822 resultados para Língua portuguesa (Ensino médio) Estudo e ensino
Ps-graduao em Lingustica e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR
Ps-graduao em Lingustica e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
This paper aims to discuss the approach of sentences concessive on grammars and teaching books in Portuguese in order to ascertain to what extent is closer or more distant from the description of sentences concessive in real interaction from the perspective of Functional Discourse Grammar. Were consulted normative grammars, descriptive and five textbooks used in primary schools. In some, the grant was not addressed, as in others, we note that, in general, have definitions which simply equate concessive clauses a concept syntactic and sometimes semantic, detaching it from the domain of pragmatic language. This level of analysis is not left out, however, by the prospect Functional Discourse, which analyzes the pragmatic as the broader component within which we analyze the semantics and syntax. From this point of view, we intend to propose new emphases in approach given the award by the grammars and the teaching materials.
In the current context of lexicographical studies, there have been increasing discussions concerning the issue of the relationship between theoretical knowledge of the lexicon and pedagogical practices involved in its teaching. However, in this context, the special lexicon of Portuguese such as neologisms, foreign words, slang and idioms has received little attention from researchers. There are many theoretical studies on each one of these phenomena, but few studies aim at an organization and inclusion of special units in the teaching of Portuguese. For this reason, this article presents a reflection on the teaching of idioms, and, despite the widely held belief that dictionaries are only needed for the teaching of foreign languages, the article suggests the implementation of special dictionaries for the teaching of Portuguese Language in elementary education.
The proposal of this work is based on the elaboration of didactic sequences from fairy tales, for students of Elementary School, during reinforcement classes of Portuguese language. It is deemed appropriate to use this genre, because it gives to the child and to the adolescents a pleasurable reading, approaching them of playful situations. As a main goal of this work, this research aimed the preparation of didactic sequences using fairy tales in the classroom, as well as encouraging the reading for these students. The intention was also the internalization of the narratives and the messages conveyed by them, associating them to everyday situations. We used the deductive method, in which we initially organized the approach in the classroom and the teaching sequences from theoretical assumptions and materials already designed
The study of Latin is essentially focused on the receptive writing skills acquisition. For this reason, the teaching of this ancient language should have the readers training as its main objective. ! e e" ective understanding of ancient texts depends on a learning process that is based on three competence levels: the language level, the textual level and the intertextual level. As part of this teaching methodology, which seeks to narrow the cultural gap between the ancient and the contemporary world, avoiding anachronistic interpretation of Latin texts, this paper presents strategies that allow students to learn grammar from authentic texts.
Thinking about the correlations between linguistic variation and education is both necessary and urgent if we wish to make language teaching more appropriate, fairer and more meaningful. I take, on one hand, already well-established concepts derived from research on language: the variable nature of language (in space, time, situations) and the intrinsic relationship between this variation and social structure, the communicative needs of speakers, the needs and desires that speakers have to build their social identity. On the other hand, we found out that the teaching of Portuguese language has usually been based on a vision that assumes the language as a static reality. I propose to contrast the two components of this issue, to reveal where, and if, any relationship has been established, and where it is to be built. In the first instance, I seek to evaluate the bond how one speaks about change when this issue comes to be focused; in the second, I seek the reasons for absence - ignorance or indifference?
Este artculo tiene como objetivo observar cmo estudiantes brasileos de licenciatura, ms especficamente, estudiantes de lengua espaola y portuguesa organizan y ponen en prctica la enseanza del portugus, en el contexto del TELETANDEM. La intencin es comprender (a) cmo son planifi cados los contenidos de la enseanza de Lengua Portuguesa y (b) Cul es el impacto de esta prctica a la formacin de profesores de portugus y espaol. Lo principios metodolgicos que orientan esta pesquisa estn anclados en el marco de la investigacin cualitativa, en su vertiente narrativa, basado en los estudios de J. Clandinin y Michael Connelly (1996 ). Los datos obtenidos hasta ahora nos muestran que, debido a la proximidad de las lenguas, este contexto de aprendizaje virtual requiere la presencia de un mediador que seala a los aprendices aspectos que deben ser considerados.
Ps-graduao em Lingustica e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Ps-graduao em Matemtica - IBILCE
Nous comprenons que la littrature, quelle que soit l'adjectif qui accompagne - enfant, adolescent ou adulte - est l'art. L'art de la parole qui cre des mondes possibles, pas rel, travers un langage trs labor et complexe qui permet la comprhension de toute la l'exprience humaine. D'autre part, la ralit de l'ducation brsilienne nous montre que nos tudiants ont de la difficult comprendre des textes crits, ce que compromettre l'apprentissage de toutes les matires du programme. Dans ce sens, cette tude a eu l'bjective souligner les possibilits que nous avons d'incorporer la literature brsilienne pour les enfants e les jeunes - approprie aux tudiants de l'enseignement de base, les enfants et les jeunes - comme um lment transdisciplinaire, associant toutes les disciplines du programme scolaire de l'cole lmentaire, notre dcoupure. Ainsi, nous le signalons dans Cacoete, d' Eva Furnari (2005), des lments de toutes les matires du programme d'tudes de cette tape scolaire Brsilienne, afin de montrer aux les enseignants de tous les domaines qui le travail avec la littrature conduit ncessairement la comprhension de toutes la connaissance. Notre tude a t ralise sous une approche qualitative de caractre bibliographique. Pour l'embasement thorique nous utilisons de auteurs qui recherche le concept et les spcificits du texte littraire, selon Rolland Barthes (2007) et Tzvetan Todorov (2009) aussi que des auteurs qui l'tudient spcifiquement de la littrature pour les enfants, selon Nelly Novaes Coelho (2006) et Fanny Abramovich (1983; 1999). Ils ont t galement consultes des auteurs qui recherche sur la lecture, la littrature et l'cole, selon John Wanderley Geraldi (2006), Marisa Lajolo (1997), Ana Maria Machado (2011), Iara Conceio Bitencourt Neves et al (2003), Roxane Rojo (2002), Ezequiel Theodoro da Silva (1988)...