971 resultados para Multi-nitrogen heterocyclic metal complexes


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Grinding solid reagents under solvent-free or low-solvent conditions (mechanochemistry) is emerging as a general synthetic technique which is an alternative to conventional solvent-intensive methods. However, it is essential to find ways to scale-up this type of synthesis if its promise of cleaner manufacturing is to be realised. Here, we demonstrate the use of twin screw and single screw extruders for the continuous synthesis of various metal complexes, including Ni(salen), Ni(NCS)(2)(PPh3)(2) as well as the commercially important metal organic frameworks (MOFs) Cu-3(BTC)(2) (HKUST-1), Zn(2-methylimidazolate)(2) (ZIF-8, MAF-4) and Al(fumarate)(OH). Notably, Al(fumarate)(OH) has not previously been synthesised mechanochemically. Quantitative conversions occur to give products at kg h(-1) rates which, after activation, exhibit surface areas and pore volumes equivalent to those of materials produced by conventional solvent-based methods. Some reactions can be performed either under completely solvent-free conditions whereas others require the addition of small amounts of solvent (typically 3-4 mol equivalents). Continuous neat melt phase synthesis is also successfully demonstrated by both twin screw and single screw extrusion for ZIF-8. The latter technique provided ZIF-8 at 4 kg h(-1). The space time yields (STYs) for these methods of up to 144 x 10(3) kg per m(3) per day are orders of magnitude greater than STYs for other methods of making MOFs. Extrusion methods clearly enable scaling of mechanochemical and melt phase synthesis under solvent-free or low-solvent conditions, and may also be applied in synthesis more generally.


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A presente dissertação contempla estudos de funcionalização de 5,10,15,20- tetrafenilporfirina via grupos nitro e amino e a preparação de sistemas porfirina-ftalocianina. Este trabalho encontra-se dividido em quatro partes. Na primeira parte descrevem-se as características gerais de porfirinas e ftalocianinas bem como algumas metodologias de síntese utilizadas na sua preparação e suas potenciais aplicações. Na segunda parte desta dissertação descreve-se a funcionalização de 5,10,15,20-tetrafenilporfirina com arilaminas recorrendo a duas rotas sintéticas diferentes. A reacção de 2-nitro-5,10,15,20-tetrafenilporfirina com anilina ou aminas aromáticas substituídas com grupos dadores de electrões permitiu, através do ataque do nucleófilo ao carbono beta-pirrólico onde está ligado o grupo nitro, ataque ipso, a obtenção de derivados do tipo 2-arilaminoporfirinas e derivados porfirínicos de anéis fundidos, sendo estes últimos resultantes da ciclização oxidativa de 2-arilaminoporfirinas. A reacção entre (2-amino- 5,10,15,20-tetrafenilporfirinato)níquel(II) e brometos de arilo na presença de paládio, reacção de aminação de Buchwald-Hartwig, permitiu, após descomplexação, a preparação de novos derivados do tipo 2- arilaminoporfirinas com grupos substituintes dadores e aceitadores de electrões. Um dos derivados porfirínicos de anéis fundidos foi submetido a reacção de complexação com diferentes iões metálicos e foram estudadas as respectivas propriedades fotoquímicas e electroquímicas. Esses estudos revelaram que estes compostos são bons geradores de oxigénio singuleto e que sofrem processos de oxidação-redução electroquimicamente reversíveis. Esta metodologia foi estendida ainda a brometos de hetarilo (derivados de piridina e tiofeno). Recorrendo ao acoplamento, em condições de Buchwald-Hartwig, de complexos metálicos da 5,10,15,20-tetrafenilporfirina, funcionalizados com grupos amino e bromo, preparam-se dímeros porfirina-amino-porfirina, cujos espectros electrónicos revelam a existência de uma boa “comunicação electrónica” entre as duas subunidades. A terceira parte descreve a síntese de sistemas porfirina-ftalocianina. Recorrendo à condensação estatística entre a 5,10,15,20-tetrafenilporfirina substituída com um grupo ftalonitrilo na posição beta-pirrólica com ftalonitrilo ou ftalonitrilo substituído foram obtidas díades porfirina-ftalocianina onde as duas subunidades se encontram directamente ligadas ou fundidas. Os porfirinilftalonitrilos necessários para a síntese das diferentes díades foram preparados através da reacção de adição do fumaronitrilo à 5,10,15,20- tetrafenilporfirina funcionalizada com o grupo 1,3-butadienilo ou vinilo, seguida de oxidação do aducto resultante. O acoplamento catalisado por paládio entre (2-bromo-5,10,15,20- tetrafenilporfirinato)zinco(II) e [9(10),16(17),23(24)-tri-terc-butil-2- etinilftalocianinato]zinco(II) permitiu a síntese de uma díade porfirinaftalocianina com as duas unidades ligadas por um grupo etinilo. Uma pentíade porfirina-ftalocianina foi obtida através da ciclotetramerização de um dos porfirinilftalonitrilos. A comparação dos espectros electrónicos das diferentes classes de sistemas revela que as correspondentes propriedades electrónicas são altamente afectadas pela distância entre as subunidades e também pelo número de cromóforos presentes no sistema. Os estudos fotofísicos de alguns dos novos compostos acima referidos permitiram verificar a ocorrência eficiente de transferência de energia da subunidade porfirínica para a da ftalocianina, capacidade essa que permitirá a estes sistemas serem usados para modelar o processo fotossintético. Na última parte descrevem-se, pormenorizadamente, todas as experiências efectuadas e as caracterizações espectroscópicas, nomeadamente de espectroscopia de ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN), espectrometria de massa e espectrofotometria de UV-vis, dos compostos sintetizados. Nalguns casos recorreu-se ainda a técnicas de RMN bidimensionais como COSY, HSQC, HMBC, NOESY e ROESY.


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O trabalho descrito insere-se no âmbito da Química Supramolecular e consistiu no desenvolvimento de receptores artificiais, na forma protonada ou complexada, para o reconhecimento molecular de substratos aniónicos derivados de ácidos carboxílicos incluindo os herbicidas PMG2-, ATCP- e 2,4-D-. Foram investigadas duas séries de aniões, uma alifática (ox2-, mal2-, suc2-, glu2-, adip2-, cit3- e cta3-) e outra aromática (bzc-, naphc-, anthc-, pyrc-, ph2-, iph2-, tph2-, btc3-, dihyac2-, 4,4-dibzc2-, 3-nitrobzc- e 4-nitrobzc-). Foram sintetizados sete novos ligandos macrocíclicos simétricos constituídos por anéis aromáticos piridina ou fenantrolina ligados por cadeias de poliaminas saturadas. O comportamento ácido-base destes macrociclos foi investigado em solução aquosa e as constantes de protonação correspondentes determinadas por métodos potenciométricos e de RMN de 1H. As propriedades de complexação destes ligandos com os iões metálicos Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Cd2+ e Pb2+ foram também estudadas por métodos potenciométricos nas mesmas condições experimentais, tendo revelado que os macrociclos de dimensão média são capazes de acomodar um ou dois iões metálicos. O complexo dinuclear de Cu(II) derivado do macrociclo com dois grupos piridina foi utilizado como receptor de aniões carboxilato originando complexos ternários. Todos os complexos foram caracterizados em solução por espectroscopias de UV/vis/IVpróx e de RMN. As espécies paramagnéticas foram também caracterizadas por espectroscopia de RPE. A formação de espécies ternárias foi ainda investigada por espectrometria de massa ESI-MS e ESI-MS/MS. As estruturas cristalinas de alguns dos complexos foram determinadas por difracção de raios-X. As formas protonadas dos macrociclos foram utilizadas como receptores de uma grande variedade de aniões carboxilato. O reconhecimento molecular entre os receptores e os substratos aniónicos foi investigado em solução por métodos potenciométricos e de espectroscopia de RMN com determinação das constantes de associação. Os agregados supramoleculares foram caracterizados no estado sólido por difracção de raios-X. Finalmente as associações supramoleculares foram estudadas em solução por métodos de dinâmica molecular com determinação dos termos entrópicos e entálpicos das energias livres de ligação. Em resumo, nesta tese apresentam-se os resultados de estudos realizados com duas famílias de macrociclos: desde a síntese dos compostos, passando por estudos em solução e finalizando com simulação molecular. Este estudo sistemático através da conjugação de metodologias complementares permitiu caracterizar ao nível macroscópico e microscópico as associações moleculares.


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As 4-quinolonas e as acridonas são duas importantes famílias de compostos heterocíclicos azotados naturais que apresentam uma variedade de importantes aplicações biológicas. As 4-quinolonas têm sido objecto de extensos estudos devido às suas potenciais aplicações como fortes agentes citotóxicos, antimitóticos e anti-plaquetários e como protectores cardiovasculares, mas o seu uso é principalmente como antibióticos de largo espectro. As acridonas são conhecidas por apresentarem importante actividade antiviral, antiparasitária, contra a leishmania e a malária, e anticancerígena. A variedade de importantes aplicações biológicas das 4-quinolonas e das acridonas e a contínua procura pela comunidade científica de novas substâncias com actividades biológicas atractivas destaca estes compostos como alvos interessantes para a preparação de novos derivados e/ou para o desenvolvimento de novos métodos de síntese destas duas famílias de compostos. No primeiro capítulo desta dissertação descreve-se a síntese dos compostos de partida que tiveram de ser previamente preparados para o desenvolvimento das novas rotas de síntese apresentadas nos capítulos seguintes. A 4-cloro-3- formilquinolina foi obtida através da reacção de Vilsmeier-Haack da 2’-aminoacetofenona enquanto que a 3-formilquinolin-4(1H)-ona foi facilmente preparada por hidrólise ácida da anterior. Foi necessário proteger o grupo amina da quinolin-4(1H)-ona para evitar reacções secundárias e foram descritas as reacções de protecção com o grupo metilo, etoxicarbonilo e ptoluenossulfonilo. Os 2,2-dióxidos de 1,3-di-hidrobenzo[c]tiofeno, necessários para o estudo das reacções de Diels-Alder, não se encontram disponíveis comercialmente e a sua síntese é também descrita. No segundo capítulo reporta-se uma nova e eficiente rota de síntese de (Z)- e (E)-3-estirilquinolin-4(1H)-onas a partir da reacção de Wittig da 4-cloro-3- formilquinolina e de 3-formilquinolin-4(1H)-onas com benzilidenotrifenilfosforanos. As (Z)-3-estirilquinolin-4(1H)-onas foram obtidas com elevada diastereoselectividade a partir da reacção das 3-formilquinolin- 4(1H)-onas N-protegidas enquanto que as (E)-3-estirilquinolin-4(1H)-onas foram preparadas através da reacção de Wittig da 4-cloro-3-formilquinolina seguida da hidrólise ácida das respectivas (Z)- e (E)-4-cloro-3-estirilquinolinas obtidas. Ambas as rotas sintéticas são eficientes, independentemente dos substituintes dos benzilidenotrifenilfosforanos. No terceiro capítulo, descreve-se um novo método de síntese de novas benzo[b]acridonas a partir da reacção de Diels-Alder de 3-formilquinolin-4(1H)- onas N-protegidas, que actuam como dienófilos, com dienos altamente reactivos, os orto-benzoquinodimetanos, preparados in situ através da extrusão térmica do dióxido de enxofre dos respectivos 2,2-dióxidos de 1,3-dihidrobenzo[ c]tiofeno. A reacção de cicloadição das 3-formilquinolin-4(1H)-onas N-protegidas com orto-benzoquinodimetanos origina as benzo[b]-1,6,6a,12atetra- hidroacridin-12(7H)-onas esperadas, que são o resultado da referida cicloadição seguida de desformilação in situ, e mostrou ser eficiente apenas quando o grupo amina está derivatizado com um grupo sacador de electrões. A desidrogenação destas benzo[b]-1,6,6a,12a-tetra-hidroacridin-12(7H)-onas em dimetilsulfóxido utilizando uma quantidade catalítica de iodo foi também descrita e originou como produto principal as benzo[b]acridin-12(7H)-onas N-desprotegidas. Todos os compostos novos sintetizados foram caracterizados por diversas técnicas analíticas, especialmente por estudos espectroscópicos de ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN), incluindo espectros de 1H e 13C, bidimensionais de correlação espectroscópica homonuclear e heteronuclear e de efeito nuclear de Overhauser (NOESY). Foram também efectuados, sempre que possível, espectros de massa (EM) e análises elementares ou espectros de massa de alta resolução (EMAR) para todos os compostos novos sintetizados. O tautomerismo da 3-formil- e 3-estirilquinolin-4(1H)-onas e as isomerizações (E) (Z) e rotacional das 3-estirilquinolin-4(1H)-onas e das 4-cloro-3-estirilquinolinas foram estudados através de ressonância magnética nuclear experimental (RMN 1H e 13C) e teórica [B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p)].


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Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Bioquímica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2014


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Nature has developed strategies to present us with a wide variety of colours, from the green of leaves to the bright colours seen in flowers. Anthocyanins are between these natural pigments that are responsible for the great diversity of colours seen in flowers and fruits. Anthocyanins have been used to sensitize titanium dioxide (TiO2) in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs). DSSCs have become one of the most popular research topic in photovoltaic cells due to their low production costs when compared to other alternatives. DSSCs are inspired in what happens in nature during photosynthesis. A primary charge separation is achieved by means of a photoexcited dye capable of performing the electron injection into the conduction band of a wide band-gap semiconductor, usually TiO2. With this work we aimed to synthesize a novel mesoporous TiO2 structure as the semiconductor in order to increase the dye loading. We used natural occurring dyes such as anthocyanins and their synthetic flavylium relatives, as an alternative to the widely used metal complexes of Ru(II) which are expensive and are environmentally unsafe. This offers not only the chance to use safer dyes for DSSCs, but also to take profit of waste biological products, such as wine and olive oil production residues that are heavily loaded with anthocyanin dyes. We also performed a photodegradation study using TiO2 as the catalyst to degrade dye contaminants, such as those from the wine production waste, by photo-irradiation of the system in the visible region of the light spectrum. We were able to succeed in the synthesis of mesoporous TiO2 both powder and thin film, with a high capacity to load a large amount of dye. We proved the concept of photodegradation using TiO2 as catalyst. And finally, we show that wine production waste is a possible dye source to DSSCs application.


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Presently non-commercial occurrences of Mississippi Valley-type ore assemblages in the Middle Silurian strata of the Niagara Peninsula have been studied. Based on this detailed study, a new poly-stage genetic model is proposed which relates ore mineralization in carbonate environments to the evolution of the sedimentary basin. Sulphide ore mineralization occurred during two episodes: 1. During the late diagenesis stage, which is characterized by compaction-maturation of the sediments, the initial mineralization took place by upward and outward movement of connate waters. Metals were probably supplied from all the sediments regardless of their specific lithologies. However, clay minerals were possibly the main contributors. The possible source of sulphur was from petroleum-type hydrocarbons presently mixed with the sediments at the site of ore deposition. Evidence for this is the fact that the greatest abundance of ore minerals is in petroliferous carbonates. The hydrocarbons probably represent liquids remaining after upward migration to the overlying Guelph-Salina reservoirs. The majority of sphalerite and galena formed during this period, as well as accessory pyrite, marcasite, chalcopyrite, chalcocite, arsenopyrite, and pyrrhotite; and secondary dolomite, calcite, celestite, and gypsum. 2. During the presently ongoing surface erosion and weathering phase, which is marked by the downward movement of groundwater, preexisting sulphides were probably remobilized, and trace amounts of lead and zinc were leached from the host material, by groundwaters. Metal sulphides precipitated at, or below, the water table, or where atmospheric oxygen could raise the Eh of groundwaters to the point where soluble metal complexes are unstable and native sulphur co-precipitates with sphalerite and galena. This process, which can be observed today, also results in the transport and deposition of the host rock material. Breakdown of pre-existing sulphide and sulphate, as well as hydrocarbon present in the host rock, provided sulphur necessary for sulphide precipitation. The galena and sphalerite are accompanied by dolomite, calcite, gypsum, anglesite, native sulphur and possibly zincite.


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This thesis describes a method involving the preparation of an L-proline-derived imidazolone protected with an N-triethylsilyl group that undergoes diastereoselective lithiation followed by electrophile quench to give C5-substituted products with syn stereochemistry. The N-silylated derivatives may be more easily N-deprotected as compared to previous N-t-Bu analogues to give secondary ureas. These may serve as precursors to N-phenyl chiral bicyclic guanidines or as NHC precursors for synthesis of corresponding complexes.


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This thesis describes a method involving the preparation of an L-proline-derived imidazolone protected with an N-triethylsilyl group that undergoes diastereoselective lithiation followed by electrophile quench to give C5-substituted products with syn stereochemistry. The N-silylated derivatives may be more easily N-deprotected as compared to previous N-t-Bu analogues to give secondary ureas. These may serve as precursors to N-phenyl chiral bicyclic guanidines or as NHC precursors for synthesis of corresponding complexes.


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Une série de dimères composés de thiophène-aniline encombrée stériquement a été synthétisée. Les différents processus de désactivation de l’état singulet excité ont été étudiés par UV-visible, fluorescence, phosphorescence, photolyse par impulsion laser et calculs théoriques. Les graphiques de Stern-Volmer obtenus à partir des expériences de désactivation des états singulet et triplet ont démontré l’efficacité de l’azométhine à désactiver les fluorophores. Les calculs semi-empiriques AM1 examinant l’effet des substituants encombrés ont démontrés que les groupements tert-butyls sur l’aniline ont moins d’influence sur la barrière de rotation N-aryl que les substitutions alkyles en ont sur la rotation de thiophène-C. Les calculs Rehm-Weller basés sur les potentiels d’oxydation et de réduction ont montré que l’autodésactivation de l’état excité des azométhines se fait par transfert d’électron photoinduit menant à une éradication complète de la fluorescence. Des complexes métalliques contenant des ligands azométhines ont aussi été préparés. Le ligand est composé d’une unité hydroxyquinoline lié à un cycle thiophène. Les données photophysiques de ces complexes indiquent un déplacement bathochromique aussi bien en absorbance qu’en fluorescence. Des dispositifs de détection d’ion métallique ont été préparés et un exemple à partir d’une solution de cuivre a montré un déplacement bathochromique.


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The current work deals with the synthesis and characterization of metal complexes derived from some substituted acylhydrazones. The hydrazones under investigation were characterized by IR, UV, NMR spectral studies and the molecular structure of one of the hydrazones was solved by single crystal XRD studies. In the present work dioxovanadium(V), manganese(II), cobalt(II/III), nickel(II), copper(II), zinc(II) and cadmium(II) complexes were synthesized and characterized by various spectroscopic techniques, molar conductance measurements, magnetic susceptibility measurements and cyclic voltammetry. Single crystals of some of the complexes were isolated and characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction.The thesis is divided into eight chapters. Chapter 1 gives an introduction on hydrazones, diversity in their chelating behavior and their application in various fields. This chapter also describes different analytical techniques employed for the characterization of hydrazones and their metal complexes. Chapter 2 includes the synthesis and characterization of two substituted acylhydrazones. This chapter also discusses how the coordination behavior of hydrazones under investigation is interesting. Chapters 3-8 discuss the synthesis and characterization of some transition metal complexes derived from the acylhydrazones under study.The hydrazones synthesized were found to exist in the amido form. Various characterization techniques were carried out to explore the structure of the synthesized complexes. The results indicate that both the hydrazones coordinate through the pyridyl and azomethine nitrogens and amide oxygen either in enolate or neutral form. Out of synthesized complexes V(V), Zn/Cd(II) and one of the cobalt complex was found to diamagnetic. We could isolate single crystals of some of the complexes and most of the complexes crystallized were found to have a distorted octahedral geometry. Thus X-ray crystallographic study which was used as major tool in the structure determination revealed that the hydrazones undergo a rotation about the azomethine bond on complexation. We hope the work presented in the thesis would be helpful for those who are working in the field of metal complexes and can further they can be utilized for various applications.


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Xylanases with hydrolytic activity on xylan, one of the hemicellulosic materials present in plant cell walls, have been identified long back and the applicability of this enzyme is constantly growing. All these applications especially the pulp and paper industries require novel enzymes. There has been lot of documentation on microbial xylanases, however, none meeting all the required characteristics. The characters being sought are: higher production, higher pH and temperature optima, good stabilities under these conditions and finally the low associated cellulase and protease production. The present study analyses various facets of xylanase biotechnology giving emphasis on bacterial xylanases. Fungal xylanases are having problems like low pH values for both enzyme activity and growth. Moreover, the associated production of cellulases at significant levels make fungal xylanases less suitable for application in paper and pulp industries.Bacillus SSP-34 selected from 200 isolates was clearly having xylan catabolizing nature distinct from earlier reports. The stabilities at higher temperatures and pH values along with the optimum conditions for pH and temperature is rendering Bacillus SSP-34 xylanase more suitable than many of the previous reports for application in pulp and paper industries.Bacillus SSP-34 is an alkalophilic thertmotolerant bacteria which under optimal cultural conditions as mentioned earlier, can produce 2.5 times more xylanase than the basal medium.The 0.5% xylan concentration in the medium was found to the best carbon source resulting in 366 IU/ml of xylanase activity. This induction was subjected to catabolite repression by glucose. Xylose was a good inducer for xylanase production. The combination of yeast extract and peptone selected from several nitrogen sources resulted in the highest enzyme production (379+-0.2 IU/ml) at the optimum final concentration of 0.5%. All the cultural and nutritional parameters were compiled and comparative study showed that the modified medium resulted in xylanase activity of 506 IU/ml, 5 folds higher than the basal medium.The novel combination of purification techniques like ultrafiltraton, ammonium sulphate fractionation, DEAE Sepharose anion exchange chromatography, CM Sephadex cation exchange chromatography and Gel permeation chromatography resulted in the purified xylanase having a specific activity of 1723 U/mg protein with 33.3% yield. The enzyme was having a molecular weight of 20-22 kDa. The Km of the purified xylanase was 6.5 mg of oat spelts xylan per ml and Vmax 1233 µ mol/min/mg protein.Bacillus SSP-34 xylanase resulted in the ISO brightness increase from 41.1% to 48.5%. The hydrolytic nature of the xylanase was in the endo-form.Thus the organism Bacillus SSP-34 was having interesting biotechnological and physiological aspects. The SSP-34 xylanase having desired characters seems to be suited for application in paper and pulp industries.


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Mineral and geochemical investigations were carried out on soil samples and fresh rock (trachytes) from two selected soil profiles (TM profile on leptic aluandic soils and TL profile on thapto aluandic-ferralsols) from Mount Bambouto to better understand geochemical processes and mineral paragenesis involved in the development of soils in this environment. In TM profile, the hydrated halloysites and goethite occur in the weathered saprolite boulders of BC horizon while dehydrated halloysite, gibbsite and goethite dominate the soils matrices of BC and A horizons. In TL profile, the dehydrated halloysites and goethite are the most abundant secondary minerals in the weathered saprolites of C and BC horizons while gibbsite, hematite and kaolinite occur in the soil matrices of BC, B and A horizons. The highest gibbsite content is in the platy nodules of B horizon. In both soil profiles, organo-metal complexes (most likely of AI and Fe) are present in the surface A horizon. Geochemically, between the fresh rock and the weathered saprolites in both soils, SiO2, K2O, CaO, Na2O and MgO contents decrease strongly while Fe2O3 and Al2O3 tend to accumulate. The molar ratio of SiO2/Al2O3 (Ki) and the sum of Ca, Mg, K and Na ions (TRB) also decreases abruptly between fresh rocks and the weathered saprolites, but increases significantly at the soil surface. The TM profile shows intense Al enrichment whereas the TL profile highlights enrichment in both AI and Fe as the weathering progresses upwards. Both soil profiles are enriched in Ni, Cu, Ba and Co and depleted in U, Th, Ta, Hf, Y, Sr, Pb, Zr and Zn relative to fresh rock. They also show a relatively low fractionation of the rare earth elements (REE: La, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Yb and Lu), except for Ce which tends to be enriched in soils compared to CI chondrite. All these results give evidence of intense hydrolysis at soil deep in Mount Bambouto resulting in the formation of halloysite which progressively transforms into gibbsite and/or dehydrated halloysite. At the soil surface, the prominent pedogenetic process refers to andosolization with formation of organo-metal complexes. In TL profile, the presence of kaolinite in soil matrices BC and B horizons is consistent with ferralitization at soil deep. In conclusion, soil forming processes in Mount Bambouto are strongly influenced by local climate: (i) in the upper mountain (>2000 m), the fresh, misty and humid climate favors andosolization; whereas (ii) in the middle lands (1700-2000 m) with a relatively dry climate, both andosolization at the soil surface and ferralitization at soil deep act together. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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New hydrophobic, tridentate nitrogen heterocyclic reagents (BATPs) such as 2,6-bis(5,5,8,8-tetramethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobenzo[1,2,4]triazin-3-yl) pyridine (1) and 2,6-bis(9,9,10,10-tetramethyl-9,10-dihydro-1,2,4-triaza-anthrane-3-yl) pyridine (2) have been studied. I is resistant to hydrolysis in 3 M nitric acid, whereas 2 is resistant to both acid hydrolysis and radiolysis. The molecules are able to give significantly enhanced separations of americium(III) from an excess of europium(III) in nitric acid. Typically, for 1 D-Am = 500 and SFAm,/Eu = 5000 compared with D-Am = 30 and SFAm /Eu = 400 with the reference molecule 2,6-bis(isopropyl[1,2,4]triazin-3-yl) pyridine (7). In order to increase the stability of 1 and 2, the labile alpha-benzylic hydrogens that are present in 7 have been replaced by alkyl groups. Three molecules of 1 are able to enclose completely the coordination sphere of the M(III) in the crystal structure of [Y(1)(3)][Y(NO3)(5)]center dot NO3 center dot 2.5H(2)O.


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Volatile and nonvolatile compounds, which could contribute to flavor, were analyzed in salmon. One hundred twenty-three volatile compounds were identified in the headspace of two different samples of cooked salmon, including lipid-derived volatiles, Maillard-derived volatiles, sulfur volatiles, Strecker aldehydes, nitrogen heterocyclic compounds, terpenes, and trimethylamine. Significant differences between samples were found for 104 of the volatiles. Although the levels of free cysteine and methionine were low in the salmon, sulfur volatiles were formed in the cooked fish, demonstrating that there were sufficient sulfur amino acids present for their formation. Notable differences in sulfur compounds between the samples suggested that small changes in sulfur amino acids could be responsible. When this hypothesis was tested, salmon heated with cysteine had increased levels of many thiophenes, thiazoles, alicyclic sulfides, and nitrogen heterocycles. With the addition of methionine, levels of dimethyl sulfides, two alicyclic sulfides, pyrazines, some unsaturated aldehydes, and alcohols and 2-furanmethanethiol increased. The largest difference found among the nonvolatile (low molecular weight water-soluble) compounds was in inosine monophosphate.