821 resultados para Quality evaluation
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[EU]Lan honetan Ebaluatoia aurkezten da, eskala handiko ingelesa-euskara itzulpen automatikoko ebaluazio kanpaina, komunitate-elkarlanean oinarritua. Bost sistemaren itzulpen kalitatea konparatzea izan da kanpainaren helburua, zehazki, bi sistema estatistiko, erregeletan oinarritutako bat eta sistema hibrido bat (IXA taldean garatuak) eta Google Translate. Emaitzetan oinarrituta, sistemen sailkapen bat egin dugu, baita etorkizuneko ikerkuntza bideratuko duten zenbait analisi kualitatibo ere, hain zuzen, ebaluazio-bildumako azpi-multzoen analisia, iturburuko esaldien analisi estrukturala eta itzulpenen errore-analisia. Lanak analisi hauen hastapenak aurkezten ditu, etorkizunean zein motatako analisietan sakondu erakutsiko digutenak.
Fish tracking is a valuable technique for the provision of detailed information on the behaviour patterns of individual fish especially during estuarine and riverine migration. 2. Tracking studies help in the provision of a comprehensive description of the variety offish behaviour patterns in response to factors such as water flow, obstructions and water quality. 3. There are advantages to be gained by complementing fish tracking studies with data collected from fish counters and vice versa. 4. An overall evaluation of NRA fish tracking projects is presented in the wider context of NRA strategic research objectives. 5. The requirement for future development of tracking equipment, improved data analysis techniques, better communication and more immediate report preparation is identified. 6. Individual project evaluation is given for NRA (or the appropriate Water Authority predecessor) tracking studies conducted on the Ribble estuary, the River Tamar, River Torridge, Rivers Test and Itchen, River Lodden, the Welsh River Dee, River Glaslyn, River Taff, River Tawe, River Tywi, River Usk, Rivers Avon and Stour and the River Frome. 7. An outline for future strategic research is provided which identifies particular areas for study:- i) Identification of environmental factors which control the entry of fish into rivers. ii) Improvement of the understanding of the relationship between water flow and upstream movement of salmonids. iii) Examination of the detailed movements and behaviour of fish in relation to obstructions. iv) Closer definition of water quality requirements for salmonid fish. v) Definition of habitat preferences of salmonids in rivers. vi) Subsidiary topics such as the movements of non-salmonid fish and the downstream migration of kelts and juvenile salmonids.
This is the Evaluation of the impact of cypermethrin use in forestry on Welsh streams from the University of Plymouth, published on September 2010 by the Environment Agency South West. The report focuses attention on Cypermethrin, a highly active synthetic pyrethroid insecticide effective against a wide range of pests in agriculture, public health, and animal husbandry. It is also used in forestry to control the pine weevil, Hylobius abietis. Cypermethrin is very toxic to aquatic invertebrates and fish at nanogram per litre concentrations. This project checks the effectiveness of current best practice measures in minimising the risk of pollution associated with the use of cypermethrin in forestry in Wales. Chemical results from the intensive studies show that cypermethrin entered minor watercourses draining treated areas at two of the eight sites. In one of these cases the level was well in excess of the short-term Predicted No Effect Concentration. The absence of a buffer area at the other site resulted in the cypermethrin reaching a main drain. However dilution appeared to be sufficient to prevent any impact on water quality or on the invertebrate community in the main stream. Invertebrate and chemical data from the extensive survey showed little evidence of pollution due to wider use of cypermethrin in Welsh forestry. Finally, a number of recommendations are made for further tightening controls on forestry practice to minimise the risk of cypermethrin entering the aquatic environment.
This is the River habitat survey and geomorphological evaluation of the Glaze Brook Catchment report produced by the Environmental Research and Consultancy of the University of Liverpool in 2002. The major aims of the project were to provide baseline information on river habitats in the Glaze catchment using standard River Habitat Survey (RHS) methods (sampling 25% of the catchment length) and, through the geomorphological audit, to assess the distribution and intensity of geomorphological processes, notably sediment transfer, sources and sinks. This information was then used to develop informed management recommendations. The Glaze catchment is a heavily modified watercourse of generally poor habitat quality. The most important factors contributing to the low quality of the sites are poor bank and channel features; low diversity/absence of channel vegetation; paucity of bankside trees and, to a lesser extent, a lack of channel substrate diversity. The high degree of modification relates principally to extensively resectioned banks and channels plus extensive culverting in the urban parts of the catchment.
This is the River Eden RHS and geomorphology evaluation: Final report October 2001 produced by the Environment Agency North West in 2001. This report analysed the River Habitat Survey (RHS) and geomorphology data to evaluate the level of habitat quality and the geomorphological characteristics of the River Eden and sub-catchments. RHS data and geomorphological assessment data was collected within the study areas by CEH and Fluvial Environmental Services Ltd. The River Eden and its sub-catchments are being considered as a Special Area for Conservation (SAC) due to the presence of habitat types and species, which are rare or threatened within Europe. The purpose of the project is to provide an overview of the state of the catchment in terms of river habitats and geomorphological processes in order to aid the derivation of sound management for this proposed SAC.The aim of this report was to determine the state of the environment within the Eden and sub-catchments and identify the main pressures on the system in order to derive sound management options.
In 2006, the National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, initiated development of a national bycatch report that would provide bycatch estimates for U.S. commercial fisheries at the fishery and species levels for fishes, marine mammals, sea turtles, and seabirds. As part of this project, the need to quantify the relative quality of available bycatch data and estimation methods was identified. Working collaboratively with fisheries managers and scientists across the nation, a system of evaluation was developed. Herein we describe the development of this system (the “tier system”), its components, and its application. We also discuss the value of the tier system in allowing fisheries managers to identify research needs and efficiently allocate limited resources toward those areas that will result in the greatest improvement to bycatch data and estimation quality.
Temperature profile of fish chikuwa was taken during microwave cooking at 100 power level for different durations and subjected to organoleptic evaluation. Moisture content and organoleptic quality of fish chikuwa paste mixed with different levels of moisture and cooked at 100 power levels for 6 minutes were analysed. Microwave cooked fish chikuwa with standardized recipe was heated in microwave oven with hot air at different temperature for different durations. Fish chikuwa microwave cooked at 100 power level for 6 minutes had higher scores for all attributes as compared to those cooked for different durations and also fulfill the condition of pasteurisation of fish chikuwa. Fish chikuwa prepared with 35% moisture had better scores for all attributes unlike those of other levels. Heating of microwave pasteurised fish chikuwa at different temperatures for different durations could not achieve the desired brown colour.
In the present study, an attempt was made to explore the benefits of polyphosphate for enhancement of dried prawn (Parapenaeopsis stylifera) quality commercially known as "sode" in Maharashtra coast. Dip treatment in polyphosphate solution at different concentrations (viz., 3, 5, 7 and 10%) was given to pealed and no deveined P. stylifera for different durations (viz., 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 min). Treated prawns were dried and subjected to rehydration capacity test and organoleptic evaluation. Among the different treatments, rehydration capacity was found to increase with the increased duration and concentration of treatment. Tiny prawns treated with sodium tripolyphosphate solution at the rate of 5% concentration for 5 minutes showed an increase in pH from acidic to alkaline, and had better quality with respect to rehydration capacity and textural attributes as compared to other concentrations and durations of polyphosphate treatment.
All imported salted, dried fish samples tested had a salt content below 30% and above 12% and hence met requirements of the proposed standard. Also samples without quality cut tested had a greater salt content than that with quality cut. This indicates that salt contributes to protecting dried fish and hence may be endorsed by sensory evaluation to a certain extent. Samples with quality cut had more moisture than that without quality cut. But all samples with and without quality cut had a moisture content greater than 35% which is the maximum moisture content for such species specified in the standard. Microbiological testing for total counts and Coliform contents too showed that good quality dried fish had counts greater than that specified in the standard. The different species of fish tested had varying lengths of shelf life. But on an average the shelf life of dried fish could be prolonged for about 12 days by re-drying at 45°C for 6 hours, i.e., re-drying at these temperatures without subsequent packing in polythene bags may not be practical for prolonging the storage life of salted/dried fish.
'Lona ilish', is a traditional salt fermented fish product, widely consumed and very popular in north-east part of India and Bangladesh. It is prepared exclusively from a high fat fish, Hilsa (Tenualosa) ilisha. 'Lona ilish' was prepared in the laboratory following traditional process. After 150 days of fermentation, a better quality 'lona ilish' was obtained. Biochemical characteristics of market sample was estimated and compared with the laboratory prepared one. A variation in biochemical composition was observed. Sensory quality of the final product of laboratory prepared 'lona ilish' was compared with the market sample and found that the laboratory prepared product scored better than the market sample. The moisture (49.89%) and salt (15.48%) of the final product was found to be satisfactory for stability of the 'lona ilish' at ambient temperature. Analysis of volatile compounds of 'lona ilish' was done using GC-MS. It was concluded that, aldehydes, ketones and esters may possibly contribute characteristic aromas to the overall flavour of the salt fermented hilsa.
Effects of gamma radiation on nutritional and microbial quality of Pampus chinensis (Euphrasen 1788)
To evaluate the efficiency of gamma radiation in combination with low temperature Chinese pomfret, Pampus chinensis were preserved by the treatment of different doses of gamma radiation (3, 5 and 8 KGy) at freezing temperature (-20°C) during 90 days of storage period. Quality assessments for fish were carried out at an interval of 15 days during the storage period. Quality assessments were done by organoleptic, chemical (Total Volatile Nitrogen, TVN and Trimethylamine, TMA) and microbiological (Total Bacterial Count, TBC and Total Mould Count, TMC) evaluation. From the analysis of all parameters, maximum shelf-life was observed for irradiated (8 KGy) sample. It remained acceptable up to 75 days and that was the highest duration among 4 types of samples.
Catla, rohu, silver carp and common carp raised employing different organic manures were subjected to organoleptic evaluation, both in raw and cooked form. The combination treatment of poultry manure and silkworm faecal matter had positive effect on colour and glossiness of skin and colour of flesh in the case of common carp. Though no significant difference was observed in the overall quality, odour of flesh and texture of meat of rohu were found to be better in sewage treated and poultry manure treated ponds respectively. From the results, it can be discerned that treated sewage has no adverse effect on the acceptable qualities of the carps studied.
This paper reports the results of a preliminary study on the biochemical composition and nutritional charactersitics of fish solubles from oil sardines (Sardinella longiceps) and white tailed pink perch (Nemipterus japonicus). The nutritional quality of sardine solubles has been evaluated by feeding trials using albino rats also. The studies have shown that compared to a control group of rats whose diet had casein as the sole source of protein, a group of rats in whose diet dried sardine solubles replaced half of the casein, had a noticeably higher growth rate. This higher growth rate was not prominent in the early stages of growth (4-7 weeks). But, during later stages (7-10 weeks), solubles incorporated diet supported a distinctly higher growth rate. This effect was more pronounced in female rats (17% over the control group) compared to the male rats (4% over the control group). Fish solubles are found to be poor sources of essential amino acids. Thus, the observed increase in growth rate is higher than the rate expected from the amino acid make up. This probably supports the view expressed by workers elsewhere that fish solubles contain some unidentified growth factors.
The proximate composition, amino acid composition and the PER values of Rohu (Labeo rohita), Mrigal (Cirrhina mrigala) and Calbasu (Labeo calbasu) are reported. The proximate composition of all the three fishes was similar. However the amino acid composition varied considerably. Protein quality index of the three fish proteins calculated from the amino acid composition are also reported. The nutritional quality of the 3 types of proteins to meet the growth requirements of infants, children and adult human beings is discussed. The possibility of substantial improvement in nutritional quality of the three fish proteins to suit the requirements of infants and children by marginal supplementation with valine/valine-rich food for rohu and valine and isoleucine/food rich in valine and isoleucine for mrigal and calbasu is also discussed. The results indicate that of the three fishes rohu is the best in protein quality followed by mrigal and calbasu. All of them have a better amino acid make up than casein to meet the amino acid requirement of adults.