910 resultados para Weights and measures, Ancient.
The diagrammatic strong-coupling perturbation theory (SCPT) for correlated electron systems is developed for intersite Coulomb interaction and for a nonorthogonal basis set. The construction is based on iterations of exact closed equations for many - electron Green functions (GFs) for Hubbard operators in terms of functional derivatives with respect to external sources. The graphs, which do not contain the contributions from the fluctuations of the local population numbers of the ion states, play a special role: a one-to-one correspondence is found between the subset of such graphs for the many - electron GFs and the complete set of Feynman graphs of weak-coupling perturbation theory (WCPT) for single-electron GFs. This fact is used for formulation of the approximation of renormalized Fermions (ARF) in which the many-electron quasi-particles behave analogously to normal Fermions. Then, by analyzing: (a) Sham's equation, which connects the self-energy and the exchange- correlation potential in density functional theory (DFT); and (b) the Galitskii and Migdal expressions for the total energy, written within WCPT and within ARF SCPT, a way we suggest a method to improve the description of the systems with correlated electrons within the local density approximation (LDA) to DFT. The formulation, in terms of renormalized Fermions LIDA (RF LDA), is obtained by introducing the spectral weights of the many electron GFs into the definitions of the charge density, the overlap matrices, effective mixing and hopping matrix elements, into existing electronic structure codes, whereas the weights themselves have to be found from an additional set of equations. Compared with LDA+U and self-interaction correction (SIC) methods, RF LDA has the advantage of taking into account the transfer of spectral weights, and, when formulated in terms of GFs, also allows for consideration of excitations and nonzero temperature. Going beyond the ARF SCPT, as well as RF LIDA, and taking into account the fluctuations of ion population numbers would require writing completely new codes for ab initio calculations. The application of RF LDA for ab initio band structure calculations for rare earth metals is presented in part 11 of this study (this issue). (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
This paper describes the use of seclusion in a child and adolescent inpatient unit, including precipitating events, management strategies, details of seclusion episodes and individual and family risk factors. Inpatient ward documentation of seclusion episodes, demographic data and measures of individual psychopathology and impairment, parent mental health, life events and family functioning were used to compare secluded, non-secluded and outpatient groups. Secluded individuals had elevated psychopathology compared with non-secluded inpatients and outpatients. Their families reported poorer parental mental health and family functioning and more recent stressful life events. The results indicate that seclusion is most common among high-risk inpatients.
Introduction: Extremely premature infants of normal intellectual ability have an increased prevalence of motor and attentional difficulties. Knowledge of the relationship between early motor difficulties and measures of attention at school age would enhance understanding of these developmental pathways, their interrelationship and opportunities for intervention. Objective: This study examines whether an association exists between early findings of minor motor difficulties and school age clinical and psychometric measures of attention. Methodology: 45/60 eligible ELBW(1000 g) or preterm (< 27/40 gestation) infants born at the Mater Mother's Hospital were assessed at 12 and 24 months for minor motor deficits (using NSMDA) and at 7-9 years for attention, using clinical (Conners and Du Paul Rating Scales) and psychometric (assessing attention span, selective and divided attention) measures. Results: NSMDA at 12 months was only associated with the psychometric measures of verbal attention span. It was not associated with later clinical measures of attention. NSMDA at 24months was strongly associated with specific clinical measures of attention at school age, independent of biological and social factors. It was not associated with psychometric measures of attention. Conclusion: The major finding of this study is that motor difficulties in ELBW infants at 2 years are associated with later clinical measures of attention. Possible mechanisms underlying this relationship are considered. Crown Copyright (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: Previous studies investigating associations between serum lipids and renal disease have generally not taken into account dietary intake or physical activity - both known to influence circulating lipids. Furthermore, inclusion of patients on HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors may also have influenced findings due to the pleiotropic effect of this medication. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine the relationships between serum lipids and renal function in a group of patients not taking lipid-lowering medication and taking into account dietary intake and physical activity. Methods: Data from 100 patients enrolled in the Lipid Lowering and Onset of Renal Disease (LORD) trial were used in this study. Patients were included with serum creatinine > 120 mu mol/l, and excluded if they were taking lipid-lowering medication. Unadjusted and adjusted relationships were determined between fasting serum lipid concentrations (total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, triglycerides and total cholesterol/HDL ratio) and measures of renal function (estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), creatinine clearance and serum creatinine) and urinary protein excretion. Results: Significant (p < 0.05) negative unadjusted relationships were found between lipids (total cholesterol, LDL and HDL cholesterol) and serum creatinine. In support of these findings, logarithmically-transformed lipids (total cholesterol, LDL and HDL cholesterol) were significantly associated with eGFR and creatinine clearance although the effects were of a smaller magnitude. Adjustment for dietary saturated fat intake and physical activity did not substantially change these effects. Conclusion: These data do not support the premise that lipids are associated with renal dysfunction in patients with normocholesterolemia.
We examined intergroup predictors of cultural adjustment among Asian international students in Australia. Sociostructural beliefs (status, legitimacy, and permeability) and initial adjustment were assessed (N = 113) at Time 1, and measures of adjustment were obtained (N = 80) at Time 2 eight weeks later. International students who perceived their cultural group to be relatively low in status experienced lower levels of psychological adjustment. Also, as expected, the effects of status were moderated by perceptions of both the permeability of intergroup boundaries and the legitimacy of the status differential. At high levels of legitimacy, perceptions of permeable group boundaries were associated with better psychological, sociocultural, and academic adjustment among international students perceiving their group to be low in status, but lower levels of adjustment among students who perceived their group to be high in status. At low levels of legitimacy, irrespective of group status position, perceived permeability was not related to adjustment.
Theory of mind (ToM) was examined in late-signing deaf children in two studies by using standard tests and measures of spontaneous talk about inner states of perception, affect and cognition during storytelling. In Study 1, there were 21 deaf children aged 6 to 11 years and 13 typical-hearing children matched with the deaf by chronological age. In Study 2, there were 17 deaf children aged 6 to 12 years and 17 typical-hearing preschoolers aged 4 to 5 years who were matched with the deaf by ToM test performance. In addition to replicating the consistently reported finding of poor performance on standard false belief tests by late-signing deaf children, significant correlations emerged in both studies between deaf children's ToM test scores and their spontaneous narrative talk about imaginative cognition (e.g. 'pretend'). In Study 2, with a new set of purpose-built pictures that evoked richer and more complex mentalistic narration than the published picture book of Study 1, results of multiple regression analyses showed that children's narrative talk about imaginative cognition was uniquely important, over and above hearing status and talking of other kinds of mental states, in predicting ToM scores. The same was true of children's elaborated narrative talk using utterances that either spelt out thoughts, explained inner states or introduced contrastives. In addition, results of a Guttman scalograrn analysis in Study 2 suggested a consistent sequence in narrative and standard test performance by deaf and hearing children that went from (1) narrative mention of visible (affective or perceptual) mental states only, along with FB failure, to (2) narrative mention of cognitive states along with (1), to (3) elaborated narrative talk about inner states along with (2), and finally to (4) simple and elaborated narrative talk about affective/perceptual and cognitive states along with FIB test success. Possible explanations for this performance ordering, as well as for the observed correlations in both studies between ToM test scores and narrative variables, were considered.
La governance del settore alimentare si fonda su una struttura multilivello, ove poteri locali, nazionali, sovranazionali e globali interagiscono. In tale assetto, ogni regolatore è chiamato a proteggere interessi diversi tra loro, tra cui l'ambiente, la salute umana, il benessere animale e la libera concorrenza. La regolazione del settore alimentare, inoltre, impone la considerazione di aspetti etici e culturali, dotati di una forte matrice territoriale. In questo sistema, i valori che entrano in gioco non sono egualmente rappresentati, ma quelli considerati "minori" sono sovente sovrastati dalle esigenze di protezione di un unico interesse: la libera concorrenza su scala globale. Ne deriva che la regolazione del settore alimentare necessita di un nuovo equilibrio. Questo può richiedere sia l'adozione di nuove regole - soprattutto a livello sovranazionale - sia un'interpretazione maggiormente inclusiva dei principi e delle regole già esistenti da parte delle Corti. Tuttavia, risulta maggiormente urgente e di immediata efficacia permettere ai soggetti interessati, siano essi privati o pubblici, di partecipare alla formulazione delle politiche e delle decisioni inerenti il settore alimentare. La partecipazione procedurale è in grado di soddisfare esigenze differenti e talvolta opposte, pertanto essa è regolata dal legislatore a seconda dello scopo finale prefissato. Principalmente, essa è vista come una applicazione diretta dei principi di democrazia e trasparenza; tuttavia, il suo reale impatto sul risultato finale delle decisioni pubbliche può scostarsi considerevolemente da tale paradigma. Lo scopo di tale lavoro è analizzare i diversi modelli partecipativi implementati nei vari livelli di governo, al fine di determinarne il reale impatto sui soggetti interessati e sul bilanciamento degli interessi in gioco. La conclusione dimostra un certo livello di perplessità per ciò che riguarda l'assetto di tali garanzie nella regolazione del settore alimentare, dove lo sviluppo del concetto di democrazia partecipativa e di bilancio tra gli interessi rilevanti è ancora acerbo.
This paper contributes to extend the minimax disparity to determine the ordered weighted averaging (OWA) model based on linear programming. It introduces the minimax disparity approach between any distinct pairs of the weights and uses the duality of linear programming to prove the feasibility of the extended OWA operator weights model. The paper finishes with an open problem. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
People and their performance are key to an organization's effectiveness. This review describes an evidence-based framework of the links between some key organizational influences and staff performance, health and well-being. This preliminary framework integrates management and psychological approaches, with the aim of assisting future explanation, prediction and organizational change. Health care is taken as the focus of this review, as there are concerns internationally about health care effectiveness. The framework considers empirical evidence for links between the following organizational levels: 1. Context (organizational culture and inter-group relations; resources, including staffing; physical environment) 2. People management (HRM practices and strategies; job design, workload and teamwork; employee involvement and control over work; leadership and support) 3. Psychological consequences for employees (health and stress; satisfaction and commitment; knowledge, skills and motivation) 4. Employee behaviour (absenteeism and turnover; task and contextual performance; errors and near misses) 5. Organizational performance; patient care. This review contributes to an evidence base for policies and practices of people management and performance management. Its usefulness will depend on future empirical research, using appropriate research designs, sufficient study power and measures that are reliable and valid.
In psychophysics, cross-orientation suppression (XOS) and cross-orientation facilitation (XOF) have been measured by investigating mask configuration on the detection threshold of a centrally placed patch of sine-wave grating. Much of the evidence for XOS and XOF comes from studies using low and high spatial frequencies, respectively, where the interactions are thought to arise from within (XOS) and outside (XOF) the footprint of the classical receptive field. We address the relation between these processes here by measuring the effects of various sizes of superimposed and annular cross-oriented masks on detection thresholds at two spatial scales (1 and 7 c/deg) and on contrast increment thresholds at 7 c/deg. A functional model of our results indicates the following (1) XOS and XOF both occur for superimposed and annular masks. (2) XOS declines with spatial frequency but XOF does not. (3) The spatial extent of the interactions does not scale with spatial frequency, meaning that surround-effects are seen primarily at high spatial frequencies. (4) There are two distinct processes involved in XOS: direct divisive suppression and modulation of self-suppression. (5) Whether XOS or XOF wins out depends upon their relative weights and mask contrast. These results prompt enquiry into the effect of spatial frequency at the single-cell level and place new constraints on image-processing models of early visual processing. © ARVO.
Several axi-symmetric EN3B steel components differing in shape and size were forged on a 100 ton joint knuckle press. A load cell fitted under the lower die inserts recorded the total deformation forces. Job parameters were measured off the billets and the forged parts. Slug temperatures were varied and two lubricants - aqueous colloidal graphite and oil - were used. An industrial study was also conducted to check the results of the laboratory experiments. Loads were measured (with calibrated extensometers attached to the press frames) when adequately heated mild steel slugs were being forged in finishing dies. Geometric parameters relating to the jobs and the dies were obtained from works drawings. All the variables considered in the laboratory study could not, however, be investigated without disrupting production. In spite of this obvious limitation, the study confirmed that parting area is the most significant geometric factor influencing the forging load. Multiple regression analyses of the laboratory and industrial results showed that die loads increase significantly with the weights and parting areas of press forged components, and with the width to thickness ratios of the flashes formed, but diminish with increasing slug temperatures and higher billet diameter to height ratios. The analyses also showed that more complicated parts require greater loads to forge them. Die stresses, due to applied axial loads, were investigated by the photoelastic method. The three dimensional frozen stress technique was employed. Model dies were machined from cast araldite cylinders, and the slug material was simulated with plasticene. Test samples were cut from the centres of the dies after the stress freezing. Examination of the samples, and subsequent calculations, showed that the highest stresses were developed in die outer corners. This observation partly explains why corner cracking occurs frequently in industrial forging dies. Investigation of die contact during the forging operation revealed the development of very high stresses.
IMPORTANCE Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) indicate that single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the CACNA1C and ANK3 genes increase the risk for bipolar disorder (BD). The genes influence neuronal firing by modulating calcium and sodium channel functions, respectively. Both genes modulate ?-aminobutyric acid-transmitting interneuron function and can thus affect brain regional activation and interregional connectivity. OBJECTIVE To determine whether the genetic risk for BD associated with 2 GWAS-supported risk single-nucleotide polymorphisms at CACNA1C rs1006737 and ANK3 rs10994336 is mediated through changes in regional activation and interregional connectivity of the facial affect-processing network. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Cross-sectional functional magnetic resonance imaging study at a research institute of 41 euthymic patients with BD and 46 healthy participants, all of British white descent. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Blood oxygen level-dependent signal and effective connectivity measures during the facial affect-processing task. RESULTS In healthy carriers, both genetic risk variants were independently associated with increased regional engagement throughout the facial affect-processing network and increased effective connectivity between the visual and ventral prefrontal cortical regions. In contrast, BD carriers of either genetic risk variant exhibited pronounced reduction in ventral prefrontal cortical activation and visual-prefrontal effective connectivity. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Our data demonstrate that the effect of CACNA1C rs1006737 and ANK3 rs10994336 (or genetic variants in linkage disequilibrium) on the brain converges on the neural circuitry involved in affect processing and provides a mechanism linking BD to genome-wide genetic risk variants.
The profusion of performance measurement models suggested by Management Accounting literature in the 1990’s is one illustration of the substantial changes in Management Accounting teaching materials since the publication of “Relevance Lost” in 1987. At the same time, in the general context of increasing competition and globalisation it is widely thought that national cultural differences are tending to disappear, meaning that management techniques used in large companies, including performance measurement and management instruments (PMS), tend to be the same, irrespective of the company nationality or location. North American management practice is traditionally described as a contractually based model, mainly focused on financial performance information and measures (FPMs), more shareholder-focused than French companies. Within France, literature historically defined performance as being broadly multidimensional, driven by the idea that there are no universal rules of management and that efficient management takes into account local culture and traditions. As opposed to their North American brethren, French companies are pressured more by the financial institutions that fund them rather than by capital markets. Therefore, they pay greater attention to the long-term because they are not subject to quarterly capital market objectives. Hence, management in France should rely more on long-term qualitative information, less financial, and more multidimensional data to assess performance than their North American counterparts. The objective of this research is to investigate whether large French and US companies’ practices have changed in the way the textbooks have changed with regards to performance measurement and management, or whether cultural differences are still driving differences in performance measurement and management between them. The research findings support the idea that large US and French companies share the same PMS features, influenced by ‘universal’ PM models.
Tests of postural stability have provided some evidence of a link between deficits in gross motor skills and developmental dyslexia. The ordinal-level scales used previously, however, have limited measurement sensitivity, and no studies have investigated motor performance during walking in participants with dyslexia. The purpose of this study was to investigate if continuous-scaled measures of standing balance and gait could discriminate between groups of impaired and normal readers when investigators were blind to group membership during testing. Children with dyslexia (n=22) and controls (n=18), aged 10-12 years, performed walking tests at four different speeds (slow-preferred-fast-very fast) on an even and an uneven surface, and tests of unperturbed and perturbed body sway during standing. Body movements were registered by a triaxial accelerometer over the lower trunk, and measures of reaction time, body sway, walking speed, step length and cadence were calculated. Results were controlled for gender differences. Tests of standing balance with eyes closed did not discriminate between groups. All unperturbed standing tests with eyes open showed significant group differences (P<0.05) and classified correctly 70-77.5% of the subjects into their respective groups. Mean walking speed during very fast walking on both flat and uneven surface was ≥0.2 m/s (P≤0.01) faster for controls than for the group with dyslexia. This test classified 77.5% and 85% of the subjects correctly on flat and uneven surface, respectively Cadence at preferred or very fast speed did not differ statistically between groups, but revealed significant group differences when all subjects were compared at a normalised walking speed (P≤0.04). Very fast walking speed as well as cadence at a normalised speed discriminated better between groups when subjects were walking on an uneven surface compared to a flat floor. Continuous-scaled walking tests performed in field settings may be suitable for motor skill assessment as a component of a screening tool for developmental dyslexia.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 94A17.