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"Life of Dr. Owen, by Rev. A. Thomson": volume 1, pref. pages [21]-122.
The purpose of this research program is to investigate the photoelectronic properties of zinc phosphide (Zn₃P₂ in single crystal form, in thin-film form, and in heterojunctions in which Zn₃P₂ forms one of the elements. This research will be directed toward understanding the role of crystalline defects and impurities in Zn₃P₂, the nature of the electronic charge transport in single crystal and thin-film material, and the properties of photovoltaic heterojunctions involving Zn₃P₂. The scope of the program extends from basic investigations of materials properties on single crystals to the preparation and characterization of all-thin-film heterojunction divices. One of the principal motivations behind this research program is the realization that Zn₃P₂ is a relatively uninvestigated yet ideal component for photovoltaic heterojunction use in solar energy conversion. The proposed program will concentrate on the basic materials problems involved with Zn₃P₂, providing the kind of information needed for other more developmental programs directed toward actual practical cells.
Because the use of filters to sample particulate matter suspended in the upper atmosphere has been investigated and has yielded rather disappointing results, an examination of other methods of upper atmospheric sampling is desirable, and this is the aim of the present report. The nature of any radioactive material, and its relation to the size and composition of the suspended particles is of particular interest.
Disbound Original Held in Oak Street Library Facility.
Decreasing vehicle understeer was strongly associated with the likelihood of control loss following both the unexpected and expected tire failures. Knowledge of the imminent tread separation reduced the overall probability of control loss from 55% to 20% and had a significant effect on how quickly drivers responded as well as on the nature of their initial responses (i.e., steering orbraking). Driver age was marginally associated with increased likelihood of vehicle control loss, but only on unexpected trials. Vehicle speed at the time of first steering input also contributed to the probability of control loss. Neither the location of the tire that failed (left rear vs. right rear) nor the specific instructions about how best to respond to the tread separation influenced the probability of control loss. Differences associated with vehicle understeer conditions observed in the present study were large and consistent, independent of driver expectations and across driver age groups. It is thus fair to conclude that in the event of a complete rear-tire detread, the increased difficulty in vehicle handling and the associated increased likelihood of loss of vehicle control with decreasing vehicle understeer generalize to real-world driving.
--I. Life of the author. An essay on the original and nature of government. Observations upon the united provinces of the Netherlands. Letters containing an account of the most important transactions that passed in Christendom from 1665 to 1672.-II. Sequel of the author's letters, serving to supply the loss of the first part of his memoirs. A survey of the constitutions and interests of the empire, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Holland, France, and Flanders in 1671. A letter to the Duke of Ormond, written in October 1673. Memoirs, pt. II--III.--III. [Essays] Poetry.--IV. Letters to the king, the Prince of Orange, &c. Index.
First published, 1917; reprinted 1958."
"This edition is limited to 875 copies, of which 750 are for sale."
A letter from Mr. Reid to Dr. Hales concerning the nature of Tar and a method of obtainig it's Medical Virtues, free from it's hurtful Oils: Whereby also the strength of each dose may be the better ascertained.
pt.1. The nature of reasoning.--pt.2. Description and ambiguity.--pt.3. The leading technicalities of formal logic.--pt.4. Summaries.
v.1. Wake-robin.--v.2. Winter sunshine.--v.3. Locusts and wild honey.--v.4. Fresh fields.--v.5. Indoor studies.--v.6. Birds and poets, with other papers.--v.7. Pepaction and other sketches.--v.8. Signs and seasons. --v.9. Riverby.--v.10. Light of day.--v.11. Ways of nature.--v.12. Literary values.--v.13. Far and near.--v. 14. Leaf and tendril.--v.15. Time and change.--v.16. Summit of the years.--v.17. Breath of life.--v.18. Whitman: a study.--v.19. Under the apple trees.--v. 20. Field and study.--v.21. Accepting the universe.--v.22 Under the maples.
The authority of criticism.--Apropos of Shelley.--Literature and morals.--The nature of literature.--On translating Horace.--The Byron revival. --Teaching the spirit of literature.--Mr. Howells and romanticism.--Tennyson and Musset once more.
Reprinted from various sources.
The translator's preface is followed by his Dissertation on the Platonic doctrine of ideas; Demonstrative syllogism; Nature of the soul; Dissertation on the true end of geometry; Life and commentaries of Proclus, including the life of Proclus by Marinus.
This books investigates the background and nature of the Ottoman Jihad proclamation, but also its effects in the wider Middle East. It looks at the German hopes and British fears of a worldwide rising of Muslims in the colonial empires. This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched.