1000 resultados para Itä-Eurooppa - kommunistit
PURPOSE AND METHOD: This questionnaire survey of 190 university music students assessed negative feelings of music performance anxiety (MPA) before performing, the experience of stage fright as a problem, and how closely they are associated with each other. The study further investigated whether the experience of stage fright as a problem and negative feelings of MPA predict the coping behavior of the music students. Rarely addressed coping issues were assessed, i.e., self-perceived effectiveness of different coping strategies, knowledge of possible risks and acceptance of substance-based coping strategies, and need for more support.RESULTS: The results show that one-third of the students experienced stage fright as a problem and that this was only moderately correlated with negative feelings of MPA. The experience of stage fright as a problem significantly predicted the frequency of use and the acceptance of medication as a coping strategy. Breathing exercises and self-control techniques were rated as effective as medication. Finally, students expressed a strong need to receive more support (65%) and more information (84%) concerning stage fright.CONCLUSION: Stage fright was experienced as a problem and perceived as having negative career consequences by a considerable percentage of the surveyed students. In addition to a desire for more help and support, the students expressed an openness and willingness to seriously discuss and address the topic of stage fright. This provides a necessary and promising basis for optimal career preparation and, hence, an opportunity to prevent occupational problems in professional musicians. [Authors]
A change in paradigm is needed in the prevention of toxic effects on the nervous system, moving from its present reliance solely on data from animal testing to a prediction model mostly based on in vitro toxicity testing and in silico modeling. According to the report published by the National Research Council (NRC) of the US National Academies of Science, high-throughput in vitro tests will provide evidence for alterations in"toxicity pathways" as the best possible method of large scale toxicity prediction. The challenges to implement this proposal are enormous, and provide much room for debate. While many efforts address the technical aspects of implementing the vision, many questions around it need also to be addressed. Is the overall strategy the only one to be pursued? How can we move from current to future paradigms? Will we ever be able to reliably model for chronic and developmental neurotoxicity in vitro? This paper summarizes four presentations from a symposium held at the International Neurotoxicology Conference held in Xi"an, China, in June 2011. A. Li reviewed the current guidelines for neurotoxicity and developmental neurotoxicity testing, and discussed the major challenges existing to realize the NCR vision for toxicity testing. J. Llorens reviewed the biology of mammalian toxic avoidance in view of present knowledge on the physiology and molecular biology of the chemical senses, taste and smell. This background information supports the hypothesis that relating in vivo toxicity to chemical epitope descriptors that mimic the chemical encoding performed by the olfactory system may provide a way to the long term future of complete in silico toxicity prediction. S. Ceccatelli reviewed the implementation of rodent and human neural stem cells (NSCs) as models for in vitro toxicity testing that measures parameters such as cell proliferation, differentiation and migration. These appear to be sensitive endpoints that can identify substances with developmental neurotoxic potential. C. Sun ol reviewed the use of primary neuronal cultures in testing for neurotoxicity of environmental pollutants, including the study of the effects of persistent exposures and/or in differentiating cells, which allow recording of effects that can be extrapolated to human developmental neurotoxicity.
Työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia niitä tekijöitä jotka ovat vaikuttaneet kansainvälisten yritysten myynnin kasvuun Romaniassa, Bulgariassa, Serbiassa ja Sloveniassa. Tutkimusta varten haastateltiin neljää kansainvälisen yrityksen edustajaa sekä 16 kansainvälisen kaupan ammattilaista. Työn akateemisena viitekehyksenä käytettiin keskeisiä kansainvälisen liiketoiminnan teorioita sekä myynnin strategista viitekehystä. Johtopäätöksenä katsotaan, että menestyvillä yrityksillä on selvä kansainvälistymis-strategia, kansainvälinen organisaatio, konsultoiva myyntityyli ja resursseja investoida koulutukseen. Tarkastelun alla olevista maista etenkin Romaniasta ja Bulgarista löytyy liiketoiminta potentiaalia. Tutkimuksen johtopäätökset perustuvat laadullisiin ja määrällisiin tutkimusmenetelmiin ja ne on tarkoitettu palvemaan Tikkurila Oy:tä. Tutkimustuloksia on myös mahdollista soveltaa laajemmin samanlaisessa tutkimusympäristössä, kunhan tutkittavan liiketoimintaympäristön erityispiirteet ovat otetttu huomioon
Integration in strategic alliances : a conceptual framework of IT use in marketing as NPD key factor
En una economia basada en el coneixement, la innovació del producte es considera un factor clau a l'hora de determinar la competitivitat, la productivitat i el creixement d'una companyia. No obstant això, l'experiència de les companyies demostra la necessitat d'un nou model de gestió de la innovació del producte: una gestió basada en el màrqueting, en què la cooperació i l'ús intensiu de les tecnologies de la informació i de la comunicació (TIC) són especialment importants. En els darrers anys, la bibliografia sobre màrqueting ha analitzat el paper de la cooperació en l'èxit del procés d'innovació. No obstant això, fins ara pocs treballs han estudiat el paper que té l'ús de les TIC en el màrqueting en l'èxit del desenvolupament de nous productes (NPD, New Product Development en anglès). És una omissió curiosa, tenint en compte que el nou entorn competitiu és definit per una economia i una societat basades principalment en l'ús intensiu de les TIC i del coneixement. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és investigar el paper que l'ús de les TIC en el màrqueting té en el procés de desenvolupament de nous productes, com a element que reforça la integració d'agents al projecte, afavorint l'establiment de relacions dirigides a la cooperació i l'adquisició d'intel·ligència de mercat útil en el procés de desenvolupament de nous productes. L'estudi d'una mostra de 2.038 companyies de tots els sectors de l'activitat econòmica a Catalunya ens permet contrastar hipòtesis inicials i establir un perfil de companyia innovadora basat en les importants relacions que hi ha entre la innovació, l'ús de TIC en el màrqueting i la integració. Sobresurten dues idees en la nostra anàlisi. En primer lloc, l'ús intensiu de les TIC en el màrqueting fa que la companyia sigui més innovadora, ja que percep que el seu ús ajuda a superar barreres a la innovació i accelera els processos, que es tornen més eficients. En segon lloc, incrementant l'ús de les TIC en el màrqueting es fa augmentar la predisposició de la companyia a integrar agents particulars en l'entorn de negoci en el desenvolupament del procés d'innovació i a col·laborar-hi, de manera que es millora el grau d'adaptació del nou producte a les demandes del mercat.
Tutkimuksen päämääränä oli tutkia miten reaalioptiomenetelmä soveltuu metsäteollisuuden strategisten informaatioteknologiainvestointien arvioimiseen. Tässä tutkimuksessa muodostettiin mukautettu reaalioptiosovelluskehys, esiteltyjen reaalioptiosovelluskehyksien perusteella. Valitut investointiehdotukset arvioitiin muodostetun sovelluskehyksen avulla. Tutkimus oli luonteeltaan kvalitatiivinen. Pääasiallisia tiedonlähteitä olivat lehtiartikkelit, GDSS -istunnot ja haastattelut. Tutkimuksen tuloksena selvisi, että reaalioptiomenetelmä sopii metsäteollisuudenstrategisten informaatioteknologiainvestointien arvioimiseen. On kuitenkin huomioitava, että investoinnin suunnitteluprosessin kypsyysaste vaikuttaa reaalioptiomenetelmän soveltamiseen. Tutkimuksessa arvioidut investoinnit ovat investoinnin suunnitteluvaiheen varhaisessa vaiheessa.
Further genetic gains in wheat yield are required to match expected increases in demand. This may require the identification of physiological attributes able to produce such improvement, as well as the genetic bases controlling those traits in order to facilitate their manipulation. In the present paper, a theoretical framework of source and sink limitation to wheat yield is presented and the fine-tuning of crop development as an alternative for increasing yield potential is discussed. Following a top-down approach, most crop physiologists have agreed that the main attribute explaining past genetic gains in yield was harvest index (HI). By virtue of previous success, no further gains may be expected in HI and an alternative must be found. Using a bottom-up approach, the present paper firstly provides evidence on the generalized sink-limited condition of grain growth, determining that for further increases in yield potential, sink strength during grain filling has to be increased. The focus should be on further increasing grain number per m2, through fine-tuning pre-anthesis developmental patterns. The phase of rapid spike growth period (RSGP) is critical for grain number determination and increasing spike growth during pre-anthesis would result in an increased number of grains. This might be achieved by lengthening the duration of the phase (though without altering flowering time), as there is genotypic variation in the proportion of pre-anthesis time elapsed either before or after the onset of the stem elongation phase. Photoperiod sensitivity during RSGP could be then used as a genetic tool to further increase grain number, since slower development results in smoother floret development and more floret primordia achieve the fertile floret stage, able to produce a grain. Far less progress has been achieved on the genetic control of this attribute. None of the well-known major Ppd alleles seems to be consistently responsible for RSGP sensitivity. Alternatives for identifying the genetic factors responsible for this sensitivity (e.g. quantitative trait locus (QTL) identification in mapping populations) are being considered.
S.l. : C.Müller 1820, C.Müller
Summary: Renewal of intellectual capital : case study in an it-company
Gelled aspect in papaya fruit is typically confused with premature ripening. This research reports the characterization of this physiological disorder in the pulp of papaya fruit by measuring electrolyte leakage, Pi content, lipid peroxidation, pulp firmness, mineral contents (Ca, Mg and K - in pulp and seed tissues), and histological analysis of pulp tissue. The results showed that the gelled aspect of the papaya fruit pulp is not associated with tissue premature ripening. Data indicate a reduction of the vacuole water intake as the principal cause of the loss of cellular turgor; while the waterlogged aspect of the tissue may be due to water accumulation in the apoplast.
1) Introduction: pour les jeunes souffrant de maladie chronique, l'objectif de la transition vers les soins pour adultes est d'optimiser leur fonctionnement et leur potentiel. Le but de cette étude pilote était d'évaluer si les jeunes adultes souffrant de maladie chronique jugeaient que le passage vers les soins adultes était plus facile lorsque la question de la transition avait été discutée au préalable avec leur pédiatre. 2) Matériel et méthodes: deux groupes de jeunes adultes atteints de maladie chronique ont été identifiés selon l'existence (n = 70) ou non (n = 22) d'une discussion préalable avec leur pédiatre à propos de la transition vers une prise en charge pour adultes. Ces deux groupes ont été comparés pour des variables démographiques et de santé. Les variables significatives en analyse bivariée ont été incluses dans une régression logistique descendante pas à pas. 3) Résultats: les jeunes adultes qui avaient discuté de la transition étaient significativement plus nombreux à se sentir prêts (72,9 % vs 45,5 %) et accompagnés (58,6 % vs 27,3 %) pour le transfert, à avoir consulté leur spécialiste pour adultes (60 % vs 31,8 %) et à voir leur médecin sans la présence de leurs parents (70 % vs 40,9 %). En analyse multivariée, seuls, le fait de se sentir accompagné (odds ratio ajustée [ORa] : 3,56) et celui d'avoir consulté leur spécialiste pour adultes (ORa : 4,14) étaient significatifs. 4) Conclusions: la préparation des jeunes souffrant de maladie chronique au transfert vers les soins pour adultes semble bénéfique. Cependant, le transfert lui-même n'est qu'une petite partie du concept beaucoup plus large de la transition vers la vie adulte. Une transition bien planifiée doit permettre à ces jeunes adultes d'atteindre tout leur potentiel. INTRODUCTION: The goal of transition in healthcare for young people with chronic illnesses is to maximize their functioning and potential. The purpose of this pilot study was to assess whether young adults with chronic illnesses found that the transition to adult care was easier when the transition was discussed in advance with their pediatric specialist. METHODS: Two groups were created according to whether patients had discussed (n=70) or not (n=22) the transition with their pediatric specialist and compared regarding demographic and health-related variables. All the significant variables at the bivariate level were included in a backward stepwise logistic regression. RESULTS: Youth who had discussed the transition were significantly more likely to feel ready for the transfer (72.9% vs 45.5%) and accompanied (58.6% vs 27. %) during transfer, to have consulted their specialist for adults (60.0% vs 31.8%), and seen their doctor without the presence of their parents (70.0% vs 40.9%). At the multivariate level, only feeling accompanied during transfer (adjusted odds ratio (aOR): 3.56) and having consulted their specialist for adults (aOR: 4.14) remained significant. CONCLUSIONS: Preparing chronically ill youths for transfer to adult care appears to be beneficial for them. However, transfer is only a small part of the much broader transition that is preparation for adult life. A well-planned transition should allow these young people to reach their full potential.
BACKGROUND: Whether being small for gestational age (SGA) increases the risk of adverse neurodevelopmental outcome in premature infants remains controversial. OBJECTIVE: to study the impact of SGA (birthweight < percentile 10) on cognition, behavior, neurodevelopmental impairment and use of therapy at 5 years old. METHODS: This population-based prospective cohort included infants born before 32 weeks of gestation. Cognition was evaluated with the K-ABC, and behavior with the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Primary outcomes were cognitive and behavioral scores, as well as neurodevelopmental impairment (cognitive score < 2SD, hearing loss, blindness, or cerebral palsy). The need of therapy, an indirect indicator of neurodevelopmental impairment, was a secondary outcome. Linear and logistic regression models were used to analyze the association of SGA with neurodevelopment. RESULTS: 342/515 (76%) premature infants were assessed. SGA was significantly associated with hyperactivity scores of the SDQ (coefficient 0.81, p < 0.04), but not with cognitive scores, neurodevelopmental impairment or the need of therapy. Gestational age, socio-economic status, and major brain lesions were associated with cognitive outcome in the univariate and multivariate model, whereas asphyxia, sepsis and bronchopulmonary dysplasia were associated in the univariate model only. Severe impairment was associated with fetal tobacco exposition, asphyxia, gestational age and major brain lesions. Different neonatal factors were associated with the use of single or multiple therapies: children with one therapy were more likely to have suffered birth asphyxia or necrotizing enterocolitis, whereas the need for several therapies was predicted by major brain lesions. DISCUSSION: In this large cohort of premature infants, assessed at 5 years old with a complete panel of tests, SGA was associated with hyperactive behavior, but not with cognition, neurodevelopmental impairment or use of therapy. Birthweight <10th percentile alone does not appear to be an independent risk factor of neurodevelopmental adverse outcome in preterm children.