965 resultados para LYMPHOCYTE DEPLETION


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We have studied the kinetics of the phase-separation process of mixtures of colloid and protein in solutions by real-time UV-vis spectroscopy. Complementary small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) was employed to determine the structures involved. The colloids used are gold nanoparticles functionalized with protein resistant oligo(ethylene glycol) (OEG) thiol, HS(CH(2))(11)(OCH(2)CH(2))(6)OMe (EG6OMe). After mixing with protein solution above a critical concentration, c*, SAXS measurements show that a scattering maximum appears after a short induction time at q = 0.0322 angstrom(-1) stop, which increases its intensity with time but the peak position does not change with time, protein concentration and salt addition. The peak corresponds to the distance of the nearest neighbor in the aggregates. The upturn of scattering intensities in the low q-range developed with time indicating the formation of aggregates. No Bragg peaks corresponding to the formation of colloidal crystallites could be observed before the clusters dropped out from the solution. The growth kinetics of aggregates is followed in detail by real-time UV-vis spectroscopy, using the flocculation parameter defined as the integral of the absorption in the range of 600-800 nm wavelengths. At low salt addition (<0.5 M), a kinetic crossover from reaction-limited cluster aggregation (RLCA) to diffusion-limited cluster aggregation (DLCA) growth model is observed, and interpreted as being due to the effective repulsive interaction barrier between colloids within the depletion potential. Above 0.5 M NaCl, the surface charge of proteins is screened significantly, and the repulsive potential barrier disappeared, thus the growth kinetics can be described by a DLCA model only.


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T cell activation is the final step in a complex pathway through which pathogen-derived peptide fragments can elicit an immune response. For it to occur, peptides must form stable complexes with Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) molecules and be presented on the cell surface. Computational predictors of MHC binding are often used within in silico vaccine design pathways. We have previously shown that, paradoxically, most bacterial proteins known experimentally to elicit an immune response in disease models are depleted in peptides predicted to bind to human MHC alleles. The results presented here, derived using software proven through benchmarking to be the most accurate currently available, show that vaccine antigens contain fewer predicted MHC-binding peptides than control bacterial proteins from almost all subcellular locations with the exception of cell wall and some cytoplasmic proteins. This effect is too large to be explained from the undoubted lack of precision of the software or from the amino acid composition of the antigens. Instead, we propose that pathogens have evolved under the influence of the host immune system so that surface proteins are depleted in potential MHC-binding peptides, and suggest that identification of a protein likely to contain a single immuno-dominant epitope is likely to be a productive strategy for vaccine design.


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Transgenic BALB/c mice that express intrathyroidal human thyroid stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR) A-subunit, unlike wild-type (WT) littermates, develop thyroid lymphocytic infiltration and spreading to other thyroid autoantigens after T regulatory cell (Treg) depletion and immunization with human thyrotropin receptor (hTSHR) adenovirus. To determine if this process involves intramolecular epitope spreading, we studied antibody and T cell recognition of TSHR ectodomain peptides (A–Z). In transgenic and WT mice, regardless of Treg depletion, TSHR antibodies bound predominantly to N-terminal peptide A and much less to a few downstream peptides. After Treg depletion, splenocytes from WT mice responded to peptides C, D and J (all in the A-subunit), but transgenic splenocytes recognized only peptide D. Because CD4+ T cells are critical for thyroid lymphocytic infiltration, amino acid sequences of these peptides were examined for in silico binding to BALB/c major histocompatibility complex class II (IA–d). High affinity subsequences (inhibitory concentration of 50% < 50 nm) are present in peptides C and D (not J) of the hTSHR and mouse TSHR equivalents. These data probably explain why transgenic splenocytes do not recognize peptide J. Mouse TSHR mRNA levels are comparable in transgenic and WT thyroids, but only transgenics have human A-subunit mRNA. Transgenic mice can present mouse TSHR and human A-subunit-derived peptides. However, WT mice can present only mouse TSHR, and two to four amino acid species differences may preclude recognition by CD4+ T cells activated by hTSHR-adenovirus. Overall, thyroid lymphocytic infiltration in the transgenic mice is unrelated to epitopic spreading but involves human A-subunit peptides for recognition by T cells activated using the hTSHR.


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Purpose: Peroxiredoxin-2 (PRDX-2) is an antioxidant and chaperone-like protein critical for cell function. This study examined whether the levels of lymphocyte PRDX-2 are altered over one month following ultra-endurance exercise. Methods: Nine middle-aged men undertook a single-stage, multi-day 233 km (145 mile) ultra-endurance running race. Blood was collected immediately before (PRE), upon completion/retirement (POST), and following the race at DAY 1, DAY 7 and DAY 28. Lymphocyte lysates were examined for PRDX-2 by reducing SDS-PAGE and western blotting. In a sub-group of men who completed the race (n = 4) PRDX-2 oligomeric state (indicative of redox status) was investigated. Results: Ultra-endurance exercise caused significant changes in lymphocyte PRDX-2 (F (4,32) 3.409, p=0.020, ?(2) =0.299): seven-days after the race, PRDX-2 levels in lymphocytes had fallen to 30% of pre-race values (p=0.013) and returned to near-normal levels at DAY 28. Non-reducing gels demonstrated that dimeric PRDX-2 (intracellular reduced PRDX-2 monomers) was increased in 3 of 4 race completers immediately post-race, indicative of an "antioxidant response". Moreover, monomeric PRDX-2 was also increased immediately post-race in 2 of 4 race-completing subjects, indicative of oxidative damage, which was not detectable by DAY 7. Conclusions: Lymphocyte PRDX-2 was decreased below normal levels 7 days after ultra-endurance exercise. Excessive accumulation of reactive oxygen species induced by ultra-endurance exercise may underlie depletion of lymphocyte PRDX-2 by triggering its turnover after oxidation. Low levels of lymphocyte PRDX-2 could influence cell function and might, in part, explain reports of dysregulated immunity following ultra-endurance exercise.


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Objective: Previous studies have suggested that somatoform disorders (SFD) might be associated with changes in the function of the central and autonomic nervous systems. The aim of this study was to examine the possible immunological differences between SFD and healthy controls. Methods: Twenty-four patients with SFD and 13 healthy individuals completed the psychological questionnaires to assess symptom reporting [Symptom Checklist-90 Revised (SCL-90-R)] and to diagnose for SFD [Screening for Somatoform Symptoms scale (SOMS-scale)]. Participants also provided a blood sample taken in the morning, which was analysed with an automated cell counter to determine the number of leucocytes per μl and with flow cytometry to determine lymphocyte subsets. Results: With the exception of a higher T4/T8 ratio in the patient group, which was mainly because of lower CD8 counts, there were no significant differences in the absolute number of lymphocytes (subsets) between patients with SFD and healthy subjects. A positive correlation between B-lymphocyte subsets (CD19+CD22+, CD19+CD5+, CD19+CD3-) to all scales of the SCL-90-R, except somatisation, were found in SFD. Additionally, a positive correlation was found in SFD between CD14+CD16+ monocytes and somatisation (0.573) on the SCL-90-R scale. Conclusion: These data indicate that patients with SFD have an enhanced humoral immunity as shown by increased B-cell numbers and furthermore an elevated T4/T8 ratio because of lower CD8 suppressor cells. Further studies will be required to determine whether these alterations in lymphocyte subsets are directly involved in the pathophysiology of SFD. © 2007 Blackwell Munksgaard.


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Elevated total cholesterol in midlife has been associated with increased risk of dementia in later life. We have previously shown that low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is more oxidized in the plasma of dementia patients, although total cholesterol levels are not different from those of age-matched controls. β-Amyloid (Aβ) peptide, which accumulates in Alzheimer disease (AD), arises from the initial cleavage of amyloid precursor protein by β-secretase-1 (BACE1). BACE1 activity is regulated by membrane lipids and raft formation. Given the evidence for altered lipid metabolism in AD, we have investigated a mechanism for enhanced Aβ production by SH-SY5Y neuronal-like cells exposed to oxidized LDL (oxLDL). The viability of SH-SY5Y cells exposed to 4 μg oxLDL and 25 μM 27-hydroxycholesterol (27OH-C) was decreased significantly. Lipids, but not proteins, extracted from oxLDL were more cytotoxic than oxLDL. In parallel, the ratio of reduced glutathione (GSH) to oxidized glutathione was decreased at sublethal concentrations of lipids extracted from native and oxLDL. GSH loss was associated with an increase in acid sphingomyelinase (ASMase) activity and lipid raft formation, which could be inhibited by the ASMase inhibitor desipramine. 27OH-C and total lipids from LDL and oxLDL independently increased Aβ production by SH-SY5Y cells, and Aβ accumulation could be inhibited by desipramine and by N-acetylcysteine. These data suggest a mechanism whereby oxLDL lipids and 27OH-C can drive Aβ production by GSH depletion, ASMase-driven membrane remodeling, and BACE1 activation in neuronal cells. © 2014 The Authors.


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CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) play an important role in containment of virus replication in primary human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. HIV's ability to mutate to escape from CTL pressure is increasingly recognized; but comprehensive studies of escape from the CD8 T cell response in primary HIV infection are currently lacking. Here, we have fully characterized the primary CTL response to autologous virus Env, Gag, and Tat proteins in three patients, and investigated the extent, kinetics, and mechanisms of viral escape from epitope-specific components of the response. In all three individuals, we observed variation beginning within weeks of infection at epitope-containing sites in the viral quasispecies, which conferred escape by mechanisms including altered peptide presentation/recognition and altered antigen processing. The number of epitope-containing regions exhibiting evidence of early CTL escape ranged from 1 out of 21 in a subject who controlled viral replication effectively to 5 out of 7 in a subject who did not. Evaluation of the extent and kinetics of HIV-1 escape from >40 different epitope-specific CD8 T cell responses enabled analysis of factors determining escape and suggested that escape is restricted by costs to intrinsic viral fitness and by broad, codominant distribution of CTL-mediated pressure on viral replication.


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Chlorohydrins of stearoyl-oleoyl phosphatidylcholine (SOPC), stearoyl-linoleoyl phosphatidylcholine, and stearoyl-arachidonyl phosphatidylcholine were incubated with cultured myeloid cells (111,60) for 24 h, and the cellular ATP level was measured using a bioluminescent assay. The chlorohydrins caused significant depletion of cellular ATP in the range 10100 muM. The ATP depletion by the phospholipid chlorohydrins was slightly less than that of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal, but greater than that of hexanal, trans-2-nonenal, and autoxidised palmitoyl-arachidonoyl phosphatidylcholine. SOPC chlorohydrin was also found to cause loss of viability in U937 cells, and thus phospholipid chlorohydrins could contribute to the formation of a necrotic core in advanced atherosclerotic lesions.


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Background: Malnutrition has a negative impact on optimal immune function, thus increasing susceptibility to morbidity and mortality among HIV positive patients. Evidence indicates that the prevalence of macro and micronutrient deficiencies (particularly magnesium, selenium, zinc, and vitamin C) has a negative impact on optimal immune function, through the progressive depletion of CD4 T-lymphocyte cells, which thereby increases susceptibility to morbidity and mortality among PLWH. Objective: To assess the short and long term effects of a nutrition sensitive intervention to delay the progression of human immune-deficiency virus (HIV) to AIDS among people living with HIV in Abuja, Nigeria. Methods: A randomized control trial was carried out on 400 PLWH (adult, male and female of different religious background) in Nigeria between January and December 2012. Out of these 400 participants, 100 were randomly selected for the pilot study, which took place over six months (January to June, 2012). The participants in the pilot study overlapped to form part of the scale-up participants (n 400) monitored from June to December 2012. The comparative effect of daily 354.92 kcal/d optimized meals consumed for six and twelve months was ascertained through the nutritional status and biochemical indices of the study participants (n=100 pilot interventions), who were and were not taking the intervention meal. The meal consisted of: Glycine max 50g (Soya bean); Pennisetum americanum 20g (Millet); Moringa oleifera 15g (Moringa); Daucus carota spp. sativa 15g (Carrot). Results: At the end of sixth month intervention, mean CD4 cell count (cell/mm3) for Pre-ART and ART Test groups increased by 6.31% and 12.12% respectively. Mean mid upper arm circumference (MUAC) for Pre-ART and ART Test groups increased by 2.72% and 2.52% within the same period (n 400). Comparatively, participants who overlapped from pilot to scale-up intervention (long term use, n 100) were assessed for 12 months. Mean CD4 cell count (cell/mm3) for Pre-ART and ART test groups increased by 2.21% and 12.14%. Mean MUAC for Pre-ART and ART test groups increased by 2.08% and 3.95% respectively. Moreover, student’s t-test analysis suggests a strong association between the intervention meal, MUAC, and CD4 count on long term use of optimized meal in the group of participants being treated with antiretroviral therapy (ART) (P<0.05). Conclusion: Although the achieved results take the form of specific technology, it suggests that a prolong consumption of the intervention meal will be suitable to sustain the gained improvements in the anthropometric and biochemical indices of PLWHIV in Nigeria.


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L’infection au VIH s’accompagne souvent de dérégulations du compartiment des lymphocytes B qui nuisent à la génération de réponses efficaces. En effet, détectées tôt après l’infection, ces dérégulations perdurent, ne sont pas totalement restaurées par la thérapie, et mènent souvent à des manifestations auto-immunes et lymphomes. Une étude longitudinale de notre groupe, effectuée avec des cellules mononucléées du sang circulant provenant de patients VIH+ avec différents types de progression clinique, a démontré qu’un niveau élevé de BLyS chez des individus VIH+ progresseurs était associé à une dérégulation des fréquences de populations de cellules B avec augmentation de cellules innées de la zone marginale (MZ) présentant des caractéristiques d’immaturité et d’activation. Au contraire, chez des individus VIH+ non-progresseurs avirémiques ou contrôleurs d’élite, les niveaux de BLyS étaient dans la normale et ce sont les fréquences de cellules B MZ plus matures qui étaient diminuées. La résistance au VIH pourrait aussi impliquer le contrôle de BLyS et son impact sur les cellules B. De ce fait, nous avons préalablement recruté une cohorte de travailleuses du sexe (TS) à Cotonou (Bénin) dans laquelle nous avons identifié des femmes qui demeurent séronégatives malgré une exposition soutenue au virus. Nous avons mesuré les niveaux de BLyS dans le sang et dans les lavages cervico-vaginaux (CVL) de TS VIH- et les avons comparés à ceux mesurés chez des TS VIH+ et un groupe contrôle de non-TS VIH- . Nous avons trouvé que les niveaux de BLyS dans le sang et le CVL des TS VIH- étaient inférieurs à ceux des TS VIH+ et des non-TS VIH-. Le niveau d’expression de BLyS à la surface des lymphocytes T, monocytes et cellules dendritiques de TS VIH- était augmenté, mais à un niveau moindre que les TS VIH+. Chez les TS VIH+, les hauts niveaux de BLyS étaient concomitants avec une dérégulation du compartiment B caractérisée par une hyperglobulinémie, une augmentation de la fréquence de populations avec un profil immature/inné et une plus grande proportion de plasmablastes IgG vs IgA. Au contraire, les niveaux inférieurs de BLyS dans le sang des TS VIH- coïncident avec un compartiment B préservé, révélant que les lymphocytes B MZ peuvent être impliqués dans l’immunité naturelle au VIH. Ces résultats démontrent l’importance du contrôle des niveaux de BLyS et du maintien de l’intégrité du compartiment B dans la résistance au VIH.


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L’infection au VIH s’accompagne souvent de dérégulations du compartiment des lymphocytes B qui nuisent à la génération de réponses efficaces. En effet, détectées tôt après l’infection, ces dérégulations perdurent, ne sont pas totalement restaurées par la thérapie, et mènent souvent à des manifestations auto-immunes et lymphomes. Une étude longitudinale de notre groupe, effectuée avec des cellules mononucléées du sang circulant provenant de patients VIH+ avec différents types de progression clinique, a démontré qu’un niveau élevé de BLyS chez des individus VIH+ progresseurs était associé à une dérégulation des fréquences de populations de cellules B avec augmentation de cellules innées de la zone marginale (MZ) présentant des caractéristiques d’immaturité et d’activation. Au contraire, chez des individus VIH+ non-progresseurs avirémiques ou contrôleurs d’élite, les niveaux de BLyS étaient dans la normale et ce sont les fréquences de cellules B MZ plus matures qui étaient diminuées. La résistance au VIH pourrait aussi impliquer le contrôle de BLyS et son impact sur les cellules B. De ce fait, nous avons préalablement recruté une cohorte de travailleuses du sexe (TS) à Cotonou (Bénin) dans laquelle nous avons identifié des femmes qui demeurent séronégatives malgré une exposition soutenue au virus. Nous avons mesuré les niveaux de BLyS dans le sang et dans les lavages cervico-vaginaux (CVL) de TS VIH- et les avons comparés à ceux mesurés chez des TS VIH+ et un groupe contrôle de non-TS VIH- . Nous avons trouvé que les niveaux de BLyS dans le sang et le CVL des TS VIH- étaient inférieurs à ceux des TS VIH+ et des non-TS VIH-. Le niveau d’expression de BLyS à la surface des lymphocytes T, monocytes et cellules dendritiques de TS VIH- était augmenté, mais à un niveau moindre que les TS VIH+. Chez les TS VIH+, les hauts niveaux de BLyS étaient concomitants avec une dérégulation du compartiment B caractérisée par une hyperglobulinémie, une augmentation de la fréquence de populations avec un profil immature/inné et une plus grande proportion de plasmablastes IgG vs IgA. Au contraire, les niveaux inférieurs de BLyS dans le sang des TS VIH- coïncident avec un compartiment B préservé, révélant que les lymphocytes B MZ peuvent être impliqués dans l’immunité naturelle au VIH. Ces résultats démontrent l’importance du contrôle des niveaux de BLyS et du maintien de l’intégrité du compartiment B dans la résistance au VIH.