905 resultados para Transit Vehicle Passengers.


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This project analyzes the characteristics and spatial distributions of motor vehicle crash types in order to evaluate the degree and scale of their spatial clustering. Crashes occur as the result of a variety of vehicle, roadway, and human factors and thus vary in their clustering behavior. Clustering can occur at a variety of scales, from the intersection level, to the corridor level, to the area level. Conversely, other crash types are less linked to geographic factors and are more spatially “random.” The degree and scale of clustering have implications for the use of strategies to promote transportation safety. In this project, Iowa's crash database, geographic information systems, and recent advances in spatial statistics methodologies and software tools were used to analyze the degree and spatial scale of clustering for several crash types within the counties of the Iowa Northland Regional Council of Governments. A statistical measure called the K function was used to analyze the clustering behavior of crashes. Several methodological issues, related to the application of this spatial statistical technique in the context of motor vehicle crashes on a road network, were identified and addressed. These methods facilitated the identification of crash clusters at appropriate scales of analysis for each crash type. This clustering information is useful for improving transportation safety through focused countermeasures directly linked to crash causes and the spatial extent of identified problem locations, as well as through the identification of less location-based crash types better suited to non-spatial countermeasures. The results of the K function analysis point to the usefulness of the procedure in identifying the degree and scale at which crashes cluster, or do not cluster, relative to each other. Moreover, for many individual crash types, different patterns and processes and potentially different countermeasures appeared at different scales of analysis. This finding highlights the importance of scale considerations in problem identification and countermeasure formulation.


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This report documents Phase III of a four-phase project. The goals of the project are to study the feasibility of using advanced technology from other industries to improve he efficiency and safety of winter highway maintenance vehicle operations, and to provide travelers with the level of service defined by policy during the winter season at the least cost to the taxpayers. The results of the first phase of the research were documented in the Concept Highway Maintenance Vehicle Final Report: Phase One dated April 1997, which describes the desirable functions of a concept maintenance vehicle and evaluates its feasibility. Phase I concluded by establishing the technologies that would be assembled and tested on the prototype vehicles in Phase II. The primary goals of phase II were to install the selected technologies on the prototype winter maintenance vehicles and to conduct proof of concept in advance of field evaluations planned for Phase III. This Phase III final report documents the work completed since the end of Phase II. During this time period, the Phase III work plan was completed and the redesigned friction meter was field tested. A vendor meeting was held to discuss future private sector participation and the new design for the Iowa vehicle. In addition, weather and roadway condition data were collected from the roadway weather information systems at selected sites in Iowa and Minnesota, for comparison to the vehicles' onboard temperature sensors. Furthermore, the team received new technology, such as the mobile Frensor unit, for bench testing and later installation.


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The purpose of the study was to review Iowa's public policy issues related to the state provision of overnight commercial truck parking and to make recommendations regarding the same. It was decided to limit the research and data gathering to a study of national trends in public commercial truck parking at facilities along and adjacent to Iowa's interstate highways.


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The Equipment and Vehicle Revolving Fund report covers all equipment and vehicle purchases through the highway materials and equipment revolving fund during FY 2015.


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Data tables describing the length and vehicle-miles of travel on Iowa's 1975 proposed interstate system, broken down by interstate. No text is available.


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Audit report on the Heart of Iowa Regional Transit Agency for the year ended June 30, 2015


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This report provides recommendations for the state of Iowa over the next five years in regards to automated vehicle policy development. These administrative, planning, legal, and community strategy recommendations for government agencies include: • Encouraging automation by preparing government agencies, infrastructure, leveraging procurement, and advocating for safety mandates • Adjusting long range planning processes by identifying and incorporating a wide range of new automation scenarios • Beginning to analyze and, as necessary, clarify existing law as it apples to automated driving • Auditing existing law • Enforcing existing laws • Ensuring vehicle owners and operators bear the true cost of driving • Embracing flexibility by giving agencies the statutory authority to achieve regulatory goals through different means, allowing them to make small-scale exemptions to statutory regimes and clarifying their enforcement discretion • Thinking locally and preparing publicly • Sharing the steps being taken to promote (as well as to anticipate and regulate) automated driving • Instituting public education about automated vehicle technologies.


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The state Departments of Transportation (DOTs) of Iowa, Michigan, and Minnesota formed a consortium to define and develop the next generation highway maintenance vehicle. The Center for Transportation Research and Education of Iowa State University provided staff support to the concept highway maintenance vehicle project, which focused on winter maintenance activities. Phase I of the three-phase project focused on describing the desirable functions of a concept maintenance vehicle. Phase II will include the development, operation, and evaluation of prototype winter maintenance vehicles. Phase III is envisioned to be a comprehensive fleet evaluation of prototype winter maintenance vehicles. This report covers the activities of Phase I. Phase I included conducting a literature review of materials related to winter highway maintenance activities, identifying ideal capabilities of a winter maintenance vehicle, inviting private sector equipment and technology providers to join the project and commit equipment and expertise for Phase II, and determining the specific equipment and technology to be included on the three prototype vehicles for the winter of 1996-1997. Phase I concluded by establishing that assembling the three prototype vehicles would be beneficial to the project and to the three state DOTs.


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This inventory of transit services in Iowa covers urban transit, intercity passenger bus carriers and charter operators, taxicab operations, rural transit services and special services, and includes the results of questionnaire and interview surveys, and the resulting recommendations. The recommendations urge a centralized source of data and expertise, a public information program, the utilization of federal aid, the continuance of existing transit services with no dimunition of service level, the establishment of new services in communities of over 20,000 population, the sponsorship of demonstrations in communities with populations of 10,000 to 20,000, and the development and improvement of rural transit service. Based on state and local community experience, recommendations are made concerning revenue sources to support transit in Iowa, and four alternative state transit assistance programs are presented.


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Recent trends (1980-2007) in mortality from road traffic crashes in European countries, and, for comparative purposes, in the USA and Japan were reviewed. Data came from the World Health Organisation database. Age-standardised rates, at all ages and at 15-24, 25-64, >=65 years, were computed. Joinpoint regression analyses to evaluate significant changes in trends were performed. In the European Union as a whole rates declined from 20.2 in 1987 to 13.5/100,000 in 2007 in men, and from 6.3 to 3.7/100,000 in women; European Union rates remained lower than USA, but higher than Japanese ones. In 2007, the highest male rates were in Lithuania (36.7/100,000), the Russian Federation (35.2), Ukraine (29.8), and Latvia (28.5), and the lowest ones in the Netherlands (6.2) and Sweden (6.9); the highest female rates were in the Russian Federation (11.3), Lithuania (9.7), Belarus, Latvia, and Ukraine (around 8), and the lowest ones in Switzerland (1.7), the UK, and Nordic countries (around 2). Mortality from motor vehicle crashes declined in northern and western European countries and - though to a lesser extent - in southern European countries, too. Mortality trends were also favourable in the Czech Republic and Poland since the mid 1990's, whereas they were still upwards in Romania and the Russian Federation. No trend was observed in Hungary and Ukraine. Trends were consistent in various age groups considered. Thus, additional urgent and integrated intervention is required to prevent avoidable deaths from motor vehicle crashes, particularly in selected central and eastern European countries.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of pelletized or extruded diets, with different levels of carbohydrate and lipid, on the gastrointestinal transit time (GITT) and its modulation in pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus). One hundred and eighty pacu juveniles were fed with eight isonitrogenous diets containing two carbohydrate levels (40 and 50%) and two lipid levels (4 and 8%). Four diets were pelletized and four were extruded. Carbohydrate and lipid experimental levels caused no changes to the bolus transit time. However, the bolus permanence time was related to diet processing. Fish fed pelletized diets exhibited the highest gastrointestinal transit time. Regression analysis of bolus behavior for pelletized and extruded diets with 4% lipid depicted different fits. GITT regression analysis of fish fed 8% lipid was fitted to a cubic equation and displayed adjustments of food permanence, with enhanced utilization of the diets, either with extruded or pelletized diets. GITT of fish fed extruded diets with 4% lipid was adjusted to a linear equation. The GITT of pacu depends on the diet processing and is affected by dietary levels of lipid and carbohydrate.


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Tämän työn tavoitteena on selvittää transitoreitin valintaan vaikuttavat tekijät sekä Suomen reitin kilpailutekijät verrattuna Baltian maiden, Saksan-Puolan ja Venäjän omiensatamien reitteihin. Lisäksi tavoitteena on testata analyyttista hierarkiaprosessia (AHP) transitoreitin valintaan. Työssä hyödynnetään Suomessa, Venäjällä ja Baltian maissa logistiikkayritysten, ministeriöiden ja viranomaisten kanssa tehtyjä asiantuntijahaastatteluja. Lisäksi suurimmille autotoimialan yrityksille toteutetaan kysely transitoreitin valintaan vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Työssä muodostetaan hierarkia reitin valintaan vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Lisäksi lasketaan analyyttisen hierarkiaprosessin mukaiset painotukset reitin valintaan vaikuttaville tekijöille ja eri reittien kilpailukykyerään autotoimialan vastaajan tapauksessa.


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Es modelitza un vehicle submarí i s'estudien diferents alternatives de control sota linearització sota l'assumpció d'una geometria d'elipsoide prolat, obtenint les gràfiques de l'estat i el control en un interval de temps.