884 resultados para Specialized genetic algorithm


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Research has shown that applying the T-2 control chart by using a variable parameters (VP) scheme yields rapid detection of out-of-control states. In this paper, the problem of economic statistical design of the VP T-2 control chart is considered as a double-objective minimization problem with the statistical objective being the adjusted average time to signal and the economic objective being expected cost per hour. We then find the Pareto-optimal designs in which the two objectives are met simultaneously by using a multi-objective genetic algorithm. Through an illustrative example, we show that relatively large benefits can be achieved by applying the VP scheme when compared with usual schemes, and in addition, the multi-objective approach provides the user with designs that are flexible and adaptive.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The vehicle routing problem is to nd a better route to meet a set of customers who are geographically dispersed using vehicles that are a central repository to which they return after serving customers. These customers have a demand that must be met. Such problems have a wide practical application among them we can mention: school transport, distribution of newspapers, garbage collection, among others. Because it is a classic problem as NP-hard, these problems have aroused interest in the search for viable methods of resolution. In this paper we use the Genetic Algorithm as a resolution


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This work was developed starting the study of traditionals mathematical models that describe the epidemiology of infectious díseases by direct or indirect transmission. We did the classical approach of equilibrium solutions search, its analysis of stability analytically and by numerical solutions. After, we applied these techniques in a compartimental model of Dengue transmission that consider the mosquito population (susceptible vector Vs and 'infected vector VI), human population (suseeptíble humans S, infected humans I and recovered humans R) and just one sorotype floating in this population. We found the equilibrium solutions and from their analises, it was possible find the reprodution rate of dísease and which define if the disease will be endemic or not in the population.- ext, we used the method described a..~, [1] to study the infíuence of seasonalíty at vírus transmission, when it just acts on one of rates related with the vector. Lastly, we made de modeling considering the periodicity of alI rates, thereby building, a modeI with temporal dependence that permits to study periodicity of transmission through of the approach of parametrical ressonance and genetic algorithm


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The Set Covering Problem (SCP) plays an important role in Operational Research since it can be found as part of several real-world problems. In this work we report the use of a genetic algorithm to solve SCP. The algorithm starts with a population chosen by a randomized greedy algorithm. A new crossover operator and a new adaptive mutation operator were incorporated into the algorithm to intensify the search. Our algorithm was tested for a class of non-unicost SCP obtained from OR-Library without applying reduction techniques. The algorithms found good solutions in terms of quality and computational time. The results reveal that the proposed algorithm is able to find a high quality solution and is faster than recently published approaches algorithm is able to find a high quality solution and is faster than recently published approaches using the OR-Library.


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Connectivity is the basic factor for the proper operation of any wireless network. In a mobile wireless sensor network it is a challenge for applications and protocols to deal with connectivity problems, as links might get up and down frequently. In these scenarios, having knowledge of the node remaining connectivity time could both improve the performance of the protocols (e.g. handoff mechanisms) and save possible scarce nodes resources (CPU, bandwidth, and energy) by preventing unfruitful transmissions. The current paper provides a solution called Genetic Machine Learning Algorithm (GMLA) to forecast the remainder connectivity time in mobile environments. It consists in combining Classifier Systems with a Markov chain model of the RF link quality. The main advantage of using an evolutionary approach is that the Markov model parameters can be discovered on-the-fly, making it possible to cope with unknown environments and mobility patterns. Simulation results show that the proposal is a very suitable solution, as it overcomes the performance obtained by similar approaches.


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In this paper we deal with the one-dimensional integer cutting stock problem, which consists of cutting a set of available objects in stock in order to produce ordered smaller items in such a way as to optimize a given objective function, which in this paper is composed of three different objectives: minimization of the number of objects to be cut (raw material), minimization of the number of different cutting patterns (setup time), minimization of the number of saw cycles (optimization of the saw productivity). For solving this complex problem we adopt a multiobjective approach in which we adapt, for the problem studied, a symbiotic genetic algorithm proposed in the literature. Some theoretical and computational results are presented.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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This work aimed to compare the predictive capacity of empirical models, based on the uniform design utilization combined to artificial neural networks with respect to classical factorial designs in bioprocess, using as example the rabies virus replication in BHK-21 cells. The viral infection process parameters under study were temperature (34°C, 37°C), multiplicity of infection (0.04, 0.07, 0.1), times of infection, and harvest (24, 48, 72 hours) and the monitored output parameter was viral production. A multilevel factorial experimental design was performed for the study of this system. Fractions of this experimental approach (18, 24, 30, 36 and 42 runs), defined according uniform designs, were used as alternative for modelling through artificial neural network and thereafter an output variable optimization was carried out by means of genetic algorithm methodology. Model prediction capacities for all uniform design approaches under study were better than that found for classical factorial design approach. It was demonstrated that uniform design in combination with artificial neural network could be an efficient experimental approach for modelling complex bioprocess like viral production. For the present study case, 67% of experimental resources were saved when compared to a classical factorial design approach. In the near future, this strategy could replace the established factorial designs used in the bioprocess development activities performed within biopharmaceutical organizations because of the improvements gained in the economics of experimentation that do not sacrifice the quality of decisions.


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In this paper, a method is proposed to refine the LASER 3D roofs geometrically by using a high-resolution aerial image and Markov Random Field (MRF) models. In order to do so, a MRF description for grouping straight lines is developed, assuming that each projected side contour and ridge is topologically correct and that it is only necessary to improve its accuracy. Although the combination of laser data with data from image is most justified for refining roof contour, the structure of ridges can give greater robustness in the topological description of the roof structure. The MRF model is formulated based on relationships (length, proximity, and orientation) between the straight lines extracted from the image and projected polygon and also on retangularity and corner injunctions. The energy function associated with MRF is minimized by the genetic algorithm optimization method, resulting in the grouping of straight lines for each roof object. Finally, each grouping of straight lines is topologically reconstructed based on the topology of the corresponding LASER scanning polygon projected onto the image-space. The results obtained were satisfactory. This method was able to provide polygons roof refined buildings in which most of its contour sides and ridges were geometrically improved.


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The objective of the present work was to study the control of the dynamics of diatomic heteronuclear molecules interacting with electric fields created by lasers. Specifically in this work, the molecular photoassociation phenomenon will be analyzed. At this phenomenon, the atom's relative movement is described by a particle that moves in a morse potential well under the influence of an external time dependant force related to the external field. Based on the optimum control theory (OCT), it is presented at the present work laser pulses that alternate a given initial molecular state to a desirable end state, wich in this work was represented by the minimization of a cost functional that indicates how close. To do so, a computational sistem know as Genetic Algorithm (GA) was developed that can be characterizes as an extremelly eficient technique capable of scanning the solutions space and find results close to the optimum solutions