884 resultados para Mauss, Marcel: A general theory of magic
This paper proposes a simple OLG model which is consistent with the essential facts about consumer behavior, capital accumulation and wealth distribution, and yields some new and surprising conclusions about fiscal policy. By considering a society in which individuais are distinguished according to two characteristics, altruism and wealth preference, we show that those who in the long run hold the bulk of private capital are not so rnuch motivated by dynastic altruism as by preference for wealth. Two types of social segmentation can result with different wcalth distribution. To a large extcnt our results seem to fit reality better than those obtained with standard optimal growth models in which dynastic altruism ( or r ate o f impatience) is the only source of heterogeneity: overaccumulation can appear, public debt and unfunded pensions are not neutra!, estate taxation can improve the welfare of the top wealthy.
Em agosto de 1983 foram observados 85 habitantes do Município de Humaitá, Estado do Amazonas, Brasil, com a finalidade de estudar a prevalência dos antígenos de HLA -A, -B, -C e DR, dentre os quais 38 eram doentes com malária causada pelo Plasmodium falciparum Todos eles foram examinados para avaliação de esplenomegalia, exame parasitológico de sangue e pesquisa de anticorpos de malária. Foram constituídos três grupos: (I) 25 indivíduos nascidos na região Amazônica que nunca tiveram malária; (II) 38 indivíduos naturais da Amazônia que tinham sido tratados de malária no passado, ou que estavam tendo malária atual, e (III) 22 doentes com malária que contraíram na Amazônia e eram procedentes de outras regiões do Brasil. Foram colhidas amostras de sangue de cada um deles, separados os linfôcitos e os antígenos de HLA foram tipados pelo teste de microlinfocitotoxidade. Houve elevada freqüência de antígenos não identificados, nos grupos estudados, o que sugere ou a existência de homozigoze, oufenôtipo não identificado nessa população. Houve alta freqüência fenotípica de antígeno deAg(W24) (44,7%) no Grupo II, quando comparado ao Grupo 1(32%) ou Grupo III (9%). Os indivíduos do Grupo II mostraram também elevada freqüência do antígeno DR4 (80%) quando comparado ao Grupo 1(36,3%) ou Grupo III(16,6%). Essas observações sugerem a possibilidade de suscetibilidadegenética ã malária entre os nativos da Amazônia e indicam a necessidade da realização de inquéritos mais extensos sobre a freqüência de antígenos de HLA em habitantes de zona endêmica de malária.
Pseudomonas strains are able to biosynthesize rhamnose-containing surfactants also known as rhamnolipids. These surface-active compounds are reviewed with respect to chemical structure, properties, biosynthesis, and physiological role, focusing on their production and the use of low-cost substrates such as wastes from food industries as alternative carbon sources. The use of inexpensive raw materials such as agroindustrial wastes is an attractive strategy to reduce the production costs associated with biosurfactant production and, at same time, contribute to the reduction of environmental impact generated by the discard of residues, and the treatment costs. Carbohydrate-rich substrates generated low rhamnolipid levels, whereas oils and lipid-rich wastes have shown excellent potential as alternative carbon sources.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In the limit of small values of the aspect ratio parameter (or wave steepness) which measures the amplitude of a surface wave in units of its wave-length, a model equation is derived from the Euler system in infinite depth (deep water) without potential flow assumption. The resulting equation is shown to sustain periodic waves which on the one side tend to the proper linear limit at small amplitudes, on the other side possess a threshold amplitude where wave crest peaking is achieved. An explicit expression of the crest angle at wave breaking is found in terms of the wave velocity. By numerical simulations, stable soliton-like solutions (experiencing elastic interactions) propagate in a given velocities range on the edge of which they tend to the peakon solution. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper we review some basic relations of algebraic K theory and we formulate them in the language of D-branes. Then we study the relation between the D8-branes wrapped on an orientable, compact manifold W in a massive Type IIA, supergravity background and the M9-branes wrapped on a compact manifold Z in a massive d = 11 supergravity background from the K-theoretic point of view. By interpreting the D8-brane charges as elements of K-0(C(W)) and the (inequivalent classes of) spaces of gauge fields on the M9-branes as the elements of K-0(C(Z) x ((k) over bar*) G) where G is a one-dimensional compact group, a connection between charges and gauge fields is argued to exists. This connection could be realized as a composition map between the corresponding algebraic K theory groups.
We review a formalism of superstring quantization with manifest six-dimensional spacetime supersymmetry, and apply it to AdS(3) x S-3 backgrounds with Ramond-Ramond flux. The resulting description is a conformal field theory based on a sigma model whose target space is a certain supergroup SU' (2\2).
The theory of optical dispersive shocks generated in the propagation of light beams through photorefractive media is developed. A full one-dimensional analytical theory based on the Whitham modulation approach is given for the simplest case of a sharp steplike initial discontinuity in a beam with one-dimensional striplike geometry. This approach is confirmed by numerical simulations, which are extended also to beams with cylindrical symmetry. The theory explains recent experiments where such dispersive shock waves have been observed.
Estudo retrospectivo avaliando alterações laboratoriais hepáticas e potenciais interações medicamentosas em pacientes tratados para onicomicose. Foram avaliados 202 pacientes, sendo 82% do sexo feminino. em 273 exames de enzimas hepáticas, houve alterações em apenas 6%. Potenciais interações medicamentosas foram identificadas em 28% dos pacientes para imidazólicos e 14% para terbinafina. O risco de interações potenciais aumentou com a idade do paciente e o uso de múltiplas medicações.
We develop a systematic scheme to treat binary collisions between ultracold atoms in the presence of a strong laser field, tuned to the red of the trapping transition. We assume that the Rabi frequency is much less than the spacing between adjacent bound-state resonances, In this approach we neglect fine and hyperfine structures, but consider fully the three-dimensional aspects of the scattering process, up to the partial d wave. We apply the scheme to calculate the S matrix elements up to the second order in the ratio between the Rabi frequency and the laser detuning, We also obtain, fur this simplified multichannel model, the asymmetric line shapes of photoassociation spectroscopy, and the modification of the scattering length due to the light field at low, but finite, entrance kinetic energy. We emphasize that the present calculations can be generalized to treat more realistic models, and suggest how to carry out a thorough numerical comparison to this semianalytic theory. [S1050-2947(98)04902-6].
In this paper, we consider the extension of the Brandt theory of elasticity of the Abrikosov flux-line lattice for a uniaxial superconductor for the case of parallel flux lines. The results show that the effect of the anisotropy is to rescale the components of the wave vector k and the magnetic field and order-parameter wave vector cut off by a geometrical parameter previously introduced by Kogan.
The metal-insulator (or amorphous semiconductor) blocking contact is still not well understood. In the present paper, we discuss the non steady state characteristics of Metal-lnsulator-Metal Structure with non-intimate blocking contacts (i.e. Metal-Oxide-Insulator-Metal Structure). We consider a uniform distribution (in energy) of impurity states in addition to impurity states at a single energy level within the depletion region. We discuss thermal as well as isothermal characteristics and present expressions for the temperature of maximum current (T-m) and a method to calculate the density of uniformly distributed impurity states. The variation of mobility with electrical field has also been considered. Finally we plot the theoretical curves under different conditions. The present results are closing into available experimental results.
Motivated by the recent solution of Karlin's conjecture, properties of functions in the Laguerre-Polya class are investigated. The main result of this paper establishes new moment inequalities fur a class of entire functions represented by Fourier transforms. The paper concludes with several conjectures and open problems involving the Laguerre-Polya class and the Riemann xi -function.
Perhaps one of the main features of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity is that spacetime is not flat itself but curved. Nowadays, however, many of the unifying theories like superstrings on even alternative gravity theories such as teleparalell geometric theories assume flat spacetime for their calculations. This article, an extended account of an earlier author's contribution, it is assumed a curved group manifold as a geometrical background from which a Lagrangian for a supersymmetric N = 2, d = 5 Yang-Mills - SYM, N = 2, d = 5 - is built up. The spacetime is a hypersurface embedded in this geometrical scenario, and the geometrical action here obtained can be readily coupled to the five-dimensional supergravity action. The essential idea that underlies this work has its roots in the Einstein-Cartan formulation of gravity and in the 'group manifold approach to gravity and supergravity theories'. The group SYM, N = 2, d = 5, turns out to be the direct product of supergravity and a general gauge group g: G = g circle times <(SU(2, 2/1))over bar>.