2) pitoisuuksia T3-4 M0 ja T1-4 M1 potilaiden välillä sekä selvitettiin potilaiden yleistilan vaikutusta näihin hormonitasoihin. Lopuksi luotiin T1-4 M1 potilaille eturauhassyövän aiheuttaman kuoleman ennusteellinen riskiluokittelu kolmeen riskiryhmään käyttämällä hoitoa edeltäviä ennustetekijöitä. Kliinisessä tehossa ei orkiektomian ja PEP-hoidon välillä todettu tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa. Odotetusti T1-4 M1 potilaiden ennuste oli huonompi kuin T3-4 M0 potilaiden. T1-4 M1 potilailla ei ollut SV-kuolemissa hoitoryhmien välillä tilastollista eroa, mutta ei-tappavia SV-komplikaatioita oli PEP ryhmässä (5.9%) enemmän kuin orkiektomia ryhmässä (2.0%). T3-4 M0 potilailla PEP-hoitoon liittyi tilastollisesti merkitsevä SV-kuolleisuus riski orkiektomiaan verrattuna (p = 0.001). PEP ryhmässä 67% kuolemista oli akuutteja sydäninfarkteja. Tämä PEP hoitoon liittyvä sydäninfarktiriski (mukaan lukien myös ei-tappavat sydäninfarktit) oli merkitsevästi pienempi potilailla, joiden hoitoa edeltävä E2 taso oli vähintään 93 pmol/l (p = 0.022). E2 taso oli merkitsevästi matalampi T1-4 M1 potilailla (74.7 pmol/l) kuin T3-4 M0 potilailla (87.9 pmol/l), mutta vastaavaa eroa ei ollut T tasoissa. Sekä T3-4 M0 että T1-4 M1 potilailla yleistilan lasku osittain selitti yksilöllisen T ja E2 tasojen laskun. Eturauhassyövän aiheuttaman kuoleman riskiryhmäluokittelu (Rg) kolmeen ryhmään luotiin käyttämällä alkalista fosfataasia (AFOS), prostata spesifistä antigeenia (PSA), laskoa (La) ja potilaan ikää. Yksi riskipiste annettiin, jos AFOS > 180 U/l (tällä hetkellä käytössä olevalla menetelmällä AFOS > 83 U/l), PSA > 35 µg/l, La > 80 mm/h ja ikä < 60 vuotta. Lopuksi pisteet laskettiin yhteen. Muodostettiin seuraavat ryhmät: Rg-a (0 -1 riskipistettä), Rg-b (2 riskipistettä) ja Rg-c (3 – 4 riskipistettä). Eturauhassyövän aiheuttama kuoleman riski lisääntyi merkitsevästi siirryttäessä riskiryhmästä seuraavaan (p < 0.001). Rg-luokittelu oli kliinisesti käytännöllinen ja hyvä havaitsemaan huonon ennusteen potilaat.


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Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is a form of chemically targeted radiotherapy that utilises the high neutron capture cross-section of boron-10 isotope to achieve a preferential dose increase in the tumour. The BNCT dosimetry poses a special challenge as the radiation dose absorbed by the irradiated tissues consists of several dose different components. Dosimetry is important as the effect of the radiation on the tissue is correlated with the radiation dose. Consistent and reliable radiation dose delivery and dosimetry are thus basic requirements for radiotherapy. The international recommendations for are not directly applicable to BNCT dosimetry. The existing dosimetry guidance for BNCT provides recommendations but also calls for investigating for complementary methods for comparison and improved accuracy. In this thesis the quality assurance and stability measurements of the neutron beam monitors used in dose delivery are presented. The beam monitors were found not to be affected by the presence of a phantom in the beam and that the effect of the reactor core power distribution was less than 1%. The weekly stability test with activation detectors has been generally reproducible within the recommended tolerance value of 2%. An established toolkit for epithermal neutron beams for determination of the dose components is presented and applied in an international dosimetric intercomparison. The measured quantities (neutron flux, fast neutron and photon dose) by the groups in the intercomparison were generally in agreement within the stated uncertainties. However, the uncertainties were large, ranging from 3-30% (1 standard deviation), emphasising the importance of dosimetric intercomparisons if clinical data is to be compared between different centers. Measurements with the Exradin type 2M ionisation chamber have been repeated in the epithermal neutron beam in the same measurement configuration over the course of 10 years. The presented results exclude severe sensitivity changes to thermal neutrons that have been reported for this type of chamber. Microdosimetry and polymer gel dosimetry as complementary methods for epithermal neutron beam dosimetry are studied. For microdosimetry the comparison of results with ionisation chambers and computer simulation showed that the photon dose measured with microdosimetry was lower than with the two other methods. The disagreement was within the uncertainties. For neutron dose the simulation and microdosimetry results agreed within 10% while the ionisation chamber technique gave 10-30% lower neutron dose rates than the two other methods. The response of the BANG-3 gel was found to be linear for both photon and epithermal neutron beam irradiation. The dose distribution normalised to dose maximum measured by MAGIC polymer gel was found to agree well with the simulated result near the dose maximum while the spatial difference between measured and simulated 30% isodose line was more than 1 cm. In both the BANG-3 and MAGIC gel studies, the interpretation of the results was complicated by the presence of high-LET radiation.


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Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is a radiotherapy that has mainly been used to treat malignant brain tumours, melanomas, and head and neck cancer. In BNCT, the patient receives an intravenous infusion of a 10B-carrier, which accumulates in the tumour area. The tumour is irradiated with epithermal or thermal neutrons, which result in a boron neutron capture reaction that generates heavy particles to damage tumour cells. In Finland, boronophenylalanine fructose (BPA-F) is used as the 10B-carrier. Currently, the drifting of boron from blood to tumour as well as the spatial and temporal accumulation of boron in the brain, are not precisely known. Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H MRS) could be used for selective BPA-F detection and quantification as aromatic protons of BPA resonate in the spectrum region, which is clear of brain metabolite signals. This study, which included both phantom and in vivo studies, examined the validity of 1H MRS as a tool for BPA detection. In the phantom study, BPA quantification was studied at 1.5 and 3.0 T with single voxel 1H MRS, and at 1.5 T with magnetic resonance imaging (MRSI). The detection limit of BPA was determined in phantom conditions at 1.5 T and 3.0 T using single voxel 1H MRS, and at 1.5 T using MRSI. In phantom conditions, BPA quantification accuracy of ± 5% and ± 15% were achieved with single voxel MRS using external or internal (internal water signal) concentration references, respectively. For MRSI, a quantification accuracy of <5% was obtained using an internal concentration reference (creatine). The detection limits of BPA in phantom conditions for the PRESS sequence were 0.7 (3.0 T) and 1.4 mM (1.5 T) mM with 20 × 20 × 20 mm3 single voxel MRS, and 1.0 mM with acquisition-weighted MRSI (nominal voxel volume 10(RL) × 10(AP) × 7.5(SI) mm3), respectively. In the in vivo study, an MRSI or single voxel MRS or both was performed for ten patients (patients 1-10) on the day of BNCT. Three patients had glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), and five patients had a recurrent or progressing GBM or anaplastic astrocytoma gradus III, and two patients had head and neck cancer. For nine patients (patients 1-9), MRS/MRSI was performed 70-140 min after the second irradiation field, and for one patient (patient 10), the MRSI study began 11 min before the end of the BPA-F infusion and ended 6 min after the end of the infusion. In comparison, single voxel MRS was performed before BNCT, for two patients (patients 3 and 9), and for one patient (patient 9), MRSI was performed one month after treatment. For one patient (patient 10), MRSI was performed four days before infusion. Signals from the tumour spectrum aromatic region were detected on the day of BNCT in three patients, indicating that in favourable cases, it is possible to detect BPA in vivo in the patient’s brain after BNCT treatment or at the end of BPA-F infusion. However, because the shape and position of the detected signals did not exactly match the BPA spectrum detected in the in vitro conditions, assignment of BPA is difficult. The opportunity to perform MRS immediately after the end of BPA-F infusion for more patients is necessary to evaluate the suitability of 1H MRS for BPA detection or quantification for treatment planning purposes. However, it could be possible to use MRSI as criteria in selecting patients for BNCT.