1000 resultados para Maladie mental grave


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The pandemic metabolic syndrome is generally attributed to our lifestyle. The current therapeutic strategies are centered on the behavioral changes and pharmacotherapy. A deeply analysis reveals the importance of the socio-cultural determinants with a "dose-responses effect according to the socio-economic level. The "syndemic" theory, which puts at the same level the socio-cultural environment, the behaviors and biomedecine, suggests a more holistic approach. This theory suggests introducing other partners of care, such cultural-mediators and welfare workers trained in the care, to have finally an approach centered on the roots of the causes. The healthcare networks centered on the management of the costs of health should not forget the socio-cultural dimension, unless wanting to select the good cases.


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La preeclàmpsia greu és una malaltia multisistemàtica que es caracteritza per tenir presents alguns dels següents símptomes: PA ≥160 / 110, proteïnúria & 5 g/ 24 h, creatinina plasmàtica elevada, oligúria & 500 cc / 24 h, plaquetes & 100.000 /L, elevació de las transaminases, hemòlisis, dolor epigàstric o hipocondri dret, cefalea, alteracions visuals, mentals, edema agut de pulmó., Sd. Hellp, RCIU o oligoamnis; que apareixen durant l’embaràs. Els factors de risc més comuns entre les pacients estudiades a l’àrea matern infantil de l’ Hospital La Vall d´Hebron de Barcelona són la nuliparidat , l’obesitat i l’ edat &35 anys. Hi ha també uns altres factors menys freqüents com la HTA crònica i la gestació múltiple. En la majoria de les gestants es va seguir el protocol de l’ hipertensió arterial d’aquesta àrea. Totes van ser tractades amb sulfato de magnesi per a prevenir les convulsions i antihipertensiu. Sobre el 70% de les pacients va rebre també un tractament per a l’hipertensió amb labetalol e.v. i hidralacina e.v. Aquests fàrmacs són eficaços per al tractament de l’hipertensió en la preeclàmpsia severa. Es va comprovar que les pacients que van rebre el tractament amb hidralacina van presentar un major nombre de manifestacions clíniques i complicacions. L’anestèsia regional és el tipus d’anestèsia escollida. L’anestèsia intradural produeix el major descens de la TA en les pacients amb preeclàmpsia greu tractades amb anestèsia peridural Per altra banda, la cefalea és més freqüent desprès de l’anestèsia intradural que de l’epidural.


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This is  the IPH response to the Department of Health, Social Services & Public Safety's Draft Framework for Mental Health and Wellbeing


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Guidance on the transfer of mentally disordered patients detained under the Mental Health (NI) Order 1986 to and from Hospitals in Great Britain - August 2011.


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The Mental Health Order (Northern Ireland) 1986 - prescribed forms.


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Giant cell arteritis (GCA) (or Horton's disease) is a systemic disease affecting the vessels of medium and large sizes. The incidence increases with age (the disease develops rarely before age 50) and the etiology remains unknown. Clinical manifestations may vary (including asthenia, temporal headache, visual disturbances, etc.) and GCA can potentially lead to dramatic consequences (permanent loss of vision). Although some anomalies in the investigations may help in the diagnosis of GCA, research and confirmation of the diagnosis of GCA may be difficult, especially when the symptoms presented by patients are spread out in time and appear to be nonspecific at first.


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June 2004 - study to examine service provision, early identification, information and support, co-ordination of services and strategic planning


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June 2004 - main findings on progress arising from follow-up, emerging issues, key conclusions


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June 2000 - to review whether the strategy for mental health services is based on clearly defined needs


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Craigavon & Banbridge Community HSS Trust's final report on Primary Care Mental Health Services Triage Pilot Scheme. Part of the Department's redesign of community nursing project.