912 resultados para health risks
Empathic engagement by the trauma therapist with another person's traumatic experiences is believed to create risks for the helping professional. Much attention has been focused upon the mental health professional experiencing symptoms of distress as a result of their exposure to the material of clients who survive traumatic incidents. This thesis contains the findings of a qualitative study that centres on a group of male mental health professionals and their experiences of exposure to the trauma material of survivor clients. The participants of the study practise within an internal Employee Assistance Program that provides, among other duties, a 24 hour, 7 day response to critical incidents to a heavy transport industry. Using semi-structured, in-depth interviews, the effects on the trauma therapists are explored by analysing their reactions to their survivor clients' accounts, the impact of these experiences upon their psychological schema, the organisational culture in which they practise and its influence upon their experiences and the methods participants use to cope with the psychological effects of exposure to trauma material. Participants' experiences are closely examined for critical comparisons with vicarious traumatization. Therapists' responses reveal their continued ability and motivation to empathically engage with the trauma material of survivor clients despite the potential risks.
BACKGROUND: There is limited research concerning how small companies in particular, respond to health and safety messages. AIMS: To understand individuals' knowledge and beliefs about chemical risks and to compare these with those of experts. METHODS: The use of chromic acid in particular, and also other chemicals associated with chrome plating were studied. All chromium plating firms were based in the West Midlands. The methodology involved initial face to face interviews (n = 21) with chromium platers, structured questionnaires (n = 84) to test the prevalence of beliefs identified in the interviews, an expert questionnaire, and a workshop to discuss findings. The responses of platers were compared with those of occupational health and safety experts. RESULTS: Although chromium platers appeared to understand the short term adverse effects of the chemicals to which they are exposed, their understanding of long term, or chronic effects appeared to be incomplete. They had good knowledge of acute effects based primarily on experience. Platers were aware of the hazardous nature of the chemicals with which they work, but did not draw distinction between the terms "hazards" and "risks". They had difficulties articulating the effects of the chemicals and how exposure might occur; although it is inappropriate to equate this with lack of knowledge. A significant minority of platers displayed deficiencies in understanding key technical terms used in Safety Data Sheets. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides a method which can be used to gain some understanding of workers' knowledge and beliefs about risks that they are exposed to in the workplace. The study also identifies gaps between the platers' knowledge and beliefs and those of experts. New risk information needs to be designed which addresses the information needs of platers using language that they understand.
This thesis examines the growth and awareness of health and safety at work between 1780 and 1900. In this period the hazards at work were increased by the intensification of production brought about by the Industrial Revolution, and new risks to health arose from the wider range of toxic substances in use by manufacturing industry. There is discussion in the thesis of the extent to which the problems were identified in an age of short life expectancy and limited medical knowledge. The sources studied have been largely medical, governmental, trade and press reports. The emphasis is on the first effects seen and recommendations made, and where possible, the extent of the problem and the effectiveness of any preventative measures adopted and examined. There is discussion of the growing involvement of the Government in industrial health and safety. The subject is viewed in the light of modern thinking on industrial health but uses a classification appropriate to historical resources. Psychological and minor afflictions, neglected in the 19th century, are not considered. The available literature is reviewed in each section. Three detailed case studies conclude the thesis, two on the notoriously dangerous occupations of metal grinding and pottery, and one on occupational eye injuries. Each study is based on a different type of source material. The thesis overall shows that there was extensive concern for health and safety at work, but no systematic approach and only ad hoc implementation of preventative measures; and that the rate at which conditions improved varied between different industries and different categories of workers . However, some modern principles of health and safety at work can be seen emerging, and the period laid the necessary medical, technical and legal foundations for developments in the present century.
Recognition of the contribution of small firms to the UK economy has grown considerably since 1995 when this research first began. The poor record of small firms in managing health and safety effectively has caused concern, and efforts made to improve knowledge and awareness of the target group through various initiatives have had some success. This research thesis attempts to identify the range of intervention routes and methods available to reach the target group, and to consider ways of evaluating the outcome of such efforts. Various interventions were tested with small firms, including a Workshop; use of Questionnaires; short postal Reply Slip survey; leading to a closer evaluation of a specific industry- the Licensed Trade. Attitudes and beliefs of the sample were identified, and observations carried out to consider actions taken by workers and others in the workplace. These empirical research findings were used to develop the theme of Primary and Secondary interventions intended to change behaviours, and to confirm assumptions about what small firms currently do to manage health and safety risks. Guidance for small firms was developed as a Secondary intervention tool to support Primary interventions, such as inspection or insurance provision.
This article examines the current risk regulation regime, within the English National Health Service (NHS), by investigating the two, sometimes conflicting, approaches to risk embodied within the field of policies towards patient safety. The first approach focuses on promoting accountability and is built on legal principles surrounding negligence and competence. The second approach focuses on promoting learning from previous mistakes and near-misses, and is built on the development of a ‘safety culture’. Previous work has drawn attention to problems associated with risk-based regulation when faced with the dual imperatives of accountability and organisational learning. The article develops this by considering whether the NHS patient safety regime demonstrates the coexistence of two different risk regulation regimes, or merely one regime with contradictory elements. It uses the heuristic device of ‘institutional logics’ to examine the coexistence of and interrelationship between ‘organisational learning’ and ‘accountability’ logics driving risk regulation in health care.
Background. Non-attendance at paediatric hospital outpatient appointments poses potential risks to children's health and welfare. Prevention and management of missed appointments depends on the perceptions of clinicians and decision makers from both primary and secondary care, including general practitioners (GPs) who are integral to non-attendance follow-up. Objectives. To examine the views of clinical, managerial and executive health care staff regarding occurrence and management of non-attendance at general paediatric outpatient clinics. Methods. A qualitative study using individual semi-structured interviews was carried out at three English Primary Care Trusts and a nearby children's hospital. Interviews were conducted with 37 staff, including GPs, hospital doctors, other health care professionals, managers, executives and commissioners. Participants were recruited through purposive and 'snowball' sampling methods. Data were analysed following a thematic framework approach. Results. GPs focused on situational difficulties for families, while hospital-based staff emphasized the influence of parents' beliefs on attendance. Managers, executives and commissioners presented a broad overview of both factors, but with less detailed views. All groups discussed sociodemographic factors, with non-attendance thought to be more likely in 'chaotic families'. Hospital interviewees emphasized child protection issues and the need for thorough follow-up of missed appointments. However, GPs were reluctant to interfere with parental responsibilities. Conclusion. Parental motivation and practical and social barriers should be considered. Responsibilities regarding missed appointments are not clear across health care sectors, but GPs are uniquely placed to address non-attendance issues and are central to child safeguarding. Primary care policies and strategies could be introduced to reduce non-attendance and ensure children receive the care they require. © The Author 2013.
Risk assessment is crucial for developing risk management plans to prevent or minimize mental health patients' risks that will impede their recovery. Risk assessments and risk management plans should be closely linked. Their content and the extent to which they are linked within one Trust is explored. There is a great deal of variability in the amount and detail of risk information collected by nurses and how this is used to develop risk management plans. Keeping risk assessment information in one place rather than scattered throughout patient records is important for ensuring it can be accessed easily and linked properly to risk management plans. Strengthening the link between risk assessment and management will help ensure interventions and care is tailored to the specific needs of individual patients, thus promoting their safety and well-being. Thorough risk assessment helps in developing risk management plans that minimize risks that can impede mental health patients' recovery. Department of Health policy states that risk assessments and risk management plans should be inextricably linked. This paper examines their content and linkage within one Trust. Four inpatient wards for working age adults (18-65 years) in a large mental health Trust in England were included in the study. Completed risk assessment forms, for all patients in each inpatient ward were examined (n= 43), followed by an examination of notes for the same patients. Semi-structured interviews took place with ward nurses (n= 17). Findings show much variability in the amount and detail of risk information collected by nurses, which may be distributed in several places. Gaps in the risk assessment and risk management process are evident, and a disassociation between risk information and risk management plans is often present. Risk information should have a single location so that it can be easily found and updated. Overall, a more integrated approach to risk assessment and management is required, to help patients receive timely and appropriate interventions that can reduce risks such as suicide or harm to others. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing.
Current tools for assessing risks associated with mental-health problems require assessors to make high-level judgements based on clinical experience. This paper describes how new technologies can enhance qualitative research methods to identify lower-level cues underlying these judgements, which can be collected by people without a specialist mental-health background. Content analysis of interviews with 46 multidisciplinary mental-health experts exposed the cues and their interrelationships, which were represented by a mind map using software that stores maps as XML. All 46 mind maps were integrated into a single XML knowledge structure and analysed by a Lisp program to generate quantitative information about the numbers of experts associated with each part of it. The knowledge was refined by the experts, using software developed in Flash to record their collective views within the XML itself. These views specified how the XML should be transformed by XSLT, a technology for rendering XML, which resulted in a validated hierarchical knowledge structure associating patient cues with risks. Changing knowledge elicitation requirements were accommodated by flexible transformations of XML data using XSLT, which also facilitated generation of multiple data-gathering tools suiting different assessment circumstances and levels of mental-health knowledge. © 2007 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved.
Failure to detect patients at risk of attempting suicide can result in tragic consequences. Identifying risks earlier and more accurately helps prevent serious incidents occurring and is the objective of the GRiST clinical decision support system (CDSS). One of the problems it faces is high variability in the type and quantity of data submitted for patients, who are assessed in multiple contexts along the care pathway. Although GRiST identifies up to 138 patient cues to collect, only about half of them are relevant for any one patient and their roles may not be for risk evaluation but more for risk management. This paper explores the data collection behaviour of clinicians using GRiST to see whether it can elucidate which variables are important for risk evaluations and when. The GRiST CDSS is based on a cognitive model of human expertise manifested by a sophisticated hierarchical knowledge structure or tree. This structure is used by the GRiST interface to provide top-down controlled access to the patient data. Our research explores relationships between the answers given to these higher-level 'branch' questions to see whether they can help direct assessors to the most important data, depending on the patient profile and assessment context. The outcome is a model for dynamic data collection driven by the knowledge hierarchy. It has potential for improving other clinical decision support systems operating in domains with high dimensional data that are only partially collected and in a variety of combinations.
Objectives: To develop a decision support system (DSS), myGRaCE, that integrates service user (SU) and practitioner expertise about mental health and associated risks of suicide, self-harm, harm to others, self-neglect, and vulnerability. The intention is to help SUs assess and manage their own mental health collaboratively with practitioners. Methods: An iterative process involving interviews, focus groups, and agile software development with 115 SUs, to elicit and implement myGRaCE requirements. Results: Findings highlight shared understanding of mental health risk between SUs and practitioners that can be integrated within a single model. However, important differences were revealed in SUs' preferred process of assessing risks and safety, which are reflected in the distinctive interface, navigation, tool functionality and language developed for myGRaCE. A challenge was how to provide flexible access without overwhelming and confusing users. Conclusion: The methods show that practitioner expertise can be reformulated in a format that simultaneously captures SU expertise, to provide a tool highly valued by SUs. A stepped process adds necessary structure to the assessment, each step with its own feedback and guidance. Practice Implications: The GRiST web-based DSS (www.egrist.org) links and integrates myGRaCE self-assessments with GRiST practitioner assessments for supporting collaborative and self-managed healthcare.