997 resultados para Medicine, Experimental.


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This thesis is concerned with understanding the roles of four alternate healing systems and medical practice in the community's health behaviour. The four alternate systems are naturopathy, homoeopathy, osteopathy and chiropractic. The research reported developed from work supported by the Committee of Inquiry into Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Homoeopathy and Naturopathy conducted under the chairmanship of Professor E. C. Webb set up by the Australian Government in 1975. The study concentrates on the factors which influence individual clients in their decisions to consult healers for treatment. An underlying assumption is that an analysis of the processes that effect such decisions will lead to further knowledge of the community's attitudes towards the functions of alternate healing and medicine. A review of the historical backgrounds and current status of the four alternate healing systems leads to the conclusion that they differ in a variety of areas. These areas include treatment modalities, historical backgrounds, occupational development and rapprochement with medicine. Homoeopathy, osteopathy and chiropractic emerged as distinct approaches to healing late in the nineteenth century. Naturopathy tends to be a philosophy or style of life as much as a health system in its own right. Their relationships with medicine also vary; osteopathy and naturopathy receive some acceptance, some homoeopaths are tolerated, whilst chiropractic is ostracised and vilified. A common paradigm of treatment underlies all four alternate approaches to healing. They all eschew the use of synthetic pharmaceuticals and invasive treatments and accept an indigenous theory of disease and a belief in the vis medicatrix naturae or the healing power of nature. An inevitable concomitant of this paradigm is that they believe that healing and health must be self-engendered. They rest within the client and his or her actions, not within the hands, skills or power of the healer. It is these characteristics combined with the alternate healers ' claims to espouse a similar scientific rationale for their approaches, and their functioning as parallel healers to medicine, that establishes their special relationship with medicine. This relationship become s more problematic in the face of medicine's hegemony and claim to unique legitimacy as the community's sole healing system. The interaction between these systems and medical practice can be gauged through articles related to the four alternate healing systems that have appeared in the medical literature. Interest has been cyclical but appears to have markedly increased in the past two decades. In this period it has included exploratory and descriptive writing; concern with controlling and/or eradicating the healers; desire to protect an ignorant and vulnerable public and. finally understanding and exploration of what the alternate healers might have to offer. At the same time, the public or institutionalized role has been one of denial and suppression through ostracism and legal constraints. In spite of medicine's position the alternate healing systems have found growing community acceptance so that it is problematical and probably unacceptable now to consider their use as a 'deviant ' health action. Increasing interest in the characteristics of clients has provided a consensus that they are similar to the adult population and are more likely to suffer from musculoskeletal and chronic illnesses. They are no more likely to be neurotic or gullible than the general community, but probably more practical and more oriented towards an active involvement in the healing process. The impact of these issues is explored, through comparing the strategies taken into account when choosing a treatment. These include attending one of the alternate healers exclusively for a condition; attending an alternate healer and a medical practitioner for the same problem; attending a medical practitioner solely or not consulting any healer. Respondents from surveys of alternate healer clients and the general community were classified according to their use of these four strategies, and the influences on their decisions at different stages of the treatment decision making process were compared.


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An experiment tested the hypothesis that individuals high in negative affectivity (NA) show increased stress reactivity to stressors. There were three predictor variables: NA (measured 1 week prior to experimental participation), and two manipulated variables—demand (high/low) and behavioral control (high/low). First-year psychology students (n=256) were randomly allocated to one of the four experimental conditions. Measures obtained were initial and post-task negative mood, coping strategies, task satisfaction, and performance (subjective and objective). Participants with high levels of NA reported more post-task negative mood in response to high demand conditions, compared to participants with low NA. A similar pattern of results emerged for task satisfaction, particularly in response to high demand-low behavioral control situations. Mediation analyses suggested this was because participants with high NA used more emotion-focused coping strategies. The study provides support for the stress reactivity role of NA in the stressor-strain process.


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The purpose of the present study was to examine the extent to which Desire for Control (DFC) interacts with experimental manipulations of demand and control, and the consequences of these interactions on task satisfaction and perceived goal attainment (i.e. task performance and task mastery). It was expected that the proposed stress-buffering effects of control would be evident only for individuals high in DFC. Moreover, it was anticipated that control may have a stress-exacerbating effect for those low in DFC. These hypotheses were tested on a sample of 137 first year psychology students who participated in an in-basket activity under low and high conditions of demand and control. Results revealed that the proposed stress-buffering effect of control was found only for those high in DFC and a stress-exacerbating effect of increased control was evident for those low in DFC on task performance and task mastery perceptions. Future research directions and the implications of these findings to applied settings are discussed.


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We have investigated the gas-phase reaction of the alpha-aminoacetate (glycyl) radical anion (NH2(sic)CHCO2-) with O-2 using ion trap mass spectrometry, quantum chemistry, and statistical reaction rate theory. This radical is found to undergo a remarkably rapid reaction with O-2 to form the hydroperoxyl radical (HO2(sic)) and an even-electron imine (NHCHCO2-), with experiments and master equation simulations revealing that reaction proceeds at the ion molecule collision rate. This reaction is facilitated by a low-energy concerted HO2(sic) elimination mechanism in the NH2CH(OO(sic))CO2- peroxyl radical. These findings can explain the widely observed free-radical-mediated oxidation of simple amino acids to amides plus alpha-keto acids (their imine hydrolysis products). This work also suggests that imines will be the main intermediates in the atmospheric oxidation of primary and secondary amines, including amine carbon capture solvents such as 2-aminoethanol (commonly known as monoethanolamine, or MEA), in a process that avoids the ozone-promoting conversion of (sic)NO to (sic)NO2 commonly encountered in peroxyl radical chemistry.


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Charge reversal (CR) and neutralization reionization (NR) experiments carried out on a 4-sector mass spectrometer demonstrate that isotopically labeled, linear C-4 anion rearranges upon collisional oxidation. The cations and neutrals formed in these experiments exhibit differing degrees of isotopic scrambling in their fragmentation patterns, indicative of (at least) partial isomerization of both states. Theoretical studies, employing the CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVDZ//B3LYP/6-31G(d) level of theory, favor conversion to the rhombic C-4 isomer on both cationic and neutral potential-energy surfaces with the rhombic structures predicted to be slightly more stable than the linear forms in each case. The combination of experiment with theory indicates that the elusive rhombic C-4 is formed as a cation and as a neutral following charge stripping of linear C-4(-)


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Neutral NCN is made in a mass spectrometer by charge stripping of NCN-., while neutral dicyanocarbene NCCCN can be formed by neutralization of either the corresponding anionic and cationic species, NCCCN-. and NCCCN+.. Theoretical calculations at the RCCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ//B3LYP/6-31+G(d) level of theory indicate that the (3)Sigma (-)(g) State of NCCCN is 18 kcal mol(-1) more stable than the (1)A(1) state. While the majority of neutrals formed from either NCCCN-. or NCCCN+. correspond to NCCCN, a proportion of the neutral NCCCN molecules have sufficient excess energy to effect rearrangement, as evidenced by a loss of atomic carbon in the neutralization reionization (NR) spectra of either NCCCN+. and NCCCN-.. C-13 labeling studies indicate that loss of carbon occurs statistically following or accompanied by scrambling of all three carbon atoms. A theoretical study at the B3LYP/6-31+G(d)//B3LYP/6-31+G(d) level of theory indicates that C loss is a consequence of the rearrangement sequence NCCCN --> CNCCN --> CNCNC and that C scrambling occurs within singlet CNCCN via the intermediacy of a four-membered C-2v-symmetrical transition structure.


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Three different radical anions of the empirical formula C5H2 have been generated by negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry in the gas phase. The isomers C4CH2 •-, and HC5H•- have been synthesized by unequivocal routes and their connectivities confirmed by deuterium labeling, charge reversal, and neutralization reionization experiments. The results also provided evidence for the existence of neutrals C4CH2, C2CHC2H, and HC5H as stable species; this is the first reported observation of C2CHC2H. Ab initio calculations confirm these structures to be minima on the anion and neutral potential energy surfaces.


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Background Women with children are less likely to engage in adequate physical activity (PA) than women without children. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of two strategies for promoting increased PA among mothers of preschool-aged children, and to explore the mediators of any resulting change in PA behavior. Design Controlled intervention trial incorporating repeated data collection from 554 women, randomized to one of three experimental conditions. Intervention Group 1 served as a control, while women in Groups 2 and 3 were given print information about overcoming PA barriers. Women in Group 3 were also invited to discuss the development of local strategies for the promotion of PA among mothers of young children. The primary strategies included increasing partner support, social advocacy, and capacity building, and were implemented through collaboration among participants, researchers, and community organizations. Main Outcome Measures Adequate physical activity (PA), self-efficacy (SE) and partner support (PS). Results: Following the intervention, women in Group 3 were significantly more likely to meet guidelines for PA than controls (odds ratio [OR]=1.71, confidence interval [CI]=1.05–2.77)] after controlling for age and PA at baseline. After controlling for baseline PA, residualized change in SE (OR=1.86, CI=1.17–2.94) and PS (OR=2.29, CI=1.46–3.58) significantly predicted meeting guidelines. After controlling for residual change in PS and SE, the significant intervention effect was attenuated (Group 3 OR=1.40, CI=0.76–2.36), indicating that partner support and self-efficacy may be mediators of physical activity behavior change. Conclusions The findings indicate that community participation approaches that facilitate increased self-efficacy and partner support can be effective in increasing PA among mothers of young children.


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Background Family child care homes (FCCHs) provide child care to 1.9 million children in the U.S., but many do not meet established child care standards for healthy eating and physical activity. Purpose To determine the effects of a community-based train-the-trainer intervention on FCCHs policies and practices related to healthy eating and physical activity. Design Quasi-experimental design with replication in three independent cohorts of FCCHs. Setting/participants Registered FCCHs from 15 counties across Kansas participated in the Healthy Kansas Kids (HKK) program. Resource and referral agencies (RRAs) in each county recruited and enrolled between five and 15 child care providers in their service delivery area to participate in the program. The number of registered FCCHs participating in HKK in Years 1 (2006-2007); 2 (2007-2008); and 3 (2008-2009) of the program were 85, 64, and 87, respectively. A stratified random sample of registered FCCHs operating in Kansas (n=297) served as a normative comparison group. Interventions Child care trainers from each RRA completed a series of train-the-trainer workshops related to promotion of healthy eating and physical activity. FCCHs were subsequently guided through a four-step iterative process consisting of (1) self-evaluation; (2) goal setting; (3) developing an action plan; and (4) evaluating progress toward meeting goals. FCCHs also received U. S. Department of Agriculture resources related to healthy eating and physical activity. Main outcome measures Nutrition and Physical Activity Self-Assessment for Child Care (NAP SACC) self-assessment instrument (NAP SACC-SA). Analyses of outcome measures were conducted between 2008 and 2010. Results Healthy Kansas Kids FCCHs exhibited significant improvements in healthy eating (Delta=6.9%-7.1%) and physical activity (Delta=15.4%-19.2%) scores (p<0.05). Within each cohort, pre-intervention scores were not significantly different from the state average, whereas post-intervention scores were significantly higher than the state average. Conclusions Community-based train-the-trainer interventions to promote healthy eating and physical activity in FCCHs are feasible, sustainable, and effective.


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The ability to activate pro-matrix metalloproteinase (pro-MMP)-2 via membrane type-MMP is a hallmark of human breast cancer cell lines that show increased invasiveness, suggesting that MMP-2 contributes to human breast cancer progression. To investigate this, we have stably transfected pro-MMP-2 into the human breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231, which lacks MMP-2 expression but does express its cell surface activator, membrane type 1-MMP. Multiple clones were derived and shown to produce pro-MMP-2 and to activate it in response to concanavalin A. In vitro analysis showed that the pro-MMP-2-transfected clones exhibited an increased invasive potential in Boyden chamber and Matrigel outgrowth assays, compared with the parental cells or those transfected with vector only. When inoculated into the mammary fat pad of nude mice, each of the MMP-2-tranfected clones grew faster than each of the vector controls tested. After intracardiac inoculation into nude mice, pro-MMP-2-transfected clones showed a significant increase in the incidence of metastasis to brain, liver, bone, and kidney compared with the vector control clones but not lung. Increased tumor burden was seen in the primary site and in lung metastases, and a trend toward increased burden was seen in bone, however, no change was seen in brain, liver, or kidney. This data supports a role for MMP-2 in breast cancer progression, both in the growth of primary tumors and in their spread to distant organs. MMP-2 may be a useful target for breast cancer therapy when refinement of MMP inhibitors provides for MMP-specific agents.


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"Combining facets of health physics with medicine, An Introduction to Radiation Protection in Medicine covers the background of the subject and the medical situations where radiation is the tool to diagnose or treat human disease. Encouraging newcomers to the field to properly and efficiently function in a versatile and evolving work setting, it familiarizes them with the particular problems faced during the application of ionizing radiation in medicine. The text builds a fundamental knowledge base before providing practical descriptions of radiation safety in medicine. It covers basic issues related to radiation protection, including the physical science behind radiation protection and the radiobiological basis of radiation protection. The text also presents operational and managerial tools for organizing radiation safety in a medical workplace. Subsequent chapters form the core of the book, focusing on the practice of radiation protection in different medical disciplines. They explore a range of individual uses of ionizing radiation in various branches of medicine, including radiology, nuclear medicine, external beam radiotherapy, and brachytherapy. With contributions from experienced practicing physicists, this book provides essential information about dealing with radiation safety in the rapidly shifting and diverse environment of medicine."--publisher website


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The collision-induced dissociation ( CID) mass spectra of the \[M-H](-) anions of methyl, ethyl, and tert-butyl hydroperoxides have been measured over a range of collision energies in a flowing afterglow - selected ion flow tube (FA-SIFT) mass spectrometer. Activation of the CH3OO- anion is found to give predominantly HO- fragment anions whilst CH3CH2OO- and (CH3)(3)COO- produce HOO- as the major ionic fragment. These results, and other minor fragmentation pathways, can be rationalized in terms of unimolecular rearrangement of the activated anions with subsequent decomposition. The rearrangement reactions occur via initial abstraction of a proton from the alpha-carbon in the case of CH3OO- or the beta-carbon for CH3CH2OO- and (CH3)(3)COO-. Electronic structure calculations suggest that for the CH3CH2OO- anion, which can theoretically undergo both alpha- and beta-proton abstraction, the latter pathway, resulting in HOO- + CH2CH2, is energetically preferred.


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Electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry has allowed the unambiguous identification and quantification of individual lens phospholipids in human and six animal models. Using this approach ca. 100 unique phospholipids have been characterised. Parallel analysis of the same lens extracts by a novel direct-insertion electron-ionization technique found the cholesterol content of human lenses to be significantly higher (ca. 6 times) than lenses from the other animals. The most abundant phospholipids in all the lenses examined were choline-containing phospholipids. In rat, mouse, sheep, cow, pig and chicken, these were present largely as phosphatidylcholines, in contrast 66% of the total phospholipid in Homo sapiens was sphingomyelin, with the most abundant being dihydrosphingomyelins, in particular SM(d18:0/16:0) and SM(d18:0/24:1). The abundant glycerophospholipids within human lenses were found to be predominantly phosphatidylethanolamines and phosphatidylserines with surprisingly high concentrations of ether-linked alkyl chains identified in both classes. This study is the first to identify the phospholipid class (head-group) and assign the constituent fatty acid(s) for each lipid molecule and to quantify individual lens phospholipids using internal standards. These data clearly indicate marked differences in the membrane lipid composition of the human lens compared to commonly used animal models and thus predict a significant variation in the membrane properties of human lens fibre cells compared to those of other animals. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Three anion isomers of formula C7H have been synthesised in the mass spectrometer by unequivocal routes. The structures of the isomers are \[HCCC(C-2)(2)](-), C6CH- and C2CHC4-. One of these, \[HCCC(C-2)(2)](-), is formed in sufficient yield to allow it to be charge stripped to the corresponding neutral radical.