957 resultados para MOBILIDADE


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Atualmente, percebe-se o interesse na calagem superficial, sem prévia incorporação, para instalação do sistema plantio direto (SPD). Dessa forma, objetivou-se determinar os efeitos de granulometria e doses de calcários no SPD, em fase de implantação, e no sistema de plantio convencional (SPC) sobre o pH, H + Al, Ca2+ e Mg2+. O experimento foi realizado no ano agrícola de 1998/99, na FCA/UNESP-Botucatu (SP), em Latossolo Vermelho. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso, com parcelas subsubdivididas e quatro repetições. As parcelas representaram os sistemas de plantio (SPD e SPC); as subparcelas, a granulometria dos calcários [grosso (PRNT = 56 %) e fino (PRNT = 90 %)], e as subsubparcelas, as doses de 2, 4 e 6 t ha-1 (calcário grosso) e 1,2; 2,4 e 3,6 t ha-1 (fino). O solo foi amostrado, a 0-5, 5-10, 10-20 e 20-40 cm de profundidade, 1, 3 e 12 meses após a aplicação dos corretivos. A análise de variância não detectou interação tripla entre os fatores. A aplicação de calcário superficial no SPD, independentemente da granulometria e da dose, alterou positivamente os atributos químicos do solo (0-5 e 5-10 cm), 12 meses após a calagem. O corretivo continuou reagindo, independentemente do sistema de plantio, de forma intensa, mesmo após três meses. A aplicação de doses mais elevadas de calcário, com maior granulometria, sugeriu efeito residual prolongado.


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Given the growing environmental crisis caused by degradation, mainly due to the use of polluting energy sources, increasing the growing use of renewable energies worldwide, with emphasis on solar energy, an abundant supply and available to everyone, which can be harnessed in several ways: electricity generation; dehydration of food; heating, disinfection and distillation and cooking. The latter has as its primary feature the viability of clean, renewable energy for society, combating ecological damage caused by large-scale use of firewood for cooking foods, use in tropical countries with high solar radiation, and has funding NGOs throughout the world with the goal of achieving low-income population. The proposed project consists of a solar cooker for concentration, working from the reflection of sunlight by a hub that they converge to a focal point at the bottom of the pot, getting lots of heat. The solar cooker under study consists of two elliptical reflecting parabolas made from the recycling of scrap TV antenna, having 0.29 m² of surface area for each antenna, which were covered by multiple mirrors of 2 mm thick and mounted on a metal structure, with correction for the mobility of the apparent movement of the sun. This structure was built with the recycling of scrap metal, possessing a relatively low cost compared with other solar cookers, around US$ 50.00. This cost becomes negligible, since that will involve a great benefit to not have fuel costs for each meal, unlike the use of gas or firewood for cooking food. The tests show that the cooker has reached the maximum temperature of 740 ° C, for boiling water in an average time of 28 minutes, cooking various types of foods such as potatoes, rice and pasta in an average time of 45 minutes and still going as a solar oven, making pizza baking and meat. These cooking times do not differ much from the cooking times on a gas stove, it becomes the solar cooker as a good consumer acceptance, and furthermore not to deliver the same gases that can poison the food as with the wood stove. Proves the viability of using the stove to cook or bake in two daily meals for a family, still presenting a position to improve his performance with the addition of new materials, equipment and techniques


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The proposed design provides a solar furnace alternative, box-like, low-cost operation to be used in cooking, comprising three scrap tires to make the recycling thereof. The tires were coupled to each other, forming an enclosure, which stood on its bottom covered by a parable multiple mirrors made from a urupema (sieve indigenous) and the inner sides of the oven aluminum sheet painted black, obtained from beer cans, thus being made to obtain the increase in the concentration of solar radiation incident on the inside of the prototype studied. Two tires were attached, leaving an air layer between them, with the function of thermal insulation. The third tire aimed to support the other two and thermally insulate the bottom of the oven. Externally was placed a metal frame with flat mirrors to reflect the incident rays into the oven, having a mobility to correct the apparent motion of the sun. Its primary feature is the viability of clean, renewable energy to society by tackling the ecological damage caused by the large-scale use of wood for cooking food. The tests show that the furnace reached the maximum temperature of 123.8 °C and baking various foods such as pizza, bun, and other lasagne in an average time 50 minutes. Proves the feasibility of using the oven. Presenting still able to improve their performance with the addition of new materials, equipment and techniques


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A calagem e a gessagem influenciam a disponibilidade e a absorção de nutrientes, podendo alterar a quantidade de ácidos orgânicos na parte aérea das culturas. Essas alterações, quantificadas por meio da análise de nutrientes solúveis em água, podem potencializar o efeito da correção do solo, garantindo a sustentabilidade do sistema de semeadura direta. Nesse sentido, objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da aplicação superficial de calcário e gesso no teor de nutientes solúveis em água nos resíduos vegetais das culturas de amendoim e aveia-branca. O experimento foi realizado em Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico em Botucatu (SP), nos anos agrícolas de 2004/2005 e 2005/2006. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições, em que as parcelas foram constituídas por doses de calcário, e as subparcelas, pela presença ou ausência da aplicação de gesso. Foi cultivado amendoim no verão e aveia-branca no inverno, em toda a área experimental. Na cultura do amendoim a aplicação de gesso elevou os teores de Ca solúvel em água apenas na primeira safra, em razão do curto período entre a aplicação do produto e a determinação dos teores de nutientes solúveis no extrato vegetal da cultura. A calagem realizada nas culturas de amendoim e aveia-branca elevou os teores solúveis de Ca, Mg, K e não alterou o teor de Cu e reduziu os teores de Zn, Mn e Fe nos dois anos de cultivo. Já a gessagem reduziu os valores da condutividade elétrica do amendoim (2004/2005 e 2005/2006) e da aveia-branca (2004/2005).


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O algodoeiro é responsivo à adubação boratada, porém há poucas e controversas observações a respeito da mobilidade do nutriente dentro da planta. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a translocação e o acúmulo de boro (B) em cultivares de algodão. Quatro cultivares de algodão (FM 993, FM 910, FMT 701 e FMT 523) foram cultivadas em duas concentrações de B (0 e 4,5 mmol L-1) na solução nutritiva, em vasos com capacidade de 8 L preenchidos com areia lavada, por seis semanas. Os vasos receberam solução nutritiva uma vez por semana. em seguida, as plantas foram amostradas durante quatro semanas consecutivas, determinando-se a matéria seca e acúmulo total de B nas raízes e na parte aérea, a distribuição e acúmulo de B nos tecidos da planta e o teor e acúmulo de B nas folhas em diferentes nós da haste principal. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 4 x 2, com parcelas subdivididas no tempo (semanas de amostragem), com quatro repetições. As cultivares FM 993 e FMT 523 alcançaram maior produção de matéria seca e acúmulo de B na raiz. Plantas cultivadas sem deficiência de B acumulam mais de 50 % do B nas folhas, ao passo que, em plantas sem aplicação do micronutriente, o B se encontra em maior proporção nas raízes e no caule. Não há evidência de translocação de B em diferentes cultivares de algodão, mesmo quando cultivadas em deficiência desse nutriente.


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O boro (B) tem baixa mobilidade no floema das plantas e é reconhecidamente o micronutriente cuja deficiência é mais comum no algodoeiro. Neste trabalho foi estudada a absorção e mobilidade do B em cultivares de algodão. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, e as plantas foram cultivadas em solução nutritiva. Os tratamentos foram constituídos de três cultivares de algodão (FMT 701, DP 604BG e FMX 993) e cinco doses de B (0,0; 2,5; 5,0; 10,0 e 20,0 µmol L-1). As avaliações foram feitas em quatro semanas consecutivas, a partir da primeira semana após emissão do primeiro botão floral. A época de aparecimento e a intensidade de sintomas de deficiência de boro entre cultivares de algodão são diferentes. A cultivar DP604BG é inicialmente menos exigente em B, porém há necessidade de maior disponibilidade desse micronutriente no meio nutritivo para evitar o aparecimento de deficiência. O crescimento do algodoeiro é prejudicado pela carência de B, independentemente das diferenças no aparecimento de sintomas, não havendo diferença entre as cultivares.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In the contemporary society, the language is presented in all social spaces and assumes many different purposes in order to meet the needs that emerge from each of these sphere. In traffic, this reality is not different. To guide vehicles, it is necessary to know, by means of reading artifacts, what the legislation establishes in what concerns the way to act in this domain. Thus, this works aims at describing the practices of literacy held in events of driver trainings and know the expectations generated by drivers/learners from this training. In theoretical terms, it anchors in Literacy Studies, comprehended here as social practices (BARTON; HAMILTON, 1998; KLEIMAN, 1995, 2008; MORTATTI, 2004; STREET, 1984; OLIVEIRA, 2008, 2010; ROJO, 2009; PAZ, 2008). Genre Theory (BRONCKART, 2004, 1999; OLIVEIRA, 2010) and in your multimodal instance (KRESS; VAN LEEUWEN, 1996; DIONÍSIO, 2006). In terms of methodology, it follows the bias of qualitative research, because of its ethnographic nature (BOGDAN; BIKLEN, 1994; MINAYO, 2010; CANÇADO, 1994; CHIZZOTTI, 2005). The research corpus was generated by reading the Brazilian Traffic Code, by observing the literacy events held in Drivers Training Centers of Natal, analysis of course books used in these events, plus questionnaires with open and closed questions and semistructured interviews. The collaborators are constituted of drivers in training, and instructors who work in this field. The analyses show significant contributions regarding the placement more committed of future drivers with the welfare and safety of those who use the public roads, from the practice or reading done during the traffic training. The contribution of this work lies in the possibility to expand the discussion about the language practice uses regarding the training for the traffic, more specifically, the training of drivers of vehicles


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Este estudo tem como objetivos analisar a eficácia da fisioterapia em grupo sobre a marcha, o equilíbrio corporal e o risco de queda, e verificar se há correlação entre a capacidade funcional da marcha e o equilíbrio em indivíduos com hemiparesia crônica. Participaram do estudo 21 adultos hemiparéticos, com idade média de 58,9±10,6 anos, com seqüela de no mínimo 1 ano após acidente vascular encefálico isquêmico ou hemorrágico. Os sujeitos foram submetidos a um programa de 1 hora de fisioterapia em grupo duas vezes por semana durante seis meses. Foram avaliados por meio da escala de equilíbrio de Berg (EEB) e do teste de levantar e caminhar cronometrado TLCC (TUG, na sigla em inglês de timed up & go) antes do programa, após 13 e ao fim de 26 semanas. Os resultados mostram uma redução progressiva, embora não-significativa, no tempo de execução do TLCC e aumento progressivo, também não-significativo, do escore na EEB. Foi observada forte correlação entre as duas escalas (r=0,7, p<0,05). Assim, a terapia não foi efetiva para produzir melhora nos escores dos testes, mas contribuiu para manter a mobilidade.


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The restriction of physical fitness is directly related with hypertension and sleep disorders, while the respiratory muscle strength is associated with hypertension, but the literature is scarce regarding its relationship with sleep disorders and particularly with excessive daytime sleepiness. Objectives: To compare physical fitness and strength of respiratory muscles between people with hypertension with excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) and non EDS people, those who do not feel excessive daytime sleepiness, in addition to relate aerobics resistance and functional mobility of patients. Methods: An observational, analytical and transversal study, evaluated 32 elderly with hypertension, divided into two groups (EDS and non EDS), in which the following topics were measured; respiratory muscular strength, functional fitness, level of physical activity, level of excessive daytime sleepiness, quality of sleep and intensity of the patients snoring. Results: There was a significant difference in the level of EDS (P=0,00) and quality of sleep (p=0,03), however, the data related to snoring intensity (p=0,18), maximum inspiratory pressure PImax (p=0,39) and maximum expiratory pressure PEmax (p=0,98) did not show any difference. Also, no significant difference was observed concerning physical fitness, presenting p=0,08 for the sitting and getting up test on the chair in 30 ; p=0,54 for the extension and flexing of the elbow test in 30 ; p=0,38 for the walking test 6 ; p=0,38 for the parking gear test 2 , p=0,08 for the sitting and reaching test; p=0,42 for the scratching the back test; p=0,49 for the getting up and walking test; and p=0,62 for the global rate of activity limitation. There was moderate positive correlation between 6MWT and 2MST, r=0,54 (p=0,01) and negative moderate correlation between 6MWT and TUG, r=-0,61 (p=0,000) and between 2MST and TUG, r=-0,60 (p=0,000). Conclusion: The presence of EDS in the hypertension people studied, showed a bad quality of sleep, however this sleepiness did not influence the strength of the respiratory muscles. The physical fitness came out diminished in all hypertension people, regardless of the presence or non presence of sleep disturbance; and there is a close relationship between cardiovascular resistance and physical mobility, since when there is less cardiovascular resistance, there is precarious physical mobility and vice-versa


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Introduction: The SPPB provides information about physical function and is a predictor of adverse events in the elderly. Frailty is a multidimensional syndrome that increases susceptibility to diseases and disability. However it may be possible to prevent or postpone frailty if is identified early. Our objective is to analyze SPPB s ability in screening for frailty a community-dwelling young elderly from cities with distinct socioeconomic conditions. Methods: Data were originated from community dwelling adults (65-74 years old) in Canada (Saint Bruno; n = 60) and Brazil (Santa Cruz; n = 64). SPPB was used to assess physical performance. Frailty was defined as the presence of ≥ 3 of these criteria: weight loss, exhaustion, weakness, mobility limitation and low physical activity. One point was given for each criterion met, totalizing a frailty score ranged from 0 to 5. The Linear Regression and Receiver Operating Characteristics analyses were performed to evaluate the SPPB s screening ability. Results: Mean age was 69.48, 10.0% of the Saint Bruno s sample and 28.1% of Santa Cruz s were frail (p = 0.001), the SPPB score means were 9.6 and 8.5 respectively (p = 0.01). SPPB correlated with the frailty score (R2 = 0.33), with better results for Saint Bruno. A cutoff of 9 in SPPB had good sensitivity and specificity in discriminating frail from non frail in Saint Bruno (AUC = 0.81) but showed fair results in Santa Cruz (AUC = 0.61). Conclusion: The SPPB has moderate ability in predicting frailty among older adult s population, and is an useful test to identify people with good functionality and low frailty when SPPB scores are ≥9


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Objectives: to translate and assess the psychometric properties of the Brazilian short-form of the Mobility Assessment Tool (MAT-sf) in Brazilians community elderly. Methds: the 12 items MAT-sf went through the process of translation and back translation into Portuguese of the Brazil, considering the semantic and cultural adaptation. In a sample of 150 aged 65-74 years living in the community, the instrument's psychometric properties were evaluated by analysis of convergent and construct validity and test-retest reliability. The main outcomes measures used for validation included in the battery of tests of physical ability, self-repor measures of functional limitations, health, depression, cognitive and sex. The test-retest reliability of the instrument was assessed using the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), 40 subjects were reassessed after an interval of 14 days of assessment. Results: the concurrent validity for the MAT-sf was evidenced by significant correlations with SPPB (r = 0,53), number of functional limitations (r = -0,62) and depressive symptoms (r = -0,45). The construct validity of the instrument was measured by gradual and significant increase of the MAT-sf scores with high levels of physical performance and with positive self-reported health, also found that MAT-sf scores were statistically differents according to sex. The variation in MAT-sf scores (R2 = 0,41) was explained by SPPB, number of limitations for activities of daily life and depressive symptoms. High values for test-retest reliability was evidencend by ICC = 0,94, 95% CI = 0,90 0,97. Conclusions: the Brazilian version of the short-form of the Mobility Assessment Tool has values of validity and reliability to ensure its use in elderly populations living in communities


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Introduction: The leukemias are the most common malignancy in children and adolescents. With the improvement in outcomes, there is a need to consider the morbidity to generate the protocols used in children under treatment. Aim: To evaluate pulmonary function in children with acute leukemia. Method: This study is an observational cross sectional. We evaluated 34 children distributed in groups A and B. Group A comprised 17 children with acute leukemia in the maintenance phase of chemotherapy treatment and group B with 17 healthy students from the public in the city of Natal / RN, matched for gender, age and height. The thoracic mobility was evaluated by thoracic expansion in the axillary and xiphoid levels. Spirometry was measured using a spirometer Microloop Viasys ® following the rules of the ATS and ERS. Maximal respiratory pressures were measured with digital manometer MVD300 (Globalmed ®). The maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) and maximal expiratory pressure (MEP) were measured from residual volume and total lung capacity, respectively. The data were analyzed using the SPSS 17.0 software assigning the significance level of 5%. Descriptive analysis was expressed as mean and standard deviation. T'student test was used to compare unpaired values found in group A with group B values, as well as with the reference values used. To compare the respiratory coefficients in the axillary level with the xiphoid in each group, we used paired testing t student. Results: Group A was significantly decreased thoracic mobility and MIP compared to group B, and MIP compared to baseline. There was no significant difference between spirometric data from both groups and the values of group A with the reference values Mallozi (1995). There was no significant difference between the MIP and MEP values and lower limits of reference proposed by Borja (2011). Conclusion: Children with acute leukemia, myeloid or lymphoid, during maintenance phase of chemotherapy treatment have reduced thoracic mobility and MIP. However, to date, completion of clinical treatment, the spirometric variables and the strength of the expiratory muscles appear to remain preserved in children between five and ten years


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Introduction: Falls among older adults is a public health problem, therefore it is necessary preventive actions, however the adherence is the major problem faced by practitioners and researchers working on falls prevention programs. Objective: To evaluate the variables related to the adherence to falls prevention programs among the elderly enrolled in a Basic Health Unit (BHU). Methods: Was performed an observational cross-sectional analytical study. All elderly registered in a BHU and able to ambulate independently were invited to participate in a falls prevent program. The Elderly who Adhered to the Program (EAP) were evaluated at BHU; and the Elderly Not Adhered to the Program (ENAP) were identified and assessed at home. The assessment for both groups was performed using an evaluation form containing personal data, measures and clinical scales to assess cognitive status, balance, mobility, fear of falling, handgrip strength. Data were analyzed with SPSS 20.0. In addition to this assessment, the ENAP underwent a semi structured interview, in which we used the qualitative approach based on the figure of the Collective Subject Discourse. Results: The study included 222 elderly, 111 EAP and 111ENAP, most aged between 70 and 79 years (48.2%), female (68.5%), married (52.3%) and illiterate (47.7%). Consolidated as protective factors for adherence, worst rates of physical activity (p = 0.001), balance (p = 0.010) and cognition (p = 0.007). The interview of ENAP identified two themes: "Local implementation of programs for the prevention of falls" and "Relationship between BHU and the elderly health care," and found that the elderly who did not adhere were unable to displace and did not mention that primary care programs are related to health care in elderly. Conclusions: Elderly who do not adhere to the program differ from elderly who adhere as worst indices of cognition, balance and physical activity which implies greater risk of falling; and they were unable to participate in falls prevention program and by to be caregiver and showed displacement difficult


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior