863 resultados para Rural labour market


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Time as a welfare factor This article presents the results of an archive study of working time development in Sweden. It investigates how structural policy change is moving from a social discourse closely related to Swedish welfare reforms, towards an economic discourse motivated by financial arguments. By doing so, the political measures to solve working time related problems in today’s flexible working life appear to be contradictory. On one side we find time-poor people on the labour market mainly supported by tax-reductions and private time saving solutions. On the other side we find time-rich people mainly supported by activation programs and/or welfare benefits. This is a system and a policy strategy that obviously disregards the other side of the coin.


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After Work. The long-term effects of work environment on the association between adult socioeconomic position and ill health among the elderly The aim of this study is to analyse the long-term effects of work environment on the association between adult socioeconomic position (SEP) and six ill health outcomes among the elderly. Data was drawn from the longitudinal Level of Living and the SWEOLD-surveys. The individuals are followed from 1968 to 1992 and from 1981 to 2002 and 2004, combining baseline information regarding SEP and work environment during the period of occupational activity with the ill health outcomes from the follow-up studies. Strongest effects where revealed when controlling for the physical work environment on the association between both measures of SEP and two of the ill health outcomes: musculoskeleta lpain and physical performance. The psychological work environment, however, explained very small parts of the associations. The results, even controlled for SEP, exposed strong direct relations between ill health and psychological work environment and rather strong relations to physical work environment. As socioeconomic position indicates a particular structural position within society it may determine the likelihood of health damaging exposures during the period of occupational activity. This study shows that the effect of work environment significantly affects ill health among the elderly. Hence, the results indicate the importance of taking measures in improving work environment during the labour-market participation period, especially since policy-makers attempt to convince workers to stay longer in the workforce.


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What is academic quality? On the decline of academic autonomy In light of the transformations that universities currently undergo, with Bologna as a keyword, the following questions are put: What ideals lie behind the assessment of academic “excellence” and “quality”? What agents have the ability to define what is good science and education today? These questions are approached through Pierre Bourdieus concept of field. Looking at the development the last decade, traditional academic values, such as the ideal of universal knowledge as (personal and collective) enrichment and the intellectual independence “of all political authority and economic power”, as stated in the Magna Charta Universitatum, seem to have emerged into the shadow of employability, knowledge control, competitiveness, and economic benefit. In connection with the formation of concepts such as “the knowledge society” and “knowledge based economies” the university has received a somewhat different and more central role in society. The university has come to take the role more of a knowledge producing enterprise clearly directed towards the surrounding society. There are higher demands on academic knowledge to contribute to economic, regional or national development and competitiveness. When the university is regarded as a knowledge company whose task is to accoun tfor the requests of the students, the labour market, and the business world it undertakes to follow trends and short term social phases rather than to critically examine them, which has been a traditional task for the university. If the academic work is guided by the market economical principle, that the client requests decide what quality is, instead of the experts on the academic field themselves (i.e. the scientists,) it is obviously not scientific ideals that constitute the criteria for what is good science and education.


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Flexible working conditions is used extensively in organizations today as a way to create flexibility for the employer. Recently we’ve been reading in the newspapers that this approach is a growing problem and the EU has warned Sweden twice that abuse of these forms of employment must be stopped. The Government has recently submitted a proposed rule change to reduce the possibility of stacking one temporary contract after another. Borlänge kommun makes themselves more flexible with the intermittent employments. This study aims to examine why infrequent employments, such as the intermittent employment is used and preferred by Borlänge kommun and how it’s perceived by affected employees in the organization. The questions related, besides why the intermittent employment is used by the organization and how its perceived by those involved, also includes the management of intermittent employment and how the organization is handling work contracts. The background information on the employment law implications gives the reader an insight into how the regulatory framework works surrounding the topic. The theory section highlights the main theories about flexibility and its different shapes and perspectives. For the study a qualitative approach is used. A case study with semi-structured interviews was performed. The respondents were employees involved in the staffing of intermittent employees and also members of the staff with an intermittent employment. The results show that the employment and contracts is correctly handled by labour law regulations. This study shows that Borlänge kommun uses intermittent employments extensively, with its 1 320 intermittently employees. If this is abuse, or not, is not clear from the result. The authors discuss, however, if that is the case. The intermittent employment is used mainly because of the great needs. This is because society is changing and the average age is increasing, both by those using the services and the employees. All respondents perceive the intermittent employment as most flexible for the employees. Respondents working in the staffing department say that they are not flexible enough. The intermittent employees’ working today does not cover the great need. Borlänge kommun think that the flexibility should benefit them more and is currently trying to become more flexible. The employees were generally satisfied with their work situation. Some tendencies of insecurity and uncertainty could be inferred from the intermittent employees answers. The author’s conclusions are that flexibility and the intermittent employment contracts mainly benefit the employer and the employees who actively choose this type of work, such as students. This kind of employment affects, however, the society and those who need a secure lifestyle. The necessary permanent contracts are becoming fewer and replaced by precarious and flexible employment conditions.


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Divorces and separations: the impact of role specialisation and equality At the same time as women made their large scale entrance on the labour market divorce rates increased in most western societies. This combination of societal trends was widely understood from the perspective of the specialization and trading model, which implies undermined marital stability through decreasing interdependency between husband and wife. We argue the need to acknowledge the new roles, and perceptions of these roles, men and women have in order to explain differences in separation and stability among couples. When both partners are expecting to be in paid labour and share housework responsibilities, specialisation could actually be a risk factor for cohabitational dissolution. This article uses a ten year longitudinal database of all Swedish cohabiting first time parents in 1993. The analyses generally support what could be labelled a role balance model on separation rather than the specialization model. Looking at the father’s participation in childcare this was quite clear, where the man’s outtake of parental leave for the first child was shown to be related to reduced hazards of separation. In the same way equal distribution of the household labour market incomes between the partners was related to lower hazards of separation.


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The aim of this paper is to evaluate the performance of two divergent methods for delineating commuting regions, also called labour market areas, in a situation that the base spatial units differ largely in size as a result of an irregular population distribution. Commuting patterns in Sweden have been analyzed with geographical information system technology by delineating commuting regions using two regionalization methods. One, a rule-based method, uses one-way commuting flows to delineate local labour market areas in a top-down procedure based on the selection of predefined employment centres. The other method, the interaction-based Intramax analysis, uses two-way flows in a bottom-up procedure based on numerical taxonomy principles. A comparison of these methods will expose a number of strengths and weaknesses. For both methods, the same data source has been used. The performance of both methods has been evaluated for the country as a whole using resident employed population, self-containment levels and job ratios for criteria. A more detailed evaluation has been done in the Goteborg metropolitan area by comparing regional patterns with the commuting fields of a number of urban centres in this area. It is concluded that both methods could benefit from the inclusion of additional control measures to identify improper allocations of municipalities.


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Conditions and strategies for economic security for self-employed women in Sweden Although political parties are singing praises of entrepreneurship, welfare systems do not recognize the self-employees’ rights to decent conditions of basic economic safety and oftheir access to social security. This means that self-employed are forced to find their own way to reduce the risks of losing the possibility to support them self economically. This article examines twelve self-employed women’s daily conditions to support themselves and their strategies to deal with risks. The study shows that the interviewed have more freedom to find their own support strategies than wage-employed but on (the other side) their position on the labour market and the systems for social security doesn’t recognize their vulnerability towards risk in the same manner as wage-employed.


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Preferences and interests of SN and LO about labour migration in the early 2000s The article uses a political economy approach to analyze the preferences of the social partners SN and LO and to identify the coincided and disparate interests which the two organizations tried to defend in relation to labour migration in the debate prior to the Swedish labour migration policy reform in 2008. In contrast to presumptions by Varieties of Capitalism (VoC) scholars,the results of this article reveal that SN has preferred a market-liberal labour migration policy regime at odds with institutional traditions of the Swedish labour market model. However, LO has instead preferred a state-coordinated and regulated labour migration policy regime. In contrast to SN, LO’s preferences reflected basic trade union interests to limit the supply of labour and to minimize potential negative effects for the functioning of the Swedish labour market model. Moreover, the article suggests the importance of changed power relations between the social partners and a shift of Swedish government to explain SN’s influence in the debate prior to the labour migration policy change 2008 in a market-liberal direction.


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Distance teaching is now-a-days used in different shapes. However, it is something different from traditional campus organised education as it systematically uses Information Communication Technology (ICT) as a key element. When the distance teacher education started in Sweden many teacher educators doubted the wisdom of this. They expressed that the educational process to become a teacher would be deteriorated. For instance, they feared for high drop out rates and difficulties to examine in a proper way. The Swedish National Agency for Higher Education has recently edited a report that showed that this form of teacher education was well adapted to the labour market, but the possibilities for the teacher students to shape their education were relatively limited. However, we still know quite little about the effects of this way to educate teacher students. This paper explores the possibility of using distance teacher education.In a case study 20 students, who were the first to finish a complete a distance teacher education at Högskolan Dalarna, were asked in a questionnaire how they had apprehended their education. We also interviewed four of these students, as well as five teacher educators.One of our findings were that the distance teacher education reached new target groups, who not had been able to participate in university studies if it not had been offered in this form. Especially, this was valid for the middle-aged women, living a long distance away from a university, with social responsibilities for children or old parents. Other findings were that these students in general were target oriented and ambitious, wrote more than the campus students and developed that kind of skill better. Marratech, an ICT system for small groups, e-mail and chat were used for the communication. Marratech was considered to permit free and spontaneous communication, both of the teacher educators and the students. Initially the teacher educators were sceptical to distance teacher education, but afterwards they were surprised of how well it had worked. They declared that they had better and nearer contact with their students and more control over the students´ performance, but some parts of the teacher education were better suitable for campus education, for example, power of creating characters. Distance teacher education was considered time consuming and demanded much activity from the teacher educators as the students wanted rapid responses. This study indicates that distance teacher education works well for mature individuals with high motivation. However, it demands more time from the teacher educators, but it gives in general good results. Still, there are pedagogical challenges to overcome. Maybe we should reflect on a mix of distance teacher education and campus based teacher education, instead of separated ways of accomplishing teacher education?


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Vocational teachers in Swedish upper secondary schools are a heterogeneous category of teachers, connected to different types of trade. These teachers represent a broad set of trade skills varying in content and character. In their teacher role, they continue to wear the clothes, speak the language, share the culture and remain mentally in their former professions. Still, it is central that they keep up this contact to be able to school the pupils into the environment of the trade in question, but also to help them to understand what skills a profession demands. However, the individual teacher also has to distance himself from the negative elements in the culture of the profession: patterns and habits that, for various reasons, have to be broken or changed. This paper draws attention to the ways in which a group of vocational teachers, who were participants in a project that aimed to train unauthorized vocational teachers, expressed their ambitions to prepare the pupils for a future professional career. When collecting information, we used the degree dissertations they produced and discussed in seminars, and informal dialogues. The result shows that it is important that the instruction location resembles a real working site as far as possible. These places are more or less realistic copies of a garage, a restaurant kitchen, a hairdressing salon, and so on, in order to give the pupils a realistic setting for instruction. However, the fact that these simulated workplaces lack the necessary support functions that exist in a company creates problems, problems which make a lot of extra work for the teachers. Vocational teachers also have to instruct the pupil in the experienced practitioner’s professional skills and working situation, but the pupil herself/himself must learn the job by doing it in practice. Some vocational upper secondary programs lack relevant course literature and the businesses give little support. This also makes extra work for the teachers. Moreover, the distance between the vocational programs and the trainee jobs was experienced as being difficult to overcome. One reason seems to be differences between businesses and differing preconditions between small and big companies’ abilities to take care of these pupils. The upper secondary school vocational programs also play a role in cementing existing gender roles, as well as perpetuating class-related patterns on the labour market.


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Vocational teachers in Swedish upper secondary schools are a heterogeneous category of teachers, connected to different types of trade. These teachers represent a broad set of trade skills varying in content and character. In their teacher role, they continue to wear the clothes, speak the language, share the culture and remain mentally in their former professions. Still, it is central that they keep up this contact to be able to school the pupils into the environment of the trade in question, but also to help them to understand what skills a profession demands. However, the individual teacher also has to distance himself from the negative elements in the culture of the profession: patterns and habits that, for various reasons, have to be broken or changed. This paper draws attention to the ways in which a group of vocational teachers, who were participants in a project that aimed to train unauthorized vocational teachers, expressed their ambitions to prepare the pupils for a future professional career. When collecting information, we used the degree dissertations they produced and discussed in seminars, and informal dialogues. The result shows that it is important that the instruction location resembles a real working site as far as possible. These places are more or less realistic copies of a garage, a restaurant kitchen, a hairdressing salon, and so on, in order to give the pupils a realistic setting for instruction. However, the fact that these simulated workplaces lack the necessary support functions that exist in a company creates problems, problems which make a lot of extra work for the teachers. Vocational teachers also have to instruct the pupil in the experienced practitioner’s professional skills and working situation, but the pupil herself/himself must learn the job by doing it in practice. Some vocational upper secondary programs lack relevant course literature and the businesses give little support. This also makes extra work for the teachers. Moreover, the distance between the vocational programs and the trainee jobs was experienced as being difficult to overcome. One reason seems to be differences between businesses and differing preconditions between small and big companies’ abilities to take care of these pupils. The upper secondary school vocational programs also play a role in cementing existing gender roles, as well as perpetuating class-related patterns on the labour market.


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From a methodological point of view, this paper makes two contributions to the literature. One contribution is the proposal of a new measure of pro-poor growth. This new measure provides the linkage between growth rates in mean income and in income inequality. In this context, growth is defined as propoor (or anti-poor) if there is a gain (or loss) in the growth rate due to a decrease (or increase) in inequality. The other contribution is a decomposition methodology that explores linkages between growth patterns and social policies. Through the decomposition analysis, we assess the contribution of different income sources to growth patterns. The proposed methodologies are then applied to the Brazilian National Household Survey (PNAD) covering the period 1995-2004. The paper analyzes the evolution of Brazilian social indicators based on per capita income exploring links with adverse labour market performance and social policy change, with particular emphasis on the expansion of targeted cash transfers and devising more pro-poor social security benefits.


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O crescimento do desemprego involuntário condiciona preocupações recentes com políticas de empregabilidade. Estratégias na regulação do mercado de trabalho e a terceira geração na Teoria do Capital Humano buscam codificar e/ou equacionar essas políticas. O surgimento do conceito de Economia Plural oferece uma revisão para a dinâmica do setor informal, tradicional ou moderno, na geração de empregos atípicos. A noção de Economia Plural ressalta também o papel catalizador das empresas sociais e organizações não governamentais na reinserção dos excluídos sociais. As flexibilizações do tempo de trabalho em políticas de empregabilidade são desenvolvidas através de reflexões, impactos comportamentais na qualidade de vida e experiências negociadas nos setores metalúrgico, de distribuição e de prestação de serviços de saúde. Desafios se colocam para o poder público e entidades de classe na regulamentação e ou negociações da empregabilidades atípica.


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Este estudo tem como objetivo verificar a influência dos jogos eletrônicos e do gênero sobre o comportamento social dos jovens da geração Y brasileira do ponto de vista da propensão a agir mais individualmente ou socialmente. E a forma como tal comportamento afeta os indivíduos no mercado de trabalho. Para atingir tal objetivo, além da bibliografia referente ao assunto foram utilizados dados de jovens brasileiros colhidos através de um questionário online. Ficou constatado, por meio da análise dos resultados, que o hábito de jogar não influencia o jovem a agir mais individualmente ou coletivamente. A internet e os jogos eletrônicos não interferiram nas atitudes da amostra pesquisada frente às relações de amizade, lealdade e ação coletiva. Porém, foi possível observar que o gênero dos jovens os faz terem comportamentos sociais diferentes.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar qual foi o processo de adaptação ao mercado de trabalho dos egressos do Curso de Ciências Contábeis da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso , especificamente das turmas que concluíram o curso no decorrer do ano de 1983 (CAPITULO I). Na revisão de literatura, foi apresentada uma v isão retrospectiva da evolução do ensino da Contabilidade no Brasil e dos principais problemas que o afetam e foi também desenvolvida o Plano de Referência da Pesquisa (CAPITULO 11). A seguir, apresentamos a metodologia utilizada, justificando as razões de seu emprego neste tipo de estudo (CAPITULO III) . Os dados foram obtidos através de questionários estruturados com perguntas abertas e fechadas, objetivando facilitar a sua organização . Deste modo, foi possível descrever as características de cada caso estudado (CAP!TULO IV) . Os resultados obtidos possibilitaram uma análise das características do ensino da Contabilidade na Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do perfil do egresso do Curso de Ciências Contábeis da UFMT e de seu processo de adaptação ao mercado de trabalho (CAPITULO V). Finalmente, é apresentado um sumário do trabalho, cujos resultados nos permitiram chegar a importantes conclusões e, ainda, formular recomendações e sugestões para futuras pesquisas (CAPITULO VI).