535 resultados para Testículos : Citologia


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES


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Inaccurate diagnosis of vulvovaginitis generates inadequate treatments that cause damages women's health. Objective: evaluate the effectiveness of methods when diagnosing vulvovaginitis. Method: a cross-sectional study was performed with 200 women who complained about vaginal discharge. Vaginal smear was collected for microbiological tests, considering the gram stain method as gold standard. The efficacy of the available methods for diagnosis of vaginal discharge was assessed (sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value). Data were inserted to Graphpad Prism 6, for statistical analysis. Results: the following results were obtained: wet mount for vaginal candidiasis: sensitivity = 31%; specificity = 97%; positive predictive value (PPV) = 54%; negative predictive value (NPV) =93%; accuracy = 91%. Wet mount for bacterial vaginosis: sensitivity = 80%; specificity =95%; positive predictive value (PPV) = 80%; negative predictive value (NPV) = 95%; accuracy = 92%. Syndromic approach for bacterial vaginosis: sensitivity = 95%; specificity=43%; positive predictive value (PPV) =30%; negative predictive value (NPV) = 97%; accuracy = 54%. Syndromic approach for vaginal candidiasis: sensitivity = 75%; specificity =91%; positive predictive value (PPV) = 26%; negative predictive value (NPV) = 98%; accuracy = 90%. Pap smear for vaginal candidiasis: sensitivity = 68%, specificity = 98%; positive predictive value (PPV) = 86%; negative predictive value (NPV) =96%; accuracy = 96%. Pap smear for bacterial vaginosis: sensitivity = 75%; specificity = 100%; positive predictive value (PPV) = 100%; negative predictive value (NPV) =94%; accuracy = 95%. There was only one case of vaginal trichomoniasis reported – diagnosed by oncological cytology and wet mount – confirmed by Gram. The syndromic approach diagnosed it as bacterial vaginosis. From the data generated and with support on world literature, the Maternidade Escola Januário Cicco’s vulvovaginitis protocol was constructed. Conclusion: Pap smear and wet mount showed respectively low and very low sensitivity for vaginal candidiasis. Syndromic approach presented very low specificity and accuracy for bacterial vaginosis, which implies a large number of patients who are diagnosed or treated incorrectly.


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The objective was to evaluate spermatogenesis alterations caused by DMD and the effect of the treatment using ascorbic acid in preventing those injuries. Twenty four mice were used, 12 from the C57BL/10 lineage (non-dystrophic) and 12 from the C57BL/10Mdx (dystrophic). The sample was divided in six groups containing 4 animals each, as: C30 = 30 days control; D30 = Dystrophic with 30 days; C60 = 60 days control; D60 = Distrophic with 60 days; CS60 = 60 days control supplemented with ascorbic acid and DS60 = Dystrophic with 60 days supplemented with ascorbic acid. The ascorbic acid supplementation was given in the water, 0,005 mg/day. After euthanasia, the testicles (right and left) were collected, weighted and cross sectioned. The material was fixed in the Karnovsky solution for 24 hours, included in resin for histological studies (morphological and morphometric analyzes) submitted to ultrastructural analysis and immunohistochemistry for caspase-3. There was a significant increase in the tunica propria percentage in D30 compared to C30 and D60. The ultrastructural analysis showed mitochondrial apoptosis evidence of Sertoli cells that can reduce sperm efficiency in CS60 and DS60. A higher volume density of apoptotic cells postivas to Caspase-3 in C30 and D30 versus DS60 compared to CS60. There was severe hypertrophy of the Leydig cells between D30 and D60. However, with supplementation was observed reversal of this change in DS60. The ultrastructure of Leydig cells to early presence of lipid vesicles was observed in the group pre-pubertal dystrophic (D30). Thus, the DMD affect the organization of the seminiferous tubules and intertubule, however, the ascorbic acid supplementation used for the treatment of DMD has been just enough to reduce the hypertrophy of the Leydig cells.


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T. gondii can infect the gut mucosa by direct invasion of epithelial cells in the small intestine and these cells may respond directly to infection promoting a local immune response. C57BL/6 mice orally infected with a high parasitic load of T.gondii are highly susceptible, presenting a lethal ileitis. Recently, it was demonstrated that pretreatment with STAg protects C57BL/6 mice against intestinal pathology in oral T. gondii infection. To investigate the mechanisms induced by STAg in the small intestine in oral T.gondii infection, BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice were treated with STAg 48 hours before oral infection with 30 ME-49 cysts and sacrificed at 8 days of infection. Previous treatment with STAg were able of decrease parasitism and pathology in peripheral organs of BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice and induced a increase in amounts of goblet cells, IgA positive cells, Paneth cells and expression of cryptidin in the small intestine of both lineages of mice, moreover BALB/c mice presented higher amount of these cells comparing with C57BL/6 mice. The results suggests that STAg is able of promoting protective mechanisms in both lineages of mice, although these protection is more evidenced in BALB/c mice, and these mechanisms could be in part mediated by increase in goblet, Paneth and local secretion of IgA in the small intestine of mice orally infected with T.gondii.


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Trypanosma cruzi is the causative agent of Chagas disease. This trypanosomiasis has become a global public health problem due to migration of Latin Americans to non-endemic countries. In Latin America with the succesful implementation of control domiciliated vector infestation and blood transfusion, the importance of congenital transmission has recently increased. Considering the tight regulation of immune system during gestation, we aimed to investigate the changes in the immune system caused by T.cruzi infection in the gestation outcome. T cruzi G and Y strain were used to infect female BALB/c mice before or after mating with non-infected male mice. The presence of vaginal plug was used as indicative of mating. Females were euthanized 8 days after confirmation of vaginal plug. We used three female control groups, only infected, only infected and non-infected and non-pregnant females. Two groups were infected before mating and other two were infected 4 days after confirmation of vaginal plug. The uterus and spleen were collected to immunochemistry, qPCR, immunofluorescence and cytokine analysis. Our results showed that despite the MMP’s identification being similarly among groups, T.cruzi higher virulent strain can impaire gestation outcome prior mating; the infection also increased cytokines like IFN-γ, IL-1β and IL-4; and leucocytes in uterine environment was altered, responding locally to systemic changes caused by T.cruzi infection. In conclusion this work suggests that T.cruzi infection can impaire gestation outcome and local response to sistemic infection was able to control the infection allowing pregnancy development in some conditions.


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El uso de fuentes de Zn (orgánicas e inorgánicas) en el pienso de cerdos prepúberes se ha mostrado indispensable, ya que este mineral ha evidenciado beneficios relacionados con aspectos reproductivos, respuesta inmunitaria, estado de salud, ganancia de peso, consumo de pienso. Los primeros estudios que identificaron al Zn como componente fundamental en la reproducción fueron en la década de los 40´s, en donde se estableció la importancia de este mineral en el desarrollo de las células de Leydig, a partir de estos descubrimientos se recomienda la utilización del mineral en el pienso de los cerdos. Sin embargo, las recomendaciones que se han hecho para apoyar el efecto del Zn en la reproducción, fueron identificadas hace 30 años, y poco se ha estudiado desde entonces con respecto al nivel de Zn que habría que incluir en el pienso. Por otra parte, la industria alimenticia animal ha desarrollado fuentes minerales con mayor biodisponibilidad, por un lado para que el organismo pueda utilizarlo más rápida y eficientemente (>biodisponibilidad) y por otra parte para evitar que el mineral consumido por el animal, se pierda a través de las deyecciones, asegurando con ello no solo la reducción de las pérdidas económicas, sino la minimización del impacto ambiental que el Zn ejerce negativamente. De esta manera, se decidió realizar una investigación que proporcionara información sobre el efecto de las fuentes y niveles de Zn, en la eficiencia de crecimiento y desarrollo de cerdos prepúberes y verracos jóvenes, en el desarrollo de los testículos y sus estructuras celulares, así como en el comportamiento sexual de los verracos jóvenes. Para lo anterior se utilizaron 50 cerdos de la línea genética York x Landrace, con un peso medio inicial de 35±1.25, estos animales se distribuyeron en siete tratamientos, los cuales correspondieron a dietas formuladas con y sin la adición de fuente de Zn (ZnSO4, ZnO, ZnMet) , y a dos niveles (150ppm y 200ppm de Zn). La dieta base fue formulada utilizando la tabla de necesidades nutritivas del FEDNA (2006). Todos los cerdos fueron colocados en jaulas individuales, con comedero y bebedero individual. Se les dio un periodo de adaptación de 15 días, posteriormente se inició la fase experimental en la que se midió el consumo de pienso (CDP), conversión alimenticia (CA), ganancia de peso (GDP), al finalizar el periodo de crianza (Crecimiento, Desarrollo y Finalización) y los cerdos llegaron a un peso mayor a 100Kg, se sacrificaron tres cerdos, de los cuales se obtuvieron los testículos, epidídimos, bazo, páncreas, hueso (fémur), hígado y riñones, para analizar a través de Espectrofotometría de Absorción Atómica la concentración de Zn...