974 resultados para circulação retrobulbar


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O objetivo da pesquisa foi o de identificar tratamentos capazes de superar a dormência e elevar a taxa de germinação das sementes de Panicum maximum Jacq., passíveis de utilização visando semeadura a campo. Para tanto, sementes foram submetidas a tratamentos de imersão em H2SO4 (98%, 36N) por 5 minutos, de umedecimento do substrato de germinação com KNO3 (0,2%) e a tratamentos térmicos de 40, 55, 70 e 85OC por períodos de exposição de 5, 10 e 15h, em estufa com circulação forçada de ar. As sementes tratadas foram avaliadas por meio do teste de germinação, finalizado pelo teste de tetrazólio nas sementes não germinadas, bimestralmente, ao longo de 6 meses de armazenamento. Foi constatado que os tratamentos químicos (KNO3 e H2SO4) e térmicos (40, 55, 70 e 85 oC por 5, 10 e 15 h) são eficientes na superação da dormência que, não necessariamente, é revertida em elevação da taxa de germinação. A utilização da temperatura de 40oC reduz a taxa de dormência promovendo elevação na taxa de germinação das sementes.


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O trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a tolerância à dessecação e a influência do tegumento na germinação de sementes de citrumelo 'Swingle'. As sementes foram extraídas manualmente e, em seguida, foi determinado o grau de umidade das sementes. Foi retirada uma amostra referente ao tratamento com o maior grau de umidade (48%) a ser estudado, e as demais foram submetidas à secagem em estufa com circulação forçada de ar (32±2ºC), visando à obtenção dos outros tratamentos com diferentes graus de umidade. O teste de germinação foi instalado em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, num fatorial 6x2 (grau de umidade x presença ou ausência de tegumento), com quatro repetições de 25 sementes por parcela. Após a obtenção de cada tratamento as sementes foram tratadas com o fungicida Thiabendazole (0,4g.kg-1), semeadas em folhas de papel toalha umedecidas e confeccionados rolos que foram mantidos em câmara de germinação a 25ºC sob luz constante. As avaliações foram realizadas a cada sete dias até o 35º dia, sendo determinadas as porcentagens de germinação na primeira contagem, plântulas anormais, sementes mortas, sementes dormentes e germinação total. Também foram calculados o tempo médio e o índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG). Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância, e as médias, comparadas pelo teste Tukey, a 5% de probabilidade. As sementes toleraram a dessecação até baixos níveis de umidade (16%), e a retirada do tegumento favoreceu o processo germinativo em sementes de citrumelo 'Swingle'.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi o de identificar tratamentos que, capazes de superar a dormência das sementes de Cenchrus echinatus, fossem favorá veis à germinação e passíveis de serem aplicados visando semeadura à campo. Para tanto, 4 lotes de sementes foram submetidos a tratamentos de escarificação mecânica, de retirada do invólucro de brácteas espinhosas e das glumas para a separa ção da cariopse , de imer são em KNO3 (1%) por 5 e 20 minuto s, imer sã o em KNO3 (1, 3 e 5%) por 5 minutos, de imersão em H2O por 5 minutos, de armazenamento a 5°C/ 7 dias, de exposição à 40, 55 e 70°C/ 8h em estufa com circulação forçada de ar e de imersão em H2SO4 (98%, 36N) por 1; 5 e 15 minutos seguida por lavagem em água co rren te. As sementes tratadas foram avaliadas por meio dos testes de germinação e de emergência de plântulas; de primeira contagem de germinação e de emergência de plântulas, de velocidade germinação e de emergência. Os tratamentos de escarificação mecânic a, da cariopse nua e de imersão das sementes em KNO3 (1 a 3%) por 5 minutos são técnicas de superação da dormência capazes de implementar a emergência em condições de campo.


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Visando a obtenção de um tratamento para acelerar a germinação de sementes de Desmodium tortuosum (Sw.) DC., foram realizados dois experimentos, nos quais, segmentos unisseminados de lomentos (testemunha) foram submetidos a debulha manual; debulha manual seguida por escarificação manual empregando-se lixa n. 220; debulha mecânica (processador doméstico ); escarificação química com H2SO4 (95%) por 1,5 e 8 mim pré-aquecimento à 53°C por 4,10 e 16h em estufa com circulação forçada de ar; embebição, utilizando-se H,0 à 80°C por 1,3,5 e 10 min; H20 à 27°C por 2h e embebição com alternância térmica (H,0 à 80°C/ 5min e H20 à 13 °C / 1min) . Para a avaliação dos tratamentos foram empregados os testes de germinação, de emergência de plântulas em solo (E), de primeira contagem de germinação (PG) e de emergência (PE), índices de velocidade de germinação (I.V.G.) e de emergência (I.V.E.), e o comprimento de plântulas (CP). 0 delineamento estatístico adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado com 4 repetições de 100 (G, PG, I.V.G.) ou 20 sementes (C P) por tratamento no primeiro experimento e 4 repetições de 50 (G, PG, I.V.G.) ou 100 sementes (E, PE, I.V.E.) no segundo experimento. No primeiro experimento, os tratamentos que provocaram significativa redução da dormência (D) e, conseqüente elevação da germinação (G), em comparação à testemunha (D=82%; G=15%) foram, em ordem decrescente de eficácia: debulha e escarificação manuais (D=3%; G= 92%), debu lha mecânica (D=13%; G= 81%), embebição em H20 à 80°C por 1min (D=68%; G= 29%) e por 3 min (D=65%; G=32%). No segundo experimento, (testemunha com D=93% e G=3%) destacaram-se: debulha e escarificação manuais (D=2%; G= 93%), debulha mecânica (D = 2%; G = 87%), embebição em H20 à 80°C por 5min e alternância térmica (ambos com D=85% e G= 11%). 0s testes de vigor PC, I.V. G., I.V. E., CP, e E corroboraram esses resultados. 0s métodos de escarificação manual com lixa 220 e debulha mecânica, empregando-se processa dor, podem ser recomendados para a superação da dormência e promoção da germinação de sementes de D. tortuosum.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade fisiológica das sementes de milho-doce em função do teor de água na colheita e da temperatura de secagem em espiga. O experimento foi instalado na área experimental da FCA/Unesp, Botucatu-SP. Utilizou-se a cultivar BR 400 (bt) 'Super doce'. O delineamento experimental empregado foi o de blocos ao acaso com seis repetições, constituindo os tratamentos as épocas de colheitas. As colheitas das espigas foram iniciadas após a maturidade fisiológica; após despalhadas e divididas em duas porções, as espigas foram submetidas a secagem em estufas com circulação forçada nas temperaturas de 30 e 40ºC. Foi utilizada uma testemunha com sementes secadas no campo com 10,1% de teor de água. Foram determinados os teores de água das sementes, inicial e após a secagem, de todas as colheitas. Após a secagem, as espigas foram debulhadas manualmente, as sementes acondicionadas em saco de papel e armazenadas em condições ambientais de laboratório. As avaliações da qualidade fisiológica das sementes (emergência de plântulas no campo, índice de velocidade de emergência, matéria seca de plântulas, germinação, vigor-primeira contagem do teste de germinação, envelhecimento acelerado, teste de frio, condutividade elétrica e teores de Ca, Mg, K e Na lixiviados na solução do teste de condutividade elétrica) foram realizadas antes e após seis meses de armazenamento. As sementes de milho-doce cultivar BR 400 (bt), com teor de água igual ou menor do que 35%, podem ser submetidas à secagem em espiga a temperatura de 30 ou 40ºC, sem perdas significativas em sua qualidade fisiológica.


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The waste in the industries of escargot processing is very big. This is composed basically of escargot meat out of the commercialization patterns and the visceras. In this context, there is a need to take advantage to the use of these sub-products. A possibility should be drying them and transforming them in a certain form to be reused. Than, the present work has the objective of studying the reutilization of the sub-products of the escargot industrialization for by means of drying process. The samples were transformed in pastes, through a domestic processor for approximately 1 minute and compacted in trays of aluminum without perforations with three different heights (5 mm, 10 mm and 15 mm). The drying was accomplished in a tray dryer with air circulation and transverse flow at a speed of 0,2 m/s and three temperature levels (70°C, 80°C and 90ºC). A drying kinetics study was accomplished for the obtained curves and for the heat and mass transfer coefficients using experimental procedures based in an experimental planning of 22 factorial type. Microbiological and physiochemical analysis were also accomplished for the in nature and the dehydrated sub-products. In the drying process, it was observed the great importance of the external resistances to the mass transfer and heat in the period of constant tax influenced by the temperature. The evaporation taxes indicated a mixed control of the mass transfer for the case of the thickest layers. As already expected, the drying constant behavior was influenced by the temperature and thickness of the medium, increasing and decreasing. The statistical analysis of the results, in agreement with the factorial planning 22, showed that the fissures, the shrinking of the transfer area and the formation of a crust on the surface might have contributed to the differences between the practical results and the linear model proposed. The temperature and the thickness influenced significantly in the answers of the studied variables: evaporation tax and drying constant. They were obtained significant statistical models and predictive ones for evaporation tax for the meat as well as for the visceras


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Vegetables drying plays an important role in the field of food dehydration, being a very old practice that was originated from sun drying items of food in order to preserve them to be consumed during the periods of scarcity. One of these vegetables is the tomato, that was originally grown in South America. Tomatoes are easily perishable after being picked up from the tree and this makes the process of tomato dehydration a challenge due to the high amount of water (95%) contained in them. The present research work was mainly intended to develop alternative processes for tomato conservation, by drying slices of skinned and unskinned tomatoes in the in natura form or in the osmotically pre-dehydrated form. Firstly, the best conditions of the osmotic pre-dehydration process were defined including temperature, immersion time and concentration of the osmotic solution, based on the results of water loss, solids gain and weigh reduction of the pre-dehydration tomatoes at different processing conditions. The osmotic solution used was made up of NaCl (5 and 10%) and sucrose (25 and 35%) at different combinations. For a fixed conditions of osmotic pre-dehydration, the drying tests of the pre-processed and in natura tomatoes were carried out in a stove with air circulation and a convective dryer with trays, at two levels of temperature. The sensorial analysis of the osmotically pre-treated and unskinned dehydrated tomatoes was carried out as well as a study on the their shelf-live. The results obtained showed that the drying of the tomatoes took place as a result of the internal control of the water transport, and did not show a constant rate, while two distinct periods of the decreasing phase were observed. The osmotic pre treatment substancially reduced the initial amount of humidity in the tomatoes, thus reducing the necessary time for the product to attain levels of intermediate humidity. The impermeability of the tomato skin was identified as well as the unfavorable influence of the pre-treatment on the unskinned tomatoes, whose solid gain brought about a decrease in the water activity with subsequent reduction of the drying rate. Despite the various simplifications carried out during the development of this study, the proposed diffusive model adjusted to the experimental data satisfactorily, thus making it possible to determine the effective coefficients of diffusion, whose results were consistent and compatible with those found in the current literature. Concerning the higher rates of evaporation and the lowest processing time, the best results were obtained in the drying of the unskinned, in natura tomatoes and of the skinned, pre-dehydrated tomatoes, at 60ºC, both processed in the convective drier. The results of the sensorial analysis of the unskinned and pre-treated product did not prove to be satisfactory. Regarding the shelf-live of the tomatoes, for a period of 45 days, no physicochemical or microbiological alteration of the product was noted


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In the area of food dehydration, drying of vegetables has a very representative position, it has the objective to preserve the surplus of crops and began with sun drying. Among the vegetable is the carrot, which had its origin in Southeast Asia and in Brazil is a vegetable cultivated enough. The principal objective of this works is to find alternative ways for the conservation of carrot slices by osmotic dehydration with additional drying in heart. Were initially defined the best conditions of pre-osmotic dehydration (temperature, immersion time, type of osmotic solution) based on the results of humidity loss, solid gain, weight reduction and efficiency ratio of predehydrated carrots slices. The osmotic solutions used were composed by NaCl (10%) and sucrose (50 ° Brix) named DO1 and sucrose (50 ° Brix) called DO2. Was made experiment of pre-osmotic dehydration of carrot slices in two temperature levels, with complementary drying in heart with air circulation at 70 º C. Sensory analysis was performed and the study of slices dehydration osmotically and the slices without osmotic treatment. The best results were obtained with the solution DO1 60°C with immersion time of 60 min. The drying of carrot slices presented period of constant rate and decreasing rate. The osmotic pre-treatment reduced the initial humidity of carrot slices, reducing the time to the product to reach the same humidity content. Fick's model, considering the shrinkage, and the Page s model, adapt satisfactorily to experimental datas, allowing the determination of effective diffusion coefficients, consistent with the references. The results of sensory analysis of dry product, showed greater acceptance of sliced carrots with osmotic treatment


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In this research, the drying process of acerola waste was investigated by using a spouted bed drier. The process was conducted using high density polyethylene inert particles with the objective of producing an ascorbic acid-rich final product. The fruit waste was ground and used to prepare different water-maltodextrin suspensions. Initially, fluidynamical experiments were conducted in order to evaluate the feeding effect on the spouted bed drier fluidynamics behavior. The experimental planning 23 + 3 was used to investigate the effect of the following variables: solids concentration, drying air temperature, intermittence time, production efficiency, solids retention and product losses by elutriation of fine particles on drier walls. The effect of selected independent variables on the drier stability was also evaluated based on a parameter defined as the ratio between the feed suspension volume and the total inert particles volume. Finally, the powder quality was verified in experiments with fixed feed flow and varying air drying temperature, drying air velocity and intermittence time. It was observed that the suspension interferes in the spouted bed drier fluidynamics behavior, and higher air flow is necessary to stabilize the drier. The suspension also promotes the expansion of the spouted bed diameter, decreases the solid circulation and favors the air distribution at the flush area. All variables interfere in the spouted bed performance, and the solids concentration has a major effect on the material retention and losses. The intermittence time also has great effect on the stability and material retention. When it comes to production efficiency, the main effect observed was the drying air temperature. First order models were well adjusted to retention and losses data. The acerola powder presented ascorbic acid levels around 600 to 700 mg/100g. Similar moisture and ascorbic acid levels were obtained for powders obtained by spouted bed and spray drier. However, the powder production efficiency of the spray drier was lower when compared to spouted bed drier. When it comes to energetic analysis, the spray drier process was superior. The results obtained for spouted bed drier are promising and highly dependent on the operational parameters chosen, but in general, it is inferred that this drying process is adequate for paste and suspension drying


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This work studies two methods for drying sunflower grains grown in the western region of Rio Grande do Norte, in the premises of the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte - IFRN - Campus Apodi. This initiative was made because of the harvested grain during the harvest, being stored in sheds without any control of temperature, humidity etc. Therewith, many physical, chemical and physiological characteristics are compromised and grains lose much quality for oil production as their germination power. Taking into account that most of the stored grain is used for replanting, the studied methods include drying of grains in a thin layer using an oven with air circulation (fixed bed) and drying in a spouted bed. It was studied the drying of grains in natura, i.e., newly harvested. The fixed bed drying was carried out at temperatures of 40, 50, 60 and 70°C. Experiments in spouted bed were performed based on an experimental design, 2² + 3, with three replications at the central point, where the independent variables were grains load (1500, 2000 and 2500 g) and the temperature of the inlet air (70, 80, and 90 °C), obtaining the drying and desorption equilibrium isotherms. Previously, the characteristic curves of the bed were obtained. Both in the fixed bed as in the spouted bed, drying and desorption curves were obtained by weighing the grains throughout the experiments and measurements of water activity, respectively. The grains drying in the spouted bed showed good results with significant reduction of processing time. The models of FICK and PAGE were fitted to the experimental data, models which will represent the drying of grains both in the fixed bed as in the spouted bed. The desorption curves showed no influence of the processing temperature in the hygroscopic characteristics of the grains. The models of GAB, OSWIN and LUIKOV could well represent the desorption isotherms


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In the present work are established initially the fundamental relationships of thermodynamics that govern the equilibrium between phases, the models used for the description of the behavior non ideal of the liquid and vapor phases in conditions of low pressures. This work seeks the determination of vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) data for a series of multicomponents mixtures of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons, prepared synthetically starting from substances with analytical degree and the development of a new dynamic cell with circulation of the vapor phase. The apparatus and experimental procedures developed are described and applied for the determination of VLE data. VLE isobarics data were obtained through a Fischer s ebulliometer of circulation of both phases, for the systems pentane + dodecane, heptane + dodecane and decane + dodecane. Using the two new dynamic cells especially projected, of easy operation and low cost, with circulation of the vapor phase, data for the systems heptane + decane + dodecane, acetone + water, tween 20 + dodecane, phenol + water and distillation curves of a gasoline without addictive were measured. Compositions of the equilibrium phases were found by densimetry, chromatography, and total organic carbon analyzer. Calibration curves of density versus composition were prepared from synthetic mixtures and the behavior excess volumes were evaluated. The VLE data obtained experimentally for the hydrocarbon and aqueous systems were submitted to the test of thermodynamic consistency, as well as the obtained from the literature data for another binary systems, mainly in the bank DDB (Dortmund Data Bank), where the Gibbs-Duhem equation is used obtaining a satisfactory data base. The results of the thermodynamic consistency tests for the binary and ternary systems were evaluated in terms of deviations for applications such as model development. Later, those groups of data (tested and approved) were used in the KijPoly program for the determination of the binary kij parameters of the cubic equations of state original Peng-Robinson and with the expanded alpha function. These obtained parameters can be applied for simulation of the reservoirs petroleum conditions and of the several distillation processes found in the petrochemistry industry, through simulators. The two designed dynamic cells used equipments of national technology for the determination of VLE data were well succeed, demonstrating efficiency and low cost. Multicomponents systems, mixtures of components of different molecular weights and also diluted solutions may be studied in these developed VLE cells


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Nowadays, Brazil has both the greatest goat herd and the greatest goat milk production of South America. The state of Rio Grande do Norte, located in northeast of Brazil, has an average year production of three thousand cubic meters of goat milk in natura. Part of this milk production is homemade and it comes from small farms, which unite in rural cooperatives created to encourage the production and implementation of industrial processes for preservation and processing of milk. Results presented by literature and obtained from preliminary essays in this thesis show that non conventional dryer of spouted bed with inert particles is able to produce powder milk from in natura milk (cattle or goat), with the same quality of spray dryer, however, operating at low cost. The method of drying in spouted bed consists of injecting milk emulsion on the bed of inert particles gushed by hot air. This emulsion covers the particles with a thin film, which dries and is reduced to powder during the circulation of inerts inside the bed. The powder is dragged by exhaustion air and separated in the cyclone. The friction among particles resulted from the particles circulation, encourages high taxes of shear in the thin film of emulsion, breaking the cohesive forces and making this process possible. Studying the drying process and the powder goat milk production in one unit of spouted bed with inert particles, seeing the development of a low cost technological route for powder milk production is the aim of this thesis. The powder milk produced by this route must attend the local demand of food industries which need an intermediate product to be used as a food ingredient (ice-cream, milk candy). In order to reach this aim, this thesis approaches the aspects related to physical, thermodynamics and physic-chemicals characteristics of goat milk, whose complete data are still inexistent in the literature. The properties of materials are of great importance to the project of any process which involves the operations of transportation of movement, heat and mass quantity, such as the dryers which operate in fluid dynamically active regime, like the spouted bed. It was obtained new data related to the goat milk properties in function of concentration of solids and temperature. It is also important to mention the study developed about the kinetic of solids retention in the bed of inert particles during the drying of goat milk. It was found more adequate processes conditions to the proposed technological route to be implemented in small and micro-industries, with simplifications in the system of milk injection as well as in the form of operation of the dryer. Important data were obtained for a posterior stage of this research which involves the v modeling, simulation, control and optimization of the process. The results obtained in this thesis, in relation to process performance as well as to the quality of produced powder milk validate the proposal of using the spouted bed dryer in the production of powder goat milk


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In the present work are established initially the fundamental relationships of thermodynamics that govern the equilibrium between phases, the models used for the description of the behavior non ideal of the liquid and vapor phases in conditions of low pressures. This work seeks the determination of vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) data for a series of multicomponents mixtures of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons, prepared synthetically starting from substances with analytical degree and the development of a new dynamic cell with circulation of the vapor phase. The apparatus and experimental procedures developed are described and applied for the determination of VLE data. VLE isobarics data were obtained through a Fischer's ebulliometer of circulation of both phases, for the systems pentane + dodecane, heptane + dodecane and decane + dodecane. Using the two new dynamic cells especially projected, of easy operation and low cost, with circulation of the vapor phase, data for the systems heptane + decane + dodecane, acetone + water, tween 20 + dodecane, phenol + water and distillation curves of a gasoline without addictive were measured. Compositions of the equilibrium phases were found by densimetry, chromatography, and total organic carbon analyzer. Calibration curves of density versus composition were prepared from synthetic mixtures and the behavior excess volumes were evaluated. The VLE data obtained experimentally for the hydrocarbon and aqueous systems were submitted to the test of thermodynamic consistency, as well as the obtained from the literature data for another binary systems, mainly in the bank DDB (Dortmund Data Bank), where the Gibbs-Duhem equation is used obtaining a satisfactory data base. The results of the thermodynamic consistency tests for the binary and ternary systems were evaluated in terms of deviations for applications such as model development. Later, those groups of data (tested and approved) were used in the KijPoly program for the determination of the binary kij parameters of the cubic equations of state original Peng-Robinson and with the expanded alpha function. These obtained parameters can be applied for simulation of the reservoirs petroleum conditions and of the several distillation processes found in the petrochemistry industry, through simulators. The two designed dynamic cells used equipments of national technology for the determination Humberto Neves Maia de Oliveira Tese de Doutorado PPGEQ/PRH-ANP 14/UFRN of VLE data were well succeed, demonstrating efficiency and low cost. Multicomponents systems, mixtures of components of different molecular weights and also diluted solutions may be studied in these developed VLE cells


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Este artigo trata da configuração de uma rede intelectual de dimensão internacional que uniu a América Latina e a Península Ibérica, a partir de meados do século XIX. Objetivamos analisar o papel dos intelectuais e órgãos de imprensa na formação dessa rede e discutir suas idéias e projetos, à luz do contexto político e do debate cultural. Consideramos que a ação dos intelectuais e da imprensa contribuiu para a configuração de um espaço singular de circulação de idéias e de formação de uma opinião pública ibero-americana.