834 resultados para Lower level relaxation
Seasonal changes and flooding have an extraordinarily great influence on the drift of organisms. The free water space plays the main part in the provision of food for some fish (Salmo trutta - trout): drift and content of the stomach are balanced here (Simuliidae): whereas others (Thymallus vulgaris) only selectively chose certain animals living at the bottom (molluscs). The total drift, drift of organisms and drift of organic material and minerals, plays a main role in the rate of production in streams. Besides the biology of the organisms living on the river bed, also the geological and hydrographical situation of the area plays a very important role for the composition of the drift. During the years 1964-1966 three streams in the characteristical geological formations flysch, gneiss and chalk of lower Austria were studied in regard to their drift. The Tulln (above St. Christopen), the Krems (above Senftenberg) and the Schwarza (above Hirschwang) seemed to be ideal for this comparative study because they are easy to reach. After summarising the hydrography and chemistry of examined rivers, the author examines the relationship between water level and total drift and the stratification of the total drift before analysing the drift of living organisms. Also considered are seasonal changes of drift of organisms and drift of exuviae.
Magnetic resonance techniques have given us a powerful means for investigating dynamical processes in gases, liquids and solids. Dynamical effects manifest themselves in both resonance line shifts and linewidths, and, accordingly, require detailed analyses to extract desired information. The success of a magnetic resonance experiment depends critically on relaxation mechanisms to maintain thermal equilibrium between spin states. Consequently, there must be an interaction between the excited spin states and their immediate molecular environment which promote changes in spin orientation while excess magnetic energy is coupled into other degrees of freedom by non-radiative processes. This is well known as spin-lattice relaxation. Certain dynamical processes cause fluctuations in the spin state energy levels leading to spin-spin relaxation and, here again, the environment at the molecular level plays a significant role in the magnitude of interaction. Relatively few electron spin relaxation studies of solutions have been conducted and the present work is addressed toward the extension of our knowledge in this area and the retrieval of dynamical information from line shape analyses on a time scale comparable to diffusion controlled phenomena.
Specifically, the electron spin relaxation of three Mn+23d5 complexes, Mn(CH3CN)6+2, MnCl4-2 in acetonitrile has been studied in considerable detail. The effective spin Hamiltonian constants were carefully evaluated under a wide range of experimental conditions. Resonance widths of these Mn+2 complexes were studied in the presence of various excess ligand ions and as a function of concentration, viscosity, temperature and frequency (X-band, ~9.5 Ԍ Hz and K-band, ~35 Ԍ Hz).
A number of interesting conclusions were drawn from these studies. For the Et4NCl-4-2 system several relaxation mechanisms leading to resonance broadening were observed. One source appears to arise through spin-orbit interactions caused by modulation of the ligand field resulting from transient distortions of the complex imparted by solvent fluctuations in the immediate surroundings of the paramagnetic ion. An additional spin relaxation was assigned to the formation of ion pairs [Et4N+…MnCl4-2] and it was possible to estimate the dissociation constant for this specie in acetonitrile.
The Bu4NBr-MnBr4-2 study was considerably more interesting. As in the former case, solvent fluctuations and ion-pairing of the paramagnetic complex [Bu4N+…MnBr4-2] provide significant relaxation for the electronic spin system. Most interesting, without doubt, is the onset of a new relaxation mechanism leading to resonance broadening which is best interpreted as chemical exchange. Thus, assuming that resonance widths were simply governed by electron spin state lifetimes, we were able to extract dynamical information from an interaction in which the initial and final states are the same
MnBr4-2 + Br- = MnBr4-2 + Br-.
The bimolecular rate constants were obtained at six different temperatures and their magnitudes suggested that the exchange is probably diffusion controlled with essentially a zero energy of activation. The most important source of spin relaxation in this system stems directly from dipolar interactions between the manganese 3d5 electrons. Moreover, the dipolar broadening is strongly frequency dependent indicating a deviation between the transverse and longitudinal relaxation times. We are led to the conclusion that the 3d5 spin states of ion-paired MnBr4-2 are significantly correlated so that dynamical processes are also entering the picture. It was possible to estimate the correlation time, Td, characterizing this dynamical process.
In Part II we study nuclear magnetic relaxation of bromine ions in the MnBr4-2-Bu4NBr-acetonitrile system. Essentially we monitor the 79Br and 81Br linewidths in response to the [MnBr4-2]/[Br-] ratio with the express purpose of supporting our contention that exchange is occurring between "free" bromine ions in the solvent and bromine in the first coordination sphere of the paramagnetic anion. The complexity of the system elicited a two-part study: (1) the linewidth behavior of Bu4NBr in anhydrous CH3CN in the absence of MnBr4-2 and (2) in the presence of MnBr4-2. It was concluded in study (1) that dynamical association, Bu4NBr k1= Bu4N+ + Br-, was modulating field-gradient interactions at frequencies high enough to provide an estimation of the unimolecular rate constant, k1. A comparison of the two isotopic bromine linewidth-mole fraction results led to the conclusion that quadrupole interactions provided the dominant relaxation mechanism. In study (2) the "residual" bromine linewidths for both 79Br and 81Br are clearly controlled by quadrupole interactions which appear to be modulated by very rapid dynamical processes other than molecular reorientation. We conclude that the "residual" linewidth has its origin in chemical exchange and that bromine nuclei exchange rapidly between a "free" solvated ion and the paramagnetic complex, MnBr4-2.
An air filled ionization chamber has been constructed with a volume of 552 liters and a wall consisting of 12.7 mg/cm2 of plastic wrapped over a rigid, lightweight aluminum frame. A calibration in absolute units, independent of previous Caltech ion chamber calibrations, was applied to a sealed Neher electrometer for use in this chamber. The new chamber was flown along with an older, argon filled, balloon type chamber in a C-135 aircraft from 1,000 to 40,000 feet altitude, and other measurements of sea level cosmic ray ionization were made, resulting in the value of 2.60 ± .03 ion pairs/cm3 sec atm) at sea level. The calibrations of the two instruments were found to agree within 1 percent, and the airplane data were consistent with previous balloon measurements in the upper atmosphere. Ionization due to radon gas in the atmosphere was investigated. Absolute ionization data in the lower atmosphere have been compared with results of other observers, and discrepancies have been discussed.
Data from a polar orbiting ion chamber on the OGO-II, IV spacecraft have been analyzed. The problem of radioactivity produced on the spacecraft during passes through high fluxes of trapped protons has been investigated, and some corrections determined. Quiet time ionization averages over the polar regions have been plotted as function of altitude, and an analytical fit is made to the data that gives a value of 10.4 ± 2.3 percent for the fractional part of the ionization at the top of the atmosphere due to splash albedo particles, although this result is shown to depend on an assumed angular distribution for the albedo particles. Comparisons with other albedo measurements are made. The data are shown to be consistent with balloon and interplanetary ionization measurements. The position of the cosmic ray knee is found to exhibit an altitude dependence, a North-South effect, and a small local time variation.
First-principles calculations for the temporal characteristics of hole-phonon relaxation in the valence band of titanium dioxide and zinc oxide have been performed. A first-principles method for the calculations of the quasistationary distribution function of holes has been developed. The results show that the quasistationary distribution of the holes in TiO2 extends to an energy level approximately 1eV below the top of the valence band. This conclusion in turn helps to elucidate the origin of the spectral dependence of the photocatalytic activity of TiO2. Analysis of the analogous data for ZnO shows that in this material spectral dependence of photocatalytic activity in the oxidative reactions is unlikely.
The Lower Mekong Basin has extensive wetlands and these are being threatened by numerous problems. Most of these problems are interdependent and interact with one another. The lack of an appropriate definition of wetlands applicable to the region, pervasive inefficiencies and chronic lack of funds among riparian governments, and the poor appreciation of the true economic importance of wetlands and its resources are among the most prominent. The current definition, based on the Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar, Iran, 1971), is too broad when compared to the understanding of wetlands as being swamps, marshes and the like, and was developed specifically for wetlands with international importance as waterfowl habitats. Furthermore, wetlands are composed of different types of resources, which require different modes of management. Often, institutional competition, overlapping mandates and sometimes jealousies occur between government departments when they try to assert their authority on a particular wetland resource and use, and put forward their development plans without considering how these may conflict with other wetlands uses. Finally, effective wetland management requires reliable statistics or information on rate of harvest of natural resources such as fish and others, fishing/harvesting methods over time in order to determine the level of exploitation, and the status of the natural resources. This information is needed to identify opportunities for expansion, to establish historical trends, and to determine when management interventions are necessary to protect the resources from being overused by other developments. In order to address these issues, ICLARM - The World Fish Center has launched a project, the aim of objectives of which are described in this paper.
Tidal and sea level changes during 1991 at a coastal station (Jeddah) in the central part of the Red Sea are investigated. Analysis shows higher sea levels in winter and lower in summer. The amplitude of change at Jeddah is above 50cm. Analysis of wind stress at Jeddah indicates an insignificant contribution of the cross-shore component, while a major part of the changes in the sea level can be accounted for by the long-shore component.
This study was conducted using 150 fish of Clarias gariepinus to investigate the growth performance and nutrient utilization of Clarias gariepinus fed five treatment diets containing varying inclusion level of fermented unsieved maize. The diets were grouped into CT, T1, T2, T3, and T4 with inclusion levels of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of fermented unsieved maize respectively. Highest weight gain was recorded in T4 with value of 10.24 and lowest weight was recorded in CT with 9.17. High FCR were observed in T2 with value of 0.70 and lower value was observed in T4 with value of 0.62. While, T2, T3, and T4 have highest survival rates with values of 90% in each treatment CT and T1 recorded 80% and 70% respectively. There was a significant (p< 0.05) difference between the food conversion ratios treatment T4 with the best value and other treatments. There was a significant (p< 0.05) difference between the levels of fermented unsieved maize inclusion and the specific growth rate of the experimental fish. The highest value of protein level and feed efficiency were observed in T4 at significant difference level (p< 0.05) than other treatments. It was concluded that fermentation of maize in fish feed has positive effects on the nutritional value of the feed. It is recommend that fermented maize can replace raw maize in fish feed diet for growth performance. KEYWORDS: Fermentation, yellow maize, Clarias gariepinus, Fish, Feed.
This study was conducted using 150 fish of Clarias gariepinus to investigate the growth performance and nutrient utilization of Clarias gariepinus fed five treatment diets containing varying inclusion level of fermented unsieved maize. The diets were grouped into CT, T1, T2, T3, and T4 with inclusion levels of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of fermented unsieved maize respectively. Highest weight gain was recorded in T4 with value of 10.24 and lowest weight was recorded in CT with 9.17. High FCR were observed in T2 with value of 0.70 and lower value was observed in T4 with value of 0.62. While, T2, T3, and T4 have highest survival rates with values of 90% in each treatment CT and T1 recorded 80% and 70% respectively. There was a significant (p< 0.05) difference between the food conversion ratios treatment T4 with the best value and other treatments. There was a significant (p< 0.05) difference between the levels of fermented unsieved maize inclusion and the specific growth rate of the experimental fish. The highest value of protein level and feed efficiency were observed in T4 at significant difference level (p< 0.05) than other treatments. It was concluded that fermentation of maize in fish feed has positive effects on the nutritional value of the feed. It is recommend that fermented maize can replace raw maize in fish feed diet for growth performance.
From the distribution of oceanographic data (temperature and salinity) in both Arabian Gulf and Gulf of Oman, the steric components (thermal, haline and steric heights) are calculated for the upper 50m layer during different seasons. The analysis reveals relevant evidence, that temperature variations (thermal component) play a role in the fluctuations of sea level within the investigated area. The salinity variations (haline component) is only significant near the entrance. The sea level variations due to density (steric component) is low during winter and spring and high during summer and autumn. The steric height is always lower in the northern and central regions of Arabian Gulf and higher in eastern region of Arabian Gulf and in the Gulf of Oman, i.e. the surface water must flow from the Gulf of Oman to the Arabian Gulf. The steric sea level gradient around the Strait of Hormuz are 0.04 cm/km in winter, 0.04 cm/km in spring, and 0.025 cm/km in summer and 0.014 cm/km in autumn.
Growing environmental concerns caused by natural resource depletion and pollution need to be addressed. One approach to these problems is Sustainable Development, a key concept for our society to meet present as well as future needs worldwide. Manufacturing clearly has a major role to play in the move towards a more sustainable society. However it appears that basic principles of environmental sustainability are not systematically applied, with practice tending to focus on local improvements. The aim of the work presented in this paper is to adopt a more holistic view of the factory unit to enable opportunities for wider improvement. This research analyses environmental principles and industrial practice to develop a conceptual manufacturing ecosystem model as a foundation to improve environmental performance. The model developed focuses on material, energy and waste flows to better understand the interactions between manufacturing operations, supporting facilities and surrounding buildings. The research was conducted in three steps: (1) existing concepts and models for industrial sustainability were reviewed and environmental practices in manufacturing were collected and analysed; (2) gaps in knowledge and practice were identified; (3) the outcome is a manufacturing ecosystem model based on industrial ecology (IE). This conceptual model has novelty in detailing IE application at factory level and integrating all resource flows. The work is a base on which to build quantitative modelling tools to seek integrated solutions for lower resource input, higher resource productivity, fewer wastes and emissions, and lower operating cost within the boundary of a factory unit. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A scalable multi-channel optical regenerative bus architecture based on the use of polymer waveguides is presented for the first time. The architecture offers high-speed interconnection between electrical cards allowing regenerative bus extension with multiple segments and therefore connection of an arbitrary number of cards onto the bus. In a proof-ofprinciple demonstration, a 4-channel 3-card polymeric bus module is designed and fabricated on standard FR4 substrates. Low insertion losses (≤ -15 dB) and low crosstalk values (< -30 dB) are achieved for the fabricated samples while better than ± 6 μm -1 dB alignment tolerances are obtained. 10 Gb/s data communication with a bit-error-rate (BER) lower than 10-12 is demonstrated for the first time between card interfaces on two different bus modules using a prototype 3R regenerator. © 2012 Optical Society of America.
The changes of NH3-N, NO3-N, NO2-N and TN/TP were studied during growth and non-growth season in 33 subtropical shallow lakes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. There were significant positive correlations among all nutrient concentrations, and the correlations were better in growth season than in non-growth season. When TP > 0.1 mgL(-1), NH3-N increased sharply in non-growth season with increasing TP, and NO3-N increased in growth season but decreased in non-growth season with TP. These might be attributed to lower dissolved oxygen and low temperature in non-growth season of the hypereutrophic lakes, since nitrification is more sensitive to dissolved oxygen and temperature than anti nitrification. When 0.1 mgL(-1)> TP > 0.035 mgL(-1), TN and all kinds of inorganic nitrogen were lower in growth season than in non-growth season, and phytoplankton might be the vital regulating factor. When TP < 0.035 mgL(-1), inorganic nitrogen concentrations were relatively low and NH3-N, NO2-N had significant correlations with phytoplankton, indicating that NH3-N and NO2-N might be limiting factors to phytoplankton. In addition, TN/TP went down with decline in TIP concentration, and TN and inorganic nitrogen concentrations were obviously lower in growth season than in non-growth season, suggesting that decreasing nitrogen (especially NH3-N and NO3-N) was an important reason for the decreasing TN/TP in growth season. The ranges of TN/TP were closely related to trophic level in both growth and non-growth seasons, and it is apparent that in the eutrophic and hypertrophic state the TN/TP ratio was obviously lower in growth season than in non-growth season. The changes of the TN/TP ratio were closely correlated with trophic levels, and both declines of TN in the water column and TP release from the sediment were important factors for the decline of the TN/TP ratio in growth season.
An 8-week growth trial investigated the effect of dietary lipid level on growth performance of a carnivorous fish, Chinese longsnout catfish (Leiocassis longirostris Gunther) and an omnivorous fish, gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio). For each species, seven isonitrogenous semi-purified diets (455 g kg(-1) crude protein for Chinese longsnout catfish and 385 g kg(-1) crude protein for gibel carp) were formulated to contain 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180 or 210 g kg(-1) lipid. For Chinese longsnout catfish, feed intake (FI) decreased with increasing dietary lipid and there was no significant difference in feed intake from 90 to 210 g kg(-1) lipid. Specific growth rate (SGR) increased with dietary lipid level (P < 0.05) and the 150 and 180 g kg(-1) groups were the best. Feed conversion efficiency (FCE), protein retention efficiency (PRE) and energy retention efficiency (ERE) were higher at 180 g kg(-1) lipid. For gibel carp, FI decreased with increased dietary lipid and 180 and 210 g kg(-1) lipid groups showed lower values. SGR increased with dietary lipid level and the 150 and 180 g kg(-1) were the best. FCE was higher at 180 g kg(-1) lipid level. PRE increased with dietary lipid level and there was no significant difference in groups from 120 to 210 g kg(-1) dietary lipid. ERE increased with increasing dietary lipid level, and groups fed 120, 150 and 180 g kg(-1) lipid showed the highest values. In Chinese longsnout catfish, increase in dietary lipid level, resulted in increased carcass dry matter, crude protein, crude lipid and gross energy. In gibel carp, dry matter, crude protein, and crude lipid increased with dietary lipid level. Based on regression between SGR and dietary lipid, dietary lipid requirements for Chinese longsnout catfish and gibel carp were 142.6 and 140.5 g kg(-1), respectively.
A new broadband filter, based on the high level bandgap in 1-D photonic crystals (PCs) of the form Si vertical bar air vertical bar Si vertical bar air vertical bar Si vertical bar air vertical bar Si vertical bar air vertical bar Si vertical bar air vertical bar Si is designed by the plane wave expansion method (PWEM) and the transfer matrix method (TMM) and fabricated by lithography. The optical response of this filter to normal-incident and oblique-incident light proves that utilizing the high-level bandgaps of PCs is an efficient method to lower the difficulties of fabricating PCs, increase the etching depth of semiconductor materials, and reduce the coupling loss at the interface between optical fibers and the PC device. (c) 2007 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.
The investigation on strain relaxation and double peaks in photoluminescence of InGaN/GaN MQW layers
Two emission peaks were observed in the low temperature photoluminescence (LTPL) spectra of an InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well (MQW) structure before and after nanopillar fabrication. After nanopillar fabrication it is found that among the two peaks the longer wavelength peak exhibits a clear blue shift and has a much stronger enhancement in LTPL intensity than the shorter one. Combined with x-ray diffraction and spatially resolved cathodoluminescence analyses, the difference induced by nanopillar fabrication is ascribed to different strain relaxation states in the lower and upper quantum well layers. It is found that the lower QW layers of the as-grown MQW which causes the longer wavelength PL peak are more strained, while the upper ones are almost fully strain-relaxed. Therefore, the nanopillar fabrication induces much less strain relaxation in the upper part of the MQW than in the lower one.