926 resultados para dissociation social values


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Multinational organizations have dramatically increased their operations in Asian countries in recent years. The success of expatriate assignments has therefore become increasingly important for multinationals. Social and cultural psychologists have proposed that host country nationals' (HCN) attitudes toward expatriates are key antecedents of interpersonally supportive behavior related to assignment success. We developed and tested a model of HCN social categorization and helping of expatriates based on the social–psychological theory. Results indicated that perceived values similarity and collectivism are negatively related to social categorization of expatriates, and that social categorization is negatively related to the provision of role information and social support by HCNs. Results are discussed in terms of their implications for theory and for organizations sending expatriates to culturally dissimilar host countries.


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This research sets out to compare the values in British and German political discourse, especially the discourse of social policy, and to analyse their relationship to political culture through an analysis of the values of health care reform. The work proceeds from the hypothesis that the known differences in political culture between the two countries will be reflected in the values of political discourse, and takes a comparison of two major recent legislative debates on health care reform as a case study. The starting point in the first chapter is a brief comparative survey of the post-war political cultures of the two countries, including a brief account of the historical background to their development and an overview of explanatory theoretical models. From this are developed the expected contrasts in values in accordance with the hypothesis. The second chapter explains the basis for selecting the corpus texts and the contextual information which needs to be recorded to make a comparative analysis, including the context and content of the reform proposals which comprise the case study. It examines any contextual factors which may need to be taken into account in the analysis. The third and fourth chapters explain the analytical method, which is centred on the use of definition-based taxonomies of value items and value appeal methods to identify, on a sentence-by-sentence basis, the value items in the corpus texts and the methods used to make appeals to those value items. The third chapter is concerned with the classification and analysis of values, the fourth with the classification and analysis of value appeal methods. The fifth chapter will present and explain the results of the analysis, and the sixth will summarize the conclusions and make suggestions for further research.


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The research is concerned with the measurement of residents' evaluations of the environmental quality of residential areas. The research reflects the increased attention being given to residents' values in planning decisions affecting the residential environment. The work was undertaken in co-operation with a local authority which was in the process of revising its housing strategy, and in particular the priorities for improvement action. The study critically examines the existing evidence on environmental values and their relationship to the environment and points to a number of methodological and conceptual deficiencies. The research strategy developed on the basis of the research review was constrained by the need to keep any survey methods simple so that they could easily be repeated, when necessary, by the sponsoring authority. A basic perception model was assumed, and a social survey carried out to measure residents' responses to different environmental conditions. The data was only assumed to have ordinal properties, necessitating the extensive use of non-parametric statistics. Residents' expressions of satisfaction with the component elements of the environment (ranging from convenience to upkeep and privacy) were successfully related to 'objective' measures of the environment. However the survey evidence did not justify the use of the 'objective' variables as environmental standards. A method of using the social survey data directly as an aid to decision-making is discussed. Alternative models of the derivation of overall satisfaction with the environment are tested, and the values implied by the additive model compared with residents' preferences as measured directly in the survey. Residents' overall satisfactions with the residential environment were most closely related to their satisfactions with the "Appearance" and the "Reputation" of their areas. By contrast the most important directly measured preference was "Friendliness of area". The differences point to the need to define concepts used in social research clearly in operational terms, and to take care in the use of values 'measured' by different methods.


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There has been a resurgence of interest in values in recent public administration research, based on two distinct arguments. For different reasons, neither approach is likely to secure a robust normative basis for public endeavours. These reasons are assessed, using an alternative body of theory rooted in contemporary social theory that we term, 'new pragmatism'. New pragmatic ideas are deployed to critique the divorce of values from facts; the abstraction of values from concrete situations; the anthropocentric foundation to social choice; the poorly developed understanding of the process of governance, with its inherent pluralism; and the seeming reluctance to articulate principles of political discourse. © 2010 The Authors. Public Administration © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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Relational demographers and dissimilarity researchers contend that group members who are dissimilar (vs. similar) to their peers in terms of a given diversity attribute (e.g. demographics, attitudes, values or traits) feel less attached to their work group, experience less satisfying and more conflicted relationships with their colleagues, and consequently are less effective. However, qualitative reviews suggest empirical findings tend to be weak and inconsistent (Chattopadhyay, Tluchowska and George, 2004; Riordan, 2000; Tsui and Gutek, 1999), and that it remains unclear when, how and to what extent such differences (i.e. relational diversity) affect group members social integration (i.e. attachment with their work group, satisfaction and conflicted relationships with their peers) and effectiveness (Riordan, 2000). This absence of meta-analytically derived effect size estimates and the lack of an integrative theoretical framework leave practitioners with inconclusive advice regarding whether the effects elicited by relational diversity are practically relevant, and if so how these should be managed. The current research develops an integrative theoretical framework, which it tests by using meta-analysis techniques and adding two further empirical studies to the literature. The first study reports a meta-analytic integration of the results of 129 tests of the relationship between relational diversity with social integration and individual effectiveness. Using meta-analytic and structural equation modelling techniques, it shows different effects of surface- and deep-level relational diversity on social integration Specifically, low levels of interdependence accentuated the negative effects of surface-level relational diversity on social integration, while high levels of interdependence accentuated the negative effects of deep-level relational diversity on social integration. The second study builds on a social self-regulation framework (Abrams, 1994) and suggests that under high levels of interdependence relational diversity is not one but two things: visibility and separation. Using ethnicity as a prominent example it was proposed that separation has a negative effect on group members effectiveness leading for those high in visibility and low in separation to overall positive additive effects, while to overall negative additive effects for those low in visibility and high in separation. These propositions were sustained in a sample of 621 business students working in 135 ethnically diverse work groups in a business simulation course over a period of 24 weeks. The third study suggests visibility has a positive effect on group members self-monitoring, while separation has a negative effect. The study proposed that high levels of visibility and low levels of separation lead to overall positive additive effects on self-monitoring but overall negative additive effects for those low in visibility and high in separation. Results from four waves of data on 261 business students working in 69 ethnically diverse work groups in a business simulation course held over a period of 24 weeks support these propositions.


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This paper considers the role of HR in ethics and social responsibility and questions why, despite an acceptance of a role in ethical stewardship, the HR profession appears to be reluctant to embrace its responsibilities in this area. The study explores how HR professionals see their role in relation to ethical stewardship of the organisation, and the factors that inhibit its execution. A survey of 113 UK-based HR professionals, working in both domestic and multinational corporations, was conducted to explore their perceptions of the role of HR in maintaining ethical and socially responsible action in their organisations, and to identify features of the organisational environment which might help or hinder this role being effectively carried out. The findings indicate that although there is a clear understanding of the expectations of ethical stewardship, HR professionals often face difficulties in fulfilling this role because of competing tensions and perceptions of their role within their organisations. A way forward is proposed, which draws on the positive individual factors highlighted in this research to explore how approaches to organisational development (through positive deviance) may reduce these tensions to enable the better fulfilment of ethical responsibilities within organisations. The involvement and active modelling of ethical behaviour by senior management, coupled with an open approach to surfacing organisational values and building HR procedures, which support socially responsible action, are crucial to achieving socially responsible organisations. Finally, this paper challenges the HR profession, through professional and academic institutions internationally, to embrace their role in achieving this. © 2013 Taylor & Francis.


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Prior research linking demographic (e.g., age, ethnicity/race, gender, and tenure) and underlying psychological (e.g., personality, attitudes, and values) dissimilarity variables to individual group member's work-related outcomes produced mixed and contradictory results. To account for these findings, this study develops a contingency framework and tests it using meta-analytic and structural equation modelling techniques. In line with this framework, results showed different effects of surface-level (i.e., demographic) dissimilarity and deep-level (i.e., underlying psychological) dissimilarity on social integration, and ultimately on individual effectiveness related outcomes (i.e., turnover, task, and contextual performance). Specifically, surface-level dissimilarity had a negative effect on social integration under low but not under high team interdependence. In return, social integration fully mediated the negative relationship between surface-level dissimilarity and individual effectiveness related outcomes under low interdependence. In contrast, deep-level dissimilarity had a negative effect on social integration, which was stronger under high and weaker under low team interdependence. Contrary to our predictions, social integration did not mediate the negative relationship between deep-level dissimilarity and individual effectiveness related outcomes but suppressed positive direct effects of deep-level dissimilarity on individual effectiveness related outcomes. Possible explanations for these counterintuitive findings are discussed. © 2011 The British Psychological Society.


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We develop the institutional configuration perspective to understand which national contexts facilitate social entrepreneurship (SE). We confirm joint effects on SE of formal regulatory (government activism), informal cognitive (postmaterialist cultural values), and informal normative (socially supportive cultural norms, or weak-tie social capital) institutions in a multilevel study of 106,484 individuals in 26 nations. We test opposing propositions from the institutional void and institutional support perspectives. Our results underscore the importance of resource support from both formal and informal institutions, and highlight motivational supply side influences on SE. They advocate greater consideration of institutional configurations in institutional theory and comparative entrepreneurship research.


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Based upon unique survey data collected using respondent driven sampling methods, we investigate whether there is a gender pay gap among social entrepreneurs in the UK. We find that women as social entrepreneurs earn 29% less than their male colleagues, above the average UK gender pay gap of 19%. We estimate the adjusted pay gap to be about 23% after controlling for a range of demographic, human capital and job characteristics, as well as personal preferences and values. These differences are hard to explain by discrimination since these CEOs set their own pay. Income may not be the only aim in an entrepreneurial career, so we also look at job satisfaction to proxy for non-monetary returns. We find female social entrepreneurs to be more satisfied with their job as a CEO of a social enterprise than their male counterparts. This result holds even when we control for the salary generated through the social enterprise. Our results extend research in labour economics on the gender pay gap as well as entrepreneurship research on women’s entrepreneurship to the novel context of social enterprise. It provides the first evidence for a “contented female social entrepreneur” paradox.


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A szerző tanulmányában a 2000 és 2010 közötti gazdasági és társadalmi változásokat és a munkával kapcsolatos értékek és attitűdök alakulását állítja időbeli párhuzamba, és azokra a kérdésekre keresi a választ, hogy milyen prioritások jellemzik 2010-ben a munka egyes aspektusaihoz való viszonyulást Közép-Kelet- Európa uniós tagállamaiban, és közöttük kiemelten Magyarországon? Vajon változtak-e ezek a jellemzők az elmúlt tíz év során, s ha igen, milyen irányú az elmozdulás. Azonos tendenciájúak-e a változások a vizsgált országokban? Megállapíthatók-e jellegzetes különbségek három kiválasztott, magas életszínvonalú, régebbi uniós (EU-15) tagországhoz viszonyítva? Elemzése jelentős mértékben támaszkodik az EVSfelmérés 2010-ben közzétett adataira, melynek alapját a 2008 és 2009 során lefolytatott adatgyűjtés képezi. Tanulmányában azokra a közép-kelet-európai országokra összpontosít, amelyek az elmúlt évtized során az unió tagjai lettek, és a 2000-es felmérésben is részt vettek már. _____ The author sets into parallelism economic and social changes and the development of values and attitudes regarding labour between 2000 and 2010, and looks for answers to questions what priorities characterize in 2010 the attitude to some aspects of labour in EU member countries of CEE, and especially in Hungary. Have these features changed in the last decade and in positive case, what is the direction of the shift? Are changes of similar tendency in countries under consideration? Can considerable differences be stated as compared to three selected, earlier EU 15 member countries with high living standard? The analysis largely relies on data of EVS survey, published in 2010 whose basis is the data collection carried out in 2008-2009. The essay focuses on Central Eastern European countries which have become members of the Union during the last decade and took part already in the survey of 2000.


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After the New University Code was issued in 1994, the university physical education program was at a crossroad in Taiwan. Physical education teachers are facing changes in the curriculum. The purpose of this study is to find a direction for the future in physical education by using a revised Value Orientation Inventory to investigate the teachers' and students' value orientations. Based on these findings, results could identify a value-based philosophy for physical education curriculum innovation at the private university in Taiwan. ^ The subjects of this study included forty-two physical education teachers and ninety-four current students in five private universities in Taipei City, Taiwan. Value Orientation Inventory were developed by Ennis and Chen (1993), was used to assess subjects on five items five value orientations. VOI data were collected and analyzed by using T-test, ANOVA, and a set of special contrasts. ^ The findings of this study indicated that ninety-four percent of the private university students and physical education teachers made consistent curricular decisions within one or more of the value orientations. Teachers perceived Disciplinary Mastery (DM) and Learning Process (LP) value orientations as the most important values. Students perceived Ecological Integration (EI) and Disciplinary Mastery as the most important values. Both teachers and students placed Social Reconstruction value orientation as the lowest value. There were significant differences between teachers' and students' value orientations. Differences were found in DM, LP, and SA (Self-Actualization). There also were significant differences between teachers' and students' value orientation based on students' gender and year at university. These findings lead to the conclusion that private university students' values are incongruent with the physical education teachers' values. The finding suggests that unless physical education teachers address students' values on EI and SA, conflict may occur. ^


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This thesis traces the mechanisms and sources responsible for the generation of civic social capital (a set of shared norms and values that promote cooperation between groups, enabling them to participate in the political process) by black churches in West Perrine, Florida. Data for this thesis includes over fifty interviews and participant observations, archival records, newspaper articles, and scholarly journals. ^ Despite the institutional racism of the first half of the twentieth century, many blacks and whites in Perrine developed levels of trust significant enough to form an integrated local governing body, evidence of high levels of csc. At mid-century, when black and white interactions ceased, Perrine's csc decreased, leading to the deterioration of Perrine's social and physical conditions. Perrine's csc increased in the 1980s by way of broad-based coalitions as Perrine's churches invested their csc in an effort to eradicate crime, clean up its neighborhood, and win back its youth. ^


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While essential to human nature, health and life have been protected since ancient times by various areas of knowledge, particularly by the Law, given its dynamics within the regulation of social interactions. In Brazil, health has been granted major importance by the Federal Constitution of 1988, which, disrupting the dictatorial authoritarianism, inaugurating a Social State and focusing on the values of freedom and human dignity, raises health to the condition of a social right, marked predominantly by an obligational bias directed, primarily, to the State, through the enforcement of public policies. Although, given the limitation of the State action to the reserve for contingencies, it turns clear that an universalizing access to public health is impossible, seen that the high cost of medical provisions hinders the State to meet all the health needs of the rightholders. As a result of the inefficiency of the State, the effort of the Constituent Assembly of 1988 in creating a hybrid health system becomes nuclear, which, marked by the possibility of exploration of healthcare by the private initiative, assigns to the private enterprise a key role in supplementing the public health system, especially through the offer of health insurance plans. At this point, however, it becomes clear that health provisions rendered by the private agents are not unlimited, which involves discussions about services and procedures that should be excluded from the contractual coverage, for purposes of sectoral balance, situation which draws the indispensability of deliberations between Fundamental Rights on one hand, related to the protection of health and life, and contractual principles on the other hand, connected to the primacy of private autonomy. At this point, the importance of the regulation undertaken by the ANS, Brazilian National Health Agency, appears primordial, which, by means of its seized broad functions, considerable autonomy and technical discretion, has conditions to implement an effective control towards the harmonization of the regulatory triangle, the stability and development of the supplementary health system and, consequently, towards the universalization of the right to health, within constitutional contours. According to this, the present essay, resorting to a broad legislative, doctrinal and jurisprudential study, concludes that economic regulation over the private healthcare sector, when legitimately undertaken, provides progress and stability to the intervening segment and, besides, turns healthcare universalization feasible, in a way that it can not be replaced efficiently by any other State function.


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Studies reveal that in recent decades a decrease in sleep duration has occurred. Social commitments, such as work and school are often not aligned to the "biological time" of individuals. Added to this, there is a reduced force of zeitgeber caused by less exposure to daylight and larger exposure to evenings. This causes a chronic sleep debt that is offset in a free days. Indeed, a restriction and extent of sleep called "social Jet lag" occurs weekly. Sleep deprivation has been associated to obesity, cancer, and cardiovascular risk. It is suggested that the autonomic nervous system is a pathway that connects sleep problems to cardiovascular diseases. However, beyond the evidence demonstrated by studies using models of acute and controlled sleep deprivation, studies are needed to investigate the effects of chronic sleep deprivation as it occurs in the social jet lag. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of social jet lag in circadian rest-activity markers and heart function in medical students. It is a cross-sectional, observational study conducted in the Laboratory of Neurobiology and Biological Rhythmicity (LNRB) at the Department of Physiology UFRN. Participated in the survey medical students enrolled in the 1st semester of their course at UFRN. Instruments for data collection: Munich Chronotype Questionnaire, Morningness Eveningness Questionnaire of Horne and Östberg, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Epworth Sleepiness Scale, Actimeter; Heart rate monitor. Analysed were descriptive variables of sleep, nonparametric (IV60, IS60, L5 and M10) and cardiac indexes of time domain, frequency (LF, HF LF / HF) and nonlinear (SD1, SD2, SD1 / SD2). Descriptive, comparative and correlative statistical analysis was performed with SPSS software version 20. 41 students participated in the study, 48.8% (20) females and 51.2% (21) males, 19.63 ± 2.07 years. The social jet lag had an average of 02: 39h ± 00:55h, 82.9% (34) with social jet lag ≥ 1h and there was a negative correlation with the Munich chronotype score indicating greater sleep deprivation in subjects prone to eveningness. Poor sleep quality was detected in 90.2% (37) (X2 = 26.56, p <0.001) and 56.1% (23) excessive daytime sleepiness (X2 = 0.61, p = 0.435). Significant differences were observed in the values of LFnu, HFnu and LF / HF between the groups of social jet lag <2h and ≥ 2h and correlation of the social jet lag with LFnu (rs = 0.354, p = 0.023), HFnu (rs = - 0.354 , p = 0.023) and LF / HF (r = 0.355, p = 0.023). There was also a negative association between IV60 and indexes in the time domain and non-linear. It is suggested that chronic sleep deprivation may be associated with increased sympathetic activation promoting greater cardiovascular risk.


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In marmosets, it was observed that the synchrony among circadian activity profiles of animals that cohabite in family groups is stronger than those of the same sex and age of different families. Inside the group, it is stronger between the younger ones than between them and their parents. However, the mechanisms involved in the social synchrony are unknown. With the aim to investigate the synchronization mechanisms involved in the synchrony between the circadian activity profiles during cohabitation in pairs of marmosets, the motor activity was continuously registered by the use of actmeters on three dyads. The pairs were maintained in two different conditions of illumination: light-dark cycle LD 12:12 (LD cohabitation I – 21 days), and thereafter in LL (~350 lux). Under LL, the pairs were submitted to four experimental situations: 1. Cohabitation (LLJ I – 24 days), 2. Removal of one member of the pair to another room with similar conditions (LLS I – 20 days), 3. Reintroduction of the separated member in the cage of the first situation (LLJ II – 30 days) and 4. Removal of a member from each pair to another experimental room (LLS II – 7 days), to evaluate the mechanisms of synchronization. Ultimately, the members of each pair were reintroduced in the cage and were kept in LD cycle 12:12 (LDJ II – 11 days). The rhythms of pairs free-ran in LL, with identical periods between the members of each pair during the two stages of cohabitation. In the stages in which the animals were separated, only the rhythms of two females free-ran in the first stage and of three animals in the second one. In those conditions, the rhythms of animals of each pair showed different endogenous periods. Besides, during cohabitation in LD and LL, the members of each pair showed a stable phase relationship in the beginning of the active phase, while in the stages in which the animals were separated it was noticed a breaking in the stability in the phase relationships between the circadian activity profiles, with an increase in the difference in the phase angles between them. During cohabitation, at the transition between LD and LL, all animals showed free-running rhythms anticipating progressively the beginning and the end of the active phase in a phase similar to the previous condition, showing signs of entrainment to the previous LD. While in the posterior stages this was observed in only three animals between: LLT I and LLS I, and LLT II and LLS II, evidencing signs of entrainment to social cues between the members of each pair. On the other hand, one animal delayed progressively between LLT I and LLS I, three animals delayed between LLS I and LLT II, and three animals between LLT II and LLS II, perhaps by entrainment to the animals maintained outdoors in the colony. Similar process was observed in four animals between LLS II and LDT II, indicating entrainment to LD. In the transition between LLS I and LLT II, signs of masking was observed in the rhythm of a female in response to the male and in another pair in the rhythm of the male in regard to that of the female. The general and maximum correlations in the circadian activity profiles were stronger during cohabitation in LD and LL than in the absence of social contact in LL, evidencing the social effect. The cohabiting pairs had higher values of the maximum correlation in LD and LL than when the profiles were correlated to animals of different cages, with same or different sexes. Similar results were observed in the general correlation. Therefore, it is suggested that cohabitation induces a strong synchrony between circadian activity profiles in marmosets, which involves entrainment and masking. Nevertheless, additional studies are necessary to evaluate the effect of social cues on the synchronization of the circadian rhythm in pairs of marmosets in the absence of external social cues in order to confirm this hypothesis.