734 resultados para Teaching of French


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Le présent mémoire expose les effets de pratiques d’écriture de textes identitaires plurilingues, soutenues par des ateliers d’expression théâtrale plurilingues, sur le rapport à l’écrit d’élèves immigrants allophones nouvellement arrivés en situation de grand retard scolaire au secondaire, et ce, tout au long d’une recherche-action visant le développement de l’écriture. Puis, ces effets sont comparés avec ceux de pratiques traditionnelles d’enseignement de l’écriture. Un groupe expérimental et un groupe contrôle ont participé à cette étude de cas multiples. Des observations participantes et des entretiens individuels semi-dirigés ont permis de dresser le portrait du rapport à l’écrit des huit élèves participant à notre recherche. Dans ce rapport à l’écrit est considéré l’engagement dans la littératie des élèves, un concept clé à prendre en compte en didactique des langues secondes. Nous proposons ainsi l’étude d’une nouvelle notion : le rapport à l’écrit teinté du concept d’engagement (RÉ+). Les résultats de ce mémoire confirment la pertinence de l’approche novatrice mise en place, qui agit sur les quatre dimensions du RÉ+ (affective, praxéologique, conceptuelle et axiologique). Elle permet notamment aux élèves d’associer l’écriture à des sentiments positifs et les amène à poser un regard réflexif sur la langue associé au développement d’habiletés métacognitives. De tels effets sont différents de ceux de pratiques traditionnelles d’enseignement de l’écriture, qui ne paraissent pas en mesure d’engager pleinement, affectivement et cognitivement, les élèves dans les tâches d’écriture.


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Why did a majority of French voters reject the Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe in the 2005 referendum? We argue here that the collective mobilization of the left-wing ‘No’ camp made the decisive difference through its formation of ‘Collectifs pour le non’, a coalition which facilitated the public expression of an anti-liberal and pro-European position capable of bringing together the Green and Socialist electorates, along with other parts of the left. Using a comprehensive analysis of the multi-organizational field of protest constituted by the mobilization of the left-wing ‘No’ camp, we show first that the mobilization was a ‘European affair’, in the sense that it developed a pro-European position in the context of struggles against liberal forces. Second, we show that the mobilization was also a ‘French’ affair because it relied on the high valuation of the ‘national’ mode of belonging, through the defence of the French state model.


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La présente recherche vise à décrire et comprendre l’enseignement de la distinction entre le passé composé et l’imparfait à partir des connaissances et conceptions des enseignants ainsi qu’à partir de leur matériel didactique. La distinction aspectuelle, plus précisément celle qui concerne le perfectif et l’imperfectif, est une difficulté qui concerne plusieurs langues. La recherche antérieure s’est beaucoup intéressée à cette question, permettant de comprendre les raisons de cette difficulté qui se fonde sur l’hypothèse de l’aspect. À partir de cette hypothèse, les difficultés concernant la distinction entre le passé composé et l’imparfait s’éclaircissent, permettant d’ajuster les explications et la transposition didactique. Or, la recherche antérieure considère que les manuels didactiques fournissent aux apprenants et aux enseignants des explications qui ne permettent pas une réelle compréhension de la distinction entre le passé composé et l’imparfait. La présente recherche cherche à vérifier ces hypothèses. À partir d’entrevues réalisées auprès de neuf enseignants de français langue seconde, les résultats montrent qu’effectivement, les enseignants s’inspirent des manuels didactiques pour expliquer et transposer la distinction entre le passé composé et l’imparfait. De plus, à partir du matériel didactique fourni par les mêmes enseignants, les résultats montrent que malgré une connaissance de la difficulté d’emploi du passé composé et de l’imparfait, les exercices ne sont pas adaptés aux difficultés des étudiants. Enfin, la présente recherche démontre la prédominance de l’intrant typique par rapport à l’intrant atypique.


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Public undertakings have been assigned a significant role to play in the systematic socio-economic development of India. My interest in the subject was kindled while I was doing my Masters Diploma in Public Administration at the Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi during 1960-61. It was further strengthened by my teaching of the subject in different courses offered by me at the School of Management Studies and in several programmes organised by various voluntary and training organisations like the Institute of Management in Government, Trivandrum, Centre for Management Development, Trivandrum, etc. The several years in which I served as a member of the faculty in the School of Management Studies, University of Cochin,gave me the opportunity to come into close contact with different public sector concerns and their managers at various levels. This rich opportunity gave me a better insight into the problems faced by these concerns. The present study is a result of the interest so developed.


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Econometrics is a young science. It developed during the twentieth century in the mid-1930’s, primarily after the World War II. Econometrics is the unification of statistical analysis, economic theory and mathematics. The history of econometrics can be traced to the use of statistical and mathematics analysis in economics. The most prominent contributions during the initial period can be seen in the works of Tinbergen and Frisch, and also that of Haavelmo in the 1940's through the mid 1950's. Right from the rudimentary application of statistics to economic data, like the use of laws of error through the development of least squares by Legendre, Laplace, and Gauss, the discipline of econometrics has later on witnessed the applied works done by Edge worth and Mitchell. A very significant mile stone in its evolution has been the work of Tinbergen, Frisch, and Haavelmo in their development of multiple regression and correlation analysis. They used these techniques to test different economic theories using time series data. In spite of the fact that some predictions based on econometric methodology might have gone wrong, the sound scientific nature of the discipline cannot be ignored by anyone. This is reflected in the economic rationale underlying any econometric model, statistical and mathematical reasoning for the various inferences drawn etc. The relevance of econometrics as an academic discipline assumes high significance in the above context. Because of the inter-disciplinary nature of econometrics (which is a unification of Economics, Statistics and Mathematics), the subject can be taught at all these broad areas, not-withstanding the fact that most often Economics students alone are offered this subject as those of other disciplines might not have adequate Economics background to understand the subject. In fact, even for technical courses (like Engineering), business management courses (like MBA), professional accountancy courses etc. econometrics is quite relevant. More relevant is the case of research students of various social sciences, commerce and management. In the ongoing scenario of globalization and economic deregulation, there is the need to give added thrust to the academic discipline of econometrics in higher education, across various social science streams, commerce, management, professional accountancy etc. Accordingly, the analytical ability of the students can be sharpened and their ability to look into the socio-economic problems with a mathematical approach can be improved, and enabling them to derive scientific inferences and solutions to such problems. The utmost significance of hands-own practical training on the use of computer-based econometric packages, especially at the post-graduate and research levels need to be pointed out here. Mere learning of the econometric methodology or the underlying theories alone would not have much practical utility for the students in their future career, whether in academics, industry, or in practice This paper seeks to trace the historical development of econometrics and study the current status of econometrics as an academic discipline in higher education. Besides, the paper looks into the problems faced by the teachers in teaching econometrics, and those of students in learning the subject including effective application of the methodology in real life situations. Accordingly, the paper offers some meaningful suggestions for effective teaching of econometrics in higher education


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The aim of this paper is a comprehensive presentation of some important basic and general aspects of the topic applications and modelling, with emphasis on the secondary school level. Owing to the review character of this paper, some overlap with the survey paper Blum and Niss (1989) for ICME-6 in Budapest is inevitable. The paper will consist of three parts. In part 1, I shall try to clarify some basic concepts and remind the reader of a few application and modelling examples suitable for teaching. In part 2, I shall formulate some general aims for mathematics instruction and, on that basis, summarise the most important arguments for and against applications and modelling in mathematics teaching. Finally, in part 3, I shall discuss some relevant instructional aspects resulting from the considerations in part 2.


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In connection with the (revived) demand for considering applications in the teaching of mathematics, various schemata or lists of criteria have been developed since the end of the sixties, which set up requirements about closeness to the real world or about the type of mathematics being used, and which have made it possible to analyze the available applications in their light. After having stated the problem (in section 1), we present (in section 2) a sketch of some of the best known of these and of some earlier schemata, although we are not aiming for a complete picture. Then (in section 3) we distinguish among different dimensions.in the analysis of applications. With this as a basis, we develop (in section 4) our own suggestion for categorizing types of applications and conceptions for an application-oriented mathematics instruction. Then (in section 5) we illustrate our schemata by some examples of performed evaluations. Finally (in section 6), we present some preliminary first results of the analysis of teaching conceptions.


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GeoNetwork opensource is a standards based, Free and Open Source catalog application to manage spatially referenced resources through the web. It is an OSGEO Project initiated by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). The purpose of this presentation is to illustrate the implementation of such a catalog in national projects in France and in Switzerland. Firstly, we will present you the Geosource project undertaken by BRGM (http://www.brgm.fr/), gathering national and local authorities, national geographic survey, public organisations, associations in order to provide a metadata catalog for french users : definition of french iso profile, support for INSPIRE metadata requirements. Finally, we will present the SwissTopo geocat II project. The purpose of the project is to develop the next generation geospatial catalog for SwissTopo on the basis of GeoNetwork opensource. This both projects underline the closely collaboration between national authorities and the Geonetwork opensource community


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This is a video resource to support the teaching of catalysis at A-level. It features explanations of the underlying theory, coupled with an outline of cutting research in this area of Chemistry at the University of Southampton, which relates to the A-level topic. The video files are in the .zip folder, and instructions for how to access them can be found in the attached document. You will also find a Word document called 'Skeleton notes', which is designed to be printed out by students and completed as they watch the video. We will be seeking feedback from students who use the resource, to find out their views about its effectiveness in educational terms. If you have any comments, or if you spot any errors, please contact Dr David Read (d.read@soton.ac.uk).


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This paper discusses the influence of rhythm in teaching of hearing impaired children.


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This paper examines the production of a videotape of “Little Red Riding Hood,” produced at Central Institute for the Deaf, as a supplemental tool in the teaching of fairy tales.


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This paper is a curriculum packet for teaching of the westward expansion in the United States for a third grade level.


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This paper examines the mainstreaming of hearing-impaired students in regular education classrooms. It evaluates the areas where teachers need more information regarding deafness, hearing loss and the teaching of hearing-impaired students. The paper also presents a list of resources to assist teachers in the education of hearing-impaired students in the mainstream classroom.


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This article reports on an investigation into the language learning beliefs of students of French in England, aged 16 to 18. It focuses on qualitative data from two groups of learners (10 in total). While both groups had broadly similar levels of achievement in French in terns of examination success, they dffered greatly in the self-image they had of themselves as language learners, with one group displaying low levels of self-eficacy beliefs regarding the possibility of future success. The implica tions of such beliefs for students' levels of motivation and persistence are discussed, together with their possible causes. The article concludes by suggesting changes in classroom practice that might help students develop a more positive image of them selves as language learners.