998 resultados para SPACE-CHARGE ELECTRETS


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The 2×2 MIMO profiles included in Mobile WiMAX specifications are Alamouti’s space-time code (STC) fortransmit diversity and spatial multiplexing (SM). The former hasfull diversity and the latter has full rate, but neither of them hasboth of these desired features. An alternative 2×2 STC, which is both full rate and full diversity, is the Golden code. It is the best known 2×2 STC, but it has a high decoding complexity. Recently, the attention was turned to the decoder complexity, this issue wasincluded in the STC design criteria, and different STCs wereproposed. In this paper, we first present a full-rate full-diversity2×2 STC design leading to substantially lower complexity ofthe optimum detector compared to the Golden code with only a slight performance loss. We provide the general optimized form of this STC and show that this scheme achieves the diversitymultiplexing frontier for square QAM signal constellations. Then, we present a variant of the proposed STC, which provides a further decrease in the detection complexity with a rate reduction of 25% and show that this provides an interesting trade-off between the Alamouti scheme and SM.


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Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) techniques have become an essential part of broadband wireless communications systems. For example, the recently developed IEEE 802.16e specifications for broadband wireless access include three MIMOprofiles employing 2×2 space-time codes (STCs), and two of these MIMO schemes are mandatory on the downlink of Mobile WiMAX systems. One of these has full rate, and the other has full diversity, but neither of them has both of the desired features. The third profile, namely, Matrix C, which is not mandatory, is both a full rate and a full diversity code, but it has a high decoder complexity. Recently, the attention was turned to the decodercomplexity issue and including this in the design criteria, several full-rate STCs were proposed as alternatives to Matrix C. In this paper, we review these different alternatives and compare them to Matrix C in terms of performances and the correspondingreceiver complexities.


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Silver Code (SilC) was originally discovered in [1–4] for 2×2 multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transmission. It has non-vanishing minimum determinant 1/7, slightly lower than Golden code, but is fast-decodable, i.e., it allows reduced-complexity maximum likelihood decoding [5–7]. In this paper, we present a multidimensional trellis-coded modulation scheme for MIMO systems [11] based on set partitioning of the Silver Code, named Silver Space-Time Trellis Coded Modulation (SST-TCM). This lattice set partitioning is designed specifically to increase the minimum determinant. The branches of the outer trellis code are labeled with these partitions. Viterbi algorithm is applied for trellis decoding, while the branch metrics are computed by using a sphere-decoding algorithm. It is shown that the proposed SST-TCM performs very closely to the Golden Space-Time Trellis Coded Modulation (GST-TCM) scheme, yetwith a much reduced decoding complexity thanks to its fast-decoding property.


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In this article we present a hybrid approach for automatic summarization of Spanish medical texts. There are a lot of systems for automatic summarization using statistics or linguistics, but only a few of them combining both techniques. Our idea is that to reach a good summary we need to use linguistic aspects of texts, but as well we should benefit of the advantages of statistical techniques. We have integrated the Cortex (Vector Space Model) and Enertex (statistical physics) systems coupled with the Yate term extractor, and the Disicosum system (linguistics). We have compared these systems and afterwards we have integrated them in a hybrid approach. Finally, we have applied this hybrid system over a corpora of medical articles and we have evaluated their performances obtaining good results.


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Idiopathic premature ventricular complexes originating from the ventricular outflow tract: evaluation, prognosis and management The prognosis of ventricular premature complexes (VPC) in the absence of heart disease is considered benign. VPC usually originate from the right or, less commonly, left ventricular outflow tract. QRS complexes therefore usually assume a left bundle branch block and inferior axis morphology. These VPC, particularly if very frequent (> 20,000 per day), may adversely affect left ventricular function and their suppression can restore normal function. Moreover, there is a clinical overlap with arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia and this diagnosis should be considered when facing a left bundle branch block shaped VPC. However, the prognosis of outflow tract VPC is good for appropriately selected patients with normal left ventricular function, absence of syncope or ventricular tachycardia, and no evidence of cardiac disease.


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The widespread use of abdominal imaging technologies has led to an increase in the incidental finding of liver tumors. Most of these lesions are asymptomatic and will not require any treatment. With the use of contrast-enhanced radiological studies, most of the tumors can be reliably diagnosed by non-invasive means. In case of diagnostic uncertainty, patients should not undergo percutaneous biopsy but rather complete resection of the lesion for an unequivocal diagnosis. Such pathologies must be taken charge of in centers with expertise by interdisciplinary teams.


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Diagnostic and treatment management of prostate cancer at its initial stage continues to raise important debates within the involved medical community. To establish a protocol for active surveillance, a validated option in specific conditions of localised prostate cancer management for eight years, is a unique opportunity to gather different specialists in this field. This paper presents this concept.


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Objectif : La prise en charge des patients avec hyperglycémie en soins aigus estdifficile et les erreurs de prescription d'insuline sont fréquentes. Notre objectifest de promouvoir l'évolution des pratiques vers une gestion efficace et sécuritairede l'hyperglycémie.Matériels et méthodes : Création d'un programme de formation structuré pourla gestion de l'hyperglycémie en soins aigus. Ce programme est le produit dumétissage entre le modèle de l'accompagnement thérapeutique et la systémiquedu management. Il vise l'acquisition d'une métacognition pour une réflexiontransversale face à l'hyperglycémie. Les objectifs spécifiques sont : comprendreles particularités de l'hyperglycémie en aigu ; gérer le basal/bolus ; argumenterle choix thérapeutique ; s'approprier l'outil sécuritaire d'aide à l'insulinothérapie ;anticiper la sortie du patient. Une analyse mixte a été effectuée : quantitative,glycémies, hypoglycémies, durée de séjour et qualitative, évolution de la réflexionautour de l'hyperglycémie.Résultats : Nov. 2009-2010, dans le Service de Médecine du CHUV, nous avonsdispensé 3 sessions de formation (15 cours), suivies d'une période de coaching,pour 78 internes. Évaluation quantitative : 85 patients (56,4 % H), âge moyen72,7 ± 9,6 ans, glycémies à J3 dans la cible (4-8,5 mmol/l) 44,6 %, glycémiemoyenne 8,5 ± 1,8 mmol/l, hypoglycémies 0,9 %, durée moyenne de séjour9,7 ± 5,4 J. Évaluation qualitative : choix du schéma thérapeutique pertinentdans la majorité des cas, environ 90 % des internes ont intégré les éléments depondération de l'insulinothérapie, estiment que cette formation a eu un impactpositif sur leur gestion, sont plus confiants dans leurs capacités et ont unmeilleur sentiment d'auto-efficacité. Les modalités pédagogiques adoptées ontfavorisé le transfert des compétences et le niveau de satisfaction globale atteint90 %.Conclusion : Le développement d'un programme de formation des soignants,basé sur l'approche réflexive et participative, permet une amélioration importantede la gestion de l'hyperglycémie. Notre projet s'inscrit dans une démarcheglobale visant à doter les bénéficiaires d'une vision systémique du diabète.


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In the last 15 years, the therapeutical options for the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases in rheumatology have increased a lot. Nevertheless, some patients do not respond or respond partially to the current therapies--including to the biologics therapy. Tofacitinib (Xeljanz) is now on the Swiss market. It inhibits the JAK pathway. Tofacitinib--as monotherapy or with methotrexate--improves the control of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In a comparative study, tofacitinib was as effective as adalimumab. Further, tofacitinib reduced structural damages in RA and is considered as an alternative, in case of non-response, to anti-TNF and probably to other biologics therapy. The side effects are upper respiratory tract and opportunist infections and tuberculosis. Blood count, lipids, kidney function, liver tests, CK and blood pressure have to be monitored.


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Acute exacerbation of COPD is one of the most common causes of hospital admission in patients affected with this disease. In most cases, consideration of differential diagnoses and assessment of important comorbidities will allow to make the decision whether or not the patient needs to be hospitalized. A decision to hospitalize will be based on specific symptoms and signs, as well on the patient's history. Contrary to bronchial asthma, a systematic action plan strategy is lacking for COPD. However, a disease management plan involving all the health care providers may have the potential to improve the patient's well being and to decrease costs related to these exacerbations.


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The paper proposes an approach aimed at detecting optimal model parameter combinations to achieve the most representative description of uncertainty in the model performance. A classification problem is posed to find the regions of good fitting models according to the values of a cost function. Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification in the parameter space is applied to decide if a forward model simulation is to be computed for a particular generated model. SVM is particularly designed to tackle classification problems in high-dimensional space in a non-parametric and non-linear way. SVM decision boundaries determine the regions that are subject to the largest uncertainty in the cost function classification, and, therefore, provide guidelines for further iterative exploration of the model space. The proposed approach is illustrated by a synthetic example of fluid flow through porous media, which features highly variable response due to the parameter values' combination.


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In the absence of works which would significantly change the perspective on the management of diabetes in the elapsed year, this article proposes a reflection on the integration of the evolving knowledge over the past decade into clinical practice. The major preventive impact of an approach targeting all the cardiovascular risk factors in diabetic patients will remain as the main lesson of this decade. The therapeutic goals need to be tailored to the individual patient's situation based on the evaluation of the benefit: inconvenience-ratio of the treatments. The process of their choice has to include the quest for a shared vision with the patient who is in charge of diabetes management in daily life.