500 resultados para Penas eclesiásticas
Pregnancy and motherhood have been historically considered as reasons why elite sportswomen may end their sport careers. During pregnancy, the safety of both mother and baby has been identified as a key reason for ceasing sport participation. Recent “official” statistics on how many elite athletes are mothers suggest that pregnancy, motherhood, and sport could be no longer mutually exclusive. The aim of this qualitative phenomenological study was to describe the lived pregnancy of Spanish elite sportswomen. Spanish elite sportswomen (n = 20) aged between 18 and 65 years that had been pregnant during their sporting professional career and after the end of their pregnancy had taken up again their professional sporting career for at least one year were included. Data were collected from May 2010 to April 2012 using in-depth personal interviews, investigator’s field notes, and extracts from the participants’ personal letters. Identified themes included: choosing the right moment; fears and doubts; and justifying physical exercise. By giving voice to these elite Spanish sportswomen, their pregnancy experiences are made visible, which might help to gain a better understanding into their expectations and develop policies and practices focused on elite sportswomen during and after pregnancy.
El trabajo de investigación es un estudio de caso que pretende analizar la forma en que factores del contexto institucional y la capacidad de influencia de ciertos actores se reflejan en la discusión y aprobación de la Ley 975 de 2005. Factores del contexto institucional y la capacidad de influencia sobre las posiciones asumidas por los actores políticos y sociales en las diferentes etapas del proceso legislativo y sobre las decisiones que se tomaron para la aprobación de la Ley, en torno a dos elementos fundamentales de ésta que son el delito político y la rebaja de penas. Para ello, se tiene en cuenta el enfoque neo-institucional y el concepto de agencia.
Este relatório de estágio descreve as atividades desenvolvidas no estágio curricular e desenvolve o tema ―Inseminação artificial em Python regius‖. O estágio de seis meses foi realizado na Exoclinic – clínica veterinária de aves e exóticos, permitindo consolidar conhecimentos através da prática clínica e agregar-lhes a área da medicina de animais exóticos, dedicando especial atenção à medicina de répteis. Desenvolvem-se os casos mais frequentes: medicina preventiva nas várias classes de animais, patologia dentária em roedores e lagomorfos, doença do bico e das penas dos psitacídeos e anorexia em répteis. Na monografia aborda-se a anatomofisiologia e o comportamento reprodutivos das cobras e a sua influência no maneio reprodutivo em cativeiro, métodos de avaliação de reprodutores e técnicas de inseminação artificial. Realizou-se um ensaio prático com seis animais, realizando colheitas de sémen, avaliação de alguns parâmetros do sémen, controlo folicular por ecografia e inseminação artificial. Apresentam-se os métodos, os resultados e respetiva discussão; Abstract: Exotic animal medicine This traineeship report describes the activities during the traineeship and develops the theme "Artificial insemination in Python regius." The six-month internship was held in Exoclinic - clínica veterinária de aves e exóticos, consolidating knowledge through clinical practice and adding the medical field of exotic animals, with special attention to reptiles. The most frequent clinical cases are developed: preventive medicine in the various classes of animals, dental pathology in rodents and lagomorphs, Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease in birds and anorexia in reptile. The monograph addresses the anatomy, physiology and reproductive behavior of snakes and their influence on reproductive management in captivity, methods for reproductors selection and evaluation and artificial insemination techniques. Implementation of a field trial with six animals, performing semen crops and evaluation of some of its parameters, follicular monitoring by ultrasound and artificial insemination. Methods and results are presented and discussed.
ResumenSegún los propios términos de los Ministros de la Real Audiencia, la decisión de reconstruir, en un lugar diferente, una nueva capital en la Capitanía General de Guatemala, tras los terremotos de 1773 provocó uno de los mayores asuntos que habrán ocurrido en las Audiencias de América. En este trabajo invitamos al lector a una nueva lectura del acontecimiento tomando en cuenta la complejidad de las apuestas financieras, la personalidad y la psicología de los actores sociales, los conflictos internos a las corporaciones municipales y eclesiásticas la influencia de las redes de poder que irrigaban la sociedad colonial. Una nueva luz en un conflicto del Antiguo Régimen que revela en toda su magnitud las trampas en que suelen caer los hombres de poder y con poca conciencia y de las consecuencias sociales de sus decisiones.AbstractIn their own words, the ministers of the Real Audiencia described the decision to rebuild, in a different location, a new capital for the Captaincy-General of Guatemala, after 1773 earthquakes destroyed the city as one of the greatest events that have occurred in the American Audiencias... In this work, we invite a new reading of this event, taking into account the complexity of the financial stakes, the personality, and psychology of the social actors, the internal conflicts of municipal and ecclesiastic corporations, and the influence of networks of power that reached throughout colonial society. A new light cast over an ancient regime conflict that reveals in all its magnitude the traps that men of power tend to fall into and the limited awareness they have of the social consequences of their decisions.
ResumenEstudia el impacto de la legislación anticlerical dictada en Costa Rica en 1884 sobre el quehacer del clero costarricense. Enfatiza en la ley de la secularización de los cementerios, la prohibición de celebraciones religiosas fuera de los templos y el análisis de las finanzas eclesiásticas.AbstractA study of the impact of anti-Church legislation adopted in 1884 in Costa Rica, as regards the activities of Costa Rican clergy. The article focuses on the secularization of cemeteries, the prohibition of religious celebrations outside the churches, and an analysis of the financial situation of the Church.