1000 resultados para Proteína da Membrana Semelhante a Receptor de Coxsachie e Adenovírus
The human immunodeficiency virus replication cycle begins by sequential interactions between viral envelope glycoproteins with CD4 molecule and a member of the seven-transmembrane, G-protein-coupled, receptors' family (coreceptor). In this report we focused on the contribution of CCR8 as alternative coreceptor for HIV-1 and HIV-2 isolates. We found that this coreceptor was efficiently used not only by HIV-2 but particularly by HIV-1 isolates. We demonstrate that CXCR4 usage, either alone or together with CCR5 and/or CCR8, was more frequently observed in HIV-1 than in HIV-2 isolates. Directly related to this is the finding that the non-usage of CXCR4 is significantly more common in HIV-2 isolates; both features could be associated with the slower disease progression generally observed in HIV-2 infected patients. The ability of some viral isolates to use alternative coreceptors besides CCR5 and CXCR4 could further impact on the efficacy of entry inhibitor therapy and possibly also in HIV pathogenesis.
RESUMO:Desde a declaração de Bethesda em 1983, a transplantação hepática é considerada um processo válido e aceite na prática clínica para muitos doentes com doença hepática terminal, relativamente aos quais não houvesse outra alternativa terapêutica. Em 1991, por proposta de Holmgren, professor de genética, o cirurgião sueco Bo Ericzon realizou em Huntingdon (Estocolmo) o primeiro transplante hepático num doente PAF (Polineuropatia Amilloidótica Familiar), esperando que a substituição do fígado pudesse frenar a evolução da doença. Nesta doença hereditária autossómica dominante, o fígado, apesar de estrutural e funcionalmente normal, produz uma proteína anormal (TTR Met30) responsável pela doença. A partir de então, a transplantação hepática passou a ser a única terapêutica eficaz para estes doentes. Portugal é o país do mundo com mais doentes PAF, tendo sido o médico neurologista português Corino de Andrade quem, em 1951, identificou e descreveu este tipo particular de polineuropatia hereditária, também conhecida por doença de Andrade. Com o início da transplantação hepática programada em Setembro de 1992, o primeiro doente transplantado hepático em Portugal, no Hospital Curry Cabral, foi um doente PAF. Desde logo se percebeu que a competição nas listas de espera em Portugal, entre doentes hepáticos crónicos e doentes PAF viria a ser um problema clínico e ético difícil de compatibilizar. Em 1995, Linhares Furtado, em Coimbra, realizou o primeiro transplante dum fígado dum doente PAF num doente com doença hepática metastática, ficando este tipo de transplante conhecido como transplante sequencial ou “em dominó”. Fê-lo no pressuposto de que o fígado PAF, funcional e estruturalmente normal, apesar de produzir a proteína mutada causadora da doença neurológica, pudesse garantir ao receptor um período razoável de vida livre de sintomas, tal como acontece na história natural desta doença congénita, cujas manifestações clínicas apenas se observam na idade adulta. A técnica cirúrgica mais adequada para transplantar o doente PAF é a técnica de “piggyback”, na qual a hepatectomia é feita mantendo a veia cava do doente, podendo o transplante ser feito sem recorrer a bypass extracorporal. Antes de 2001, para fazerem o transplante sequencial, os diferentes centros alteraram a técnica de hepatectomia no doente PAF, ressecando a cava com o fígado conforme a técnica clássica, recorrendo ao bypass extracorporal. No nosso centro imaginámos e concebemos uma técnica original, com recurso a enxertos venosos, que permitisse ao doente PAF submeter-se à mesma técnica de hepatectomia no transplante, quer ele viesse a ser ou não dador. Essa técnica, por nós utilizada pela primeira vez a nível mundial em 2001, ficou conhecida por Transplante Sequencial em Duplo Piggyback. Este trabalho teve como objectivo procurar saber se a técnica por nós imaginada, concebida e utilizada era reprodutível, se não prejudicava o doente PAF dador e se oferecia ao receptor hepático as mesmas garantias do fígado de cadáver. A nossa série de transplantes realizados em doentes PAF é a maior a nível mundial, assim como o é o número de transplantes sequenciais de fígado. Recorrendo à nossa base de dados desde Setembro de 1992 até Novembro de 2008 procedeu-se à verificação das hipóteses anteriormente enunciadas. Com base na experiência por nós introduzida, a técnica foi reproduzida com êxito em vários centros internacionais de referência, que por si provaram a sua reprodutibilidade. Este sucesso encontra-se publicado por diversos grupos de transplantação hepática a nível mundial. Observámos na nossa série que a sobrevivência dos doentes PAF que foram dadores é ligeiramente superior àqueles que o não foram, embora sem atingir significância estatística. Contudo, quando se analisaram, apenas, estes doentes após a introdução do transplante sequencial no nosso centro, observa-se que existe uma melhor sobrevida nos doentes PAF dadores (sobrevida aos 5 anos de 87% versus 71%, p=0,047).Relativamente aos receptores observámos que existe um benefício a curto prazo em termos de morbi-mortalidade (menor hemorragia peri-operatória) e a longo prazo alguns grupos de doentes apresentaram diferenças de sobrevida, embora sem atingir significância estatística, facto este que pode estar relacionado com a dimensão das amostras parcelares analisadas. Estes grupos são os doentes com cirrose a vírus da hepatite C e os doentes com doença hepática maligna primitiva dentro dos critérios de Milão. Fora do âmbito deste trabalho ficou um aspecto relevante que é a recidiva da doença PAF nos receptores de fígado sequencial e o seu impacto no longo prazo. Em conclusão, o presente trabalho permite afirmar que a técnica por nós introduzida pela primeira vez a nível mundial é exequível e reprodutível e é segura para os doentes dadores de fígado PAF, que não vêem a sua técnica cirúrgica alterada pelo facto de o serem. Os receptores não são, por sua vez, prejudicados por receberem um fígado PAF, havendo mesmo benefícios no pós-operatório imediato e, eventualmente, alguns grupos específicos de doentes podem mesmo ser beneficiados.---------ABSTRACT: Ever since Bethesda statement in 1983, Liver Transplantation has been accepted as a clinical therapeutic procedure for many patients with advanced hepatic failure Holmgren, professor of genetics, suggested that one could expect that transplanting a new liver could lead to improve progressive neurological symptoms of Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy (PAF). Bo Ericzon, the transplant surgeon at Huddinge Hospital in Stockholm, Sweden, did in 1991 the first Liver Transplant on a FAP patient. FAP is an inherited autosomal dominant neurologic disease in which the liver, otherwise structural an functionally normal, produces more than 90% of an abnormal protein (TTR Met30) whose deposits are responsible for symptoms. Liver Transplantation is currently the only efficient therapy available for FAP patients. Portugal is the country in the world where FAP is most prevalent. The Portuguese neurologist Corino de Andrade was the first to recognize in 1951 this particular form of inherited polyneuropathy, which is also known by the name of Andrade disease. Liver Transplantation started as a program in Portugal in September 1992. The first patient transplanted in Lisbon, Hospital Curry Cabral, was a FAP patient. From the beginning we did realize that competition among waiting lists of FAP and Hepatic patients would come to be a complex problem we had to deal with, on clinical and ethical grounds. There was one possible way-out. FAP livers could be of some utility themselves as liver grafts. Anatomically and functionally normal, except for the inherited abnormal trace, those livers could possibly be transplanted in selected hepatic patients. Nevertheless the FAP liver carried with it the ability to produce the mutant TTR protein. One could expect, considering the natural history of the disease that several decades would lapse before the recipient could suffer symptomatic neurologic disease, if at all. In Coimbra, Portugal, Linhares Furtado performed in 1995 the first transplant of a FAP liver to a patient with metastatic malignant disease, as a sequential or “domino” transplant. FAP Liver Transplant patients, because of some dysautonomic labiality and unexpected reactions when they are subjected to surgery, take special advantage when piggyback technique is used for hepatectomy. This technique leaves the vena cava of the patient undisturbed, so that return of blood to the heart is affected minimally, so that veno-venous extracorporeal bypass will not be necessary. The advantages of piggyback technique could not be afforded to FAP patients who became donors for sequential liver transplantation, before we did introduce our liver reconstruction technique in 2001. The hepatectomy took the vena cava together with the liver, which is the classical technique, and the use of extracorporeal veno-venous bypass was of necessity in most cases. The reconstruction technique we developed in our center and used for the first time in the world in 2001 consists in applying venous grafts to the supra-hepatic ostia of piggyback resected FAP livers so that the organ could be grafted to a hepatic patient whose liver was itself resected with preservation of the vena cava. This is the double piggyback sequential transplant of the liver. It is the objective of this thesis to evaluate the results of this technique that we did introduce, first of all that it is reliable and reproducible, secondly that the FAP donor is not subjected to any additional harm during the procedure, and finally that the recipient has the same prospects of a successful transplant as if the liver was collected from a cadaver donor. Our series of liver transplantation on FAP patients and sequential liver transplants represent both the largest experience in the world. To achieve the analysis of the questions mentioned above, we did refer to our data-base from September 1992 to November 2008. The reconstructive technique that we did introduce is feasible: it could be done with success in every case ion our series. It is also reproducible. It has been adopted by many international centers of reference that did mention it in their own publications. We do refer to our data-base in what concerns the safety for the FAP donor.Five years survival of FAP transplanted patients that have been donors (n=190) has been slightly superior to those who were not (n=77), with no statistical significance. However, if we consider five year survival of FAP transplanted patients after the beginning of sequential transplant program in our center, survival is better among those patients whose liver was used as a transplant (87% survival versus 71%, p=0.047). In what concerns recipients of FAP livers: Some short-term benefit of less perioperative morbi-mortality mainly less hemorrhage. In some groups of particular pathologies, there is a strong suggestion of better survival, however the scarcity of numbers make the differences not statistically significant. Patients with cirrhosis HVC (83% versus73%) and patients with primitive hepatic cancer within Milan criteria (survival of 70% versus 58%) are good examples. There is one relevant problem we left beyond discussion in the present work: this is the long-term impact of possible recurrence of FAP symptoms among recipients of sequential transplants. In Conclusion: The reconstruction technique that we did develop and introduce is consistently workable and reproducible. It is safe for FAP donors with the advantage that removal of vena cava can be avoided. Hepatic patients transplanted with those livers suffer no disadvantages and have the benefit of less hemorrhage. There is also a suggestion that survival could be better in cirrhosis HVC and primary liver cancer patients.
Neste trabalho os AA avaliam a sensibilidade, especificidade e valor predictivo do doseamen to dos anticorpos anti-receptor da TSH (TRAb) no diagnóstico da doença de Graves. A população estudada incluiu 80 doentes com doença de Graves recentemente diagnosticada e sem tratamento prévio (grupo 1), 63 doentes com outras patologias tiroideias (grupo II) e 60 indivíduos sem patologia tiroideia (grupo III). Utilizaram uma técnica de radioreceptor, o kit TRAK Henning, que considera positividade> 14 U TRAb L, negatividade 9 e zona cinzenta entre estes 2 valores. No grupo 1, 11 doentes tinham TRAb negativo e 7 situavam-se na zona cinzenta. No grupo II apenas 2 doentes tinham TRAb de 9 e todos os indivíduos do grupo controlo tinham TRAb negativo. Para efeito estatístico foram excluidos os doentes com valores na zona cinzenta. Os valores de sensibilidade e especificidade para o método ensaiado foram respectivamente de 84,5° o e 10000. O valor predictivo foi de 1000 o, o que permite afirmar com segurança que um doente com hipertiroidismo e TRAb positivo tem doença de Graves.
Os autores descrevem o caso clínico de uma mulher de 33 anos, internada por hemiparésia direita e afasia global de instalação súbita, havendo referência a um episódio prévio de afasia global 7 anos antes, do qual recuperou sem sequelas. É referida a investigação complementar a que foi sujeita, especialmente vocacionada para o despiste das diversas causas de AVC no jovem. Discute-se a relação entre déficit de proteínas inibidoras da coagulação e patologia arterial, fazendo-se ainda uma breve referência à bibliografia existente sobre a matéria.
Circulating anti-phospholipase A2 receptor antibodies (anti-PLA2R) have been described in 70% to 80% of the patients with idiopathic membranous nephropathy (iMN), but not in patients with secondary membranous nephropathy or other glomerular diseases. The goal of this study was to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of the assay for anti-PLA2R in the diagnosis of iMN. Anti-PLA2R IgG, Elisa and immunofluorescence tests were used to detect circulating anti-PLA2R. These tests were applied in 53 patients who had a kidney biopsy. Of these, 38 had histological diagnosis of membranous nephropathy (MN) and the remaining had other glomerular diseases. The MN was classified as idiopathic in 33 patients after clinical exclusion of secondary causes. Anti-PLA2R were positive in 57.6% of the patients with iMN. All patients with secondary membranous nephropathy or other glomerular diseases did not show circulating anti-PLA2R. The sensitivity was 57.6% (CI 39.2-74.5) and specificity 100% (CI 47.8-100), AUC 0.788; p < 0.0001 for the detection of iMN. 71.4% of the iMN patients that tested negative for anti-PLA2R were in partial or complete remission. The detection of anti-PLA2R in the studied population had a specificity of 100% for the iMN diagnosis. Prior treatments seem to make the test negative and contribute to a lower sensitivity.
Severe chronic kidney disease may lead to disturbances, such as hyperphosphatemia, increased secretion of fibroblast growth factor -23 (FGF -23) and vitamin D deficiency. These may increase plasmatic levels of parathyroid hormone, and decrease plasmatic levels of calcium. Altogether, these may contribute to the development of secondary hyperparathyroidism, and to abnormalities in mineral metabolism. Kidney transplantation is the best option to improve longevity and quality of life in end -stage chronic kidney disease patients. Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with cardiovascular disease, which is the leading cause of death in chronic kidney disease. Therefore, diagnosing this deficiency may be pivotal for minimizing mortality in chronic kidney disease, because pharmacological treatments for this deficiency may be prescribed. Calcitriol is indicated for the treatment of vitamin D deficiency, both in chronic kidney disease and in kidney transplanted patients. However, calcitriol may increase the plasmatic levels of calcium and phosphorous, which can lead to vascular calcifications, that have been associated with cardiovascular mortality. Selective vitamin D receptor activators are indicated for the treatment of vitamin D deficiency in chronic kidney disease. These have the advantage of being associated with lower increases of plasmatic levels of calcium and phosphorous. These drugs also seem to have additional effects that may minimise patient morbidity and mortality, especially due to potentially reducing cardiovascular events. Unfortunately, there are few studies about the use of these drugs in kidney transplanted patients. Here we present a review about the physiology of vitamin D, the consequences of its deficiency in chronic kidney disease and in kidney transplanted patients, and about the diagnosis and treatment of this deficiency. Finally, we discuss the new line of research about the efficacy and safety of selective vitamin D receptor activators in kidney transplanted patients.
Thyroid-stimulating hormone-receptor autoantibodies normally causes hyperthyroidism. However, they might have blocking activity causing hypothyroidism. A 11-year-old girl followed due to type 1 diabetes mellitus, celiac disease and euthyroid lymphocytic thyroiditis at diagnosis. Two years after the initial evaluation, thyroid-stimulating hormone was suppressed with normal free T4; nine months later, a biochemical evolution to hypothyroidism with thyroid-stimulating hormone-receptor autoantibodies elevation was seen; the patient remained always asymptomatic. Chinese hamster ovary cells were transfected with the recombinant human thyroid-stimulating hormone -receptor, and then exposed to the patient's serum; it was estimated a 'moderate' blocking activity of these thyroid-stimulating hormone-receptor autoantibodies, and concomitantly excluded stimulating action. In this case, the acknowledgment of the blocking activity of the serum thyroid-stimulating hormone-receptor autoantibodies, supported the hypothesis of a multifactorial aetiology of the hypothyroidism, which in the absence of the in vitro tests, we would consider only as a consequence of the destructive process associated to lymphocytic thyroiditis.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia
RESUMO: O vírus chikungunya (CHIKV) é um vírus de RNA, com invólucro, da família Togaviridae, transmitido por mosquitos Aedes spp. Distribuído por largas regiões de África e Ásia, causa grandes epidemias de artrite grave. A semelhança de sintomas com outras doenças como a dengue e a malária e a persistência de IgM específicas, dificultam o diagnóstico da infeção por CHIKV. A deteção no sangue de E3, uma glicoproteína viral secretada, a incluir num ensaio imunoenzimático poderá melhorar o diagnóstico nos países onde as técnicas de biologia molecular são de difícil acesso. Para testar a utilidade de E3 num ensaio de diagnóstico, esta deverá ser expressa em quantidade, purificada e usada para produção de anticorpos específicos. Para expressar E3 numa forma solúvel, suscetível de ser purificada num único passo cromatográfico sem proteases, recorreu-se à estratégia da fusão com o domínio de ligação à quitina (CBD)-inteína (IMPACT™ System, NEB). A sequência codificadora de E3 foi amplificada a partir de RNA viral, clonada em pTYB21 e expressa em E. coli como uma proteína de fusão insolúvel de 64 kDa. A expressão a 12ºC induzida por IPTG 0,1 mM aumentou a solubilidade de CBD-inteína-E3. A aplicação de lisados celulares em colunas de quitina originou a retenção de CBD-inteína-E3 na matriz. Porém, a autoclivagem da inteína na coluna, induzida com reagentes tiol, foi pouco eficiente e mesmo a proteína E3 separada não eluiu da coluna. E3 foi ainda expressa em E. coli com uma cauda de seis histidinas (E3[His]6) por clonagem no vetor pET28b(+). Lisados celulares aplicados em colunas de níquel permitiram a eluição de uma proteína de 9 kDa, compatível com a massa molecular estimada para E3[His]6, ainda que com outros contaminantes proteicos. A identidade da proteína de 9 kDa será confirmada pela indução de anticorpos com esta preparação e reatividade daqueles com células infetadas com CHIKV.----------------ABSTRACT: Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is an enveloped, positive strand RNA virus belonging to the family Togaviridae. Transmitted by Aedes spp mosquitoes, CHIKV causes large epidemics of severe arthritogenic disease in Africa and Asia and represents a serious threat in countries where vectors are present. Symptoms similarity with other diseases, e.g. dengue and malaria, along with CHIKV IgM persistence turns accurate CHIKV diagnosis a difficult task in low-income countries. Detection of E3, a small secreted viral glycoprotein, to be included in an immunoenzymatic test was envisaged as a possible improvement in CHIKV diagnosis. To test the diagnostic value of E3, recombinant E3 should be expressed and purified to generate antibodies. In order to express CHIKV E3 in a soluble form amenable to purification by a single step affinity chromatography, the chitin binding domain (CBD)-intein fusion strategy without proteases (IMPACT™ System, NEB) was employed. The E3 coding sequence was amplified from viral RNA, cloned in pTYB21 and expressed in E. coli ER2566 as an insoluble 64 kDa CBD-intein-E3 fusion protein. Solubility was partially achieved by lowering the expression temperature to 12ºC and the inducer (IPTG) concentration to 0.1 mM. Clarified cell lysate loaded onto a chitin column allowed ligation of the fusion protein but the intein-mediated cleavage efficiency was low and E3 failed to elute from the column as demonstrated by SDS-PAGE. E3 was further expressed with a six histidine tag, E3[His]6, employing the pET System (Novagen). E3[His]6 was expressed in E. coli Rosetta (30ºC, 0.4 mM IPTG) as a 9 kDa protein. Soluble cell extracts in 20-40 mM imidazole, applied onto a nickel column and eluted with 500 mM imidazole yielded a protein preparation enriched in the 9kDa protein. The 9 kDa will be used as antigen to generate antibodies that upon reaction with CHIKV infected cells will confirm its identity.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Qualidade Alimentar
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica
Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia