954 resultados para PACTEL facility
Introduction The objective of this study was to analyse the accommodation needs of people with intellectual disability over the age of 18 years in Toowoomba and contiguous shires. In 2004, a group of carers established Toowoomba Intellectual Disability Support Association (TIDSA) to address the issue of the lack of supported accommodation for people with intellectual disability over the age of 18 and the concerns of ageing carers. The Centre for Rural and Remote Area Health (CRRAH) was engaged by TIDSA to ascertain this need and undertook a research project funded by the Queensland Gambling Community Benefit Fund. While data specifically relating to people with intellectual disability and their carers are difficult to obtain, the Australian Bureau of Statistics report that carers of people with a disability are more likely to be female and at least 65 years of age. Projections by the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) show that disability rates are increasing and carer rates are decreasing. Thus the problem of appropriate support to the increasing number of ageing carers and those who they care for will be a major challenge to policy makers and is an issue of immediate concern. In general, what was once the norm of accommodating people with intellectual disability in large institutions is now changing to accommodating into community-based residences (Annison, 2000; Young, Ashman, Sigafoos, & Grevell, 2001). However, in Toowoomba and contiguous shires, TIDSA have noted that the availability of suitable accommodation for people with intellectual disability over the age of 18 years is declining with no new options available in an environment of increasing demand. Most effort seemed to be directed towards crisis provision. Method This study employed two phases of data gathering, the first being the distribution of a questionnaire through local service providers and upon individual request to the carers of people with intellectual disability over the age of 18. The questionnaire comprised of Likert-type items intended to measure various aspects of current and future accommodation issues. Most questions were followed with space for free-response comments to provide the opportunity for carers to further clarify and expand on their responses. The second phase comprised semi-structured interviews conducted with ten carers and ten people with intellectual disability who had participated in the Phase One questionnaire. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and subjected to content analysis where major themes were explored. Results Age and gender Carer participants in this study totalled 150. The mean age of these carers was 61.5 years and ranged from 40 – 91 years. Females comprised 78% of the sample (mean age = 61.49; range from 40-91) and 22% were male (mean age = 61.7 range from 43-81). The mean age of people with intellectual disability in our study was 37.2 years ranging from 18 – 79 years with 40% female (mean age = 39.5; range from 19-79) and 60% male (mean age = 35.6; range from 18-59). The average age of carers caring for a person over the age of 18 who is living at home is 61 years. The average age of the carer who cares for a person who is living away from home is 62 years. The overall age range of both these groups of carers is between 40 and 81 years. The oldest group of carers (mean age = 70 years) were those where the person with intellectual disability lives away from home in a large residential facility. Almost one quarter of people with an intellectual disability who currently live at home is cared for by one primary carer and this is almost exclusively a parent.
General practitioners wanting to practise evidence-based medicine (EBM) are constrained by time factors and the great diversity of clinical problems they deal with. They need experience in knowing what questions to ask, in locating and evaluating the evidence, and in applying it. Conventional searching for the best evidence can be achieved in daily general practice. Sometimes the search can be performed during the consultation, but more often it can be done later and the patient can return for the result. Case-based journal clubs provide a supportive environment for GPs to work together to find the best evidence at regular meetings. An evidence-based literature search service is being piloted to enhance decision-making for individual patients. A central facility provides the search and interprets the evidence in relation to individual cases. A request form and a results format make the service akin to pathology testing or imaging. Using EBM in general practice appears feasible. Major difficulties still exist before it can be practised by all GPs, but it has the potential to change the way doctors update their knowledge.
Near-Resonant Holographic Interferometry is a powerful technique which extends the established advantages of conventional holographic interferometry by allowing a species-specific number density to be determined. It has been tested in the harsh flow conditions generated in a high enthalpy facility yielding information about the shock shape on a cylindrical body and on the distribution of a trace species seeded into the flow.
Expansion tubes operating at total flow enthalpies of 100 MJ kg(-1) or more have characteristical test times of 30-50 mus. Under these conditions, the response time of the Pitot pressure measuring device is critical when performing flow calibration studies. The conventional technique of using a commercial pressure transducer protected by shielding has not always proven to be effective, due to the relatively large (and variable) response time caused by the shielding. A device called the stress wave bar gauge has been designed and calibrated and shown to be an effective way to measure the Pitot pressure with a response time of only 2-3 mus.
A feasibility study was carried out to test the hypothesis that, for an effective telehealth service, a full-time coordinator is required to act as a single point of contact for consultation requests. By shifting the responsibility for telepaediatrics from the referrer to the provider, the telehealth process becomes equally (or more) attractive as the conventional alternative. Preliminary results showed that, within six months, telepaediatric activity increased to an average of 8 h per month. Not only did certain health services become more accessible to children and their families in remote areas of Queensland, but significant savings were also made. At least 12 patient transfers were avoided to and from the tertiary facility, with an estimated minimum saving of $18,000 to the health-care provider.
Effluent water from shrimp ponds typically contains elevated concentrations of dissolved nutrients and suspended particulates compared to influent water. Attempts to improve effluent water quality using filter feeding bivalves and macroalgae to reduce nutrients have previously been hampered by the high concentration of clay particles typically found in untreated pond effluent. These particles inhibit feeding in bivalves and reduce photosynthesis in macroalgae by increasing effluent turbidity. In a small-scale laboratory study, the effectiveness of a three-stage effluent treatment system was investigated. In the first stage, reduction in particle concentration occurred through natural sedimentation. In the second stage, filtration by the Sydney rock oyster, Saccostrea commercialis (Iredale and Roughley), further reduced the concentration of suspended particulates, including inorganic particles, phytoplankton, bacteria, and their associated nutrients. In the final stage, the macroalga, Gracilaria edulis (Gmelin) Silva, absorbed dissolved nutrients. Pond effluent was collected from a commercial shrimp farm, taken to an indoor culture facility and was left to settle for 24 h. Subsamples of water were then transferred into laboratory tanks stocked with oysters and maintained for 24 h, and then transferred to tanks containing macroalgae for another 24 h. Total suspended solid (TSS), chlorophyll a, total nitrogen (N), total phosphorus (P), NH4+, NO3-, and PO43-, and bacterial numbers were compared before and after each treatment at: 0 h (initial); 24 h (after sedimentation); 48 h (after oyster filtration); 72 h (after macroalgal absorption). The combined effect of the sequential treatments resulted in significant reductions in the concentrations of all parameters measured. High rates of nutrient regeneration were observed in the control tanks, which did not contain oysters or macroalgae. Conversely, significant reductions in nutrients and suspended particulates after sedimentation and biological treatment were observed. Overall, improvements in water quality (final percentage of the initial concentration) were as follows: TSS (12%); total N (28%); total P (14%); NH4+ (76%); NO3- (30%); PO43-(35%); bacteria (30%); and chlorophyll a (0.7%). Despite the probability of considerable differences in sedimentation, filtration and nutrient uptake rates when scaled to farm size, these results demonstrate that integrated treatment has the potential to significantly improve water quality of shrimp farm effluent. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The performance of the Oxford University Gun Tunnel has been estimated using a quasi-one-dimensional simulation of the facility gas dynamics. The modelling of the actual facility area variations so as to adequately simulate both shock reflection and flow discharge processes has been considered in some detail. Test gas stagnation pressure and temperature histories are compared with measurements at two different operating conditions - one with nitrogen and the other with carbon dioxide as the test gas. It is demonstrated that both the simulated pressures and temperatures are typically within 3% of the experimental measurements.
An acceleration compensated transducer was developed to enable the direct measurement of skin friction in hypervelocity impulse facilities. The gauge incorporated a measurement and acceleration element that employed direct shear of a piezoelectric ceramic. The design integrated techniques to maximize rise time and shear response while minimizing the affects of acceleration, pressure, heat transfer, and electrical interference. The arrangement resulted in a transducer natural frequency near 40 kHz. The transducer was calibrated for shear and acceleration in separate bench tests and was calibrated for pressure within an impulse facility. Uncertainty analyses identified only small experimental errors in the shear and acceleration calibration techniques. Although significant errors were revealed in the method of pressure calibration, total skin-friction measurement errors as low as +/-7-12% were established. The transducer was successfully utilized in a shock tunnel, and sample measurements are presented for flow conditions that simulate a flight Mach number near 8.
Increasing older people's participation in society is important in ageing policies worldwide. There is a need to understand the challenges for health professionals of transforming policy on participation into liberating social change practices on the ground. This paper explores the meaning, theory and practice of participation. It uses the example of a work in progress project that has attempted to address structural barriers to older people's participation within an Australian aged care facility, to illustrate theoretical and practice principles surrounding participation.
Background: There has been a proliferation of quality use of medicines activities in Australia since the 1990s. However, knowledge of the nature and extent of these activities was lacking. A mechanism was required to map the activities to enable their coordination. Aims: To develop a geographical mapping facility as an evaluative tool to assist the planning and implementation of Australia's policy on the quality use of medicines. Methods: A web-based database incorporating geographical mapping software was developed. Quality use of medicines projects implemented across the country was identified from project listings funded by the Quality Use of Medicines Evaluation Program, the National Health and Medical Research Council, Mental Health Strategy, Rural Health Support, Education and Training Program, the Healthy Seniors Initiative, the General Practice Evaluation Program and the Drug Utilisation Evaluation Network. In addition, projects were identified through direct mail to persons working in the field. Results: The Quality Use of Medicines Mapping Project (QUMMP) was developed, providing a Web-based database that can be continuously updated. This database showed the distribution of quality use of medicines activities by: (i) geographical region, (ii) project type, (iii) target group, (iv) stakeholder involvement, (v) funding body and (vi) evaluation method. At September 2001, the database included 901 projects. Sixty-two per cent of projects had been conducted in Australian capital cities, where approximately 63% of the population reside. Distribution of projects varied between States. In Western Australia and Queensland, 36 and 73 projects had been conducted, respectively, representing approximately two projects per 100 000 people. By comparison, in South Australia and Tasmania approximately seven projects per 100 000 people were recorded, with six per 100 000 people in Victoria and three per 100 000 people in New South Wales. Rural and remote areas of the country had more limited project activity. Conclusions: The mapping of projects by geographical location enabled easy identification of high and low activity areas. Analysis of the types of projects undertaken in each region enabled identification of target groups that had not been involved or services that had not yet been developed. This served as a powerful tool for policy planning and implementation and will be used to support the continued implementation of Australia's policy on the quality use of medicines.
Stroke rehabilitation is an area of practice that many occupational therapists encounter during their career. The literature promotes a wide range of management techniques and support devices for people who have a stroke-affected upper limb, but little is known about the validity of those that occupational therapists actually use in practice. A questionnaire was sent to occupational therapists working in Queensland and northern New South Wales facilities (n = 35), in which adults with a stroke were likely to be treated. Eighteen respondents answered questions about the management techniques and support devices used in their facility, and their perception of the benefit of these devices in the reduction of hemiplegic shoulder pain. Results are discussed with reference to evidence-based practice and indicate an urgent need for the collation and dissemination of the best current evidence available for the management techniques and support devices used in this area, as well as further research to extend this evidence.
Skin-friction measurements are reported for high-enthalpy and high-Mach-number laminar, transitional and turbulent boundary layers. The measurements were performed in a free-piston shock tunnel with air-flow Mach number, stagnation enthalpy and Reynolds numbers in the ranges of 4.4-6.7, 3-13 MJ kg(-1) and 0.16 x 10(6)-21 x 10(6), respectively. Wall temperatures were near 300 K and this resulted in ratios of wall enthalpy to flow-stagnation enthalpy in the range of 0.1-0.02. The experiments were performed using rectangular ducts. The measurements were accomplished using a new skin-friction gauge that was developed for impulse facility testing. The gauge was an acceleration compensated piezoelectric transducer and had a lowest natural frequency near 40 kHz. Turbulent skin-friction levels were measured to within a typical uncertainty of +/-7%. The systematic uncertainty in measured skin-friction coefficient was high for the tested laminar conditions; however, to within experimental uncertainty, the skin-friction and heat-transfer measurements were in agreement with the laminar theory of van Driest (1952). For predicting turbulent skin-friction coefficient, it was established that, for the range of Mach numbers and Reynolds numbers of the experiments, with cold walls and boundary layers approaching the turbulent equilibrium state, the Spalding & Chi (1964) method was the most suitable of the theories tested. It was also established that if the heat transfer rate to the wall is to be predicted, then the Spalding & Chi (1964) method should be used in conjunction with a Reynolds analogy factor near unity. If more accurate results are required, then an experimentally observed relationship between the Reynolds analogy factor and the skin-friction coefficient may be applied.
Objectives: To determine patient participation rates in outpatient cardiac rehabilitation (OCR) programs; ascertain the barriers to participation; and evaluate the quality of OCR programs. Design and setting: Retrospective cohort study of patient separations from selected public and private Queensland hospitals; questionnaire survey of hospitals and all registered OCR programs. Participants: Patients discharged with cardiac diagnoses between 1 July 1999 and 30 June 2000 from 31 hospitals (24 public; 7 private). Main outcome measures: Rates of referral of hospitalised patients to OCR programs; rates of program attendance and completion; barriers to OCR referral and attendance. Results: 15186 patients were discharged with cardiac diagnoses from participating hospitals, of whom 4346 (29%) were referred to an OCR program after discharge, compared with an estimated 59% (8895/15 186) of patients who were eligible for such a program. Proportionately more patients were referred from secondary (38% [1720/4500]) and private (52% [2116/4031]; P < 0.001) hospitals than from tertiary (25% [2626/10 686]) and public (20% [2230/11 155]) hospitals. Patients undergoing coronary revascularisation procedures comprised 35% of discharges, but accounted for 56% of all program attendances. Fewer than a third of all referred patients completed OCR programs, and only 39% of available OCR program places were fully utilised. Catchment populations of programs with unused places had excess coronary mortality. Conclusion: There is significant underutilisation of facility-based OCR programs in Queensland. Procedures are required for identifying and referring eligible patients to existing programs and improving program compliance. Alternative OCR models are also required.
O ato de brincar tem sido considerado como vital à saúde mental, emocional, física e intelectual do ser humano. Todos esses elementos são vividos no brincar de modo indissociado. A brinquedoteca Hospitalar possibilita melhores condições para a recuperação da criança internada, minimizando situações traumatizantes e tornando a sua estadia no hospital mais alegre. Este trabalho propõe um estudo de inspiração fenomenológico existencial OBJETIVANDO: desvelar - o sentido de ser educadora nas brinquedotecas do Hospital Infantil de Vitória/ ES, focando as experiências delas narradas e cuidadosamente vividas (e ou experienciadas) nos modos subjetivos delas serem no mundo objetivo, vivências que serão narradas por elas nesse espaço-tempo de ludicidade que se presta à Pedagogia Hospitalar nas suas vertentes de atendimentos escolares (Educação Especial numa perspectiva inclusiva) e não-escolares donde a Pedagogia hospitalar compõe um ramo da Pedagogia Social, oferecendo assim atendimentos às crianças e jovens especialmente, mas não só (podendo abarcar adultos e idosos). MARCO TEÓRICO: o termo teórico central do nosso marco teórico é Cuidado (SORGE), como em BOFF (2012) e WALDOW(1993; 1998; 2006) e Experiência em PINEL (2004;2006) de ser (ter sido) de alguma forma criadora desse espaço-tempo de brincar ( e de estudar) no hospital, confabulando tanto uma Educação Não Escolar (Pedagogia Social) e Escolar (Pedagogia Escolar). A angústia de ser educadora das brinquedotecas pareceu-nos que se constituirá em uma característica imprescindível para a compreensão da sua existência do ser no ofício, bem como sua interação consigo mesmo, com o outro e com o mundo das Brinquedotecas Hospitalares. Entendemos os sentidos da alegria, calma e alegria, coragem e profissionalismo, transform(ação), direito e escolaridade e humanização e dor como elementos que compuseram o complexo mosaico de Cuidado (Sorge) – próprios daquele que se propõe cuidar de si, do outro e das coisas do mundo pelo viés de cuidar.
A atenção primária visa garantir cobertura e acesso a cuidados de saúde abrangentes e aceitáveis pela população enfatizando a prevenção e a educação (STARFIELD, 2004). No Brasil a Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) é o modelo implantado pelo Ministério da Saúde (MS) com a finalidade de reestruturação da atenção primária e já abrange cerca de 50% da população. Segundo Starfield (2004) a atenção primária pode ser avaliada através de seus atributos essenciais: atenção de primeiro contato (utilização e acessibilidade), longitudinalidade, integralidade e coordenação de cuidados. No contexto da atenção à saúde brasileira, a mortalidade infantil é fato preocupante, principalmente a mortalidade que ocorre nos primeiros dias de vida. Este componente da mortalidade é intimamente relacionado à qualidade da atenção recebida no período gestacional. A atenção pré-natal deve incluir ações organizadas, amplas, integradas e com cobertura abrangente de promoção e prevenção da saúde, além de diagnóstico e tratamento adequado dos problemas que possam vir a ocorrer nesse período. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar o pré-natal de um grupo de puérperas quanto aos atributos da atenção primária acessibilidade e longitudinalidade. Para alcançar este objetivo foram realizadas 80 entrevistas com mulheres que realizaram pré-natal na atenção primária e 19 mulheres que realizaram pré-natal no Hospital Universitário Cassiano Antônio de Moraes (HUCAM). Utilizou-se parcialmente o questionário de avaliação da atenção primária PCATool. As puérperas também foram questionadas quanto à percepção da adequação do pré-natal realizado. A acessibilidade foi baixa para a maioria das entrevistadas. Nas puérperas que realizaram o pré-natal na Atenção primária a acessibilidade foi estatisticamente maior naquelas que realizaram pré-natal na ESF e naquelas que utilizaram as unidades de saúde do município de Vitória (ES). A longitudinalidade se relacionou ao tipo de unidade de saúde do pré-natal, ao número de consultas realizadas e ao índice de Ápgar no primeiro minuto. A percepção de um pré-natal adequado se relacionou com a utilização da ESF como serviço de pré-natal e à realização de seis ou mais consultas. Apesar de as puérperas do grupo que realizou o pré-natal no HUCAM perceberem o atendimento pré-natal como adequado, algumas questões revelaram fragilidades na assistência, principalmente quanto ao acesso ao serviço. A impossibilidade de receber atendimento pela equipe fora dos horários de funcionamento do ambulatório, a falta de um número de telefone no qual possam sanar dúvidas ou falar com o médico responsável pelo pré-natal, a percepção de dificuldade na marcação de consultas e a espera prolongada no dia do atendimento são pontos que devem ser melhorados nessa assistência.