890 resultados para MAG double-wire welding


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BACKGROUND: Second line endocrine therapy has limited antitumour activity. Fulvestrant inhibits and downregulates the oestrogen receptor. The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway is one of the major cascades involved in resistance to endocrine therapy. We assessed the efficacy and safety of fulvestrant with selumetinib, a MEK 1/2 inhibitor, in advanced stage breast cancer progressing after aromatase inhibitor (AI). PATIENTS AND METHODS: This randomised phase II trial included postmenopausal patients with endocrine-sensitive breast cancer. They were ramdomised to fulvestrant combined with selumetinib or placebo. The primary endpoint was disease control rate (DCR) in the experimental arm. ClinicalTrials.gov Indentifier: NCT01160718. RESULTS: Following the planned interim efficacy analysis, recruitment was interrupted after the inclusion of 46 patients (23 in each arm), because the selumetinib-fulvestrant arm did not reach the pre-specified DCR. DCR was 23% (95% confidence interval (CI) 8-45%) in the selumetinib arm and 50% (95% CI 27-75%) in the placebo arm. Median progression-free survival was 3.7months (95% CI 1.9-5.8) in the selumetinib arm and 5.6months (95% CI 3.4-13.6) in the placebo arm. Median time to treatment failure was 5.1 (95% CI 2.3-6.7) and 5.6 (95% CI 3.4-10.2) months, respectively. The most frequent treatment-related adverse events observed in the selumetinib-fulvestrant arm were skin disorders, fatigue, nausea/vomiting, oedema, diarrhoea, mouth disorders and muscle disorders. CONCLUSIONS: The addition of selumetinib to fulvestrant did not show improving patients' outcome and was poorly tolerated at the recommended monotherapy dose. Selumetinib may have deteriorated the efficacy of the endocrine therapy in some patients.


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Reliable molecular typing methods are necessary to investigate the epidemiology of bacterial pathogens. Reference methods such as multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) are costly and time consuming. Here, we compared our newly developed double-locus sequence typing (DLST) method for Pseudomonas aeruginosa to MLST and PFGE on a collection of 281 isolates. DLST was as discriminatory as MLST and was able to recognize "high-risk" epidemic clones. Both methods were highly congruent. Not surprisingly, a higher discriminatory power was observed with PFGE. In conclusion, being a simple method (single-strand sequencing of only 2 loci), DLST is valuable as a first-line typing tool for epidemiological investigations of P. aeruginosa. Coupled to a more discriminant method like PFGE or whole genome sequencing, it might represent an efficient typing strategy to investigate or prevent outbreaks.


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The University of Barcelona is developing a pilot-scale hot wire chemical vapor deposition (HW-CVD) set up for the deposition of nano-crystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) on 10 cm × 10 cm glass substrate at high deposition rate. The system manages 12 thin wires of 0.15-0.2 mm diameter in a very dense configuration. This permits depositing very uniform films, with inhomogeneities lower than 2.5%, at high deposition rate (1.5-3 nm/s), and maintaining the substrate temperature relatively low (250 °C). The wire configuration design, based on radicals' diffusion simulation, is exposed and the predicted homogeneity is validated with optical transmission scanning measurements of the deposited samples. Different deposition series were carried out by varying the substrate temperature, the silane to hydrogen dilution and the deposition pressure. By means of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), the evolution in time of the nc-Si:H vibrational modes was monitored. Particular importance has been given to the study of the material stability against post-deposition oxidation.


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Hot-Wire Chemical Vapor Deposition has led to microcrystalline silicon solar cell efficiencies similar to those obtained with Plasma Enhanced CVD. The light-induced degradation behavior of microcrystalline silicon solar cells critically depends on the properties of their active layer. In the regime close to the transition to amorphous growth (around 60% of amorphous volume fraction), cells incorporating an intrinsic layer with slightly higher crystalline fraction and [220] preferential orientation are stable after more than 7000 h of AM1.5 light soaking. On the contrary, solar cells whose intrinsic layer has a slightly lower crystalline fraction and random or [111] preferential orientation exhibit clear light-induced degradation effects. A revision of the efficiencies of Hot-Wire deposited microcrystalline silicon solar cells is presented and the potential efficiency of this technology is also evaluated.


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The very usual columnar growth of nanocrystalline silicon leads to electronic transport anisotropies. Whereas electrical measurements with coplanar electrodes only provide information about the electronic transport parallel to the substrate, it is the transverse transport which determines the collection efficiency in thin film solar cells. Hence, Schottky diodes on transparent electrodes were obtained by hot-wire CVD in order to perform external quantum efficiency and surface photovoltage studies in sandwich configuration. These measurements allowed to calculate a transverse collection length, which must correlate with the photovoltaic performance of thin film solar cells. Furthermore, the density of charge trapped at localized states in the bandgap was estimated from the voltage dependence of the depletion capacitance of these rectifying contacts.


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Suihku/viira-nopeussuhde on perälaatikon huulisuihkun ja viiran välinen nopeusero. Se vaikuttaa suuresti paperin ja kartongin loppuominaisuuksiin, kuten formaatioon sekä kuituorientaatioon ja näin ollen paperin lujuusominaisuuksiin. Tämän johdosta on erityisen tärkeää tietää todellinen suihku/viira-nopeussuhde paperin- ja kartonginvalmistuksessa. Perinteinen suihku/viira-nopeussuhteen määritysmenetelmä perustuu perälaatikon kokonaispaineeseen. Tällä menetelmällä kuitenkin todellinen huulisuihkun nopeus saattaa usein jäädä tietämättä johtuen mahdollisesta virheellisestä painemittarin kalibroinnista sekä laskuyhtälön epätarkkuuksista. Tämän johdosta on kehitetty useita reaaliaikaisia huulisuihkun mittausmenetelmiä. Perälaatikon parametrien optimaaliset asetukset ovat mahdollista määrittää ja ylläpitää huulisuihkun nopeuden “on-line” määrityksellä. Perälaatikon parametrejä ovat mm. huulisuihku, huuliaukon korkeusprofiili, reunavirtaukset ja syöttövirtauksen tasaisuus. Huulisuihkun nopeuden on-line mittauksella paljastuu myös muita perälaatikon ongelmakohtia, kuten mekaaniset viat, joita on perinteisesti tutkittu aikaa vievillä paperin ja kartongin lopputuoteanalyyseillä.


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Hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) obtained by hot-wire chemical vapour deposition (HWCVD) at low substrate temperature (150 °C) has been incorporated as the active layer in bottom-gate thin-film transistors (TFTs). These devices were electrically characterised by measuring in vacuum the output and transfer characteristics for different temperatures. The field-effect mobility showed a thermally activated behaviour which could be attributed to carrier trapping at the band tails, as in hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H), and potential barriers for the electronic transport. Trapped charge at the interfaces of the columns, which are typical in nc-Si:H, would account for these barriers. By using the Levinson technique, the quality of the material at the column boundaries could be studied. Finally, these results were interpreted according to the particular microstructure of nc-Si:H.


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Polysilicon thin film transistors (TFT) are of great interest in the field of large area microelectronics, especially because of their application as active elements in flat panel displays. Different deposition techniques are in tough competition with the objective to obtain device-quality polysilicon thin films at low temperature. In this paper we present the preliminary results obtained with the fabrication of TFT deposited by hot-wire chemical vapor deposition (HWCVD). Some results concerned with the structural characterization of the material and electrical performance of the device are presented.


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Hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon films obtained at low temperature (150-280°C) by hot wire chemical vapour deposition at two different process pressures were measured by Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectroscopy and photothermal deflection spectroscopy (PDS). A crystalline fraction >90% with a subgap optical absortion 10 cm -1 at 0.8 eV were obtained in films deposited at growth rates >0.8 nm/s. These films were incorporated in n-channel thin film transistors and their electrical properties were measured. The saturation mobility was 0.72 ± 0.05 cm 2/ V s and the threshold voltage around 0.2 eV. The dependence of their conductance activation energies on gate voltages were related to the properties of the material.