967 resultados para Zn(II) complexes


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Heavy metals are major toxic pollutants with severe health effects on humans. They are released into the environment from a variety of industrial activities. Cadmium, lead, zinc, chromium and copper are the most toxic metals of widespread use in industries such as tanning, electroplating, electronic equipment manufacturing and chemical processing plants. Heavy metals contribute to a variety of adverse health environmental effects due to their acute and chronic exposure through air, water and food chain. Conventional treatment methods of metal removal are often limited by their cost and ineffectiveness at low concentrations. Adsorption, the use of inactivated biomass as adsorbents offers an attractive potential alternative to their conventional methods. Mango peel and Alisma plantago aquatica are naturally occurring and abundant biomass can offer an economical solution for metal removal.The Cd(II), Pb(II), Zn(II), Cr(III) and Cu(II) adsorption by milled adsorbents of mango peel and Alisma plantago aquatica were evaluated in batches.


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En aquest estudi, la toxicitat de diversos metalls pesants i l'arsènic va ser analitzada utilitzant diferents models biològics. En la primera part d'aquest treball, el bioassaig de toxicitat Microtox, el qual està basat en la variació de l'emissió lumínica del bacteri luminiscent Vibrio fischeri, va ser utilitzat per establir les corbes dosi-resposta de diferents elements tòxics com el Zn(II), Pb(II), Cu(II), Hg(II), Ag(I), Co(II), Cd(II), Cr(VI), As(V) i As(III) en solucions aquoses. Els experiments es varen portar a terme a pH 6.0 i 7.0 per tal de mostrar que el pH pot influir en la toxicitat final mesurada d'alguns metalls degut als canvis relacionats amb la seva especiació química. Es varen trobar diferents tipus de corbes dosi-resposta depenent del metall analitzat i el pH del medi. En el cas de l'arsènic, l'efecte del pH en la toxicitat de l'arsenat i l'arsenit es va investigar utilitzant l'assaig Microtox en un rang de pHs comprès entre pH 5.0 i 9.0. Els valors d'EC50 determinats per l'As(V) disminueixen, reflectint un augment de la toxicitat, a mesura que el pH de la solució augmenta mentre que, en el cas de l'As(III), els valors d'EC50 quasi bé no varien entre pH 6.0 i 8.0 i només disminueixen a pH 9.0. HAsO42- i H2AsO3- es varen definir com les espècies més tòxiques. Així mateix, una anàlisi estadística va revelar un efecte antagònic entre les espècies químiques d'arsenat que es troben conjuntament a pH 6.0 i 7.0. D'altra banda, els resultats de dos mètodes estadístics per predir la toxicitat i les possibles interaccions entre el Co(II), Cd(II), Cu(II), Zn(II) i Pb(II) en mescles binàries equitòxiques es varen comparar amb la toxicitat observada sobre el bacteri Vibrio fischeri. L'efecte combinat d'aquests metalls va resultar ser antagònic per les mescles de Co(II)-Cd(II), Cd(II)-Zn(II), Cd(II)-Pb(II) i Cu(II)-Pb(II), sinèrgic per Co(II)-Cu(II) i Zn(II)-Pb(II) i additiu en els altres casos, revelant un patró complex de possibles interaccions. L'efecte sinèrgic de la combinació Co(II)-Cu(II) i la forta disminució de la toxicitat del Pb(II) quan es troba en presència de Cd(II) hauria de merèixer més atenció quan s'estableixen les normatives de seguretat ambiental. La sensibilitat de l'assaig Microtox també va ser determinada. Els valors d'EC20, els quals representen la toxicitat llindar mesurable, varen ser determinats per cada element individualment i es va veure que augmenten de la següent manera: Pb(II) < Ag(I) < Hg(II)  Cu(II) < Zn(II) < As(V) < Cd(II)  Co(II) < As(III) < Cr(VI). Aquests valors es varen comparar amb les concentracions permeses en aigues residuals industrials establertes per la normativa oficial de Catalunya (Espanya). L'assaig Microtox va resultar ser suficientment sensible per detectar els elements assajats respecte a les normes oficials referents al control de la contaminació, excepte en el cas del cadmi, mercuri, arsenat, arsenit i cromat. En la segona part d'aquest treball, com a resultats complementaris dels resultats previs obtinguts utilitzant l'assaig de toxicitat aguda Microtox, els efectes crònics del Cd(II), Cr(VI) i As(V) es varen analitzar sobre la taxa de creixement i la viabilitat en el mateix model biològic. Sorprenentment, aquests productes químics nocius varen resultar ser poc tòxics per aquest bacteri quan es mesura el seu efecte després de temps d'exposició llargs. Tot i això, en el cas del Cr(VI), l'assaig d'inhibició de la viabilitat va resultar ser més sensible que l'assaig de toxicitat aguda Microtox. Així mateix, també va ser possible observar un clar fenomen d'hormesis, especialment en el cas del Cd(II), quan s'utilitza l'assaig d'inhibició de la viabilitat. A més a més, diversos experiments es varen portar a terme per intentar explicar la manca de toxicitat de Cr(VI) mostrada pel bacteri Vibrio fischeri. La resistència mostrada per aquest bacteri podria ser atribuïda a la capacitat d'aquest bacteri de convertir el Cr(VI) a la forma menys tòxica de Cr(III). Es va trobar que aquesta capacitat de reducció depèn de la composició del medi de cultiu, de la concentració inicial de Cr(VI), del temps d'incubació i de la presència d'una font de carboni. En la tercera part d'aquest treball, la línia cel·lular humana HT29 i cultius primaris de cèl·lules sanguínies de Sparus sarba es varen utilitzar in vitro per detectar la toxicitat llindar de metalls mesurant la sobreexpressió de proteines d'estrès. Extractes de fangs precedents de diverses plantes de tractament d'aigues residuals i diferents metalls, individualment o en combinació, es varen analitzar sobre cultius cel·lulars humans per avaluar el seu efecte sobre la taxa de creixement i la capacitat d'induir la síntesi de les proteïnes Hsp72 relacionades amb l'estrès cel·lular. No es varen trobar efectes adversos significatius quan els components s'analitzen individualment. Nogensmenys, quan es troben conjuntament, es produeix un afecte advers sobre tan la taxa de creixement com en l'expressió de proteins d'estrès. D'altra banda, cèl·lules sanguínies procedents de Sparus sarba es varen exposar in vitro a diferents concentracions de cadmi, plom i crom. La proteïna d'estrès HSP70 es va sobreexpressar significativament després de l'exposició a concentracions tan febles com 0.1 M. Sota les nostres condicions de treball, no es va evidenciar una sobreexpressió de metal·lotioneïnes. Nogensmenys, les cèl·lules sanguínies de peix varen resultar ser un model biològic interessant per a ser utilitzat en anàlisis de toxicitat. Ambdós models biològics varen resultar ser molt adequats per a detectar acuradament la toxicitat produïda per metalls. En general, l'avaluació de la toxicitat basada en l'anàlisi de la sobreexpressió de proteïnes d'estrès és més sensible que l'avaluació de la toxicitat realitzada a nivell d'organisme. A partir dels resultats obtinguts, podem concloure que una bateria de bioassaigs és realment necessària per avaluar acuradament la toxicitat de metalls ja que existeixen grans variacions entre els valors de toxicitat obtinguts emprant diferents organismes i molts factors ambientals poden influir i modificar els resultats obtinguts.


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Dins dels processos de recuperació de metalls de dissolucions diluïdes s'ha realitzat un estudi del procés d'extracció d'or i de zinc mitjançant resines amberlite XAD-2 impregnades amb sulfur de triisobutil fosfina (TIBPS) i àcid di-(2-etilhexil) fosfòric (DEHPA) respectivament. S'ha realitzat un estudi de l'equilibri de l'adsorció d'espècies metàl·liques d'aquests metalls amb les resines indicades anteriorment. Amb la metodologia emprada per a la determinació dels punts d'equilibri dels experiments en batch i en columna, s'ha vist que una única isoterma no podia descriure el fenomen global d'equilibri i que en funció de la metodologia emprada s'obtenien isotermes diferents. Es va introduir una nova variable per poder explicar el fenomen observat, i per tant, amb aquesta nova variable l'equació de la isoterma es converteix amb l'equació d'una supèrfície que s'ha definit com a Superfície d'Equilibri. S'han determinat les equacions de les Suprfícies d'Equilibri dels sistemes d'adsorció estudiats (Au(III) TIBPS/XAD-2 i Zn(II) DEHPA/XAD-2) observan una bona coincidència de tots els punts d'equilibri obtinguts sobre la superfície, així com, un bon ajust de totes les isotermes obtingudes en funció de les diferents metodologies emprades sobre les respectives superfícies d'equilibri. Aquest nou concepte generalitza el concepte d'isoterma d'un procés d'adsorció. Fimalment, s'ha plantejat un model matemàtic d'adsorció per a determinar el coeficient efectiu de difusió (De) i el coeficient de transferància de matèria (kf) per ambdós sistemes d'adsorció estudiats mitjançant l'aplicació del model de difusió de sòlid homogeni (HSDM), utilitzant com a condició de contorn en el model la isoterma de Langmuir obtinguda mitjançant els experiments en columna de llit fix i emprant també l'equació obtinguda mitjançant el nou concepte de Superfície d'Equilibri. Els resultats obtinguts són molt satisfactoris, per tant, es pot concloure que la Superfície d'Equilibri és una bona eina per a descriure l'equilibri en els processos d'adsorció d'or i zinc amb les resines amberlite XAD-2 impregnades amb TIBPS i DEHPA respectivament.


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The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans expresses two metallothioneins (MTs), CeMT-1 and CeMT-2, that are believed to be key players in the protection against metal toxicity. In this study, both isoforms were expressed in vitro in the presence of either Zn(II) or Cd(II). Metal binding stoichiometries and affinities were determined by ESI-MS and NMR, respectively. Both isoforms had equal zinc binding ability, but differed in their cadmium binding behaviour, with higher affinity found for CeMT-2. In addition, wild-type C. elegans, single MT knockouts and a double MT knockout allele were exposed to zinc (340 μm) or cadmium (25 μm) to investigate effects in vivo. Zinc levels were significantly increased in all knockout strains, but were most pronounced in the CeMT-1 knockout, mtl-1 (tm1770), while cadmium accumulation was highest in the CeMT-2 knockout, mtl-2 (gk125) and the double knockout mtl-1;mtl-2 (zs1). In addition, metal speciation was assessed by X-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy. This showed that O-donating, probably phosphate-rich, ligands play a dominant role in maintaining the physiological concentration of zinc, independently of metallothionein status. In contrast, cadmium was shown to coordinate with thiol groups, and the cadmium speciation of the wild-type and the CeMT-2 knockout strain was distinctly different to the CeMT-1 and double knockouts. Taken together, and supported by a simple model calculation, these findings show for the first time that the two MT isoforms have differential affinities towards Cd(II) and Zn(II) at a cellular level, and this is reflected at the protein level. This suggests that the two MT isoforms have distinct in vivo roles.


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We report the use of transition-metal-exchanged zeolites as media for the catalytic formation and encapsulation of both polyethyne and polypropyne, and computer modeling studies on the composites so formed. Alkyne gas was absorbed into the pores of zeolite Y (Faujasite) exchanged with transition-metal cations [Fe(II), Co(II), Cu(II), Ni(II), and Zn(II)]. Ni(II) and Zn(II) were found to be the most efficient for the production of poly-ynes. These cations were also found to be effective in polymer generation when exchanged in zeolites mordenite and beta. The resulting powdered samples were characterized by FTIR, Raman, diffuse reflectance electronic spectroscopy, TEM, and elemental analysis, revealing, nearly complete loading of the zeolite channels for the majority of the samples. Based on the experimental carbon content, we have derived the percentage of channel filling, and the proportion of the channels containing a single polymer chain for mordenite. Experimentally, the channels for Y are close to complete filling for polyethyne (PE) and polypropyne (PP), and this is also true for polyethyne in mordenite. Computer modeling studies using Cerius2 show that the channels of mordenite can only accept a single polymer chain of PP, in which case these channels are also completely filled.


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The dibenzodioxatetraazamacrocycle [26]pbz(2)N(4)O(2) was characterised by single crystal X-ray diffraction and the protonation constants of this compound and the stability constants of its copper(II) and lead(II) complexes were determined by potentiometry in water at 298.2 K in 0.10 mol dm(-3) in KNO3. Mono- and dinuclear complexes were found for both metal ions, the dinuclear complexes being the main species in the 5-7.5 pH range for copper(II) and 7.5-8.5 for lead(II). As expected the values of the stability constants for the copper(II) complexes are lower than those for related macrocycles containing only nitrogen atoms. The presence of mono- and dinuclear copper complexes was also confirmed by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. These results suggest that the symmetric macrocyclic cavity of [26]pbZ(2)N(4)O(2) has enough space for the coordination of two metal ions. Additionally, NMR spectroscopy showed that the dinuclear complex of lead(II) has high symmetry. The equilibrium constants of the dinuclear copper(II) complexes and dicarboxylate anions (oxalate, malonate and succinate) were also determined in 0.10 mol dm-3 aqueous KNO3 solution. Only species containing one anion, Cu(2)H(h)LA((2+h)), were found, strongly suggesting that the anion bridges the two copper(II) ions. The binding constants of the cascade species formed by [Cu-2[26]pbZ(2)N(4)O(2)(H2O)(4+) with dicarboxylate anions decrease with the increase in length of the alkyl chain of the anion, a fact which was attributed to a higher conformational energy necessary for the rearrangement of the macrocycle to accommodate the larger anions bridging the two copper(II) centres. The variation of the magnetic susceptibility with temperature Of [Cu-2(H-2[26]pbz(2)N(4)O(2))(oxa)(3)]-4H(2)O and [Cu-2([26]pbz(2)N(4)O(2))(suc)Cl-2] were measured and the two complexes showed different behaviour. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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New N-(3-aminopropyl) (L-1, L-2) and (2-cyanoethyl) (L-3, L-4) derivatives of a 14-membered tetraazamacrocycle containing pyridine have been synthesized. The protonation constants of L-1 and L-2 and the stability constants of their complexes with Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+ and Cd2+ metal ions were determined in aqueous solutions by potentiometry, at 298.2 K and ionic strength 0.10 mol dm(-3) in KNO3. Both compounds have high overall basicity due to the presence of the aminopropyl arms. Their copper(II) complexes exhibit very high stability constants, which sharply decrease for the complexes of the other studied metal ions, as usually happens with polyamine ligands. Mono- and dinuclear complexes are formed with L-2 as well as with L-1, but the latter exhibits mononuclear complexes with slightly higher K-ML values while the dinuclear complexes of L-2 are thermodynamically more stable. The presence of these species in solution was supported by UV-VIS-NIR and EPR spectroscopic data. The single crystal structures of [Cu(H2L2)(ClO4)](3+) and [(CoLCl)-Cl-3](+) revealed that the metal centres are surrounded by the four nitrogen atoms of the macrocycle and one monodentate ligand, adopting distorted square pyramidal geometries. In the [(CoLCl)-Cl-3](+) complex, the macrocycle adopts a folded arrangement with the nitrogen atom opposite to the pyridine at the axial position while in the [Cu(H2L2)(ClO4)](3+) complex, the macrocycle adopts a planar conformation with the three aminopropyl arms located at the same side of the macrocyclic plane.


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The binding properties of dioxadiaza-([17](DBF) N2O2) and trioxadiaza- ([22](DBF)N2O3), macrocyclic ligands containing a rigid dibenzofuran group ( DBF), to metal cations and structural studies of their metal complexes have been carried out. The protonation constants of these two ligands and the stability constants of their complexes with Ca2+, Ba2+, and Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+ and Cd2+, were determined at 298.2 K in methanol-water ( 1 : 1, v/v), and at ionic strength 0.10 mol dm(-3) in KNO3. The values of the protonation constants of both ligands are similar, indicating that no cavity size effect is observed. Only mononuclear complexes of these ligands with the divalent metal ions studied were found, and their stability constants are lower than expected, especially for the complexes of the macrocycle with smaller cavity size. However, the Cd2+ complex with [ 17]( DBF) N2O2 exhibits the highest value of stability constant for the whole series of metal ions studied, indicating that this ligand reveals a remarkable selectivity for cadmium(II) in the presence of all the metal ions studied, except copper( II), indicating that this ligand reveals a remarkable selectivity for cadmium( II) in the presence of the mentioned metal ions. The crystal structures of H-2[17](DBF)N2O32+ (diprotonated form of the ligand) and of its cadmium complex were determined by X-ray diffraction. The Cd2+ ion fits exactly inside the macrocyclic cavity exhibiting coordination number eight by coordination to all the donor atoms of the ligand, and additionally to two oxygen atoms from one nitrate anion and one oxygen atom from a water molecule. The nickel( II) and copper( II) complexes with the two ligands were further studied by UV-vis-NIR and the copper( II) complexes also by EPR spectroscopic techniques in solution indicating square-pyramidal structures and suggesting that only one nitrogen and oxygen donors of the ligands are bound to the metal. However an additional weak interaction of the second nitrogen cannot be ruled out.


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New dioxadiaza- and trioxadiaza-macrocycles containing one rigid dibenzofuran unit (DBF) and N-(2-aminoethyl) pendant arms were synthesized, N,N'-bis(2-aminoethyl)-[17]( DBF) N2O2 (L-1) and N,N'-bis(2-aminoethyl)-[22](DBF)N2O3 (L-2), respectively. The binding properties of both macrocycles to metal ions and structural studies of their metal complexes were carried out. The protonation constants of both compounds and the stability constants of their complexes with Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Cd2+, and Pb2+ were determined at 298.2 K, in aqueous solutions, and at ionic strength 0.10 mol dm(-3) in KNO3. Mononuclear complexes with both ligands were formed, and dinuclear complexes were only found for L-2. The thermodynamic binding affinities of the metal complexes of L-2 are lower than those of L-1 as expected, but the Pb2+ complexes of both macrocycles exhibit close stability constant values. On the other hand, the binding affinities of Cd2+ and Pb2+ for L-1 are very high, when compared to those of Co2+, Ni2+ and Zn2+. These interesting properties were explained by the presence of the rigid DBF moiety in the backbone of the macrocycle and to the special match between the macrocyclic cavity size and the studied larger metal ions. To elucidate the adopted structures of complexes in solution, the nickel(II) and copper( II) complexes with both ligands were further studied by UV-vis-MR spectroscopy in DMSO-H2O 1 : 1 (v/v) solution. The copper(II) complexes were also studied by EPR spectroscopy in the same mixture of solvents. The crystal structure of the copper complex of L-1 was also determined. The copper(II) displays an octahedral geometry, the four nitrogen atoms forming the equatorial plane and two oxygen atoms, one from the DBF unit and the other one from the ether oxygen, in axial positions. One of the ether oxygens of the macrocycle is out of the coordination sphere. Our results led us to suggest that this geometry is also adopted by the Co2+ to Zn2+ complexes, and only the larger Cd2+ and Pb2+ manage to form complexes with the involvement of all the oxygen atoms of the macrocyclic backbone.


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The coordination behavior of pyridylmethylthioether type of organic moieties having N2S2 donor set [L-1=1,2-bis(2-pyridylmethylthio)ethane, L-2 = 1,3-bis(2-pyridylmethyl-thio)propane and L-3 = 1,4-bis(2-pyridylmethylthio)butane] with copper(II) chloride and copper(II) bromide have been studied in different chemical environments. Copper(II) chloride assisted C-S bond cleavage of the organic moieties leading to the formation of copper(II) picolinate derivatives, whereas, under similar experimental conditions, no C-S bond cleavage was observed in the reaction with copper(II) bromide. The resulted copper(II) complexes isolated from the different mediums have been characterized by spectroscopic and X-ray crystallographic tools.


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Reaction of 5,6-dihydro-5,6-epoxy-1,10-phenanthroline (L) with Ni(ClO4)(2)center dot 6H(2)O in methanol in 3:1 M proportion at room temperature yields [NiL3](ClO4)(2)center dot 2H(2)O. The X-ray crystal structure of the cation Nil(3)(2+) has been determined. Aminolysis of the three epoxide rings in NiL32+ by 4-substituted anilines in boiling water without any Lewis acid catalyst gives a family of Ni(II) complexes with octahedral NiL62+ core. In these complexes, crystal field splitting 10Dq varies from 11601 to 15798 cm(-1) in acetonitrile. The variation in 10Dq is found to be satisfactorily linear (r(2) = 0.951) with the Hammett sigma(R) parameter of the substituent on the anilino fragment. 10Dq increases with the increase in the electron donation ability of the substituent.


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Zinc (Zn)-deficient soils constrain rice (Oryza sativa) production and cause Zn malnutrition. The identification of Zn-deficiency-tolerant rice lines indicates that breeding might overcome these constraints. Here, we seek to identify processes underlying Zn-deficiency tolerance in rice at the physiological and transcriptional levels. A Zn-deficiency-tolerant line RIL46 acquires Zn more efficiently and produces more biomass than its nontolerant maternal line (IR74) at low Zn(ext) under field conditions. We tested if this was the result of increased expression of Zn(2+) transporters; increased root exudation of deoxymugineic acid (DMA) or low-molecular-weight organic acids (LMWOAs); and/or increased root production. Experiments were performed in field and controlled environment conditions. There was little genotypic variation in transcript abundance of Zn-responsive root Zn(2+)-transporters between the RIL46 and IR74. However, root exudation of DMA and LMWOA was greater in RIL46, coinciding with increased root expression of putative ligand-efflux genes. Adventitious root production was maintained in RIL46 at low Zn(ext), correlating with altered expression of root-specific auxin-responsive genes. Zinc-deficiency tolerance in RIL46 is most likely the result of maintenance of root growth, increased efflux of Zn ligands, and increased uptake of Zn-ligand complexes at low Zn(ext); these traits are potential breeding targets.


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The new compounds [Ru(R-DAB)(acac)2] (R-DAB = 1,4-diorganyl- 1,4-diazabuta-1,3-diene; R = tert-butyl, 4-methoxyphenyl, 2,6-dimethylphenyl; acac– = 2,4-pentanedionate) exhibit intrachelate ring bond lengths 1.297complexes and in view of other (α-diimine)- metal complexes with ambiguous oxidation-state assignments.


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A synthetic version of the metal-regulated gene A (mrgA) promoter from Bacillus subtilis, which in this Gram-positive bacterium is negatively regulated by manganese, iron, cobalt, or copper turned out to promote high level of basal gene expression that is further enhanced by Co(II), Cd(II), Mn(II), Zn(II), Cu(II), or Ni(II), when cloned in the Gram-negative bacterium Cupriavidus metallidurans. Promoter activity was monitored by expression of the reporter gene coding for the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP), and cellular intensity fluorescence was quantified by flow cytometry. Expression levels in C. metallidurans driven by the heterologous promoter, here called pan, ranged from 20- to 53-fold the expression level driven by the Escherichia coli lac promoter (which is constitutively expressed in C. metallidurans), whether in the absence or presence of metal ions, respectively. The pan promoter did also function in E. coli in a constitutive pattern, regardless of the presence of Mn(II) or Fe(II). In conclusion, the pan promoter proved to be a powerful tool to express heterologous proteins in Gram-negative bacteria, especially in C. metallidurans grown upon high levels of toxic metals, with potential applications in bioremediation. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010; 107: 469-477. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Cadmium chloride complex of 1-furoyl-3-cyclohexylthiourea (CyTu) was prepared and characterized by elemental analysis, IR, and Raman spectroscopy. The structure of the complex was determined by single crystal X-ray methods (space group Bbab, a = 20.918(1), b = 23.532(1), c = 23.571(1) angstrom, = = , Z = 8). Each cadmium has distorted octahedral geometry, coordinated by two chlorides and the thiocarbonyl sulfurs from four CyTu molecules. All the spectroscopic data are consistent with coordination of CyTu by sulfur to cadmium.