986 resultados para Investments.
This paper studies the macroeconomic implications of firms' investment composition choices in the presence of credit constraints. Following a negative andpersistent aggregate productivity shock, firms shift into short-term investments because they produce more pledgeable output and because they help alleviate futureborrowing constraints. This produces a short-run dampening of the effects of theshock, at the expense of lower long-term investment and future output, relativeto an economy with no credit market imperfections. The effects are exacerbatedby a steepening of the term structure of interest rates that further encourages ashift towards short-term investments in the short-run. Small temporary shocks tothe severity of financing frictions generate large and long-lasting effects on outputthrough their impact on the composition of investment. A positive financial shockproduces much stronger effects than an identical negative shock, while the responsesto positive and negative shocks to aggregate productivity are roughly symmetric.Finally, the paper introduces a novel explanation for the countercyclicality of financing constraints of firms.
Esta dissertação tem por finalidade evidenciar os “Impactos Decorrentes da Expansão da Cidade de Assomada”. Propõe-se ainda, analisar a relação urbanorural no município de Santa Catarina, Cabo Verde. Essa análise incidiu sobre os dados da sua ocupação, que remonta à 2ª metade do século XIX, no decurso da crise e decadência da primeira cidade de Cabo Verde (Ribeira Grande, atual Cidade- Velha) e às conjunturas regionais e nacionais que condicionaram sua trajetória, bem como, os principais agentes intervenientes na transformação do espaço urbano de Assomada (Estado, proprietários de terra e comerciantes), sobretudo, no período que decorre de 1961 a 2003. A pesquisa empreendida demonstra que a “ruralidade” é um dos aspectos fundamentais de Santa Catarina, abrangendo 21,3% da população rural do território nacional e 37,9% da ilha de Santiago. Do ponto de vista urbanístico, o mapeamento da evolução da cidade de Assomada, referente à área ocupada pelas edificações nesse lapso de tempo, permite-nos perceber um crescimento bastante acelerado desse espaço urbano, sobretudo, a partir dos anos 90. Dois aspectos importantes se encontram na base dessa transformação: a Independência Nacional ocorrida em 1975 e a Emigração. Com a Independência, o país passou a beneficiar de amplos programas de cooperação internacional o que veio a reforçar a sua importância econômica e política, visualizada através de projetos industrializantes, infra-estruturas e equipamentos de diversas naturezas. Esses investimentos foram por sua vez reforçados por aportes dos emigrantes, que passaram a ser um dos parceiros fundamentais no desenvolvimento de Santa Catarina, através de iniciativas privadas e empresariais, como a construção de residências e constituição de empresas. A análise do indicador uso e ocupação do solo urbano permitiu-nos identificar alguns impactos ambientais causados, sobretudo, pela falta de instrumentos de gestão urbanística, ausência de cadastro municipal e uma deficiente fiscalização dos órgãos administrativos.
This Report is an update of the Cape Verde Diagnostic Trade Integration Study, titled Cape Verde’s Insertion into the Global Economy, produced and validated by the Government of Cape Verde in December 2008. Like the previous 2008 study, this Cape Verde Diagnostic Trade Integration Study Update provides a critical examination of the major institutional and production constraints that hinder Cape Verde’s ability to capitalize fully on the growth and welfare gains from its integration into the world economy. As a policy report, this study offers a set of priority policies and measures that can be implemented by both the public and private sectors to mitigate and surmount these supply side and institutional constraints. These recommendations are summarized in an Action Matrix. The Report is fruit of the generous support of the multi-donor program the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF). In every crisis there is an opportunity. Four years after the validation of the country’s first Diagnostic Trade Integration Study in 2008, Cape Verde finds itself in a drastically altered external environment. Cape Verde faces a worsened external environment than four years ago, when it was also traversing years of crisis as global food and energy prices escalated. Just as the country was validating its first trade study in late 2008, and celebrating its graduation from the list of Least Developed Countries, the onset of the deepest global recession in recent memory triggered an even worse external situation as the country’s principal source of markets, investments, remittances and aid, the Eurozone, unraveled economically and politically. As the Eurozone crisis spread, it was Cape Verde’s misfortune that the crisis contaminated precisely its biggest Eurozone partners and donors, such as Portugal, Spain and Italy. For such a highly dependent and exposed economy like that of Cape Verde, the deteriorating external sector has had a substantial negative impact on its macroeconomic performance. At the time of the validation workshop and graduation in 2008, no one could have foreseen or predicted the severity of the global crisis that followed. Despite traversing these years of adversity and external shocks, and suffering palpable setbacks, Cape Verde’s economy had proven surprisingly resilient, especially its principal sector, tourism. To its great credit, the country’s economic fundamentals are solid, and have been carefully and prudently managed over the years. For this reason alone, the country has thus far weathered the global and Eurozone crisis. Yet the near and medium term future remains uncertain. The country’s margin for maneuver has narrowed, its options far more limited, and hard choices lie ahead. Thus, there is no better time than now to analyze Cape Verde’s position in the global economy, and to examine the many challenges and opportunities it faces. The first diagnostic trade study outlined an ambitious agenda and set of policy strategies to enhance Cape Verde’s participation in the global economy. Written prior to the global crisis, the study did not, and could not, anticipate the scope and depth of the subsequent global and Eurozone crises. A few short months before the validation of the first DTIS Cape Verde joined the World Trade Organization (WTO). It has spent these four years adjusting to this status and implementing its commitments. At the same time, the country seeks greater economic integration with the European Union. Since 2008 the government has been investing heavily in the country’s economic infrastructure, focusing especially on fostering transformation in key sectors like agriculture, fisheries, tourism and creative industries. For these and many other reasons, it is both timely and urgent to review the road traveled since 2008. It is an opportune moment to reassess the country’s options, to rethink strategies, and to chart a new way forward that it is practical, implementable, and that builds on the country’s competitive advantages and current successes.
This paper presents a stylized model of international trade and asset price bubbles. Its central insight is that bubbles tend to appear and expand in countries where productivity is low relative to the rest of the world. These bubbles absorb local savings, eliminating inefficient investments and liberating resources that are in part used to invest in high productivity countries. Through this channel, bubbles act as a substitute for international capital flows, improving the international allocation of investment and reducing rate-of-return differentials across countries. This view of asset price bubbles could eventually provide a simple account of some real world phenomenae that have been difficult to model before, such as the recurrence and depth of financial crises or their puzzling tendency to propagate across countries.
We model firm-owned capital in a stochastic dynamic New-Keynesian generalequilibrium model à la Calvo. We find that this structure impliesequilibrium dynamics which are quantitatively di¤erent from the onesassociated with a benchmark case where households accumulate capital andrent it to firms. Our findings therefore stress the importance ofmodeling an investment decision at the firm level in addition to ameaningful price setting decision. Along the way we argue that the problemof modeling firm-owned capital with Calvo price-setting has not been solvedin a correct way in the previous literature.
We postulate a two-region world, comprised of North (calibrated after the US) and South(calibrated after China). Our optimization results show the compatibility of the following threedesiderata:(1) Global CO2 emissions follow a conservative path that leads to the stabilizationof concentrations at 450 ppm.(2) North and South converge to a path of sustained growth at 1% per year (28.2%per generation) in 2075.(3) During the transition to the steady state, North also grows at 1% per year whileSouth s rates of growth are markedly higher.The transition paths require a drastic reduction of the share of emissions allocated to North,large investments in knowledge, both in North and South, as well as very large investments ineducation in South. Surprisingly, in order to sustain North s utility growth rate, some output mustbe transferred from South to North during the transition.Although undoubtedly subject to many caveats, our results support a degree of optimism byproviding prima facie evidence of the possibility of tackling climate change in a way that is fairboth across generations and across regions while allowing for positive rates of humandevelopment.
The paper explores an efficiency hypothesis regarding the contractual process between large retailers, such as Wal-Mart and Carrefour, and their suppliers. The empirical evidence presented supports the idea that large retailers play a quasi-judicial role, acting as "courts of first instance" in their relationships with suppliers. In this role, large retailers adjust the terms of trade to on-going changes and sanction performance failures, sometimes delaying payments. A potential abuse of their position is limited by the need for re-contracting and preserving their reputations. Suppliers renew their confidence in their retailers on a yearly basis, through writing new contracts. This renovation contradicts the alternative hypothesis that suppliers are expropriated by large retailers as a consequence of specific investments.
We introduce a new dynamic trading strategy based on the systematic misspricing of U.S. companies sponsoring Defined Benefit pension plans. This portfolio produces an average return of 1.51% monthly between 1989 and 2004, with a Sharpe Ratio of 0.26. The returns of the strategy are not explained by those of primary assets. These returns are not related to those of benchmarks in the alternative investments industry either. Hence, we are in the presence of a "pure alpha" strategy that can be ported into a large variety of portfolios to significantly enhance their performance.
ABSTRACTThis study reviewed the data on the Brazilian Ephemeroptera, based on the studies published before July, 2013, estimated the number of species still to be described, and identified which regions of the country have been the subject of least research. More than half the species are known from the description of only one developmental stage, with imagoes being described more frequently than nymphs. The Brazilian Northeast is the region with the weakest database. Body size affected description rates, with a strong tendency for the larger species to be described first. The estimated number of unknown Brazilian species was accentuated by the fact that so few species have been described so far. The steep slope of the asymptote and the considerable confidence interval of the estimate reinforce the conclusion that a large number of species are still to be described. This emphasizes the need for investments in the training of specialists in systematics and ecology for all regions of Brazil to correct these deficiencies, given the role of published papers as a primary source of information, and the fundamental importance of taxonomic knowledge for the development of effective measures for the conservation of ephemeropteran and the aquatic ecosystems they depend on.
The Iowa Transportation Commission (Commission) and Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) develop Iowa’s Five-Year Transportation Improvement Program (Five-Year Program) to inform Iowans of planned investments in our state’s multi-modal transportation system. The Five-Year Program is typically updated and approved each year in June. The Five-Year Program encompasses investments in aviation, transit, railroads, trails, and highways. This brochure describes the programming process used by the Commission and Iowa DOT to develop the highway section of the Five-Year Program.
The Iowa Transportation Improvement Program (Program) is published to inform Iowans of planned investments in our state’s transportation system. The Iowa Transportation Commission (Commission) and Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) are committed to programming those investments in a fiscally responsible manner. A major component of the 2010-2014 Program is the full integration of funding allocated to the Iowa DOT from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act). To date, the Recovery Act has provided over $400 million of additional federal funding for transportation in Iowa, including funding that is allocated to local governments and entities. Recovery Act funding will result in a record year for transportation construction in Iowa and the creation and retention of jobs. Opportunities for additionalRecovery Act transportation funding remain and will be pursued as they becomeavailable. While Recovery Act funding will make a one-time significant impact in addressing Iowa’s backlog of needs, it is important to note that there remains a large shortfall in sustained annual transportation investment to meet Iowa’s current and future critical transportation needs. In recognition of this shortfall, Governor Culver introduced and the legislature passed an I-JOBS proposal. I-JOBS will result in an additional $50 million of state funding to reduce structurally deficient and functionally obsolete bridges on the primary road system and approximately $10 million in funding for other modes of transportation including $3 million of new funding to support the expansion of passenger rail service in Iowa. I-JOBS, and the continuing gradual increase in funding due to TIME-21, will complement and extend the benefits of Recovery Act funding and set the stage for addressing the shortfall in annual funding in the next few years. Iowa’s transportation system is multi-modal; therefore, the Program encompasses investments in aviation, transit, railroads, trails, and highways. A major component of the Program is the highway section. The FY2010-2014 highway section is financially balanced and was developed to achieve several objectives. The Commission’s primary highway investment objective is stewardship (i.e. safety, maintenance and preservation) of Iowa’s existing highway system. The highway section includes an annual average of $104 million for preserving the interstate system; an annual average of $78 million for non-interstate pavement preservation; an annual average of $36 million for non-interstate bridges; and an annual average of $14 million for safety projects. Another objective is to maintain the scheduled completion of interstate and non-interstate capacity and economic development projects that were identified in the previous Program and this Program does so. The final Commission objective is to further address capacity and economic development needs and the Commission has done so by adding several such projects to the Program. Construction improvements are partially funded through the current federal transportation act, Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). The act will expire September 30, 2009. With the expiration of SAFETEA-LU, there is significant uncertainty in the forecast of federal revenues in the out-years of this Program. The Commission and Iowa DOT will monitor federal actions closely and make adjustments to the Program as necessary. The Iowa DOT and Commission appreciate the public’s involvement in the state’s transportation planning process. Comments received personally, by letter, or through participation in the Commission’s regular meetings or public input meetings held around the state each year are invaluable in providing guidance for the future of Iowa’s transportation system. It should be noted that this document is a planning guide. It does not represent a binding commitment or obligation of the Commission or Iowa DOT, and is subject to change. You are invited to visit the Iowa DOT’s Web site at iowadot.gov for additional and regular updates about the department’s programs and activities.
A Evolutec-Computer é uma empresa especializada em engenharia eletrônica, que recebeu um financiamento de uma firma internacional de acionistas, que decidiu entrar no mercado de produção de microcomputador. Por conseguinte, foi criada uma nova divisão de PC Marketing para prosseguir nesta oportunidade de negócio. A fim de iniciar essa divisão, a Cooporate Headquarters forneceu o capital inicial (dinheiro do investimento). O montante concedido seria usado para abrir escritórios de vendas, design das marcas e realizar atividades de pesquisas R&D para as novas tecnologias. A nossa empresa recebeu 500.000 USD nos primeiros quatro semestres e 5.000.000 USD no quinto semestre, somando um total de 7.000.000 USD. A Evolutec-Computer terá o controlo da divisão de PC para os próximos dois anos (8 semestres/períodos de decisão). Dentro desse prazo, a Coorporate Headquarters espera ver a criação de uma divisão autossuficiente. A equipa criada pela Evolutec terá que ser capaz de gerar proveito das operações e contribuir para o lucro da corporação como um todo. Dentro dos 8 semestres, espera-se obter lucro suficiente para cobrir os investimentos iniciais...The Evolutec-Computer is a company specialized in electronic engineering, which has received funding from an international firm shareholder, who decided to enter the PC production market. Therefore, a new PC Marketing Division was created to pursue this business opportunity. In order to start this division, the Corporate Headquarters provided the initial capital (investment money). The sum would be used to open sales offices, design brands and carry out R & D research activities for new technologies. Our company received $ 500,000 in the first four semesters and $ 5,000,000 in the fifth semester, for a total of $ 7,000,000. The Evolutec-Computer will control the PC division for the next two years (eight semesters/decision periods). Within that period, the Coorporate Headquarters hopes to see the creation of a selfsufficient division. The team set up by Evolutec will have to be able to generate profit from operations and contribute to the profit of the corporation as a whole. Within 8 semesters, is expected to make enough profit to cover the initial investment. The performance of our company will be measured by Headquarter through the Balanced Scorecard, which will be based on financial performance, effectiveness of the marketing plan, market performance, investments in the company's future and wealth creation.
This school in the course of Marketing Business Management and specifically Entrepr This school in the course of Marketing Business Management and specifically Entrepreneurship in the discipline of Simulation - Games Marketing year was accordingly for the creation of a company in the computer business in business online simulator called Marketplace, in order to put into practice all the theoretical knowledge acquired during all previous semesters. This platform we were confronted with decisions in eight quarters corresponding 4 every year , in order to encourage learning in a practical way, a virtual and dynamic environment. Every quarter acareados with well organized tasks taking as a reference point defined strategies such as market research analysis, branding , store management after its creation , development of the policy of the 4Ps , identifying opportunities , monitoring of finances and invest heavily . All quarters were subjected decisions and are then given the results , such as: market performance , financial performance, investments in the future , the "health" of the company 's marketing efficiency then analyzed by our company , teaching and also by competition Balanced Scorecard ie , semi-annual and cumulative . For the start of activities it was awarded the 1st year a total of 2,000,000, corresponding to 500,000 out of 4 first quarter , and 5,000,000 in the fifth quarter in a total of 7,000,000 . The capital invested was used to buy market research, opening sales offices , create brands , contract sales force , advertise products created and perform activity R & D in order to make a profit and become self- sufficient to guarantee the payment of principal invested to headquarters ( Corporate Headquarters ) .
The RIO’S 90-page July Quarterly Report details the economic recovery strategy in housing; business; workforce development; infrastructure investments; individual services and guidance; local economic recovery; smart growth; mitigation planning; floodplain and watershed management; floodplain mapping; quality of life; and emergency management.The report also includes an updated selection of charts showing the flow of federal and state disaster recovery funding to the state, counties, cities and individuals affected by the 2008 disasters.
Summary : Due to anthropogenic impacts and natural fluctuations, fish usually have to cope with constantly changing and often hostile environments. Whereas adult fish have various possibilities to counteract unfavourable environmental conditions, embryos have much fewer options. Besides by their developing immune system, they are protected by the egg envelopes and several immune substances provided by their mothers. In addition to this, they may also adjust their hatching timing in reaction to various risks. However, individuals may vary in their defensive potential. This variation may be either based on their genetics and/or on differential maternal investments and may be dependent on the experienced stress. Nevertheless, in fish, the impact of such parental contributions on embryo and/or juvenile viability is still poorly investigated. The main objective of this thesis was to investigate the importance of paternal (i.e. genetic) and maternal (i.e. genetic + egg investment) contributions to offspring viability under different environmental conditions and at different life stages. In order to investigate this, we used gametes of various salmonids for in vitro fertilisation experiments based on full-factorial breeding designs. The individual studies are summarised in the following chapters: In the first chapter, we tested the effectiveness of the embryonic immune system in Lake whitefish (Coregonus palaea). Namely, we investigated paternal and maternal contributions to the embryos' tolerance to different kinds of pathogen exposure. Additionally, we tested whether an early sub-léthal exposure has a positive or a negative effect on an embryo's susceptibility to later pathogen exposures with the same pathogen. We found that pre-challenged embryos were more susceptible to future challenges. Moreover, pathogen susceptibility was dependent on maternal investments and/or the embryos' own genetics, depending on the challenge level. Chapter 2 summarises a similar study with brown trout (Salmo trutta). In addition to the previously described investigations, we analysed if genetic effects on offspring viability are mediated either by parental MHC genotypes or relatedness based on neutral microsatellite markers, and we tested if males signal their genetic quality either by their body size or their melanin-based skin colouration. We found that embryo survival was lower at higher stress levels and dependent on the embryos' genetics. Addirionally, parents with similar and/or, very common MHC genotypes had higher offspring viabilities. Finally, darker males produced more viable offspring. In the first two chapters we investigated the embryos' defensive potential based on their immune system, i.e. their pathogen tolerance. In chapter 3 we investigate whether hatching timing of Lake whitefìsh (C. palaea) is dependent on parental contributions and/or on pathogen pressure, and whether there are parental-environmental interactions. We found that whitefish embryos hatch earlier under increasing pathogen pressure. Moreover, hatching timing was affected by embryo genetics and/or maternally provided resources, but the magnitude of the effect was dependent on the pathogen. pressure. We also found a significant paternal-environmental interaction, indicating that the hatching efficiency of a certain sib group is dependent on the pathogen environment. Chapter 4 describes an analogous study with brown trout (S. trutta), with similar findings. In the former chapters, we only looked at offspring performance during the embryonic period, and only under semi-natural conditions. In chapter 5 we now test the performance and viability of embryonic and juvenile brown trout (S. trutta) under natural conditions. To measure embryo viability, we put them in brood boxes, buried them in the gravel of a natural river, and analysed survival after several months. To investigate juvenile survival and performance, wé reared embryos under different stress levels in the laboratory and subsequently released the resulting hatchlings in to a closed river section. Juvenile size and survival was then determined one year later. Additionally, we investigated if sires differ in their genetic quality, determined by embryo and juvenile survival as well as juvenile size, and if they signal their quality by either body size or melanin-based body darkness. We found hat juvenile size was dependent on genetic effects and on maternal investment, whereas this was neither the case for embryo nor for juvenile survival. Additionally, we found that offspring of darker males grew larger, and larger juveniles had also an increased survival. Finally, we found acarry-over effect of the early non-lethal challenge: exposing embryos to higher stress levels resulted in smaller juveniles. To evaluate the long-term performance of differently treated groups, mark-recapture studies are inevitable. For this purpose, effective mass-marking techniques are essential. In chapter 6 we tested the suitability of the fluorescent pigment spray marking method for the mass marking of European graylings (Thymallus thymallus), with very promising results. Our in vitro fertilisation studies on whitefish may reveal new insights on potential genetic benefits of mate choice, but the mating system of whitefish under natural conditions is still poorly investigated. In order to study this, we installed underwater cameras at the spawning place of a Coregonus suidteri population, recorded the whole mating period and subsequently analysed the recordings. Confirmations of previous findings as well as exciting new observations are listed and discussed in chapter 7. Dus aux impacts anthropogéniques et aux fluctuations naturelles, les poissons doivent faire face à des environnements en perpétuel changement. Ces changements font que les poissons doivent s'adapter à de nouvelles situations, souvent hostiles pour eux. Les adultes ont différentes possibilités d'échapper à un environnement peu favorable, ce n'est par contre pas le cas des embryons. Les embryons sont protégés d'une part par leur système immunitaire en développement, d'autre part, par la coquille de l'eeuf et différentes substances immunitaires fournies par leur mère. De plus, ils sont capables d'influencer leur propre date d'éclosion en réponse à différents facteurs de stress. Malgré tout, les individus varient dans leur capacité à se défendre. Cette variation peut être basé sur des facteurs génétiques et/ou sur des facteurs maternels, et est dépendante du stress subi. Néanmoins, chez les poissons, l'impact de telles contributions parentales sur la survie d'embryons et/ou juvéniles est peu étudié. L'objectif principal de cette thèse a été d'approfondir les connaissances sur l'importance de la contribution paternelle (c.a.d. génétique) et maternelle (c.a.d. génétique + investissement dans l'oeuf) sur la survie des jeunes dans différentes conditions expérimentales et stades de vie. Pour faire ces analyses, nous avons utilisé des gamètes de divers salmonidés issus de croisements 'full-factorial'. Les différentes expériences sont résumées dans les chapitres suivants: Dans le premier chapitre, nous avons testé l'efficacité du système immunitaire des embryons chez les corégones (Coregonus palea). Plus précisément nous avons étudié la contribution paternelle et maternelle à la tolérance des embryons à différents niveaux de stress pathogène. Nous avons aussi testé, si une première exposition non létale à un pathogène avait un effet positif ou négatif sur la susceptibilité d'un embryon a une deuxième exposition au même pathogène. Nous avons trouvé que des embryons qui avaient été exposés une première fois étaient plus sensibles au pathogène par la suite. Mais aussi que la sensibilité au pathogène était dépendante de l'investissement de la mère et/ou des gènes de l'embryon, dépendamment du niveau de stress. Le deuxième chapitre résume une étude similaire avec des truites (Salmo truffa). Nous avons examiné, si la survie des jeunes variait sous différentes intensités de stress, et si la variance observée était due aux gènes des parents. Nous avons aussi analysé si les effets génétiques sur la survie des juvéniles étaient dus au MHC (Major Histocompatibility Complex) ou au degré de parenté des parents. De plus, nous avons analysé si les mâles signalaient leur qualité génétique par la taille du corps ou par leur coloration noire, due à la mélanine. On a trouvé que la survie des embryons était plus basse quand le niveau de stress était plus haut mais que la variation restait dépendante de la génétique des embryons. De plus, les parents avec des MHC similaires et/ou communs avaient des embryons avec une meilleure survie. Par contre, des parents avec un degré de parenté plus haut produisent des embryons avec une survie plus mauvaise. Finalement nous avons montré que les mâles plus foncés ont des embryons qui survivent mieux, mais que la taille des mâles n'a pas d'influence sur la survie de ces mêmes embryons. Dans les deux premiers chapitres, nous avons étudié le potentiel de défense des embryons basé sur leur système immunitaire, c.a.d. leur tolérance aux pathogènes. Dans le troisième chapitre, nous nous intéressons à la date d'éclosion des corégones (C. palea), pour voir si elle est influencée par les parents ou par la pression des pathogènes, et si il y a une interaction entre ces deux facteurs. Nous avons trouvé que les jeunes naissent plus rapidement lorsque la pression en pathogènes augmente. La date d'éclosion est influencée par la génétique des embryons et/ou l'investissement des parents, mais c'est la magnitude des effets qui est dépendante de la pression du pathogène. Nous avons aussi trouvé une interaction entre l'effet paternel et l'environnement, ce qui indique que la rapidité d'éclosion de certains croisements est dépendante des pathogènes dans l'environnement. Le chapitre 4 décrit une étude analogue avec de truites (S. truffa), avec des résultats sitzimilaires. Dans les précédents chapitres nous nous sommes uniquement concentrés sur les performances des jeunes durant leur stade embryonnaire, et seulement dans des conditions semi naturelles. Dans le chapitre 5 nous testons la performance et la viabilité des embryons et de juvéniles de truites (S. truffa) dans des conditions naturelles. Nous avons trouvé que la taille des juvéniles était dépendante d'effets génétiques et de l'investissement maternel, mais ceci n'était ni les cas pour les survie des embryons et des juvéniles. De plus, nous avons trouvé que les jeunes des mâles plus foncés devenaient plus grands et que les grands ont un meilleur taux de survie. Finalement nous avons trouvé un 'carry-over effect' d'une première exposition non létale à un pathogène: exposer des embryons à des plus hauts niveaux de stress donnait des juvéniles plus petits. Pour évaluer la performance à long terme de groupes traités dé manières différentes, une méthode de marquage-recapture est inévitable. Pour cette raison, des techniques de marquage en masse sont nécessaires. Dans le chapitre 6, nous avons testé l'efficacité de la technique `fluorescent pigment spray marking' pour le marquage en masse de l'Ombre commun (Thymallus thymallus), avec des résultats très prometteurs. Les études de fertilisations in vitro avec les corégones nous donnent une idée du potentiel bénéfice génétique que représente la sélection d'un bon partenaire, même si le système d'accouplement des corégones en milieu naturel reste peu connu. Pour combler cette lacune, nous avons installé des caméras sous-marines autour de la frayère d'une population de corégones (C. suidteri), nous avons enregistré toute la période de reproduction et nous avons analysé les données par la suite. Ainsi, nous avons été capables de confirmer bien des résultats trouvés précédemment, mais aussi de faire de nouvelles observations. Ces résultats sont reportés dans le septième chapitre, où elles sont comparées avec des observations antérieures.