956 resultados para Significant Structure


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The relative growth and population structure of the terebellid Nicolea uspiana were investigated in the intertidal zone of a rocky shore on the south-east coast of Brazil, from May 2006 to May 2007. Eight hundred and forty-seven individuals of N. uspiana were analysed: 391 males, 163 females, and 293 immatures. Although significant differences in some morphometric parameters were found, there was no sexual dimorphism between males and females. There were differences in total length, width of segments, and length of the notopodial region between matures and immatures. The negative allometry of the total length in relation to five other parameters showed that this feature is a good measure for estimating the individual size, which was then used in the analysis of population structure. This population of N. uspiana showed a bimodal size frequency distribution, with immature and mature individuals found during the entire year. This pattern indicates continuous reproduction, with each cohort growing for at least three to four months and being responsible for two consecutive settlement peaks.


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We analysed the seasonal distribution of the zooplankton community in an anthropogenically impacted area (Paranagua Bay) and a non-impacted area (Laranjeiras Bay) of the Paranagua Bay Estuarine Complex. Large phytoplankton (>50 mu m) and zooplankton were collected every two months, between August 2003 and June 2004. The phytoplankton community was numerically dominated by diatoms (78%) and dinoflagellates (19%). Zooplankton abundance varied between 670 and 100,716 individuals m(-3), with a dominance of copepods, mainly the calanoids Acartia lilljeborgii, Acartia tonsa and Pseudodiaptomus acutus. A clear seasonal pattern was observed: copepods were significantly more abundant during the rainy than in the dry season. Significant differences in abundance between the two bays were detected only for cirripede larvae, which were more abundant in Paranagua Bay. This lack of difference between the two areas was probably a consequence of the water circulation along the estuary, which may have diluted and dispersed the pollutants from Paranagua Bay to other areas of the estuary.


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In this work, the effect of various casting solution salt dopants with similar cations, but different anions: (NaPO3)(6), Na2SO4, Na2CO3, NaCl, and NaF, on the morphology and performance of polyethersulfone ultrafiltration membranes was evaluated. The phase inversion process was used to produce all membranes using an 18% polyethersulfone in n-methylpyrrolidone casting solution and water as the non-solvent. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of the membrane cross-section and surface pores were used to determine the specific anion effects on membrane morphology. The SEM images depicted significant changes to the membrane internal structure and pore size with respect to the type and concentration of the casting solution anion dopant. Membrane permeability, molecular weight cut-off, alginate retention, and susceptibility to fouling were evaluated using ultrapure water dead-end and ultrapure water, aqueous polyethylene glycol, aqueous sodium alginate, and natural surface water cross-flow filtration tests. Among the anions evaluated, hexametaphosphate doped at 1% w/w to the polymer resulted in the membrane with highest dead-end permeability at 490 LMH-bar (2- to 3-fold greater than the control), greatest alginate retention at 96.5%, and lowest susceptibility to fouling. The significant increase in membrane performance indicates that the hexametaphosphate anion has great potential to be used as a membrane casting solution dopant. It was also clearly demonstrated that membrane pore morphological characteristics can be effectively used to predict drinking water treatment performance. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Acrocomia aculeata is a perennial, fruit-producing palm tree, native to tropical forests. Its fruits have spurred interest because of their significant potential for use in the cosmetic industry and as feedstock for biofuel. In the present study, the genetic structure and mating system in Acrocomia aculeata were analyzed, using eight nuclear microsatellite loci and samples from Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais states, Brazil. By means of Bayesian analysis, these populations were clustered into two or three groups. A high multilocus outcrossing rate suggests that outcrosses were predominant, although a certain degree of biparental inbreeding also occurred. Thus, although monoecious and self-compatible, there is every indication that A. aculeata bears a mixed reproductive system, with a predominance of outcrossing. Given the genetic structure revealed hereby, future conservation strategies and germplasm collecting should be focussed on sampling and preserving individuals from different clusters.


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This work reports the investigation on the structural differences between InAs quantum rings and their precursor quantum dots species as well as on the presence of piezoelectric fields and asymmetries in these nanostructures. The experimental results show significant reduction in the ring dimensions when the sizes of capped and uncapped ring and dot samples are compared. The iso-lattice parameter mapped by grazing-incidence x-ray diffraction has revealed the lateral extent of strained regions in the buried rings. A comparison between strain and composition of dot and ring structures allows inferring on how the ring formation and its final configuration may affect optical response parameters. Based on the experimental observations, a discussion has been introduced on the effective potential profile to emulate theoretically the ring-shape confinement. The effects of confinement and strain field modulation on electron and hole band structures are simulated by a multiband k.p calculation. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4733964]


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Aldolase has emerged as a promising molecular target for the treatment of human African trypanosomiasis. Over the last years, due to the increasing number of patients infected with Trypanosoma brucei, there is an urgent need for new drugs to treat this neglected disease. In the present study, two-dimensional fragment-based quantitative-structure activity relationship (QSAR) models were generated for a series of inhibitors of aldolase. Through the application of leave-one-out and leave-many-out cross-validation procedures, significant correlation coefficients were obtained (r(2) = 0.98 and q(2) = 0.77) as an indication of the statistical internal and external consistency of the models. The best model was employed to predict pK(i) values for a series of test set compounds, and the predicted values were in good agreement with the experimental results, showing the power of the model for untested compounds. Moreover, structure-based molecular modeling studies were performed to investigate the binding mode of the inhibitors in the active site of the parasitic target enzyme. The structural and QSAR results provided useful molecular information for the design of new aldolase inhibitors within this structural class.


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Human African trypanosomiasis, also known as sleeping sickness, is a major cause of death in Africa, and for which there are no safe and effective treatments available. The enzyme aldolase from Trypanosoma brucei is an attractive, validated target for drug development. A series of alkyl‑glycolamido and alkyl-monoglycolate derivatives was studied employing a combination of drug design approaches. Three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationships (3D QSAR) models were generated using the comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA). Significant results were obtained for the best QSAR model (r2 = 0.95, non-cross-validated correlation coefficient, and q2 = 0.80, cross-validated correlation coefficient), indicating its predictive ability for untested compounds. The model was then used to predict values of the dependent variables (pKi) of an external test set,the predicted values were in good agreement with the experimental results. The integration of 3D QSAR, molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations provided further insight into the structural basis for selective inhibition of the target enzyme.


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[EN] To investigate the effects of mesoscale eddies on prokaryotic assemblage structure and activity, we sampled two cyclonic eddies (CEs) and two anticyclonic eddies (AEs) in the permanent eddy-field downstream the Canary Islands. The eddy stations were compared with two far-field (FF) stations located also in the Canary Current, but outside the influence of the eddy field. The distribution of prokaryotic abundance (PA), bulk prokaryotic heterotrophic activity (PHA), various indicators of single-cell activity (such as nucleic acid content, proportion of live cells, and fraction of cells actively incorporating leucine), as well as bacterial and archaeal community structure were determined from the surface to 2000m depth. In the upper epipelagic layer (0?200 m), the effect of eddies on the prokaryotic community was more apparent, as indicated by the higher PA, PHA, fraction of living cells, and percentage of active cells incorporating leucine within eddies than at FF stations. Prokaryotic community composition differed also between eddy and FF stations in the epipelagic layer. In the mesopelagic layer (200?1000 m), there were also significant differences in PA and PHA between eddy and FF stations, although in general, there were no clear differences in community composition or single-cell activity. The effects on prokaryotic activity and community structure were stronger in AE than CE, decreasing with depth in both types of eddies. Overall, both types of eddies show distinct community compositions (as compared with FF in the epipelagic), and represent oceanic ?hotspots? of prokaryotic activity (in the epi- and mesopelagic realms).


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[EN] Global warming is affecting all major ecosystems, including temperate reefs where canopy-forming seaweeds provide biogenic habitat. In contrast to the rapidly growing recognition of how climate affects the performance and distribution of individuals and populations, relatively little is known about possible links between climate and biogenic habitat structure. We examined the relationship between several ocean temperature characteristics, expressed on time-scales of days, months and years, on habitat patch characteristics on 24 subtidal temperate reefs along a latitudinal gradient (Western Australia; ca 34 to 27º S). Significant climate related variation in habitat structure was observed, even though the landscape cover of kelp and fucalean canopies did not change across the climate gradient: monospecific patches of kelp became increasingly dominant in warmer climates, at the expense of mixed kelp-fucalean canopies. The decline in mixed canopies was associated with an increase in the abundance of Sargassum spp., replacing a more diverse canopy assemblage of Scytothalia doryocarpa and several other large fucoids. There were no observed differences in the proportion of open gaps or gap characteristics. These habitat changes were closely related to patterns in minimum temperatures and temperature thresholds (days > 20 °C), presumably because temperate algae require cool periods for successful reproduction and recruitment (even if the adults can survive warmer temperatures). Although the observed habitat variation may appear subtle, similar structural differences have been linked to a range of effects on canopy-associated organisms through the provision of habitat and ecosystem engineering. Consequently, our study suggests that the magnitude of projected temperature increase is likely to cause changes in habitat structure and thereby indirectly affect numerous habitat-dependent plants and animals


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Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Facultad de Ciencias del Mar. Programa de doctorado en Oceanografía. Diploma de Estudios Avanzados


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[EN] There are an estimated 1030 viruses in the world oceans, the majority of which are phages (viruses that infect bacteria). Extensive research has demonstrated the significant influence of marine phages on microbial abundance, community structure, genetic exchange and global biogeochemical cycles. In this thesis, we contribute to increase the knowledge about the ecological role of viruses in marine systems, but also we aimed to provide a better understanding about the interactions between phages and their hosts and the genetic pool and biogeography of some the isolated phages genomes.


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[EN] Sediment materials play an important role on the dynamic response of large structures where fluid-soil-structure interaction is relevant and materials of that kind are present. Dam-reservoir systems and harbor structures are examples of civil engineering constructions where those effects are significant.


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In the present study, the quaternary structures of Drosophila melanogaster hexamerin LSP-2 and Limulus polyphemus hemocyanin, both proteins from the hemocyanin superfamily, were elucidated to a 10 Å resolution with the technique of cryo-EM 3D-reconstruction. Furthermore, molecular modelling and rigid-body fitting allowed a detailed insight into the cryo-EM structures at atomic level. The results are summarised as follows: Hexamerin 1. The cryo-EM structure of Drosophila melanogaster hexamerin LSP-2 is the first quaternary structure of a protein from the group of the insect storage proteins. 2. The hexamerin LSP-2 is a hexamer of six bean-shaped subunits that occupy the corners of a trigonal antiprism, yielding a D3 (32) point-group symmetry. 3. Molecular modelling and rigid-body fitting of the hexamerin LSP-2 sequence showed a significant correlation between amino acid inserts in the primary structure and additional masses of the cryo-EM structure that are not present in the published quaternary structures of chelicerate and crustacean hemocyanins. 4. The cryo-EM structure of Drosophila melanogaster hexamerin LSP-2 confirms that the arthropod hexameric structure is applicable to insect storage proteins. Hemocyanin 1. The cryo-EM structure of the 8×6mer Limulus polyphemus hemocyanin is the highest resolved quaternary structure of an oligo-hexameric arthropod hemocyanin so far. 2. The hemocyanin is build of 48 bean-shaped subunits which are arranged in eight hexamers, yielding an 8×6mer with a D2 (222) point-group symmetry. The 'basic building blocks' are four 2×6mers that form two 4×6mers in an anti-parallel manner, latter aggregate 'face-to-face' to the 8×6mer. 3. The morphology of the 8×6mer was gauged and described very precisely on the basis of the cryo-EM structure. 4. Based on earlier topology studies of the eight different subunit types of Limulus polyphemus hemocyanin, eleven types of interhexamer interfaces have been identified that in the native 8×6mer sum up to 46 inter-hexamer bridges - 24 within the four 2×6mers, 10 to establish the two 4×6mers, and 12 to assemble the two 4×6mers into an 8×6mer. 5. Molecular modelling and rigid-body fitting of Limulus polyphemus and orthologous Erypelma californicum sequences allowed to assign very few amino acids to each of these interfaces. These amino acids now serve as candidates for the chemical bonds between the eight hexamers. 6. Most of the inter-hexamer contacts are conspicuously histidine-rich and evince constellations of amino acids that could constitute the basis for the allosteric interactions between the hexamers. 7. The cryo-EM structure of Limulus polyphemus hemocyanin opens the door to a fundamental understanding of the function of this highly cooperative protein.


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Study of K isomerism in the transfermium region around the deformed shells at N=152, Z=102, and N=162, Z=108 provides important information on the structure of heavy nuclei. Recent calculations suggest that the K-isomerism can enhance the stability of such nuclei against alpha emission and spontaneous fission. Nuclei showing K isomerism have neutron and proton orbitals with large spin projections on the symmetry axis which is due to multi quasiparticle states with aligned spins K. Quasi-particle states are formed by breaking pairs of nucleons and raising one or two nucleons in orbitals near the Fermi surface above the gap, forming high K (multi)quasi-particle states mainly at low excitation energies. Experimental examples are the recently studied two quasi-particle K isomers in 250,256-Fm, 254-No, and 270-Ds. Nuclei in this region, are produced with cross sections ranging from several nb up to µb, which are high enough for a detailed decay study. In this work, K isomerism in Sg and No isotopes was studied at the velocity filter SHIP of GSI, Darmstadt. The data were obtained by using a new data acquisition system which was developed and installed during this work. 252,254-No and 260-Sg were produced in fusion evaporation reactions of 48-Ca and 54-Cr projectiles with 206,208-Pb targets at beam energies close to the Coulomb barrier. A new K isomer was discovered in 252-No at excitation energy of 1.25 MeV, which decays to the ground state rotational band via gamma emission. It has a half-life of about 100 ms. The population of the isomeric state was about 20% of the ground state population. Detailed investigations were performed on 254-No in which two isomeric states (275 ms and 198 µs) were already discovered by R.-D. Herzberg, but due to the higher number of observed gamma decays more detailed information about the decay path of the isomers was obtained in the present work. In 260-Sg, we observed no statistically significant component with a half life different from that of the ground state. A comparison between experimental results and theoretical calculations of the single particle energies shows a fair agreement. The structure of the here studied nuclei is in particular important as single particle levels are involved which are relevant for the next shell closure expected to form the region of the shell stabilized superheavy elements at proton numbers 114, 120, or 126 and neutron number 184. K isomers, in particular, could be an ideal tool for the synthesis and study of these isotopes due to enhanced spontaneous fission life times which could result in higher alpha to spontaneous fission branching ratios and longer half lifes.


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A total of 352 specimens were analyzed to achieve the different aims of this thesis. 255 central-northern Adriatic specimens of S. solea and S. aegyptiaca were molecularly analysed using microsatellite locus Sos(AC)40 and 205 also morphologically due to evaluate the abundance and the distribution of the cryptic species S. aegyptiaca and to confirm morphologic analyses. Morphological and molecular analyses comparated show a correspondence of 96%. A combined morphologic approach could be proposed to apply multiple criteria on the analyzed external morphological keys. The Adriatic Egyptian soles may lives in shallow waters (up 30 m) and in brackish lagoon. 127 samples of Adriatic common sole added to 326 samples of previous studies showed, using mitochondrial marker (CytB), that the Adriatic Sea as contact zone between Tyrrhenian and Aegean Sea, the divergence within the Adriatic Sea is low but significant between central-north and south, with a longitudinal strong gene flow in central-northern side. It’s also showed as in the Adriatic Sea two near-panmictic populations of common sole exist.