846 resultados para discursivo e metalingüistico


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O estudo da proposta foucaultiana sobre o poder possibilita focalizar as diferenças sociais de gênero como “multiformes e integradas” com outros pontos de poder, os quais não podem ser reduzidos à estrutura binária dominante/dominado, na relação homem/mulher. Portanto, não existe uma estrutura de “opressão de gênero” universal e mono-causal, pois os diferentes contextos discursivos geram campos atravessados por relações de forças muito diversas e variadas, e uma dinâmica de posições de sujeito que também é regulada e aberta a contingências. Por um lado, pensando nas diferenças de gênero e no posicionamento do sujeito dentro do marco de referência nas primeiras décadas do século XX, no qual há a afirmação do papel da mulher como um sujeito social, público, intelectual e artista, mas também assumindo sua categoria de Mãe e Mulher em uma sociedade patriarcalmente estruturada e, por outro lado, vislumbradas a partir das contribuições teóricas da crítica feminista, da crítica literária feminista e, especialmente, da crítica pós-feminista, denominada pósfoucaultiana por July Cháneton (2007), no sentido em que estas teóricas incorporam critica e produtivamente as idéias de Foucault sobre gênero, subjetividade e poder, verificamos como o discursivo-literário de Alfonsina Storni representa a construção de uma subjetividade feminina de posição identitária “múltipla e contraditória”, como parte constitutiva de uma diversidade de posições-sujeito feminina.


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With the purpose of analyzing the function developed byt the fable, this paper begins with its definition, historically linked to the rhetorical art, the teaching force and the literary value, to reach a grammatical analysis of the narrative structure in which genre is presented. From the functionalist point of view, the function determines the structure, and, accordingly, this study shows the fable resolved in specific modes of activation of the utterance formation basic processes such as the establishment of predications and the creation of the referential network of its participants. Since the beginning, the discursive activation of properties is crucial, which, working toward specific goals, configure linguistic characteristics that define the specific nature of the fable


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Based on functional theory, the text discusses the relations between spoken language and written language, defending not only the existence of a sole grammatical system for both, but also the relevance of studies contemplating specificities of use, some of these being more directed toward interaction, and others being more directed toward system. The investigation that aims to prove these premises used the chronicle as examination material, due to its linguistic colloquialism in general and due to the chronicler’s personal engagement, which involve linguistic strategies available for the expression of information and for the reader’s understanding. The investigation was concentrated on the discourse parenthesis, especially on its connection with the degree of language planning and with the creation of view plans and the establishment of emphasis. It was concluded that the resource of parenthesis both represents linguistic informality (which is more directed toward speaking) and shows the care with preparation and marking of style (which is more directed toward writing), illustrating specificities.


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In this paper, we analyze reader’s letters of the first copies of the Revista Língua Portuguesa. This work aims to expand the study of the relations, in this magazine, between discourses that come from different spheres of communication, as the Bakhtin Circle considers. The intention is to develop by studying the speech genre “reader’s letter” a reflection on the construction of the recipient’s image in the journal, i.e. the teacher. It is analyzed the discursive ethos and the representation of the teacher created by the readers.


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The main objective of this paper is to answer the following question: how can we draw a parallel, during the analysis of the data, between children who are at different moments in the language acquisition process or who belong to different populations (children that are monolingual, bilingual, with language disorders, etc.)? In order to answer this question, we are discussing the advantages and limitations of adopting a measure like MLU, from English Mean Length of Utterance, or EME as it was named in Brazil, proposed by Roger Brown (1973). We intend to verify the effective contribution of these measures to the studies in the area and propose an adaptation in the studies that use a qualitative approach. Firstly, we recall the study of the criteria proposed by Brown (1973), Scliar-Cabral (1976), Parker & Brorson (2005), Parisse & Le Normand (2006), and Araújo (2007), and by scholars of Brazilian Portuguese morphology, like Câmara Jr (2009), Monteiro (2002), and Kehdi (1990), among others. Secondly, from a dialogic-discursive point of view (BAKHTIN, 2006; BAKHTIN/ VOLOSHINOV, 1992, 1981), we provide as an example the research on the plural in the language acquisition process (HILÁRIO, 2010, 2011b, 2012). The reflections made indicate that EME may be a useful measure for the researches on language acquisition. Nevertheless, adaptations should be done and its inherent problems should be taken into account, especially if other factors are considered – like the age, the number of types/occurrences, the maximum limit of items per utterance etc. – although it is not the only parameter of analysis. Considering that EME may vary according to the conditions of production and may not reflect the qualitative changes in the children’s discourse, other factors should be analyzed, like the context of the discourse, the participants involved etc.


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In the last decade, pedagogical proposals for language teaching that aimed at developing the students’ literacy have raised an important question regarding the elaboration of language teaching plans concerning the role of grammar. How should we treat the relationship grammar-text in this new perspective? The aim of this paper is to propose a way of integrating text and grammar in an English course plan for Information Technology (IT) students which gives priority to the reading ability. We have based our proposal on concepts from English for Specific Purpose (ESP) by focusing on reading and also on literacy and text gender studies.


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This article aims at the application of semiotic theory of French line to soap advertisements publicized in the magazine O Cruzeiro in the year 1949. Our objective is to reconstruct the women’s figure present in these texts and to establish its relation to the persuasion of the reader who is led to acquire not only the products, but mainly the values hidden in the announced objects. From the theory we use the generative course of meaning, focusing on the discourse level and assimilating the consumption axiologies proposed by each advertisement. Finally, we intend to assimilate the standard behavior of that society post-Second World War.


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À utopia de um presente forte modernista que edificaria um futuro grandioso, a literatura contemporânea registra riscos, tensões existenciais, violência moral e física, justaposições espaciais, ilusões referenciais. O artista contemporâneo, consciente da incerteza do futuro e da queda das utopias, empurra o presente e aceita supressões temporais. Para reflexão sobre o fato, selecionamos, da produção modernista e contemporânea, os poemas “O elefante”, de Carlos Drummond de Andrade, e “Notas de oficina”, de Alberto Martins. O estudo desses textos deve favorecer a compreensão do diálogo estabelecido entre os dois momentos. O elefante drummondiano, apesar da frágil condição de execução e da indiferença dos leitores, não desestabiliza o criador, que afirma: “Amanhã recomeço”. As “Notas de oficina” registradas pelo eu poético criado por Alberto Martins discutem o sofrimento do criador proveniente do processo criativo e indicam que o corpo do artesão sofre fisicamente as dificuldades do fazer artístico e despende mais tempo de descanso que de execução. A elipse temporal estende-se e impede a criação porque o erro é incompreensível e consequentemente não ajustado pelo eu poético. O artista contemporâneo revela a condição limite entre o fazer discursivo e sua impossibilidade, entre a ignorância e a dor de saber que “alguma coisa está errada”.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este artigo estuda os usos de assim, com o objetivo de descrever seu comportamento sintático, semântico e pragmático à luz dos pressupostos teóricos da gramaticalização, entendida como parte do estudo linguístico que focaliza a mudança que se dá a partir de um processo gradual de pragmatização do significado, que envolve estratégias de caráter inferencial, que aumentam a informação pragmática, e estratégias metafóricas, que acarretam a abstratização (TRAUGOTT, 1982, 1995). Sugere-se uma trajetória unidirecional que parte do proposicional ao textual e à (inter)subjetivização, relativa ao fato de que os falantes desenvolvem significados novos para lexemas já existentes.


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Based on a functionalist approach, this paper analyzes the modalized expression pode ser as a complement-taking predicate which embeds a proposition (pode ser1) and as an independent structure (pode ser2), in contemporary written and spoken Brazilian Portuguese texts. We aim to identify degrees of (inter)subjectivity, revealing a process of (inter)subjectification (TRAUGOTT, 2010 among others). The analysis carried out in this paper is supported by parameters of (inter)subjectivity of modal elements (TRAUGOTT; DASHER, 2002) and by the notion of modality as a multifunctional category, serving not only to encodethe speaker’s attitude regarding the modalized content, but also as a pragmatic strategy, as a regulator of communicative situation. The exam reveals pode ser as a strongly demanded structure in interaction, a fairly requested set and also productive and useful for interpersonal relationships. The examination of semantic, discursive and morphosyntactic properties indicates a shift from syntax (pode ser1) to discourse (pode ser2), interpreted as a development of (inter)subjectification.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)