999 resultados para basic addtion facts


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Little is known about the link between Executive Functioning (EF) and academic performance in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and how such links develop over time. This study examined word reading, basic mathematics, attention switching, sustained attention and their development. Two age, gender and perceptual IQ matched groups of cognitively able 7-12 year olds (ASD N = 40; typical developing [TYP] N = 40) were assessed at baseline and one year later, completing Word Reading and Numerical Operations tests and computerized tasks tapping attention switching and sustained attention. Children with ASD had similar word reading and numerical operations performance and similar development of these skills relative to TYP children. A delay in attention switching but similar development was found in children with ASD relative to TYP children. The EF tasks were correlated with reading and mathematics in ASD children only, however, in regression analyses these factors were not significant predictors of Time 2 reading and mathematics after accounting for Time 1 reading and mathematics scores. These findings indicate similar word reading and mathematics development but atypical attention profiles in cognitively able children with ASD. Implications for educators are discussed.


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 A material model for more effective analysis of plastic deformation of sheet materials is presented in this paper. The model is capable of considering the following aspects of plastic deformation behavior of sheet materials: the anisotropy in yielding stresses in different directions by using a quadratic yield function (based on Hill’s 1948 model and stress ratios), the anisotropy in work hardening by introducing non-constant flow stress hardening in different directions, the anisotropy in plastic strains in different directions by using a quadratic plastic potential function and non-associated flow rule (based on Hill’s 1948 model and plastic strain ratios, r-values), and finally some of the cyclic hardening phenomena such as Bauschinger’s effect and transient behavior for reverse loading by using a coupled nonlinear kinematic hardening (so-called Armstrong-Frederick-Chaboche model). Basic fundamentals of the plasticity of the model are presented in a general framework. Then, the model adjustment procedure is derived for the plasticity formulations. Also, a generic numerical stress integration procedure is developed based on backward-Euler method (so-called multistage return mapping algorithm). Different aspects of the model are verified for DP600 steel sheet. Results show that the new model is able to predict the sheet material behavior in both anisotropic hardening and cyclic hardening regimes more accurately. By featuring the above-mentioned facts in the presented constitutive model, it is expected that more accurate results can be obtained by implementing this model in computational simulations of sheet material forming processes. For instance, more precise results of springback prediction of the parts formed from highly anisotropic hardened materials or that of determining the forming limit diagrams is highly expected by using the developed material model.


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Plasminogen (Pg), the precursor of the proteolytic and fibrinolytic enzyme of blood, is converted to the active enzyme plasmin (Pm) by different plasminogen activators (tissue plasminogen activators and urokinase), including the bacterial activators streptokinase and staphylokinase, which activate Pg to Pm and thus are used clinically for thrombolysis. The identification of Pg-activators is therefore an important step in understanding their functional mechanism and derives new therapies.


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AIM: Most young people fail to receive professional treatment for mental disorders; however, they do indicate a preference for sharing problems with peers. This article describes key messages about knowledge and actions to form the basis of a basic mental health first aid (MHFA) course for adolescents to increase recognition of and help seeking for mental health problems by teaching the best knowledge and helping actions a young person can undertake to support a peer with a mental health problem. METHODS: The Delphi method was used to achieve consensus among Australian and Canadian youth mental health experts regarding the importance of statements that describe helping actions a young person can take, and information they should have, to support a friend with a mental health problem. There were two expert panels, one consisting of 36 youth mental health consumer advocates and the other of 97 Youth MHFA instructors. Panellists rated each statement according to how appropriate it would be as a basic mental health first aid message for both a junior adolescent (12-15 years) and a senior adolescent (16-18 years). RESULTS: Out of 98 statements, 78 were endorsed as key basic MHFA messages for junior adolescents and 81 were endorsed for senior adolescents. CONCLUSION: The study has identified key messages for adolescents on how they can help a peer. These messages will form the basis of the curriculum for an MHFA course for adolescents, which will aim to facilitate early recognition of and help seeking for mental health problems in adolescents.


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Increasing age is a risk factor for diabetes; consequently, diabetes is prevalent in older people. Older people with diabetes are at high risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and cardiovascular events, such as myocardial infarction and heart failure.Multiple pathological processes underlie CVD, including inflammation, oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction, thrombosis and angiogenesis. These pathological processes are influenced by age, ethnicity, genetic makeup, obesity, hyperglycaemia,insulin resistance, dyslipidaemia, hypertension, renal disease, inappropriate diet and inactivity, which are components of the metabolic syndrome and CVD risk factors. The more risk factors present, the higher the risk of CVD. Significantly, vascular damage occurs slowly; therefore, it is essential to undertake a comprehensive vascular risk assessment and manage the risk early in life to improve the individual’soutcomes. Management strategies must be negotiated with the individual and appropriately tailored to their CVD risk and functional status, life expectancy and safety.


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Este trabalho procurou avaliar a implantação de Gestão pela Qualidade Total - GQT no Serviço de Recursos Humanos - SEREC da Petrobrás, através de uma pesquisa de campo, dentro de um contexto historicista. O problema identificado para a pesquisa foi: quais as possibilidades e dificuldades da implantação da Gestão pela Qualidade Total no SEREC ? Com o intuito de melhor subsidiar a pesquisa, foram estudados os conceitos acerca da formação do petróleo, do gás natural e do xisto; foram resumidamente explicadas cada uma das principais atividades desenvolvidas pela Petrobrás; foram aborbados alguns aspectos históricos que envolveram a sua origem. Em seguida estudou-se a evolução da função RH na Petrobrás, desde a sua criação até o final de 1995. Trataram-se os aspectos que envolveram a implantação da GQT no SEREC, inicialmente percorrendo os princípios e acontecimentos que nortearam sua implantação na Petrobrás-holding. Ao final, analisou-se a pesquisa de campo.


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The work with oral history consists of recording interviews which have historical and documental proprieties, with actors/actresses or witnesses of events, conjunctures, movements, institutions and ways of living along the contemporary history. One of its basic foundations is the narrative. An event or a situation lived by the interviewee can not be transmitted to any other person without being narrated. That means that it frames itself (meaning that it does become something) at the very moment of the interview. By telling his/her life experiences, the interviewee transforms what has been lived into language, selecting and organizing facts according to some determined meanings. This work of language in crystallising images (images which refer to, and mean again, life experience) is common in all narratives - and we do know that sometimes it is much more successful than others (just the way some oral history interviews are certainly more successful than others). However, perhaps we have not given yet all the attention needed to this work of language in the oral sources.