980 resultados para Recuento de linfocitos CD4


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A decline in the CD4 count is a common feature in HIV/AIDS, suggesting a compromise in immunity of patients. In response, highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) is prescribed to slow-down a diminution in the CD4 count and risk of AIDS-related malignancies. However, exercise may improve both the utility and population of innate immune cell components, and may be beneficial for patients with HIV infection. Comparing the effects of different exercises against HAART, on CD4 count, helps in understanding the role and evidence-based application of exercises to ameliorate immune deficiency.


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Bogotá (Colombia): Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Programa de Zootecnia


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Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory arthritis that causes significant morbidity and mortality and has no cure. Although early treatment strategies and biologic therapies such as TNFα blocking antibodies have revolutionised treatment, there still remains considerable unmet need. JAK kinase inhibitors, which target multiple inflammatory cytokines, have shown efficacy in treating RA although their exact mechanism of action remains to be determined. Stratified medicine promises to deliver the right drug to the right patient at the right time by using predictive ‘omic biomarkers discovered using bioinformatic and “Big Data” techniques. Therefore, knowledge across the realms of clinical rheumatology, applied immunology, bioinformatics and data science is required to realise this goal. Aim: To use bioinformatic tools to analyse the transcriptome of CD14 macrophages derived from patients with inflammatory arthritis and define a JAK/STAT signature. Thereafter to investigate the role of JAK inhibition on inflammatory cytokine production in a macrophage cell contact activation assay. Finally, to investigate JAK inhibition, following RA synovial fluid stimulation of monocytes. Methods and Results: Using bioinformatic software such as limma from the Bioconductor repository, I determined that there was a JAK/STAT signature in synovial CD14 macrophages from patients with RA and this differed from psoriatic arthritis samples. JAK inhibition using a JAK1/3 inhibitor tofacitinib reduced TNFα production when macrophages were cell contact activated by cytokine stimulated CD4 T-cells. Other pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6 and chemokines such as IP-10 were also reduced. RA synovial fluid failed to stimulate monocytes to phosphorylate STAT1, 3 or 6 but CD4 T-cells activated STAT3 with this stimulus. RNA sequencing of synovial fluid stimulated CD4 T-cells showed an upregulation of SOCS3, BCL6 and SBNO2, a gene associated with RA but with unknown function and tofacitinib reversed this. Conclusion: These studies demonstrate that tofacitinib is effective at reducing inflammatory mediator production in a macrophage cell contact assay and also affects soluble factor mediated stimulation of CD4 T-cells. This suggests that the effectiveness of JAK inhibition is due to inhibition of multiple cytokine pathways such as IL-6, IL-15 and interferon. RNA sequencing is a useful tool to identify non-coding RNA transcripts that are associated with synovial fluid stimulation and JAK inhibition but these require further validation. SBNO2, a gene that is associated with RA, may be biomarker of tofacitinib treatment but requires further investigation and validation in wider disease cohorts.


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African trypanosomes are a protozoan parasite with the ability to cause disease states in both humans and animals; rendering them an important and relevant subject of study. These diseases have a vast socioeconomic impact upon the African continent and are perpetuated in part by the parasite's ability to evade the adaptive immune response. This thesis describes CD4+ T cell response to trypanosome infection, through the use of murine infection models and in vitro assays.


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Desde el inicio de los estudios acerca de la nutrición perioperatoria en pacientes sometidos a cirugía gastrointestinal mayor, ya sea por patología benigna o maligna; se evidenció un vínculo entre la malnutrición y su asociación a las complicaciones trans y posquirúrgicas, es por eso que se realiza este estudio con el fin de determinar la relación coexistente entre un mal estado nutricional y las complicaciones postquirúrgicas. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio analítico no aleatorio. La población en estudio fueron los pacientes con cirugías mayores gastrointestinales electivas del Hospital General del Instituto Salvadoreño del Seguro Social de enero – diciembre 2013, se realizaron 133 cirugías de las cuales solo 49 fueron incluidas, estudiadas con intervalo de confianza de 99% y error muestral de 0.01. Resultados: Se obtuvo una frecuencia de 11 casos de complicaciones postquirúrgicas de los 49 casos, entre las cuales se encuentran 3 casos con fugas de anastomosis, 2 dehiscencias de herida operatoria, 2 sangrados y/o hematomas, 2 complicaciones médicas, 1 infección de sitio quirúrgico y 1 caso de disrupción transquirúrgica de la vía biliar. De estos casos 6 presentaban hipoalbuminemia, 7 presentaban recuento bajo de linfocitos; 8 presentaban una valoración global subjetiva subóptima. Discusión: en este estudio se puede inferir que debe haber un protocolo de manejo nutricional del paciente sometido a cirugía gastrointestinal mayor electiva y así poder desde el inicio del manejo de paciente, tratar integralmente desde el punto de vista nutricional. Así como estadificar el estado nutricional, y apoyarse con datos bioquímicos de laboratorio que confirmen una buena nutrición antes de ser sometido a este tipo de cirugías. Esto con el afán de cumplir los estándares nutricionales internacionales.


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La inmunoterapia autóloga utiliza células del mismo cuerpo para estimular y restaurar las defensas naturales del sistema inmunológico. Algunas de las células que han sido utilizado en años recientes son: linfocitos infiltrantes de tumor, linfocitos T citotóxicos, células asesinas activadas por linfocinas y células dendríticas (CD). Las CD son células especializadas y su función es el capturar, procesar y presentar antígenos a los linfocitos para iniciar una respuesta inmune. El tumor venéreo transmisible (TVT), también conocido como sarcoma infeccioso o tumor de Sticker, es un cáncer transmisible en perros que afecta mayormente los genitales externos y se transmite durante el coito. En este trabajo se implementó por primera vez un modelo de TVT en el órgano genital (vagina) de los pacientes y se les administró la inmunoterapia autóloga con CD específicas contra el tumor. Para estudiar esta terapia se utilizaron tres grupos experimentales: el tumor sin tratamiento, el tumor tratado con sangre completa autóloga, y el tumor tratado con CD autólogas específicas para el TVT. Por último se evaluó la capacidad inmunológica del extracto tumoral total (ETT) del tumor como método de prevención in vivo. Para el tratamiento autólogo con las CD, se esperó que el tumor midiese 3cm, se realizó un cultivo primario de las células de TVT y se les extrajo el 4% de su peso corporal de sangre a los pacientes para realizar una diferenciación de los monocitos a CD. Para evaluar el efecto de la inmunoterapia autóloga con CD se observaron los efectos secundarios, el tamaño tumoral, las poblaciones de linfocitos, los niveles de IFN-γ en sangre y los linfocitos infiltrantes de tumor por histopatología. Los monocitos se diferenciaron a CD y se les realizó un análisis fenotípico mediante citometría de flujo. Los monocitos mostraron una expresión de CD14+ de 80.1%, CD80+ de 15.6%, CD83+ de 0.4% y un DLA II de1.8%. En las CD se obtuvo una expresión de 8.7% para CD14+, 80.3% para CD80+, 76.4% para CD83+ y 86.5% para DLA II y 62% en la prueba de fagocitosis. La terapia no mostró ningún efecto secundario en nuestro grupo experimental y hubo una regresión tumoral del 100% para la semana doce. Se encontró un aumento de expresión celular en sangre de CD4+ de 29%, de CD8+ de 34% y de IFN-γ de 120 pg/mL. Nuestros resultados demuestran que la inmunoterapia autóloga con CD específicas inducen una regresión del TVT en caninos.


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T-cell based vaccines against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) generate specific responses that may limit both transmission and disease progression by controlling viral load. Broad, polyfunctional, and cytotoxic CD4+ T-cell responses have been associated with control of simian immunodeficiency virus/HIV-1 replication, supporting the inclusion of CD4+ T-cell epitopes in vaccine formulations. Plasmid-encoded granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (pGM-CSF) co-administration has been shown to induce potent CD4+ T-cell responses and to promote accelerated priming and increased migration of antigen-specific CD4+ T-cells. However, no study has shown whether co-immunisation with pGM-CSF enhances the number of vaccine-induced polyfunctional CD4+ T-cells. Our group has previously developed a DNA vaccine encoding conserved, multiple human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR binding HIV-1 subtype B peptides, which elicited broad, polyfunctional and long-lived CD4+ T-cell responses. Here, we show that pGM-CSF co-immunisation improved both magnitude and quality of vaccine-induced T-cell responses, particularly by increasing proliferating CD4+ T-cells that produce simultaneously interferon-γ, tumour necrosis factor-α and interleukin-2. Thus, we believe that the use of pGM-CSF may be helpful for vaccine strategies focused on the activation of anti-HIV CD4+ T-cell immunity.


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Foxp3 es un marcador clave para identificación y función células T reguladoras, además su expresión se ha observado en diferentes líneas celulares de cáncer. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar si la expresión de Foxp3 en células de melanoma murino actúa como un mecanismo de evasión de la respuesta inmune tumoral, modificando citocinas involucradas en la fase de inmunoedición de cáncer y promoviendo la generación de células Treg. En este estudio se determinó por primera vez la expresión de Foxp3 en las células melanoma murino B16F10 wt, y diseñamos RNA de interferencia en contra de Foxp3, además de analizar la expresión de CD25 y producción de IL-2, INF-γ, TGF-β e IL-10 para determinar su papel in vitro. Para la evaluación del efecto de Foxp3 durante el desarrollo tumoral in vivo, se estableció una línea celular con silenciamiento de Foxp3 la cuál identificamos como B16F10.DMH1 y se montaron dos modelos de melanoma murino, uno inducido con células B16F10 wt y otro inducido con células B16F10.DMH1, y se analizó progresión tumoral, producción de citocinas, expresión de CD25, Foxp3 y poblaciones celulares CD4+ , CD4+CD25+ y CD4+CD25+ Foxp3+ en TIL’s y células de bazo. Nuestros resultados in vitro demuestran que las células B16F10 wt expresan Foxp3 a nivel de RNAm y proteína, y su localización celular es principalmente perinuclear, además se encontró que estas células expresan CD25, y una producción de citocinas del tipo INF-γ, TGF-β, IL-10 e IL-2. Se encontró que la expresión de Foxp3 afecta la proliferación en células B16F10, encontrando una correlación positiva entre la expresión de Foxp3, CD25 e IL-2. In vivo, el silenciamiento de Foxp3 en las células B16F10.DMH1 afectó el desarrollo del melanoma incrementando el tiempo de aparición de tumor, sobrevida y disminuyendo el peso de los tumores, encontrando una correlación positiva entre Foxp3, CD25, IL-2 e IL-10 y negativa con la producción de IFN-γ, además se determinó que Foxp3 intratumoral está correlacionado con la expresión y presencia de células Treg con fenotipo CD4+CD25+ Foxp3+ en el microambiente tumoral y con una disminución de células T CD4+ a nivel periférico, sin afectar a linfocitos T activados (CD4+CD25+ ). Estos datos sugieren que Foxp3, participa en el desarrollo de la tumorogénesis en melanoma murino in vitro e in vivo, con la capacidad de modular a citocinas, moléculas involucradas en el desarrollo tumoral, así como poblaciones celulares con fenotipo regulador en el tumor, pero no en periferia.


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Con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de la hipnosis sobre el recuento leucocitario, en estudiantes de medicina, en relación con un grupo de control. Se aplicó la técnica de Imaginería guiada en hipnosis y relajación en 302 estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad de Cuenca aparentemente sanos susceptibles de hipnosis, asignados de manera aleatoria. Se tomaron dos muestras para recuento y fórmula leucocitaria pre y pos tensión; durante la experimentación se valoró profundidad hipnótica y efectos colaterales. Resultados: se encontró variación del número de leucocitos en 20y más en el grupo de hipnosis (RR 1.9 IC 951.16-3.11 p<0.01). Las características generales del grupo de estudio y control, no mostraron diferencia significativa en edad, sexo y primer recuento leucocitario (p>0.05). El grupo de hipnosis mostró asociación significativa para elevación de leucocitos en ligero trance (RR 2.07 951.84-2.33 p<0.01), mediano trance (RR 2.07 951.39-2.27 p<0.01) y profundo trance (rr 2.1 IC951.86-2.37 p<0.01). El incremento leucocitario se dio a expensas de un crecimiento en el número de neutrófilos y linfocitos (p<0.01). La presencia de efectos colaterales se da más en hipnosis (RR: 3.33, IC. 1.3-8.07, p<0.01), hallando al dolor cervical como malestar predominante (p<0.05) Conclusiones: El uso de hipnosis produjo una variación en el número de leucocitos elevándolos en 20y más luego de la intervención, con crecimiento a expensas de neutrófilos y linfocitos. La profundidad de trance en el grupo de hipnosis mostró elevación leucocitaria en todos sus niveles. Los efectos colaterales se dieron mayormente en estado hipnótico


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Substantial complexity has been introduced into treatment regimens for patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Many drug-related problems (DRPs) are detected in these patients, such as low adherence, therapeutic inefficacy, and safety issues. We evaluated the impact of pharmacist interventions on CD4+ T-lymphocyte count, HIV viral load, and DRPs in patients with HIV infection. In this 18-month prospective controlled study, 90 outpatients were selected by convenience sampling from the Hospital Dia-University of Campinas Teaching Hospital (Brazil). Forty-five patients comprised the pharmacist intervention group and 45 the control group; all patients had HIV infection with or without acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Pharmaceutical appointments were conducted based on the Pharmacotherapy Workup method, although DRPs and pharmacist intervention classifications were modified for applicability to institutional service limitations and research requirements. Pharmacist interventions were performed immediately after detection of DRPs. The main outcome measures were DRPs, CD4+ T-lymphocyte count, and HIV viral load. After pharmacist intervention, DRPs decreased from 5.2 (95% confidence interval [CI] =4.1-6.2) to 4.2 (95% CI =3.3-5.1) per patient (P=0.043). A total of 122 pharmacist interventions were proposed, with an average of 2.7 interventions per patient. All the pharmacist interventions were accepted by physicians, and among patients, the interventions were well accepted during the appointments, but compliance with the interventions was not measured. A statistically significant increase in CD4+ T-lymphocyte count in the intervention group was found (260.7 cells/mm(3) [95% CI =175.8-345.6] to 312.0 cells/mm(3) [95% CI =23.5-40.6], P=0.015), which was not observed in the control group. There was no statistical difference between the groups regarding HIV viral load. This study suggests that pharmacist interventions in patients with HIV infection can cause an increase in CD4+ T-lymphocyte counts and a decrease in DRPs, demonstrating the importance of an optimal pharmaceutical care plan.


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There is an increasing rate of papillary thyroid carcinomas that may never progress to cause symptoms or death. Predicting outcome and determining tumour aggressiveness could help diminish the number of patients submitted to aggressive treatments. We aimed to evaluate whether markers of the immune system response and of tumour-associated inflammation could predict outcome of differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) patients. Retrospective cohort study. We studied 399 consecutive patients, including 325 papillary and 74 follicular thyroid carcinomas. Immune cell markers were evaluated using immunohistochemistry, including tumour-associated macrophages (CD68) and subsets of tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL), such as CD3, CD4, CD8, CD16, CD20, CD45RO, GRANZYME B, CD69 and CD25. We also investigated the expression of cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2) in tumour cells and the presence of concurrent lymphocytic infiltration characterizing chronic thyroiditis. Concurrent lymphocytic infiltration characterizing chronic thyroiditis was observed in 29% of the cases. Among all the immunological parameters evaluated, only the enrichment of CD8+ lymphocytes (P = 0·001) and expression of COX2 (P =0·01) were associated with recurrence. A multivariate model analysis identified CD8+ TIL/COX2 as independent risk factor for recurrence. A multivariate analysis using Cox's proportional-hazards model adjusted for the presence of concurrent chronic thyroiditis demonstrated that the presence of concurrent chronic thyroiditis had no effect on prognostic prediction mediated by CD8+ TIL and COX2. In conclusion, we suggest the use of a relatively simple pathology tool to help select cases that may benefit of a more aggressive approach sparing the majority of patients from unnecessary procedures.


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Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are fermentation end products produced by the intestinal microbiota and have anti-inflammatory and histone deacetylase-inhibiting properties. Recently, a dual relationship between the intestine and kidneys has been unraveled. Therefore, we evaluated the role of SCFA in an AKI model in which the inflammatory process has a detrimental role. We observed that therapy with the three main SCFAs (acetate, propionate, and butyrate) improved renal dysfunction caused by injury. This protection was associated with low levels of local and systemic inflammation, oxidative cellular stress, cell infiltration/activation, and apoptosis. However, it was also associated with an increase in autophagy. Moreover, SCFAs inhibited histone deacetylase activity and modulated the expression levels of enzymes involved in chromatin modification. In vitro analyses showed that SCFAs modulated the inflammatory process, decreasing the maturation of dendritic cells and inhibiting the capacity of these cells to induce CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell proliferation. Furthermore, SCFAs ameliorated the effects of hypoxia in kidney epithelial cells by improving mitochondrial biogenesis. Notably, mice treated with acetate-producing bacteria also had better outcomes after AKI. Thus, we demonstrate that SCFAs improve organ function and viability after an injury through modulation of the inflammatory process, most likely via epigenetic modification.


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Low bone mineral density (BMD) has been found in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients; however, data on associated factors remain unclear, specifically in middle-aged women. This study aims to evaluate factors associated with low BMD in HIV-positive women. In this cross-sectional study, a questionnaire was administered to 206 HIV-positive women aged 40 to 60 years who were receiving outpatient care. Clinical features, laboratory test results, and BMD were assessed. Yates and Pearson χ(2) tests and Poisson multiple regression analysis were performed. The median age of women was 47.7 years; 75% had nadir CD4 T-cell counts higher than 200, and 77.8% had viral loads below the detection limit. There was no association between low BMD at the proximal femur and lumbar spine (L1-L4) and risk factors associated with HIV infection and highly active antiretroviral therapy. Poisson multiple regression analysis showed that the only factor associated with low BMD at the proximal femur and lumbar spine was postmenopause status. Low BMD is present in more than one third of this population sample, in which most women are using highly active antiretroviral therapy and have a well-controlled disease. The main associated factor is related to estrogen deprivation. The present data support periodic BMD assessments in HIV-infected patients and highlight the need to implement comprehensive menopausal care for these women to prevent bone loss.