971 resultados para PCR analysis


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Intestinal tuberculosis (ITB) and Crohn's disease (CD) are granulomatous disorders with similar clinical manifestations and pathological features that are often difficult to differentiate. This study evaluated the value of fluorescent quantitative polymerase chain reaction (FQ-PCR) for Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) in fecal samples and biopsy specimens to differentiate ITB from CD. From June 2010 to March 2013, 86 consecutive patients (38 females and 48 males, median age 31.3 years) with provisional diagnoses of ITB and CD were recruited for the study. The patients' clinical, endoscopic, and histological features were monitored until the final definite diagnoses were made. DNA was extracted from 250 mg fecal samples and biopsy tissues from each patient. The extracted DNA was amplified using FQ-PCR for the specific MTB sequence. A total of 29 ITB cases and 36 CD cases were included in the analysis. Perianal disease and longitudinal ulcers were significantly more common in the CD patients (P<0.05), whereas night sweats, ascites, and circumferential ulcers were significantly more common in the ITB patients (P<0.05). Fecal FQ-PCR for MTB was positive in 24 (82.8%) ITB patients and 3 (8.3%) CD patients. Tissue PCR was positive for MTB in 16 (55.2%) ITB patients and 2 (5.6%) CD patients. Compared with tissue FQ-PCR, fecal FQ-PCR was more sensitive (X2=5.16, P=0.02). We conclude that FQ-PCR for MTB on fecal and tissue samples is a valuable assay for differentiating ITB from CD, and fecal FQ-PCR has greater sensitivity for ITB than tissue FQ-PCR.


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The increasing presence of products derived from genetically modified (GM) plants in human and animal diets has led to the development of detection methods to distinguish biotechnology-derived foods from conventional ones. The conventional and real-time PCR have been used, respectively, to detect and quantify GM residues in highly processed foods. DNA extraction is a critical step during the analysis process. Some factors such as DNA degradation, matrix effects, and the presence of PCR inhibitors imply that a detection or quantification limit, established for a given method, is restricted to a matrix used during validation and cannot be projected to any other matrix outside the scope of the method. In Brazil, sausage samples were the main class of processed products in which Roundup Ready® (RR) soybean residues were detected. Thus, the validation of methodologies for the detection and quantification of those residues is absolutely necessary. Sausage samples were submitted to two different methods of DNA extraction: modified Wizard and the CTAB method. The yield and quality were compared for both methods. DNA samples were analyzed by conventional and real-time PCR for the detection and quantification of Roundup Ready® soybean in the samples. At least 200 ng of total sausage DNA was necessary for a reliable quantification. Reactions containing DNA amounts below this value led to large variations on the expected GM percentage value. In conventional PCR, the detection limit varied from 1.0 to 500 ng, depending on the GM soybean content in the sample. The precision, performance, and linearity were relatively high indicating that the method used for analysis was satisfactory.


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This research aimed to verify the presence of virulence genes in strains of Escherichia coli isolated from grated cheese sold in farmers' markets of Cuiabá-MT, Brazil. Forty samples of this food were submitted for microbiological analysis and 22 (55%) tested positive for E. coli. Next, 64 strains of E. coli were isolated from the positive samples and screened by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the presence of the genes encoding the following virulence factors: stx1 and stx2 (verotoxin types 1 and 2), eae (intimin), lt1 (heat-labile toxin type 1), st1 (heat-stable toxin type 1), cnf1 and cnf2 (cytotoxic necrozing factor types 1 and 2), and cdtB (cytolethal distending toxin). All the isolates were negative for the genes stx1, stx2, eae, lt1, st1, cnf1, and cdtB, and five strains (7.81%) were positive for cnf2. A low prevalence of E. coli positive for virulence factors associated with the pathogenesis of diarrhoea was observed in this study. However, the presence of CNF-2 producing strains and the possibility of occurrence and scattering of other virulence factors that were not surveyed in the work indicate the risk related to the consumption of grated cheese from farmers' markets.


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The DNA extraction is a critical step in Genetically Modified Organisms analysis based on real-time PCR. In this study, the CTAB and DNeasy methods provided good quality and quantity of DNA from the texturized soy protein, infant formula, and soy milk samples. Concerning the Certified Reference Material consisting of 5% Roundup Ready® soybean, neither method yielded DNA of good quality. However, the dilution test applied in the CTAB extracts showed no interference of inhibitory substances. The PCR efficiencies of lectin target amplification were not statistically different, and the coefficients of correlation (R²) demonstrated high degree of correlation between the copy numbers and the threshold cycle (Ct) values. ANOVA showed suitable adjustment of the regression and absence of significant linear deviations. The efficiencies of the p35S amplification were not statistically different, and all R² values using DNeasy extracts were above 0.98 with no significant linear deviations. Two out of three R² values using CTAB extracts were lower than 0.98, corresponding to lower degree of correlation, and the lack-of-fit test showed significant linear deviation in one run. The comparative analysis of the Ct values for the p35S and lectin targets demonstrated no statistical significant differences between the analytical curves of each target.


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The physiochemical and biological properties of honey are directly associated to its floral origin. Some current commonly used methods for identification of botanical origin of honey involve palynological analysis, chromatographic methods, or direct observation of the bee behavior. However, these methods can be less sensitive and time consuming. DNA-based methods have become popular due to their simplicity, quickness, and reliability. The main objective of this research is to introduce a protocol for the extraction of DNA from honey and demonstrate that the molecular analysis of the extracted DNA can be used for its botanical identification. The original CTAB-based protocol for the extraction of DNA from plants was modified and used in the DNA extraction from honey. DNA extraction was carried out from different honey samples with similar results in each replication. The extracted DNA was amplified by PCR using plant specific primers, confirming that the DNA extracted using the modified protocol is of plant origin and has good quality for analysis of PCR products and that it can be used for botanical identification of honey.


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There are many known taste receptors specific to each taste attribute. This thesis examines the relationship between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and copy number variations (CNVs) in known taste and taste pathway receptors TAS2R38, Gustin, and TRPM5 and for PROP (6-n-propylthiouracil) taster status (PTS), thermal taster status (TTS), and orosensory sensation intensity ratings. PTS is a proxy for general taste responsiveness, and the ability to taste PROP classifies individuals into three phenotypes: super (PST), medium (PMT), and non-tasters (PNT). Another taste phenotype, also serving as a proxy for general taste responsiveness, is TTS, classifying individuals as thermal tasters (TTs) or thermal non-tasters (TnTs). DNA extractions from buccal cells obtained from 60 individuals were performed and analysis of TAS2R38, Gustin, and TRPM5 variations were conducted through Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), sequencing for SNPs, and upQMPSF for CNV analysis of TRPM5. Among the SNPs and CNVs studied, only TAS2R38 was found to be significantly associated with PTS and intensity ratings for sweet, bitter, and sour taste as well as astringency. However, not all PROP phenotypic differences can be explained by the variations at these three SNP sites in TAS2R38, suggesting the involvement of additional genes. No association was found between TTS and TAS2R38 or Gustin, confirming that PTS and TTS are not genetically associated. The examined TRPM5 SNPs and CNVs did not correlate with TTS. Therefore, further research is necessary into other factors contributing to PTS and TTS.


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Récemment plusieurs récepteurs couplés aux protéines G (RCPGs) ont été caractérisés au niveau des membranes intracellulaires, dont la membrane nucléaire. Notre objectif était de déterminer si les sous-types de récepteurs β-adrénergiques (βAR) et leurs machineries de signalisation étaient fonctionnels et localisés à la membrane nucléaire des cardiomyocytes. Nous avons démontré la présence des β1AR et β3AR, mais pas du β2AR à la membrane nucléaire de myocytes ventriculaires adultes par immunobuvardage, par microscopie confocale, et par des essais fonctionnels. De plus, certains partenaires de signalisation comme les protéines GαS, Gαi, l’adénylate cyclase II, et V/VI y étaient également localisés. Les sous-types de βAR nucléaires étaient fonctionnels puisqu'ils pouvaient lier leurs ligands et activer leurs effecteurs. En utilisant des noyaux isolés, nous avons observé que l'agoniste non-sélectif isoprotérénol (ISO), et que le BRL37344, un ligand sélectif du β3AR, stimulaient l'initiation de la synthèse de l’ARN, contrairement à l'agoniste sélectif du β1AR, le xamotérol. Cette synthèse était abolie par la toxine pertussique (PTX). Cependant, la stimulation des récepteurs nucléaires de type B de l’endothéline (ETB) causaient une réduction de l'initiation de la synthèse d’ARN. Les voies de signalisations impliquées dans la régulation de la synthèse d’ARN par les RCPGs ont ensuite été étudiées en utilisant des noyaux isolés stimulés par des agonistes en présence ou absence de différents inhibiteurs des voies MAP Kinases (proteines kinases activées par mitogènes) et de la voie PI3K/PKB. Les protéines impliquées dans les voies de signalisation de p38, JNK, ERK MAP Kinase et PKB étaient présents dans les noyaux isolés. L'inhibition de PKB par la triciribine, inhibait la synthèse d’ARN. Nous avons ensuite pu mettre en évidence par qPCR que la stimulation par l’ISO entrainait une augmentation du niveau d'ARNr 18S ainsi qu’une diminution de l'expression d’ARNm de NFκB. En contraste, l’ET-1 n’avait aucun effet sur le niveau d’expression de l’ARNr 18S. Nous avons ensuite montré que la stimulation par l’ISO réduisait l’expression de plusieurs gènes impliqués dans l'activation de NFκB, tandis que l’inhibition de ERK1/2 et PKB renversait cet effet. Un microarray global nous a ensuite permis de démontrer que les βARs et les ETRs nucléaires régulaient un grand nombre de gènes distincts. Finalement, les βARs et ETRs nucléaires augmentaient aussi une production de NO de noyaux isolés, ce qui pouvait être inhibée par le LNAME. Ces résultats ont été confirmés dans des cardiomyocytes intacts en utilisant des analogues cagés et perméables d’ISO et de l'ET-1: l'augmentation de NO nucléaire détectée par DAF2-DA, causée par l'ET-1 et l'ISO, pouvait être prévenue par le LNAME. Finalement, l’augmentation de l’initiation de la transcription induite par l'ISO était aussi bloquée par le L-NAME ou par un inbitheur de PKG, le KT5823, suggérant que la voie NO-GC-PKG est impliquée dans la régulation de la transcription par les βAR. En conclusion, les βARs et les ETRs nucléaires utilisent des voies de signalisation différentes et exercent ainsi des effets distincts sur l’expression des gènes cardiaques. Ils représentent donc une avenue intéressante pour le développement de drogues pharmacologiques.


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Deux tiers des cancers du sein expriment des récepteurs hormonaux ostrogéniques (tumeur ER-positive) et la croissance de ces tumeurs est stimulée par l’estrogène. Des traitements adjuvant avec des anti-estrogènes, tel que le Tamoxifen et les Inhibiteurs de l’Aromatase peuvent améliorer la survie des patientes atteinte de cancer du sein. Toutefois la thérapie hormonale n’est pas efficace dans toutes les tumeurs mammaires ER-positives. Les tumeurs peuvent présenter avec une résistance intrinsèque ou acquise au Tamoxifen. Présentement, c’est impossible de prédire quelle patiente va bénéficier ou non du Tamoxifen. Des études préliminaires du laboratoire de Dr. Mader, ont identifié le niveau d’expression de 20 gènes, qui peuvent prédire la réponse thérapeutique au Tamoxifen (survie sans récidive). Ces marqueurs, identifié en utilisant une analyse bioinformatique de bases de données publiques de profils d’expression des gènes, sont capables de discriminer quelles patientes vont mieux répondre au Tamoxifen. Le but principal de cette étude est de développer un outil de PCR qui peut évaluer le niveau d’expression de ces 20 gènes prédictif et de tester cette signature de 20 gènes dans une étude rétrospective, en utilisant des tumeurs de cancer du sein en bloc de paraffine, de patients avec une histoire médicale connue. Cet outil aurait donc un impact direct dans la pratique clinique. Des traitements futiles pourraient être éviter et l’indentification de tumeurs ER+ avec peu de chance de répondre à un traitement anti-estrogène amélioré. En conséquence, de la recherche plus appropriée pour les tumeurs résistantes au Tamoxifen, pourront se faire.


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La dysfonction diastolique du ventricule gauche (DDVG) réfère à une rigidité ainsi qu’à des troubles de relaxation au niveau de ce ventricule pendant la phase de la diastole. Nos connaissances sur les mécanismes moléculaires sous-jacents de cette pathologie demeurent limités. Les analyses géniques sont indispensables afin de bien identifier les voies par lesquelles cette maladie progresse. Plusieurs techniques de quantification de l’expression génique sont disponibles, par contre la RT-qPCR demeure la méthode la plus populaire vu sa haute sensibilité et de ses coûts modérés. Puisque la normalisation occupe un aspect très important dans les expériences de RT-qPCR, nous avons décidé de sélectionner des gènes montrant une haute stabilité d’expression dans un modèle de DDVG de lapin. Nous avons alors exposé 18 lapins blancs soit à une diète normale (n=7) ou bien à une diète hypercholestérolémiante additionnée de vitamine D2 (n=11). La DDVG a été évaluée par des mesures échocardiographiques. L’expression de l’ARNm de dix gènes communément utilisés dans la littérature comme normalisateur (Gapdh, Hprt1, Ppia, Sdha, Rpl5, Actb, Eef1e1, Ywhaz, Pgk1, et G6pd) a été mesurée par RT-qPCR. L’évaluation de leur stabilité a été vérifiée par les algorithmes de geNorm et Normfinder. Sdha et Gapdh ont obtenu les meilleurs scores de stabilité (M<0.2) et ont été suggérés par le geNorm, comme meilleure combinaison. Par contre, l’utilisation de Normfinder mène à la sélection d’Hprt1 et Rpl5 comme meilleure combinaison de gènes de normalisation (0.042). En normalisant par ces deux combinaisons de gènes, l’expression de l’ARNm des peptides natriurétiques de type A et B (Anp et Bnp), de la protéine chimiotactique des monocytes-1 (Mcp-1) et de la sous unité Nox-2 de la NADPH oxydase ont montré des augmentations similaires chez le groupe hypercholestérolémique comparé au groupe contrôle (p<0.05). Cette augmentation d’expressions a été corrélée avec plusieurs paramètres échocardiographiques de DDVG. À notre connaissance, c’est la première étude par laquelle une sélection de gènes de référence a été réalisée dans un modèle de lapin développant une DDVG.


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INTRODUCCION: El dolor torácico es una de las principales causas de consulta en los servicios de urgencias y cardiología, se convierte en un reto clasificar a los pacientes empleando una herramienta diagnóstica lo suficientemente sensible y especifica para establecer riesgo y pronóstico, la estrecha relación existente entre enfermedad aterosclerótica e inflamación ha dirigido su atención al papel de marcadores plasmáticos de inflamación como predictores de riesgo de eventos cardiovasculares. La Proteína C reactiva (PCR) ha sido ampliamente estudiada en pacientes con factores de riesgo cardiovascular y Eventos coronarios Agudos, pero se desconoce el comportamiento en pacientes con dolor torácico de probabilidad intermedia. OBJETIVOS: Determinar la utilidad y comportamiento de la Proteína C reactiva en pacientes con dolor torácico de probabilidad Intermedia para síndrome coronario. MATERIALES Y METODOS: Este estudio fue realizado entre junio 2008 y febrero de 2009 en una institución de referencia en cardiológica ( Fundación Cardio Infantil, Bogotá-Colombia), Se Estudiaron pacientes con EKG normal o no diagnostico y marcadores de injuria miocardica negativos. Los pacientes continuaron su estudio según las recomendaciones y guías internacionales para dolor torácico. Nosotros realizamos dos tomas de PCR, Una PCR antes de 12 horas de iniciado el dolor torácico y otra PCR después de las 18 Hrs de iniciado el dolor torácico, se realizo la deferencia entre estas dos PCR (PCR 18 hrs vs PCR basal) Con estos 3 resultados se hizo el análisis estadístico para hallar sensibilidad, especificidad, valor predictivo positivo, valor predictivo negativo, comparándolo contra las pruebas de provocación de isquemia y cateterismo. RESULTADOS: Un total de 203 pacientes fueron analizaron. Con un promedio de edad fue de 60.8 ± 11 años, Los dos géneros tuvieron una distribución sin diferencia significativas. Los factores de riesgo asociados fueron: Hipertensión arterial 76%(n=155), Dislipidemia 68.1%(n=139), Diabetes Mellitus 20.6%(n=42), Obesidad 7.4%(n=15) y tabaquismo 9.3%(n=19). El total de cateterismos realizados fueron 66 pruebas: Normal el 27%(n=18), lesiones no significativas el 25.8%(n=17) y lesiones Obstructivas 47%(n=31). La PCR tuvo una utilidad diagnostica baja, la PCR a las 18 horas es la mejor prueba diagnóstica , con un mejor comportamiento del área de la curva ROC 0.74 (IC , 0.64-0.83), con sensibilidad del 16.13% (IC 95%, 1.57-30.69), especificidad del 98.26%( IC 955, 96.01-100), un valor predictivo negativo de 86.67%(IC 95%, 81.64-91.69). En el seguimiento a los 30 días no encontró nuevas hospitalizaciones de causa cardiovascular. CONCLUSIONES: Nuestro estudio muestra una utilidad diagnostico baja de la PCR en el dolor torácico de probabilidad intermedia para enfermedad coronaria, el mejor comportamiento diagnostico se encontró en la PCR a las 18 hrs con una alta especificidad y un alto Valor predictivo negativo para un valor de PCR > de 3mg/dl, siendo menor la utilidad de la PCR basal y diferencia de la PCR. diferencia de la PCR. Estos hallazgos no se correlacionaron con estudios previos. No se pudo establecer un punto de Corte de la PCR diferente a los ya existentes debido a la variabilidad de la PCR entre la población de estudio. Las limitaciones encontradas en nuestro estudio hacen necesaria la realización de un estudio multicéntrico.


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El Antígeno Leucocitario Humano (HLA en inglés) ha sido descrito en muchos casos como factor de pronóstico para cáncer. La característica principal de los genes de HLA, localizados en el cromosoma 6 (6p21.3), son sus numerosos polimorfismos. Los análisis de secuencia de nucleótidos muestran que la variación está restringida predominantemente a los exones que codifican los dominios de unión a péptidos de la proteína. Por lo tanto, el polimorfismo del HLA define el repertorio de péptidos que se unen a los alotipos de HLA y este hecho define la habilidad de un individuo para responder a la exposición a muchos agentes infecciosos durante su vida. La tipificación de HLA se ha convertido en un análisis importante en clínica. Muestras de tejido embebidas en parafina y fijadas con formalina (FFPE en inglés) son recolectadas rutinariamente en oncología. Este procedimiento podría ser utilizado como una buena fuente de ADN, dado que en estudios en el pasado los ensayos de recolección de ADN no eran normalmente llevados a cabo de casi ningún tejido o muestra en procedimientos clínicos regulares. Teniendo en cuenta que el problema más importante con el ADN de muestras FFPE es la fragmentación, nosotros propusimos un nuevo método para la tipificación del alelo HLA-A desde muestras FFPE basado en las secuencias del exón 2, 3 y 4. Nosotros diseñamos un juego de 12 cebadores: cuatro para el exón 2 de HLA-A, tres para el exón 3 de HLA-A y cinco para el exón 4 de HLA-A, cada uno de acuerdo las secuencias flanqueantes de su respectivo exón y la variación en la secuencia entre diferentes alelos. 17 muestran FFPE colectadas en el Hospital Universitario de Karolinska en Estocolmo Suecia fueron sometidas a PCR y los productos fueron secuenciados. Finalmente todas las secuencias obtenidas fueron analizadas y comparadas con la base de datos del IMGT-HLA. Las muestras FFPE habían sido previamente tipificadas para HLA y los resultados fueron comparados con los de este método. De acuerdo con nuestros resultados, las muestras pudieron ser correctamente secuenciadas. Con este procedimiento, podemos concluir que nuestro estudio es el primer método de tipificación basado en secuencia que permite analizar muestras viejas de ADN de las cuales no se tiene otra fuente. Este estudio abre la posibilidad de desarrollar análisis para establecer nuevas relaciones entre HLA y diferentes enfermedades como el cáncer también.


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Introduction. Duchenne and Becker Muscular Dystrophies (DMD/DMB) are X-linked recessive diseases characterized by progressive muscle weakness and wasting, loss of motor skills and death after the second decade of life. Deletions are the most prevalent mutations that affect the dystrophin gene, which spans 79 exons.Objective: Identify deletions on the dystrophin gene in 58 patients affected with DMD.Methods: Through multiplex PCR identify deletions on the dystrophin gene in 58 patients with DMD and observe the frequency of this mutation in our population.Results: We found deletions in 1.72% of patients (1 of 58 persons). Deletions were not the principal cause of disease in our population. It is possible that duplications and point mutations caused this illness in our patients.Conclusions: The frequency of deletions in the 15 exons analyzed from the dystrophin gene was low. The predominant types of mutation in our patients` samples were not deletions as has been observed in the literature worldwide, therefore, it is important to determine other types of mutations as are duplications and point mutations.


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The wild common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) is widely but discontinuously distributed from northern Mexico to northern Argentina on both sides of the Isthmus of Panama. Little is known on how the species has reached its current disjunct distribution. In this research, chloroplast DNA polymorphisms in seven non-coding regions were used to study the history of migration of wild P. vulgaris between Mesoamerica and South America. A penalized likelihood analysis was applied to previously published Leguminosae ITS data to estimate divergence times between P. vulgaris and its sister taxa from Mesoamerica, and divergence times of populations within P. vulgaris. Fourteen chloroplast haplotypes were identified by PCR-RFLP and their geographical associations were studied by means of a Nested Clade Analysis and Mantel Tests. The results suggest that the haplotypes are not randomly distributed but occupy discrete parts of the geographic range of the species. The current distribution of haplotypes may be explained by isolation by distance and by at least two migration events between Mesoamerica and South America: one from Mesoamerica to South America and another one from northern South America to Mesoamerica. Age estimates place the divergence of P. vulgaris from its sister taxa from Mesoamerica at or before 1.3 Ma, and divergence of populations from Ecuador-northern Peru at or before 0.6 Ma. As these ages are taken as minimum divergence times, the influence of past events, such as the closure of the Isthmus of Panama and the final uplift of the Andes, on the migration history and population structure of this species cannot be disregarded.


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Aims: All members of the ruminal Butyrivibrio group convert linoleic acid (cis-9,cis-12-18 : 2) via conjugated 18 : 2 metabolites (mainly cis-9,trans-11-18 : 2, conjugated linoleic acid) to vaccenic acid (trans-11-18 : 1), but only members of a small branch, which includes Clostridium proteoclasticum, of this heterogeneous group further reduce vaccenic acid to stearic acid (18 : 0, SA). The aims of this study were to develop a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay that would detect and quantify these key SA producers and to use this method to detect diet-associated changes in their populations in ruminal digesta of lactating cows. Materials and Results: The use of primers targeting the 16S rRNA gene of Cl. proteoclasticum was not sufficiently specific when only binding dyes were used for detection in real-time PCR. Their sequences were too similar to some nonproducing strains. A molecular beacon probe was designed specifically to detect and quantify the 16S rRNA genes of the Cl. proteoclasticum subgroup. The probe was characterized by its melting curve and validated using five SA-producing and ten nonproducing Butyrivibrio-like strains and 13 other common ruminal bacteria. Analysis of ruminal digesta collected from dairy cows fed different proportions of starch and fibre indicated a Cl. proteoclasticum population of 2-9% of the eubacterial community. The influence of diet on numbers of these bacteria was less than variations between individual cows. Conclusion: A molecular beacon approach in qPCR enables the detection of Cl. proteoclasticum in ruminal digesta. Their numbers are highly variable between individual animals. Signifance and Impact of the Study: SA producers are fundamental to the flow of polyunsaturated fatty acid and vaccenic acid from the rumen. The method described here enabled preliminary information to be obtained about the size of this population. Further application of the method to digesta samples from cows fed diets of more variable composition should enable us to understand how to control these bacteria in order to enhance the nutritional characteristics of ruminant-derived foods, including milk and beef.


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Background: Hexaploid wheat is one of the most important cereal crops for human nutrition. Molecular understanding of the biology of the developing grain will assist the improvement of yield and quality traits for different environments. High quality transcriptomics is a powerful method to increase this understanding. Results: The transcriptome of developing caryopses from hexaploid wheat ( Triticum aestivum, cv. Hereward) was determined using Affymetrix wheat GeneChip (R) oligonucleotide arrays which have probes for 55,052 transcripts. Of these, 14,550 showed significant differential regulation in the period between 6 and 42 days after anthesis ( daa). Large changes in transcript abundance were observed which were categorised into distinct phases of differentiation ( 6 - 10 daa), grain fill ( 12 - 21 daa) and desiccation/maturation ( 28 - 42 daa) and were associated with specific tissues and processes. A similar experiment on developing caryopses grown with dry and/or hot environmental treatments was also analysed, using the profiles established in the first experiment to show that most environmental treatment effects on transcription were due to acceleration of development, but that a few transcripts were specifically affected. Transcript abundance profiles in both experiments for nine selected known and putative wheat transcription factors were independently confirmed by real time RT-PCR. These expression profiles confirm or extend our knowledge of the roles of the known transcription factors and suggest roles for the unknown ones. Conclusion: This transcriptome data will provide a valuable resource for molecular studies on wheat grain. It has been demonstrated how it can be used to distinguish general developmental shifts from specific effects of treatments on gene expression and to diagnose the probable tissue specificity and role of transcription factors.