This study has investigated texts written by students from two high school- 3 rd grade classrooms, a public school in Natal- RN, and their teachers in order to reveal the nature and relevance of the knowledge that has oriented the teacher in the process of evaluation of argumentative text, set in the genre, opinion article, produced in the school setting. The corpus analyzed is compound with a total of sixteen texts, four of them corresponding to the production of two teachers (two productions per teacher) and twelve on the production of six students (two productions per student, with three students per class). All material on the production of these subjects was collected throughout the 2008 school year, with special attention for students’ productions, which were collected only after being subjected to teacher evaluation. Working knowledge of text linguistics, discourse analysis, the theory of enunciation and the aesthetics of reception, we proceeded to the analysis of production, which in according to the methodological proposal, it was held in two stages: at first, the student and faculty productions were analyzed, separately, in order to verify what knowledge about the object these subjects revealed to have already assimilated. Secondly, two sets were compared (each teacher's texts with the texts of their students). The intention was to unravel the existence (or not) of a connection between the underlying knowledge to the textual production of these teachers and their knowledge manifested in the evaluative act when the interventions made on the productions of the learner. It was found that there is a close correlation between the knowledge revealed in this action and those evidenced in their written productions, which constitutes a strong argument to validate the thesis that teachers also have been shown little proficient in performing their role as producers and evaluators of texts.
This research analyzes the discursive construction of Educommunication, from a training course of educommunicators, with teachers and students of school Profº Francisco Ivo Cavalcanti, state public school, geographically located in the city of Natal / RN, studying the constitution of the meanings that educommunication practice in School Radio acquires for trainers and course participants (teachers and students). The socio-historical context in which this research is based corresponds to the new social reality, mediated by information and communication Technologies. These technologies drive the educational institution to train students in the use of different languages that permeate society. But to do so, you must have also enabled teachers to work Communication technology to meet the aspirations of young people and adults who are part of the educational community. The objectives are to identify the conditions of discursive production around the educommunication practice in Radio School, examine the discursive construction of instructors and course participants in Educommunication and its dialogical brands, and see how the course participants relate to their educommunicative practice in the educational contexts, attributing meaning to the place of teachers and students. Therefore, this research uses ethnography applied to the school context as a methodological option, Pecheuxtian Discourse Analysis, the principles of Educommunication, the reflections of Paulo Freire and the concepts of Dialogism in Bakhtin as theoretical contributions. We adopted three areas of knowledge: Language, Communication and Education, in order to produce an analysis committed to the aspects that involve the use of radio in the school environment to promote an educommunicative practice. With this research we have built a web of meanings about the school that we are forming or we want to form in the XXI century, because we used the discourses of teachers and students immersed in new knowledge and practices in order to propel them to be subjects of communication in educational environment for a qualitative transformation of being and doing in school.
La présente recherche a pour objectif analyser la reconfiguration d'un personnage dans deux romans et dans un texte dramatique de l’écrivaine française Marguerite Duras, qui font partie du Cicle indien. Ils sont : Le Ravissement de Lol V. Stein (1964), Le vice-consul (1965) e India Song (1975). Adoptant la perspective de la Comparaison Différentielle comme approche littéraire, proposée par Ute Heidmann (2008, 2010, 2012), professeur-docteur de l'Université de Lausanne (Suisse), ce travail cherche étudier le personnage Anne-Marie Stretter présent dans ces trois œuvres. On cherche comprendre de quelle manière se produit la réécriture du personnage à partir de trois axes d'analyse : les modalités de l'énonciation, en considérant l'analyse et la comparaison de l'œuvre littéraire comme un événement énonciatif, partant du concept de la scène d'énonciation, proposé par Dominique Maingueneau (2010) ; les modalités d'inscription générique, étroitement liées aux modalités énonciatives, avec un fondement théorique en Todorov (1980) et Heidmann (2012) ; et les modalités de dialogisme intertextuel et interdiscursif, considérant dans la relation dialogique des nouveaux et différentes propositions de sens. Para la compréhension de cela nous partons de Bakhtine (2010), Kristeva (1974), Todorov (1981) et de l'idée de dialogisme et intertextualité, pour arriver à l'idée d'interdiscours proposée par Heidmann (2010, 2012). À partir de cette étude, nous pouvons observer dans l'œuvre d'un même auteur différentes manières de construction d'un personnage, chacun avec ses spécificités et complexités, variant dans le genre et espaces discursifs. L'intérêt de la comparaison différentielle dans cette étude, partant d'un trait commun entre les trois œuvres, est de rendre visible les différences épistémologiques et les nouvelles propositions de sens.
The objective of this dissertation is to investigate the propagation of an anticommunism movement in Rio Grande do Norte Estate, Brazil, in a process that started on the first decades of the twentieth century and shows reflections until today. Firstly, we introduce the operation promoted by the catholic oriented newspaper A Ordem. Through the analysis of publications from 1935 to 1945, we observe its role in an image campaign of the “Communist Conspiracy” event, in an attempt to legitimate the power of Right wing groups, specially the Catholic Church and the Military Police. The newspapers discourse is analyzed in serial, quantitative and qualitative perspectives. Secondly, we search to understand the space dynamic of the anticommunism discourse thought the creation of evocation and representation spaces that ended up becoming memory places. Our considerations are based on the concept of representation by Roger Chartier, observing the way communism is represented by A Ordem, as well as the spatial category used to reactivate the anticommunist memory and represent it. We analyze the interests that are served by the construction of the monuments, the Oral History, as well as the relation between the local communities with them. Thirdly, we establish a parallel with many authors, in an approach that gathers Cultural and Social elements and Political History, in order to find explanations for the articulation of these discourses.
In this paper, we analyze corporate slogans, understanding them as a discursive construction that is, as a pairing of form and function able to unite the notions of textual type and discursive genre. In this way, we developed a qualitative and quantitative analysis, aimed specifically to analyze the formal properties (phonetic, morphological and syntactic) and functional (semantic, pragmatic and discursive) of slogans. Furthermore, we attempted at verifying and quantifying recurring aspects involved in their construction, in order to capture configurational patterns underlying their formation. The data come from slogans collected in products and / or service stores in the metropolitan area of Natal city, Rio Grande do Norte. This research is based on the Cognitive-Functional Linguistics, that conjugates the North American functionalist tradition, represented by researchers as Talmy Givón, Paul Hopper, Joan Bybee, Elizabeth Closs-Traugott, with Cognitive Linguistics, in particular, the chain linked to Construction Grammar, as postulated by Adele Goldberg, William Croft e Jan-Olla Östman, among others. The results ratified the importance of the interface between the formal and functional aspects in the analysis of linguistic uses. These results point to the idea of the slogan as the pairing of form and function on textual / discursive level, in other words, as a discursive construction, constituting as cognitive storage of a scheme / model of textual formation with a specific discursive-pragmatic function.
The following paper attempted to investigate and discuss the possible improvements in the writing of students from the public network in the 6th grade of elementary school. This research was run in the professional master degree In Portuguese Language. Also based upon Genetic Criticism, this study attempting to analyze in which way and in which proportions the alterations done in the texts reveal and perspective capacity in the students as they replace, broad, remove or just move terms in their assignments. We tried to develop our analysis in the pragmatic perspective in which Textual Linguistic is included, investigating the texts and appreciating them as a construction process of meaning. Our theoretical discussion will be based on and socio-interactional conception of language (MARCUSCHI, 2008), as well as in the postulates of Analyze of Discursion (ADAM, 2010, 2008). It has also been used the theoretical assumptions taken from Genetic Criticism which regard the relation between text and genesis, due to the fact that it considers the text and a the result of a construction of progressive elaboration and the writing as an activity of constant movement (DE BIASI, [2000] 2010; GRÉSILLON, 1989; [1990] 2008; [1992] 2002; SALLES, 2008a). To assemble the data in this research we took into consideration the social variables related to the students and the sociocultural context. Nonetheless, this investigation point towards a real classroom situation where we tried to analyze the language functioning in application conditions, thus, giving us authority to describe more precisely the reality we lived in, which provided us with a more attentive look to the observed particularities. This description of the reality appreciated built a path that point to a research of qualitative data approach to which meanings deriving from interpretation were attributed. To conduct this research we resourced to the Action-Research process. The data are comprised of ten personal reports that were created from rewriting assignments, which constitutes a range of twenty texts assessed starting from the linguistic operations acknowledged by Generative Grammar and continued by Lebrave and Grésillon (2009). As result of this analysis, we identified the operation of adding more often than the other ones. The replacement and removal operations display a very close offspring. Nevertheless, the moving operation was scarcely used. These results, besides demonstrating linguistic creativity of the students, revealed that for a text to be seen as “concluded”, the writing student articulates new elaborations through these linguistic operators and that these movements of coming and going, of erasures and amendments contribute significantly for the teacher to approach the relationship the student keeps with his textual and discursive expression, and then, with that, to hold information that eventually provides individual and collective directions in school productions.
With this thesis, we investigate papers produced by candidates to the vestibular 2010 from UFRN related to the (non) taking on of different points of view in the textual zone of the argumentation and counter-argumentation. The candidates had to produce an opinion article about the polemic theme of the security cameras. The corpus of this research contents 100 papers produced by the candidates to the vestibular 2010 from different areas (humans I, humans II, technological I, technological II and biomedical). To this study, we are based on theoretical perspectives from authors of different theories and linguistic fields that dialog among them. In this direction, we follow Bakhtin (1995), Rabatel (2008 a, 2008 b), Guentchéva (1994, 1996, 2011) and Rodrigues, Passeggi e Silva Neto (2010), among others, that are concerned to dialogism, enunciative theories, discuss analyzes, and linguistic of the text. This group of linguistic approach is linked to the Textual Analyze of the Discuss (ADAM, 2011), that conducts analyze of the data of this research. Related to the methodology, we follow the qualitative analyze in an interpretative way. We investigate how the candidate, as a writer, takes on information inserted in his/her paper. With this in mind, this research tries to answer the following questions: (1) How the candidate organizes his/her discuss in respect to the enunciative responsibility? (2) Which linguistic marks conduct to identify the different voices in the texts? (3) How the textual plan is presented in the opinion article? (4) In which part of the textual plan is possible to identify the enunciative responsibility? In this sense, the aims of this study are identify, describe, analyze and interpret the different voices presented in the text and the way the candidate takes on (or not) the different points of view presented in the papers during argumentation and counterargumentation movement. In general, the results reveal that the presence of linguistic marks (connectors, people marks, among others) design the grade of enunciative responsibility of the writer, stimulating his/her involving and taking on enunciative responsibility.
The core of this research it is anchored in the analysis of the relationship between experiences and experiences of transvestite and transsexual women and citizenship category in Natal. For this, we analyzed, at first, the unfolding instilled in acting from the agenda of a Non Governmental Organization of the city, the Atransparência. In a second, and more importantly, time, reflections of those actions were followed in the daily and transgender women in the city belonging to NGOs. Methodologically, work is characterized as a qualitative research, with ethnographic deployment, made possible through interviews with semi-structured questionnaires. The analysis of the collected material was possible from the discourse analysis (Foucault, 1996), as well as qualitative analysis (Caregnato and Mutti, 2006). Theoretically, it was done the exercise to think queer theory conciliated her with the prospect of criticism of eucorêntrismo of power and knowledge, with fundamental emphasis on the relationship between theoretical national queers - Bento (2014), Miscolci (2014), Pelúcio (2014 ) and Pereira (2012) - authors and descolonial such as Mignolo (2008) Quijano (2005).
In this study, we join up in the theoretical assumptions of the French Discourse Analysis in order to analyze effects of the demand of objectification of language in the context of vestibular essays. More specifically, we analyze the operation of said objectification via discourses constructed by the traditional vestibular exam due to the requirement to have, in the students’ essays, paraphrases of statements from the motivating texts (TM) of the test in question. From our perspective, the objectification mechanism of language, the paraphrase, in the vestibular, its logic of clarity and non-contradiction of ideas, is made by (in)determination of senses in the order of its speech and, also, in its practice: the correction of the vestibular essay. Therefore, in spite of what is assumed as guarantee to language in the moment of the vestibular essay, we suggest there are regularization-recognition conflicts of same senses— the constitutive senses of TM — in the evaluative speech of two vestibular-essay correctors(CA and CB). These correctors, with their history of reading (grammar and Linguistic Textual), stress the concept of paraphrase taken by the vestibular instance for the correction of students’ essays. Such stress creates a dispute of speeches: the speech of knowledge (university policy) versus the speech of produce (neoliberal policy); the latter as reading policy that favors literal meanings, consensus. Because of all this, we question: what are the effects of senses produced in (and about) vestibular essays by the demand of determining of the saying there instituted? To answer this question, we build analysis from clippings of documents that regulate the vestibular exam (institutional texts) in our country and, also, analysis of two vestibular essays in which at times appear, at times not, according to the judgment of CA and CB of essays, paraphrases of TM statements of the essay. The analysis, in theory, punctuates effects of sense of the objectification process of the saying in vestibular, and primarily the rarefaction of legal-position subject-of-knowing by the current institution of the subject-of-making. Moreover, our work comprises affiliations of sense that relates to the subject-speech relationship in evaluative exercise of vestibular essays, on the question of authorship.
This work aimed at analyzing the speeches constructed about motivation by English teachers who teach at public state schools in the interior of Minas Gerais. We aimed at delineating the concept of subject underlying the subjects’ notion of motivation and identifying the role that the English teacher attributes to himself and to the student when he/she enunciates on motivational issues, problematizing the possible consequences of these issues for some English teachers while working in public schools. In order to do so, our investigation made use of theoretical assumptions from Applied Linguistics and Discourse Analysis. The theoretical fundamentation deriving from Bakhtin Circle as well as from Michel Pecheux’s theoretical basis were also very relevant for this research. The intersection of these studying fields entails a theoretical construction that considers the voices of those who live the social practice (MOITA LOPES, 2006), which allows one to see the subjects through their heterogeneity, fluidity and fragmentation. Moreover, it generates knowledge about language in its political, ideological, social and historical aspects. AREDA (SERRANI, 1998) was used as a theoretical and methodological framework for data collection. In our analysis, we considered the voices and the conditions of production that constitute 5 English teachers and, from some selected speeches extracted from their discursive production, some notions as intra and interdiscourse, discursive resonance, discursive memory, among others, can be seen interwoven. We hypothesize that the production of meaning deriving from these English teachers comes from a cleavage between the interdiscursivity about motivation and their position in relation to the English language. Some of these teachers’ discursive inscriptions were delineated as they follow: i) the silenced motivation, in which the teachers come up with several voices, repeating what that has already been said about motivation through silence by excess; also, through an inscription in a process of anomy, the English teachers silence motivation, as they come up with other sayings, in an anomic order, denying their identification with their mother tongue and culture because of a desire to learn the foreign language and culture; ii) the motivation in/from/ by others that resounds, in the way the teachers speak, a relation of alterity on what, in/from desire of other relations (colleagues, students, teaching materials, media, etc.), other forms and alternatives are established as a guarantee of students’ motivation; the teachers are also inscripted in in-service practice training as a space of educational development, because they imagine that the experience of the in-service practice alone, which excludes the educational instruction from the Languages course in which they graduated/were graduating at, taught them how to motivate the students; iii) the motivation as a will of power/knowledge, which means there seems to be teachers’ inscription in the relationship between power and knowledge (Foucault, 1996), disconsidering the conflicts that constitute the English classroom to say that there is a control of the English teaching and learning process and, as a result, they also sustain that they hold control over how to motivate; furthermore, the presence of a resonant voice, whose effect is given by an inscription on the (illusion of) completeness can be seen, because the English teachers believe that while motivating their students, this motivation will provide them with all the missing elements, which would mean that when they motivate students, they would be able to fulfill all the gaps in their learning process.
Dans le contexte du cyberespace, il peut voir qu'il ya beaucoup de jeunes qui produisent des histoires de fiction en fonction de leurs univers de fiction préférés; ceux-ci sont les fanfictions. Il est remarqué, encore, qu'il ya, autour de les fanfictions, l'organisation d'une communauté discursive - constituée par des pratiques discursives de ficwriters (producteurs de fanfictions), lecteurs, betareaders (examinateurs de fanfictions) et webmistresses (administrateurs des sites ou des blogs qui publient les fanfictions). Une de ces pratiques, qui est devenu très fréquent, est le manuel de comme de faire des fanfictions. Nous cherchons, dans cette dissertation, à analyser le fonctionnement de la communauté constituée autour de les fanfictions et, plus spécifiquement, comment les ficwriters, que sont membres de cette communauté, traitent des manuels de fanfictions. Le corpus de notre recherche est essentiellement constitué par fanfictions sur Harry Potter, publiée dans les sites Floreios e Borrões et Niah fanfiction, et des textes qui se disent comme " manuel de comme de faire des fanfictions ", trouvé dans les sites et les blogs liée à fanfictions. Pour analyser ces textes, nous nous servons fondamentalement de concepts postulés par Dominique Maingueneau dans les livres Gênese dos Discursos (2008b) et Discurso Literário (2009). Notre hypothèse est que les manuels de fanfictions sont un moyen d'institutionnaliser les signes d'appartenance de communauté discursive formée autour de les fanfictions, et que cette tentative d'institutionnalisation laisse des traces dans le fonctionnement de l'instance de inscripteur: les ficwriters se positionner par rapport à ces manuels – que, dans une certaine mesure, de normaliser l'espace de l'interlangue - pour constituer le code langagier de votre fanfictions, qui affirme les signes d'appartenance dans cette communauté.
Estudo sobre o processo de construção imaginária do público de gênero feminino ao consumir os produtos dos fenômenos musicais de massa, no Brasil. Tendo como base o caso do sucesso do cantor Michel Teló, representante do gênero musical sertanejo universitário, o objetivo é compreender o processo de construção imaginária que permeia a relação do público feminino (fãs) e consumo do gênero musical sertanejo universitário, a partir do discurso do cantor Michel Teló. Para tal, será tomado referencial teórico do campo dos Estudos Culturais em diálogo com estudos sobre imaginário e música de massa. A análise do discurso, de linha francesa, é a metodologia empregada em duas instâncias para se testar as reflexões construídas com a base teórica: a priori, a partir de um processo de observação participante, durante um espetáculo do artista, em que será observada a interação entre “fenômeno” e público, no momento de execução da sua música “Ai, se eu te pego!”; e, doravante, o discurso do músico é analisado, por meio de entrevistas realizadas em programas televisivos. Um questionário aplicado a uma amostra entre o público feminino apreciador do cantor e de suas músicas contribui ainda no aprofundamento da reflexão. Resulta desta pesquisa a compreensão da proeminência do discurso ao conteúdo. Desta maneira, a importância maior se encontra na forma com que o cantor dialoga com seu público, por meio da imagem que ele constrói em torno de si.
Ao que se percebe, paradigmas até então vigentes passam a ser considerados singulares e ditatoriais. Em contrapartida, estabelece-se uma nova acepção, cujo norte é o pensar “politicamente correto”. Entendendo a publicidade como um produto sociocultural, essa pesquisa inicialmente é bibliográfica visando à conceituação e análise de questões inerentes ao seu tema. Com este contexto devidamente apreendido, uma análise pragmática do discurso foi realizada em um corpus de anúncios publicitários veiculados entre 2009 e 2014, no meio televisivo brasileiro de formato aberto. Nossa investigação se concentrou nos modos com que os elementos postulados pelo pensamento politicamente correto vêm sendo incorporados ao gênero publicitário em construções de sentido. Pudemos observar uma tendência de repreensão de determinados grupos a conteúdos publicitários que tocam em temáticas muito específicas, com interpretações marcadas por um alto grau de subjetividade; e o que se busca muitas vezes, através de um empoderamento permitido por nosso contexto atual, é mesmo a supressão de determinadas temáticas dentro da comunicação publicitária.
Esta pesquisa investiga a presença da imagem na capa do suplemento cultural dominical da Folha de S. Paulo, a Ilustríssima, a partir de um estudo de caso. O foco foi a análise das condições sociais e estéticas de produção dessa imagem de origem artística, levando em conta a mistura entre arte e jornalismo que o suplemento comporta e os conceitos de hibridação e de convergência. Técnicas da Análise de Discurso auxiliaram na análise da articulação entre as questões estéticas (condições textuais) e extratextuais (condições sociais), onde os sentidos são renovados a partir das tensões e contradições entre texto e contexto. A metodologia baseia-se nos Estudos Visuais, campo que tem o pensamento de Edgar Morin como principal influência, possibilitando-nos um olhar complexo sobre a produção da imagem presente na Ilustríssima.
O presente trabalho investiga a implantação do regime de progressão continuada nas escolas públicas do estado de São Paulo em 1998, de modo que tem como eixo de pesquisa e reflexões a política pública progressão continuada e seu processo de implantação e implementação. Houve o uso de duas linhas de pesquisa: pesquisa bibliográfica e pesquisa e análise do discurso oficial, não somente aquele que implanta o regime citado, mas também a gradação das leis e suas características. O suporte central de pesquisa apoia-se em duas consagradas obras: “A estrutura das revoluções científicas” e “A origem das espécies”, de Thomas Kuhn e Charles Darwin, respectivamente. As obras citadas farão jus ao título desse trabalho, a qual utiliza das discussões propostas por Kuhn sobre ‘crise’, tendo esta como uma das linhas mestras para analisar os períodos pré e pós implantação do regime combinado ao darwinismo, que aqui se denomina darwinismo pedagógico. Para estabelecer uma conexão entre o objeto central de pesquisa e as obras acima citadas, houve a necessidade de pesquisar e discutir temáticas diretamente relacionadas, como ‘um rio e seus afluentes’. Os ‘afluentes’ pesquisados e discutidos foram: pedagogia e ciência, regime de seriação, darwinismo, metáfora, políticas públicas, gradação das leis, identidade, resistência e desistência. Os ‘afluentes’ não ficaram restritos a pesquisa bibliográfica, houve a necessidade de também no discurso oficial realizar esta linha metodológica. A pesquisa revelou que a partir das contribuições de Kuhn, a implantação do regime de progressão continuada nas escolas públicas do estado de São Paulo apenas fez com que a educação no estado saísse de uma crise e entrasse em outra. Além disso, revelou também que o darwinismo pedagógico que imperava no regime de seriação, muda de face no regime de progressão continuada, porém continua ativo, agora afetando diretamente os docentes, que resistem ativamente ou em oposição, ou desistem, seja de forma anunciada ou velada.