975 resultados para Seasonal Variation


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The Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) is a long term (20 years) research effort aimed at the understanding of the functioning of the Amazonian ecosystem. In particular, the strong biosphere-atmosphere interaction is a key component looking at the exchange processes between vegetation and the atmosphere, focusing on aerosol particles. Two aerosol components are the most visible: The natural biogenic emissions of aerosols and VOCs, and the biomass burning emissions. A large effort was done to characterize natural biogenic aerosols that showed detailed organic characterization and optical properties. The biomass burning component in Amazonia is important in term of aerosol and trace gases emissions, with deforestation rates decreasing, from 27,000 Km2 in 2004 to about 5,000 Km2 in 2011. Biomass burning emissions in Amazonia increases concentrations of aerosol particles, CO, ozone and other species, and also change the surface radiation balance in a significant way. Long term monitoring of aerosols and trace gases were performed in two sites: a background site in Central Amazonia, 55 Km North of Manaus (called ZF2 ecological reservation) and a monitoring station in Porto Velho, Rondonia state, a site heavily impacted by biomass burning smoke. Several instruments were operated to measured aerosol size distribution, optical properties (absorption and scattering at several wavelengths), composition of organic (OC/EC) and inorganic components among other measurements. AERONET and MODIS measurements from 5 long term sites show a large year-to year variability due to climatic and socio-economic issues. Aerosol optical depths of more than 4 at 550nm was observed frequently over biomass burning areas. In the pristine Amazonian atmosphere, aerosol scattering coefficients ranged between 1 and 200 Mm-1 at 450 nm, while absorption ranged between 1 and 20 Mm-1 at 637 nm. A strong seasonal behavior was observed, with greater aerosol loadings during the dry season (Jul-Nov) as compared to the wet season (Dec-Jun). During the wet season in Manaus, aerosol scattering (450 nm) and absorption (637 nm) coefficients averaged, respectively, 14 and 0.9 Mm-1. Angstrom exponents for scattering were lower during the wet season (1.6) in comparison to the dry season (1.9), which is consistent with the shift from biomass burning aerosols, predominant in the fine mode, to biogenic aerosols, predominant in the coarse mode. Single scattering albedo, calculated at 637 nm, did not show a significant seasonal variation, averaging 0.86. In Porto Velho, even in the wet season it was possible to observe an impact from anthropogenic aerosol. Black Carbon was measured at a high 20 ug/m³ in the dry season, showing strong aerosol absorption. This work presents a general description of the aerosol optical properties in Amazonia, both during the Amazonian wet and dry seasons.


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Dengue is considered one of the most important vector-borne infection, affecting almost half of the world population with 50 to 100 million cases every year. In this paper, we present one of the simplest models that can encapsulate all the important variables related to vector control of dengue fever. The model considers the human population, the adult mosquito population and the population of immature stages, which includes eggs, larvae and pupae. The model also considers the vertical transmission of dengue in the mosquitoes and the seasonal variation in the mosquito population. From this basic model describing the dynamics of dengue infection, we deduce thresholds for avoiding the introduction of the disease and for the elimination of the disease. In particular, we deduce a Basic Reproduction Number for dengue that includes parameters related to the immature stages of the mosquito. By neglecting seasonal variation, we calculate the equilibrium values of the model’s variables. We also present a sensitivity analysis of the impact of four vector-control strategies on the Basic Reproduction Number, on the Force of Infection and on the human prevalence of dengue. Each of the strategies was studied separately from the others. The analysis presented allows us to conclude that of the available vector control strategies, adulticide application is the most effective, followed by the reduction of the exposure to mosquito bites, locating and destroying breeding places and, finally, larvicides. Current vector-control methods are concentrated on mechanical destruction of mosquitoes’ breeding places. Our results suggest that reducing the contact between vector and hosts (biting rates) is as efficient as the logistically difficult but very efficient adult mosquito’s control.


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[EN] The presence of emerging contaminants has been previously described in reclaimed water and groundwater of Gran Canaria (Spain). Despite of the environmental risk associated to irrigation with reclaimed water (R), this practice is necessary considering sustainability of the hydrological cycle in semiarid zones, especially regarding agricultural activity. The aim of this study was: i) to analyse the evolution during two years of contaminants of emerging concern, priority substances (2008/105/EC) and heavy metals in reclaimed water (R) and in a volcanic aquifer in the NE of Gran Canaria where a golf course has been irrigated with R since 1976 and ii) to relate this presence with physicochemical water properties and hydrogeological media. Reclaimed water and groundwater (GW) were monitoring quarterly from July 2009 to September 2011. Sorption and degradation processes in soil account for more compounds being detected in R. Diazinon and chlorfenvinphos were detected always in R and terbuthylazine, terbutryn and diuron at 90% of frequency. Considering all the samples, the most frequent compounds were chlorpyrifos ethyl, fluorene, phenanthrene and pyrene. Although their concentrations were frequently below 50 ngL-1, some contaminants, were occasionally detected at higher concentrations. Chlorpyrifos ethyl and diuron are priority substances detected frequently and at high concentrations so they must be included in monitoring studies. Geology and location seem to be related to the emerging compounds presence due to occasional contamination events (not related to R irrigation) and therefore not to an existence of a dangerous diffuse contamination level. Thus, it is preferable to select wells with less stable chemical water quality, in order to monitor the risk of emerging compounds presence. Considering the relationship between contaminant presence, chemical water quality, seasonal variation, hydrogeological characteristics and wells location we can conclude that chlorpyrifos ethyl and diuron were the most dangerous priority substances in terms of GW quality so they must be included in all of the monitoring studies, at least in Canary Islands.


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Throughout the world, pressures on water resources are increasing, mainly as a result of human activity. Because of their accessibility, groundwater and surface water are the most used reservoirs. The evaluation of the water quality requires the identification of the interconnections among the water reservoirs, natural landscape features, human activities and aquatic health. This study focuses on the estimation of the water pollution linked to two different environmental issues: salt water intrusion and acid mine drainage related to the exploitation of natural resources. Effects of salt water intrusion occurring in the shallow aquifer north of Ravenna (Italy) was analysed through the study of ion- exchange occurring in the area and its variance throughout the year, applying a depth-specific sampling method. In the study area were identified ion exchange, calcite and dolomite precipitation, and gypsum dissolution and sulphate reduction as the main processes controlling the groundwater composition. High concentrations of arsenic detected only at specific depth indicate its connexion with the organic matter. Acid mine drainage effects related to the tin extraction in the Bolivian Altiplano was studied, on water and sediment matrix. Water contamination results strictly dependent on the seasonal variation, on pH and redox conditions. During the dry season the strong evaporation and scarce water flow lead to low pH values, high concentrations of heavy metals in surface waters and precipitation of secondary minerals along the river, which could be released in oxidizing conditions as demonstrated through the sequential extraction analysis. The increase of the water flow during the wet season lead to an increase of pH values and a decrease in heavy metal concentrations, due to dilution effect and, as e.g. for the iron, to precipitation.


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Durch geologische Prozesse freigesetzte sowie biogen und anthropogen emittierte Gase werden hauptsächlich von der untersten Atmosphärenschicht, der Troposphäre, aufgenommen und abgebaut. Durch in die Troposphä¬re einfallende solare Strahlung wird ein Abbau des Großteils der emittierten Spurengase durch reaktive Radikale initiiert. Der wichtigste Vertreter dieser reaktiven Radikale in der Troposphäre ist das Hydroxylradikal (OH-Radikal), welches im schnellen Gleichgewicht mit Hydroperoxyradikalen (HO2-Radikal) vorliegt, sodass die Summe aus OH- und HO2-Radikalen oft als HOx zusammengefasst wird. HOx-Radikale bilden tagsüber den Hauptteil der Oxidationskapazität der Troposphäre und sind somit verantwortlich für den oxidativen Abbau vieler, auch chemisch und photolytisch stabiler, Spurengase. Daher wird die Oxidationskapazität als Selbstreinigungskraft der Troposphäre verstanden. rnIm Rahmen meiner Arbeit wurde die wissenschaftliche Fragestellung auf die Oxidationskapazität der Troposphäre über Europa fokussiert. Die Höhen- und Breitenverteilung der OH- und HO2-Mischungsverhältnisse und ihre jahreszeitliche Variation wurde während der flugzeuggestützten HOOVER-Kampagnen (HOOVER 1 & 2) charakterisiert, wobei ein Fokus auf der oberen Troposphäre lag. Es wird gezeigt, welchen Einfluss die einfallende Strahlung, die Variation von HOx-Vorläufersubstanzen (wie z. B. Ozon) und die Variation von Substanzen, die das HOx-Gleichgewicht beeinflussen (z. B. Stickstoffmonoxid), auf das HOx-Budget haben. rnEs wird beispielhaft für den Höhenbereich zwischen 8 und 9.5 km gezeigt, dass die Oxidationskapazität in der oberen Troposphäre des Sommers im Ver¬gleich zu der des Herbstes aufgrund von einer verstärkten HO2-Zyklierung im Mittel deutlich erhöht ist (500 %). rnDurch konvektiven Transport werden im Sommer im Gegensatz zum Herbst regelmäßig Luftmassen aus der planetaren Grenzschicht in die obere Troposphäre eingemischt. Daher wurden der konvektive Luftmassentransport und der Einfluss der eingemischten Spurengase auf die Oxidationskapazität der oberen Troposphäre anhand eines konvektiven Elements über Südostdeutschland untersucht. Wie in dieser Arbeit berichtet wird, wurden in den Luftmassen der Ausströmregion mit bis zu 3.5 pmol/mol (Maximum 10 s-Mittelwert) sehr hohe OH-Mischungsverhältnisse gefunden, die aus der HO2-Konversion mit NO gebildet wurden. Das modellierte HOx-Budget zeigt, dass die HOx-Chemie - unter den beobachteten Bedingungen in der Ausströmregion - durch HOx-Zyklierungsreaktionen beherrscht wird. rnDie gemessenen OH-Mischungsverhältnisse in der Ausströmregion liegen etwa um einen Faktor fünf höher, als die während dieses Fluges in der konvektiv unbeeinflussten oberen Troposphäre gemessenen OH-Mischungsverhältnisse. Am Beispiel der NO2- und CH4-Lebensdauer wird ein schnellerer Abbau von Spurengasen aufgrund der erhöhten Oxidationskapazität nachgewiesen. Aus der NO2-Lebensdauer wird abgeschätzt, wie lange die Oxidationskapazität aufgrund des konvektiven Transports von NOx in den Luftmassen des Ausströmgebietes erhöht ist.rnDie während den Kampagnen durchgeführten Messungen wurden genutzt, um Modellberechnungen des vertikalen HOx-Budgets (über Südschweden) und des meridionalen HOx-Budgets zwischen Nordeuropa und Korsika durchzuführen. Es wurde gezeigt, dass das Modell die OH- und HO2-Mischungsverhältnisse im Allgemeinen gut reproduziert (Modell/Messung: OH im Sommer 94 %, HO2 im Sommer 93 % im Herbst 95 %), wohingegen die vergleichsweise kleinen OH-Mischungsverhältnisse im Herbst aufgrund von einer überschätzten H2O2 abhängigen OH-Produktion stark überschätzt wurden (Modell/Messung: 147 %). rnZur Charakterisierung der Oxidationskapazität innerhalb der planetaren Grenzschicht wurden die DOMINO-Kampagnen durchgeführt. Dabei wurde die Zusammensetzung unterschiedlicher Luftmassen untersucht, die aus verschiedenen Herkunftsorten zum Messort transportiert wurden und aufgrund ihres Ursprungs kaum prozessierte bis prozessierte anthropogen emittierte Spurengase enthielten. Zusätzlich enthielt ein Teil der Luftmassen biogen emittierte Spurengase. Komplementäre Messungen ermöglichen die Berechnung der totalen OH-Produktion und den Vergleich mit den bekannten OH-Quellen. Der Vergleich zeigt, dass offenbar wichtige OH-Produktionskanäle durch die gemessenen Spurengase oder die durchgeführten Berechnungen nicht abgebildet werden. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Stärke der unbekannten OH-Quellen, vor allem unter niedrigen NO-Bedingungen, groß ist und mit den Isopren-, RO2- und HO2-Mischungsverhältnissen korreliert.rn


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In der Archäologie werden elektrische Widerstandsmessungen routinemäßig zur Prospektion von Fundstellen eingesetzt. Die Methode ist kostengünstig, leicht anwendbar und liefert in den meisten Fällen zuverlässige und leicht zu interpretierende Ergebnisse. Dennoch kann die Methode die archäologischen Strukturen in manchen Fällen nur teilweise oder gar nicht abbilden, wenn die bodenphysikalischen und bodenchemischen Eigenschaften des Bodens und der archäologischen Strukturen dies nicht zulassen. Der spezifische elektrische Widerstand wird durch Parameter wie Wassergehalt, Bodenstruktur, Bodenskelett, Bodentextur, Salinität und Bodentemperatur beeinflusst. Manche dieser Parameter, wie z.B. der Wassergehalt und die Bodentemperatur, unterliegen einer saisonalen Veränderung. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht den spezifischen elektrischen Widerstand von archäologischen Steinstrukturen und evaluiert die Möglichkeit, auf Grundlage von Geländemessungen und Laboranalysen archäologische Strukturen und Böden als numerische Modelle darzustellen. Dazu wurde eine Kombination von verschiedenen bodenkundlichen, geoarchäologischen und geophysikalischen Methoden verwendet. Um archäologische Strukturen und Bodenprofile als numerische Widerstandsmodelle darstellen zu können, werden Informationen zur Geometrie der Strukturen und ihren elektrischen Widerstandswerten benötigt. Dabei ist die Qualität der Hintergrundinformationen entscheidend für die Genauigkeit des Widerstandsmodells. Die Geometrie der Widerstandsmodelle basiert auf den Ergebnissen von Rammkernsondierungen und archäologische Ausgrabungen. Die an der Ausbildung des elektrischen Widerstands beteiligten Parameter wurden durch die Analyse von Bodenproben gemessen und ermöglichen durch Pedotransfer-Funktion, wie die Rhoades-Formel, die Abschätzung des spezifischen elektrischen Widerstandes des Feinbodens. Um den Einfluss des Bodenskeletts auf den spezifischen elektrischen Widerstand von Bodenprofilen und archäologischen Strukturen zu berechnen, kamen die Perkolationstheorie und die Effective Medium Theory zum Einsatz. Die Genauigkeit und eventuelle Limitierungen der Methoden wurden im Labor durch experimentelle Widerstandsmessungen an ungestörten Bodenproben und synthetischen Materialien überprüft. Die saisonale Veränderung des Wassergehalts im Boden wurde durch numerische Modelle mit der Software HYDRUS simuliert. Die hydraulischen Modelle wurden auf Grundlage der ermittelten bodenkundlichen und archäologischen Stratigraphie erstellt und verwenden die Daten von lokalen Wetterstationen als Eingangsparameter. Durch die Kombination der HYDRUS-Ergebnisse mit den Pedotransfer-Funktionen konnte der Einfluss dieser saisonalen Veränderung auf die Prospektionsergebnisse von elektrischen Widerstandsmethoden berechnet werden. Die Ergebnisse der Modellierungsprozesse wurden mit den Geländemessungen verglichen. Die beste Übereinstimmung zwischen Modellergebnissen und den Prospektionsergebnissen konnte für die Fallstudie bei Katzenbach festgestellt werden. Bei dieser wurden die Modelle auf Grundlage von archäologischen Grabungsergebnissen und detaillierten bodenkundlichen Analysen erstellt. Weitere Fallstudien zeigen, dass elektrische Widerstandsmodelle eingesetzt werden können, um den Einfluss von ungünstigen Prospektionsbedingungen auf die Ergebnisse der elektrischen Widerstandsmessungen abzuschätzen. Diese Informationen unterstützen die Planung und Anwendung der Methoden im Gelände und ermöglichen eine effektivere Interpretation der Prospektionsergebnisse. Die präsentierten Modellierungsansätze benötigen eine weitere Verifizierung durch den Vergleich der Modellierungsergebnisse mit detailliertem geophysikalischem Gelände-Monitoring von archäologischen Fundstellen. Zusätzlich könnten elektrische Widerstandsmessungen an künstlichen Mauerstrukturen unter kontrollierten Bedingungen zur Überprüfung der Modellierungsprozesse genutzt werden.


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To study whether onset of infantile spasms manifests seasonal variation, as previously reported, and whether any such seasonality is associated with treatment response and long-term outcome, data for 57 patients were retrospectively reviewed. The data were collected from hospital files and through a mail survey of children with infantile spasms born from 1980 to 2002 and monitored at the University Children's Hospital of Berne, Switzerland. The mean age at time of onset of infantile spasms was 7 months (range, 0.75-40), at diagnosis 8 months (range, 1-42) and at follow-up 11.3 years (range, 1-23 years). In 77% of participants, the etiology of infantile spasms was known (symptomatic); in the remaining 23% it was not known (nonsymptomatic). In contrast to previous findings, onset of infantile spasms was not associated with calendar month, photoperiod, or global solar radiation. Long-term prognosis was poor: 4 of the 57 (7%) children died; 49 (86%) had cognitive impairment and 40 (70%) had physical impairment; 31 (54%) had cerebral palsy, 37 had (65%) persistent seizures, and 9 (16%) had Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. Symptomatic infantile spasms were associated with worse cognitive outcome (P < 0.001), but treatment modality and overall duration of infantile spasms were not. There was no association of calendar month or photoperiod at onset with cognitive outcome or treatment response.


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Nitrogen oxides play a crucial role in the budget of tropospheric ozone (O sub(3)) and the formation of the hydroxyl radical. Anthropogenic activities and boreal wildfires are large sources of emissions in the atmosphere. However, the influence of the transport of these emissions on nitrogen oxides and O sub(3) levels at hemispheric scales is not well understood, in particular due to a lack of nitrogen oxides measurements in remote regions. In order to address these deficiencies, measurements of NO, NO sub(2) and NO sub(y) (total reactive nitrogen oxides) were made in the lower free troposphere (FT) over the central North Atlantic region (Pico Mountain station, 38 degree N 28 degree W, 2.3 km asl) from July 2002 to August 2005. These measurements reveal a well-defined seasonal cycle of nitrogen oxides (NO sub(x) = NO+NO sub(2) and NO sub(y)) in the background central North Atlantic lower FT, with higher mixing ratios during the summertime. Observed NO sub(x) and NO sub(y) levels are consistent with long-range transport of emissions, but with significant removal en-route to the measurement site. Reactive nitrogen largely exists in the form of PAN and HNO sub(3) ( similar to 80-90% of NO sub(y)) all year round. A shift in the composition of NO sub(y) from dominance of PAN to dominance of HNO sub(3) occurs from winter-spring to summer-fall, as a result of changes in temperature and photochemistry over the region. Analysis of the long-range transport of boreal wildfire emissions on nitrogen oxides provides evidence of the very large-scale impacts of boreal wildfires on the tropospheric NO sub(x) and O sub(3) budgets. Boreal wildfire emissions are responsible for significant shifts in the nitrogen oxides distributions toward higher levels during the summer, with medians of NO sub(y) (117-175 pptv) and NO sub(x) (9-30 pptv) greater in the presence of boreal wildfire emissions. Extreme levels of NO sub(x) (up to 150 pptv) and NO sub(y) (up to 1100 pptv) observed in boreal wildfire plumes suggest that decomposition of PAN to NO sub(x) is a significant source of NO sub(x), and imply that O sub(3) formation occurs during transport. Ozone levels are also significantly enhanced in boreal wildfire plumes. However, a complex behavior of O sub(3) is observed in the plumes, which varies from significant to lower O sub(3) production to O sub(3) destruction. Long-range transport of anthropogenic emissions from North America also has a significant influence on the regional NO sub(x) and O sub(3) budgets. Transport of pollution from North America causes significant enhancements on nitrogen oxides year-round. Enhancements of CO, NO sub(y) and NO sub(x) indicate that, consistent with previous studies, more than 95% of the NO sub(x) emitted over the U.S. is removed before and during export out of the U.S. boundary layer. However, about 30% of the NO sub(x) emissions exported out of the U.S. boundary layer remain in the airmasses. Since the lifetime of NO sub(x) is shorter than the transport timescale, PAN decomposition and potentially photolysis of HNO sub(3) provide a supply of NO sub(x) over the central North Atlantic lower FT. Observed Delta O sub(3)/ Delta NO sub(y) and large NO sub(y) levels remaining in the North American plumes suggest potential O sub(3) formation well downwind from North America. Finally, a comparison of the nitrogen oxides measurements with results from the global chemical transport (GCT) model GEOS-Chem identifies differences between the observations and the model. GEOS-Chem reproduces the seasonal variation of nitrogen oxides over the central North Atlantic lower FT, but does not capture the magnitude of the cycles. Improvements in our understanding of nitrogen oxides chemistry in the remote FT and emission sources are necessary for the current GCT models to adequately estimate the impacts of emissions on tropospheric NO sub(x) and the resulting impacts on the O sub(3) budget.


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Phenotypes of plants, and thus their ecology and evolution, can be affected by the environmental conditions experienced by their parents, a phenomenon called parental effects or transgenerational plasticity. However, whether such effects are just passive responses or represent a special type of adaptive plasticity remains controversial because of a lack of solid tests of their adaptive significance. Here, we investigated transgenerational effects of different nutrient environments on the productivity, carbon storage and flowering phenology of the perennial plant Plantago lanceolata, and whether these effects are influenced by seasonal variation in the maternal environment. We found that maternal environments significantly affected the offspring phenotype, and that plants consistently produced more biomass and had greater root carbohydrate storage if grown under the same environmental conditions as experienced by their mothers. The observed transgenerational effects were independent of the season in which seeds had matured. We therefore conclude that transgenerational effects on biomass and carbon storage in P. lanceolata are adaptive regardless of the season of seed maturation.


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Two groundwater bodies, Grazer Feld and Leibnitzer Feld, with surface areas of 166 and 103 km2 respectively are characterised for the first time by measuring the combination of d18O/d2H, 3H/3He, 85Kr, CFC-11, CFC-12 and hydrochemistry in 34 monitoring wells in 2009/2010. The timescales of groundwater recharge have been characterised by 131 d18O measurements of well and surface water sampled on a seasonal basis. Most monitoring wells show a seasonal variation or indicate variable contributions of the main river Mur (0–30%, max. 70%) and/or other rivers having their recharge areas in higher altitudes. Combined d18O/d2H-measurements indicate that 65–75% of groundwater recharge in the unusual wet year of 2009 was from precipitation in the summer based on values from the Graz meteorological station. Monitoring wells downstream of gravel pit lakes show a clear evaporation trend. A boron–nitrate differentiation plot shows more frequent boron-rich water in the more urbanised Grazer Feld and more frequent nitrate-rich water in the more agricultural used Leibnitzer Feld indicating that a some of the nitrate load in the Grazer Feld comes from urban sewer water. Several lumped parameter models based on tritium input data from Graz and monthly data from the river Mur (Spielfeld) since 1977 yield a Mean Residence Time (MRT) for the Mur-water itself between 3 and 4 years in this area. Data from d18O, 3H/3He measurements at the Wagna lysimeter station supports the conclusion that 90% of the groundwaters in the Grazer Feld and 73% in the Leibnitzer Feld have MRTs of <5 years. Only in a few groundwaters were MRTs of 6–10 or 11–25 years as a result of either a long-distance water inflow in the basins or due to longer flow path in somewhat deeper wells (>20 m) with relative thicker unsaturated zones. The young MRT of groundwater from two monitoring wells in the Leibnitzer Feld was confirmed by 85Kr-measurements. Most CFC-11 and CFC-12 concentrations in the groundwater exceed the equilibration concentrations of modern concentrations in water and are therefore unsuitable for dating purposes. An enrichment factor up to 100 compared to atmospheric equilibrium concentrations and the obvious correlation of CFC-12 with SO4, Na, Cl and B in the ground waters of the Grazer Feld suggest that waste water in contact with CFC-containing material above and below ground is the source for the contamination. The dominance of very young groundwater (<5 years) indicates a recent origin of the contamination by nitrate and many other components observed in parts of the groundwater bodies. Rapid measures to reduce those sources are needed to mitigate against further deterioration of these waters.


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Canine acute gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) is a life-threatening condition of multifactorial origin. The risk of developing GDV is influenced by a variety of factors, including breed, age, gender, temperament, diet and management. A relationship between seasonal variations and the frequency of GDV has been previously documented although no association was found with any specific climatic event. Variables in weather conditions within a defined geographic region were investigated in a retrospective study of 287 client-owned dogs diagnosed with GDV between 1992 and 1999. Monthly incidences were evaluated and differences in atmospheric temperature, humidity and pressure between days in which GDV cases were observed and days in which no case was presented were examined. Although temperature was significantly associated with the occurrence of GDV, the difference in temperatures between days with and days without GDV cases was so small that it is unlikely to be of clinical relevance. Moreover, no significant association was found between GDV occurrence and atmospheric pressure or humidity, and a seasonal variation in GDV incidence was not observed.


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In this study two commonly used automated methods to detect atmospheric fronts in the lower troposphere are compared in various synoptic situations. The first method is a thermal approach, relying on the gradient of equivalent potential temperature (TH), while the second method is based on temporal changes in the 10 m wind (WND). For a comprehensive objective comparison of the outputs of these methods of frontal identification, both schemes are firstly applied to an idealised strong baroclinic wave simulation in the absence of topography. Then, two case-studies (one in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) and one in the Southern Hemisphere (SH)) were conducted to contrast fronts detected by the methods. Finally, we obtain global winter and summer frontal occurrence climatologies (derived from ERA-Interim for 1979–2012) and compare the structure of these. TH is able to identify cold and warm fronts in strong baroclinic cases that are in good agreement with manual analyses. WND is particularly suited for the detection of strongly elongated, meridionally oriented moving fronts, but has very limited ability to identify zonally oriented warm fronts. We note that the areas of the main TH frontal activity are shifted equatorwards compared to the WND patterns and are located upstream of regions of main WND front activity. The number of WND fronts in the NH shows more interseasonal variations than TH fronts, decreasing by more than 50% from winter to summer. In the SH there is a weaker seasonal variation of the number of observed WND fronts, however TH front activity reduces from summer (DJF) to winter (JJA). The main motivation is to give an overview of the performance of these methods, such that researchers can choose the appropriate one for their particular interest.


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We present a record of particulate dust concentration and size distribution in subannual resolution measured on the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) Dronning Maud Land (EDML) ice core drilled in the Atlantic sector of the East Antarctic plateau. The record reaches from present day back to the penultimate glacial until 145,000 years B.P. with subannual resolution from 60,000 years B.P. to the present. Mean dust concentrations are a factor of 46 higher during the glacial (~850–4600 ng/mL) compared to the Holocene (~16–112 ng/mL) with slightly smaller dust particles during the glacial comparedto the Holocene and with an absolute minimum in the dust size at 16,000 years B.P. The changes in dust concentration are mainly attributed to changes in source conditions in southern South America. An increase in the modal value of the dust size suggests that at 16,000 years B.P. a major change in atmospheric circulation apparently allowed more direct transport of dust particles to the EDML drill site. We find a clear in-phase relation of the seasonal variation in dust mass concentration and dust size during the glacial (r(conc,size) = 0.8) but no clear phase relationship during the Holocene (0 seasonality of the source emission strength and the transport intensity on the dust decrease over Transition 1 can significantly contribute to the large decrease of dust concentration from the glacial to the Holocene.


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Seasonal variation in menarche, menstrual cycle length and menopause was investigated using Tremin Trust data. Too, self-reported hot flash data for women with natural and surgically-induced menopause were analyzed for rhythms.^ Menarche data from approximately 600 U.S. women born between 1940 and 1970 revealed a 6-month rhythm (first acrophase in January, double amplitude of 58%M). A notable shift from a December-January peak in menarche for those born in the 1940s and 1950s to an August-September peak for those born in the 1960s was observed. Groups of girls 8-14 and 15-17 yr old at menarche exhibited a seasonal difference in the pattern of menarche occurrence of about 6 months in relation to each other. Girls experiencing menarche during August-October were statistically significantly younger than those experiencing it at other times. Season of birth was not associated with season of menarche.^ The lengths of approximately 150,000 menstrual intervals of U.S. women were analyzed for seasonality. Menstrual intervals possibly disturbed by natural (e.g., childbirth) or other events (e.g., surgery, medication) were excluded. No 6- or 12-month rhythmicities were found for specific interval lengths (14-24, 25-31 and 32-56 days) or ages in relation to menstrual interval (9-11, 12-13, 15-19, 20-24, 25-39, 40-44 and 44 yr old and older).^ Hot flash data of 14 women experiencing natural menopause (NM) and 11 experiencing surgically-induced menopause (SIM) did not differ in frequency of hot flashes. Hot flashes in NM women exhibited 12- and 8-hr, but not 24-hr rhythmicities. Hot flashes in SIM women exhibited 24- and 12-hr, but not 8-hr, rhythmicities. Regardless of type of menopause, women with a peak frequency in hot flashes during the morning (0400 through 0950) were distinguishable from those with such in the evening (1600 through 2159).^ Data from approximately 200 U.S. women revealed a 6-month rhythm in menopause with first peak in May. No significant 12-month variation in menopause was detected by Cosinor analysis. Season of birth and age at menopause were not associated with season of menopause. Age at menopause declined significantly over the years for women born between 1907 and 1926, inclusive. ^