985 resultados para Institutional studies


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Analisa como a questão do professor se apresenta na produção científica brasileira. Toma como base o discurso apresentado na SBPC, por, entre outros fatores, ser originário de entidade que congrega cientistas de todas as áreas de conhecimento e ser representativo da produção docente e discente de graduação e pós-graduação das várias regiões e instituições do país. Usa como metodologia a abordagem histórico-documental. Utiliza como fontes os resumos publicados nos anais de 2001 e da década de 1980. Os resultados evidenciam: 1) um aumento extraordinário do número de trabalhos sobre o professor, a permanência da origem institucional (universidade pública) e territorial (Sudeste); 2) alteração do predomínio do enfoque temático, da formação do professor, em nível superior e médio, para a prática pedagógica exercida no cotidiano escolar do ensino fundamental; 3) alteração no enfoque metodológico, passando dos estudos exploratório-descritivos para a pesquisa-ação crítica voltada para a intervenção no cotidiano escolar do ensino fundamental. Conclui pela negação dos espaços/tempos da produção científica sobre o professor, visto que os espaços/tempos são ações de sujeitos históricos, que exibem operações de troca, intercâmbios, compartilhamentos coletivos e não a determinação do "lugar próprio" do pesquisador e/ou da "autoria marcada". Os discursos expressos pareceram, cada um, ocupar um "lugar próprio" e isolado, não permitindo a sua acepção como conjunto da obra sobre a questão do professor, não se vislumbrando uma tessitura temática coletiva, com gênese nos espaços/tempos da academia em sua relação com a realidade educacional e social do Brasil.


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Orlikowski e Barley (2001) apontam a importância da pesquisa em TI sob a ótica dos Estudos Organizacionais, principalmente quando é utilizada a análise neoinstitucional, porque dessa forma há uma compreensão mais sistêmica sobre como a tecnologia está entrelaçada nas complexas redes interdependentes, sociais, econômicas e políticas. O estudo de caso ocorreu em um órgão do judiciário, onde foram obtidos dados por meio de entrevistas, que foram triangulados com uma pesquisa documental. A dissertação busca elucidar como pressões isomórficas podem influenciar estruturas e processos de TI recomendados pela legislação em vigor, de forma a contribuir para gestores de organizações públicas durante a definição de prioridades para a TI. Para analisar o estágio institucional utilizou-se a classificação proposta por Tolbert e Zucker (1996) e como resultado, apesar das pressões isomórficas coercitivas, obteve-se que poucas estruturas e processos se institucionalizaram totalmente e, aparentemente, só aquelas que traziam com si outros tipos de pressões isomórficas é que parecem ter maior chance de chegar ao último estágio institucional. Foi constatada que a organização, durante o processo de institucionalização, pode incorrer em novas falhas, gerando mitos burocráticos e ritos cerimoniais que por exemplo, podem causar maior descolamento da preocupação por efetividade em seus resultados. Para determinados problemas, apontados durante as entrevistas, não foi possível encontrar influência de nenhuma pressão isomórfica. Tal fato sugere que a teoria neoinstitucional não conseguiu explicar todo o cenário da organização.


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O processo de implementação de políticas públicas tem se apresentado como o elo perdido da ação governamental. Apesar da importância desse processo, esta etapa carece de métodos de análises que deem conta de sua complexidade como forma de lhe garantir uma posição chave dentro do ciclo da análise de políticas públicas. A partir da adaptação do referencial da política institucional, proposta pelo grupo Francês Strategor, que analisa uma instituição sob quatro determinantes – estratégia, estrutura, decisão e identidade-, este estudo propõe-se a analisar o processo de implementação de uma política municipal de saúde voltada para Hipertensos e Diabéticos no município de Venda Nova do Imigrante/ES, avaliada como uma estratégia exitosa. Como resultado, esse estudo evidenciou que o processo exitoso de implementação da política avaliada pautou-se numa decisão participava e colegiada, no reconhecimento e valorização da autonomia profissional e na discussão democrática. Além disso, a estrutura institucional analisada proporcionou uma coordenação menos normativa, que favoreceu momentos de encontro entre o núcleo estratégico e os centros operacionais, rompendo com a excessiva verticalização das estruturas tradicionais. A análise do determinante identidade demonstrou uma apropriação dos valores e da missão institucional e um importante envolvimento dos atores, indicado pelo fortalecimento de parcerias e sinergias internas. A estratégia de implementação dessa política municipal mostrou-se potente no sentido de inverter a lógica do modelo de atenção, dentro de um processo de aprendizado, sendo este o grande diferencial competitivo de sucesso da instituição. A partir desses resultados, o referencial de Strategor se afirma como importante método de análise do processo de implementação, além de sua potência para indicar questões que colaborem para garantir à etapa de implementação uma posição de destaque dentro do ciclo da política pública.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi levantar os motivos que influenciam a evasão discente em quatro cursos de graduação da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. A reestruturação universitária proposta pelo REUNI - Programa de Apoio a Planos de Expansão das Universidades Federais serviu como contexto ao estudo, pois instituiu diretrizes para o combate à evasão no ensino superior. O modelo de evasão de cunho sociológico proposto por Tinto (1997) baseou as análises realizadas nesta pesquisa porque toma a instituição como responsável por ações capazes de criar um ambiente de aprendizado necessário à permanência do estudante. A pesquisa de campo quali-quantitativa foi realizada com os alunos evadidos e com os coordenadores dos cursos de Administração Diurno e Ciências Contábeis Noturno e dos novos cursos Administração Noturno e Ciências Contábeis Vespertino. Foram alcançados 95 alunos evadidos e os quatro coordenadores, sendo aplicado questionário semiaberto aos alunos evadidos e feitas entrevistas semiestruturadas com os coordenadores. Dados do sistema acadêmico (SIE/UFES) foram utilizados para o levantamento das variáveis. Os números fornecem evidências de que o resultado da aprendizagem traduzido pelo desempenho acadêmico torna-se um forte causador da evasão por abandono. O baixo coeficiente de rendimento relacionou-se ao desligamento por abandono na maioria dos casos. Em relação às formas de evasão, a desistência e o desligamento por abandono totalizaram 87,4% dos casos, com maior incidência de evasão no segundo e terceiro ano do curso. O ponto crítico da evasão parece confirmar-se do 2º ao 5º semestre e 62% dos casos de evasão que se situaram nesse lapso temporal apresentaram coeficiente de rendimento de 0,00 a 3,00. Os resultados evidenciaram os motivos que mais influenciaram os alunos a deixar o curso: i) a necessidade de trabalhar enquanto frequentava o curso, ii) a descoberta de novos interesses; iii) a incompatibilidade entre os horários do trabalho e do curso; iv) a escolha da carreira profissional ainda muito jovem e v) a falta de orientação aos alunos sobre normas, penalidades, planejamento do curso, periodização, etc. e deficiências na comunicação institucional.


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A adoção da ação afirmativa denominada cotas nas universidades federais - reserva de vagas para estudantes que tenham cursado integralmente o ensino médio em escolas públicas - continua sendo polêmica, mesmo após a sanção da Lei nº.12.711 de 2012, o que torna oportuna a contribuição aos estudos a respeito da utilização desse sistema nas universidades públicas brasileiras. Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar o desempenho acadêmico de alunos cotistas do Centro de Ciências Jurídicas e Econômicas e do Centro Tecnológico da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo – UFES, no período de 2008 a 2013, considerando as duas entradas anuais nos referidos cursos. O presente estudo analisou o aproveitamento acadêmico dos alunos de 15 cursos de graduação ofertados pelos Centros nominados buscando saber em quais cursos e disciplinas existem diferenças significativas de desempenho, a partir do coeficiente de rendimento acadêmico (CRA) e da média final das disciplinas cursadas por alunos cotistas e não cotistas, visando a propor ações institucionais para a redução dessas diferenças. Na pesquisa, de caráter quantitativo, utilizou-se o método estatístico de análise de variância ANOVA. A partir das análises realizadas foi possível inferir a existência de diferenças de rendimento nos cursos de engenharia,principalmente em disciplinas de cálculo e álgebra. O curso de Direito, por sua vez, apresentou diferença significativa de desempenho, não obstante as médias não estarem abaixo do índice necessário para a aprovação. Quando a comparação é feita considerando o sexo, verificou-se no curso de Ciências Econômicas e Ciências da Computação uma disparidade significativa de rendimento em favor dos alunos do sexo feminino cotistas em detrimento dos não cotistas do mesmo sexo.


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The Museum Of All: Institutional Communication Practices in a Participatory Networked World


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The importance of intangible resources has increased dramatically in recent years comparing to tangible ones. The economy in which we live is the result of competitive pressures that have imposed the implementation of business at an international level as well as a requirement in the application of sophisticated technologies that allow us to follow this fast evolution. In this age of information and innovation organizations will only survive if they are inserted in a global network of strategic relations, generically called as the network economy by Lev (2003). The service sector has stood out against the more traditional sectors of the economy. The intensive use of knowledge and a strong customer orientation created a new reality in today’s organizations: a growing importance attached to innovation, to the quality of products and services offered, to the information and communication technologies adopted, and to the creativity and particular abilities of human resources. The concept of intangible assets is more common in an accounting language and intellectual capital is most often applied in the context of management, being associated with a more comprehensive, multidimensional approach, representing all the knowledge that the institution owns and that it applies in the form of expertise, the creativity and organizational competencies that lead to innovation and to the sustained attainment of future economic benefits. An analysis of the scope of intellectual capital is fundamental to take more appropriate management decisions so that a more appropriate accounting treatment could be given by the accounting standardization organizations. This study intends to analyse the practices of information disclosure of the intellectual capital in the banking sector in Portugal, complementing the analysis of the disclosure of intangible assets in the context of accounting standards with the disclosure of intellectual capital in the context of organizational management. In particular, our main aims are to identify the extent of disclosure of intellectual capital made by banks in Portugal and also to identify the factors that determine such a disclosure. The disclosure in the context of accounting standards will be studied by checking the disclosure of intangible assets through the items listed in the International Accounting Standard 38 developed by the International Accounting Standards Board. The context of management was analysed by means of creating a voluntary disclosure index based on assumptions of the model Intellectus, developed by the Centro de Investigación sobre la Sociedad del Conocimiento – Instituto de Administración de Empresas (CIC-IADE) of the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid, and of the model Intellectual Capital Statement (made in Europe) (InCaS), both promoted by the European Commission and that we have adapted to the banking sector. When analysing the disclosure of intangible assets based on the context of accounting standards and the voluntary disclosure of intellectual capital, this study has tried to raise awareness about the importance of issuing reports on the intellectual capital as an alternative tool to take management decisions in the existing organizations and reflects the transparency and legitimacy that these institutions seek through a more extensive and more detailed information disclosure of their intellectual capital. Based on a complimentarily of economic theories, together with social and political theories, we tried to check the extent, evolution and tendencies of the compulsory disclosure of intangible assets and of the voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital analysed in the period 2001-2011. Banks characteristics were also analysed in order to deduce those factors that determine or promote a larger disclosure in this sector. Based on these objectives, we adopted a longitudinal approach to explore the extent and the development of the disclosure of intangible assets as well as the factors that have determined it. Furthermore, we sought to assess the impact of the adoption of IAS 38 in the financial statements of the organizations in this sector. The disclosure index created on the basis of the disclosure requirements stated in IAS 38 from IASB was applied to the consolidated financial statements of the seventeen banks that rendered their statements in Portugal from 2001 to 2009. Since the information disclosed in the context of accounting standards may not have an important role as a management tool once it was not able to reflect what really contributes to the competitiveness and organizational growth, the voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital was analysed according to the information obtained from the 2010 annual individual reports of the banks operating in Portugal in that year and from their respective websites in 2011. We tried to analyse the extent of the voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital and of each of its components, human capital, structural capital and relational capital. The comparative analysis of their annual reports and their web pages allowed us to assess the incidence of the disclosure and discover what channel the banking sector focuses on when disclosing their intellectual capital. Also in this analysis the study of the disclosure determinants has allowed us to conclude about the influence of particular characteristics in the voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital. The results of the analysis to the extent of the disclosure of intangible assets in the consolidated financial statements of the banking groups in Portugal in the period 2001-2009 have shown an average information disclosure of 0.24. This information disclosure evolved from an average value of 0.1940 in 2001 to 0.2778 in 2009. The average value is 0.8286 if it is only considered the disclosure of the intangible assets that the banks possessed. The evolution of this index means an increase in the average disclosure from 0.7852 in 2001 to 0.8788 in 2009. From the first results that are related to the extent of the disclosure of intangible assets in the financial statements, we can verify that the banking groups present a low disclosure level of these resources. However, when considering the disclosure of only the intangible assets that each institution owns, the disclosure level appears to be in compliance with the disclosure requirements for this sector. An evolution in the disclosure of intangible assets for the period considered was confirmed, showing an increase in the information disclosure of intangible assets in 2005, the year in which the accounting rules for intangible assets changed. The analysis that focused on the disclosure in the context of management tried to understand the extent, the incidence and the determinants of the voluntary information disclosure of intellectual capital in the annual reports of 2010 and on their web pages in 2011, studying the 32 banks operating in Portugal in this period. The average voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital in the 2010 annual reports is 0.4342 while that in web pages is 0.2907. A review of the components of the intellectual capital allowed us to assess the importance that the banks confer to each of these components. The data obtained show that the relational capital, and more specifically the business capital, is the most disclosed component by banks in Portugal both in the annual reports and in their institutional web pages, followed by the structural capital and, finally, by the human capital. The disclosure of the human capital and the structural capital is higher in the annual reports than that in the websites, while the relational capital is more disclosed in the websites than in the annual reports. The results have also shown that the banks make a complementary use of both sources when disclosing information about their structural capital and relational capital but they do not show any information about their human capital in their websites. We tried to prove the influence of factors that could determine the accounting disclosure and the voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital in this sector. The change in the IASB accounting rules as from January 1st 2005 gave a greater disclosure of accounting information of intangible assets in the financial statements of banks. The bank size and corporate governance measures have statistically proved to have an influence on the extent of the accounting disclosure of intangible assets and on the voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital. Economic and financial variables such as profitability, operating efficiency or solvency were not determinants of information disclosure. The instability that the banking sector has experienced in economic and financial indicators in recent years as a result of the global financial markets imbalance has worsen indicators such as profitability, efficiency and solvency and caused major discrepancies in the economic situation between banks in Portugal. This empirical analysis has contributed to confront the disclosure required by accounting rules performed in the financial statements of organizations with that performed in the main disclosure media which is available for entities and which is increasingly requested in the process of taking management decisions. It also allowed us to verify whether there is homogeneity between institutions in the fulfilment of the requirements for information disclosure of intangible assets. However, as for voluntary disclosure of intellectual capital, there are large disparities in the disclosure extent between organizations. Regardless of this sector specific characteristics, the voluntary disclosure of intellectual capital made by banks in Portugal follows the trends in other sectors and the practices adopted in other countries, namely regarding the amount of information disclosed, the incidence of the disclosure on the indicators of relational capital and the importance of variables such as size as determinants of disclosure of intellectual capital. For a further knowledge in this field, we created a specific index for the banking sector, considering appropriate indicators for an incisive, comprehensive analysis in order to consider the most relevant indicators of intellectual capital components. Besides, confronting the analysis of disclosure in the context of accounting standards with the study of voluntary disclosure brought a new analysis approach to the research on intellectual capital disclosure. With this study, we have also intended to raise greater awareness of the need for harmonization in the intellectual capital disclosure on the part of the regulatory banking authority by means of a demanding, consistent and transparent report of intellectual capital with simple, clear, objective indicators so that those interested in disclosing intellectual capital information in the organizations in this sector may obtain more harmonized and comparable information. A research on the disclosure quality of intellectual capital, together with the application of other analysis methodologies in this sector, might be a promising approach for future research. Applying the voluntary disclosure index to the same sector in other countries may also contribute to the knowledge of disclosure practices in different geographical environments. We highlight the relevance of further studies contributing to the harmonization and consistency in the presentation of an intellectual capital report so as to enable organizations to disclose the resources that contribute most to their competitiveness and growth.


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In this paper we investigate whether the determinants of international equity investment differ between investors with different degrees of sophistication. For this purpose, we analyse and compare the determinants of international equity investment of institutional and noninstitutional investors from 20 OECD countries (US not included) in the period 2001-2009. The results show that there are significant differences in the determinants of international equity investment between institutional and noninstitutional investors. In particular, noninstitutional investors tend to exhibit a more pronounced preference for equities of geographical nearby, contiguous and more transparent countries than institutional investors. The preference for more developed equity markets and the contrarian behaviour are also significantly more pronounced for noninstitutional than for institutional investors. These results support the argument that international equity investment of less sophisticated investors is more affected by information costs and familiarity than that of more sophisticated investors. Moreover, business cycles exert an influence on international equity investment decisions of both institutional and noninstitutional investors.


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In the 70s, a new line of research focused on the study of the influence of the audit report on the decision process of investors, financial analysts and credit analysts. Notwithstanding the numerous studies that have been carried out, results have not been consistent. Given the above, and considering the lack, in Portugal, of a research of this nature, it seems urgent to carry out a study that allows the analysis of the use of the audit report, as well as its influence on the decision making process of Portuguese stakeholders. For that purpose, in the light of the positivist research paradigm, a questionnaire was designed, which was administered by mail and on the Survey Monkey platform to a sample of institutional investors, financial analysts and credit analysts. The statistical analysis of the data obtained was undertaken with resource to the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences and SmartPLS 2.0. Corroborating the literature review and the assumptions of the Agency Theory and the Stakeholder Theory, used in the theoretical framework of analysis, empirical evidence has shown that the audit report influences the decision of institutional investors, financial analysts and credit analysts, and that the opinion expressed in that document is the most determinant factor of this influence. In addition to this factor, it was found that the degree of utilization of the audit report, as well as the value ascribed to this document, determine its influence in the decision process of research groups studied. Only in the case of institutional investors, the results did not reveal a correlation between the utility ascribed to the audit report and the influence of this document in their decision making process. In turn, the statistical inference of the model explaining the degree of use of the audit report revealed that it is conditioned by the perceived quality of the information enclosed in the audit report, the utility assigned to the audit report on the decision process, as well as the relevance of the other sources of information used by stakeholders. Therefore, this study allowed proving the importance of the audit report to its users. As a result, we believe to have filled a gap in national literature and to have contributed to the enhancement of international literature. The importance that this document has for the development of any country is, therefore, shown, and it is urgent to maintain rigor in the selection of its staff, in the development of its standards, and especially in the development of audits. Moreover, we also consider that this research may contribute to the improvement of the audit report, insofar as it will help professional bodies to understand the information needs and perceptions of stakeholders.


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This paper studies the use of results oriented performance information (outputs and outcomes) by local elected politicians (aldermen) in top managers’ performance evaluation. The main goal is to understand the top managers’ performance evaluation process conducted by Portuguese aldermen and to identify the dominant evaluation style. In line with Bogt (2001), an exploratory field research was developed in three large municipalities: Porto, Braga and Matosinhos. We intend to answer the following research questions: to what extent are local politicians (aldermen) 1 using results information (about outputs and outcomes) to evaluate top managers’ performance? Do aldermen give any importance to quantitative output information and report them on current planning and control documents? Will the output performance information be used on performance evaluation in a different way concerning policy field (task orientation)? Based on the Hopwood evaluation styles (adapted from the private to the public sector by Bogt, 2001), we have found that the performance evaluation process of top managers is more featured by the ‘operations-conscious styles’ (or ‘implicit style’). Portuguese aldermen recognize the importance to quantify outputs and outcomes, but these days they focus on the information about activities and the realized operations when they evaluate performance. We haven´t found significant differences between different tasks (some exceptions for culture and environment areas). However, the municipality of Matosinhos paid more attention on quantitative performance information. This finding is reinforced by the quality of quantitative data on outputs reported on its management report. Generally speaking, aldermen are aware that more attention should be paid to quantitative information about results and performance, taking into account recent reforms introduced in Portuguese municipalities (PLG) on this field, but the ‘implicit’ style is dominant.


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RESUMO: O trabalho que se apresenta no âmbito desta dissertação, é direcionado para a problemática da Água, do Saneamento Básico e dos Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos «RSU» em São Tomé e Príncipe. Num contexto de desenvolvimento e indo ao encontro dos anseios da Organização das Nações Unidas «ONU» e da sua perspetiva de alcançar os Objetivos do Milénio nesta área tão importante. Elegeu-se como primordial objetivo, conhecer as indicações técnico políticas instituídas em São Tomé e Príncipe, para a gestão dos problemas acima enumerados. Entender esses problemas, identificar as dificuldades sentidas pelo governo e pela generalidade dos seus habitantes no acesso à água, ao saneamento básico, à recolha e tratamento de RSU. Outra vertente será direcionada para apontar caminhos nestas áreas, onde a capacidade institucional tarda em dar resposta às necessidades básicas destes setores, inviabilizando um desenvolvimento sustentado destes ramos. Esta dissertação, assenta ainda no reconhecimento e na importância estratégica em se valorizar e consolidar redes técnico-científicas no âmbito da Linha de Investigação em Estudos Africanos e Pós-Coloniais, inserida na Unidade de Estudos e Investigação em Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade «UEICTS» da Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias «ULHT».ABSTRACT: The work presented in this dissertation, is directed to the problem of Water Sanitation and Solid Waste «RSU» in Sao Tome and Principe. In a context of development, fulfillment of the wishes of the United Nations «UN» and its prospect of achieving the Millennium Goals in this important area. The prime objective, is, to know the indications and technical policies in place in Sao Tome and Principe for the management of the problems listed above. Understanding these problems, identifying the difficulties faced by government and by most of its residents in relation, to access to water, sanitation, collection and treatment of Solid Waste. Another aspect, is directed, to point, to ways, in these subjects where institutional capacity is slow to respond to basic needs of these sectors, preventing a sustained development of these industries. This dissertation focus on the recognition and strategic importance in considering and consolidate technical and scientific networks in the line of Research in African and Lusophone, inserted at the Unit for Studies and Research in Science, Technology and Society «UEICTS» Lusophone University of Humanities and Technology «ULHT».


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The paper analyses the roles of intermediary NGOs for linkages between government and rural communities in carrying out socio-environmental development programs as a mean of institutional development for good governance. In particular, the paper focuses on the Proambiente program that was carried out in Pará State, Amazonia, Brazil. This program was the first experience of a socio-environmental development program in Brazilian Amazonia that took into account local communities' demands to link environmental conservation and small-scale family-based rural production. Methodologically, the research was based on qualitative analysis and used semi-structured interviews for data collection. The paper shows that NGOs as intermediaries between government and rural communities is a significant mechanism to promote the strengthening of the power of local communities, to create bridges between federal government and local communities; and to stimulate participatory processes by engaging rural communities' culture and knowledge in socio-environmental development program as Proambiente.


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Abstract: The aim of this study was to characterize the trajectory of answerability in Brazil. In the light of studies based on the historical neo-institutionalism approach, formal institutional changes adopted at federal level between 1985 and 2014, and which favor the typical requirements of answerability - information and justification - were identified and analyzed through the content analysis technique. The conclusion is that the trajectory of answerability in contemporary Brazil can be characterized as continuous, primarily occurring through the layering strategy, and whose leitmotif, since its origin, has consisted of matters of financial and budgetary nature. Nevertheless, a recent influence of deeper democratic subjects on it has been observed.


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Redescription of Culex (Melanoconion) oedipus Root and of Cx. (Mel.) plectoporpe Root, as well as the description of a new one, named Cx. (Mel.) rabelloi, are made. The material was collected in S.Paulo State, Southern Brazil. The descriptions include adults, pupal and larval stages, illustrating the morphological aspects and with pictures of breeding places. Some data about known distribution and bionomics are presented, remarking that all the three species seem to be closely associated with artificial manmade enviroments.