915 resultados para Inequalities in life expectancy


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Oxidative DNA damage plays a role in disease development and the aging process. A prominent participant in orchestrating the repair of oxidative DNA damage, particularly single-strand breaks, is the scaffold protein XRCC1. A series of chronological and biological aging parameters in XRCC1 heterozygous (HZ) mice were examined. HZ and wild-type (WT) C57BL/6 mice exhibit a similar median lifespan of similar to 26 months and a nearly identical maximal life expectancy of similar to 37 months. However, a number of HZ animals (7 of 92) showed a propensity for abdominal organ rupture, which may stem from developmental abnormalities given the prominent role of XRCC1 in endoderm and mesoderm formation. For other end-points evaluated-weight, fat composition, blood chemistries, condition of major organs, tissues and relevant cell types, behavior, brain volume and function, and chromosome and telomere integrity-HZ mice exhibited by-and-large a normal phenotype. Treatment of animals with the alkylating agent azoxymethane resulted in both liver toxicity and an increased incidence of precancerous lesions in the colon of HZ mice. Our study indicates that XRCC1 haploinsufficiency in mammals has little effect on chronological longevity and many key biological markers of aging in the absence of environmental challenges, but may adversely affect normal animal development or increase disease susceptibility to a relevant genotoxic exposure.


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Brazil is an extremely unequal country and this inequality has been a permanent characteristic of its economic and social structure. Some scholars generally consider that the economic growth has generated extreme conditions of space and social inequalities, which reveal themselves within Brazil¿s regions, states, rural and urban areas, central and peripheral areas and among its ethnic groups. Such conditions negatively affect the quality of life of the population and will be reflected in the reduction of life expectancy, in the increase of the indexes of infant mortality and illiteracy, amongst other aspects. Education is considered one of the ways to promote the development of a country, however, access to education, specially higher education in Brazil, since it was first implemented, had been limited to a small group of privileged people, the elite of society. Thus, it becomes necessary to extend the access of students to higher education and consequently to generate individuals capable of changing the reality of the place where they live in and as a result, to develop the country. The purpose of this research is to analyze two programs destined to the amplify the access to higher education in Brazil, namely, the University for All Program (ProUni) and the System of Quotas, with the objective to verify at which level their drawings and strategies will allow the democratization of the access to higher education and the reduction of regional inequalities. In order to achieve its objective, the study is initiated with the issue of development and inequalities in Brazil, then it goes through the history of higher education in Brazil and it is finished with the analysis of ProUni and the System of Quotas.


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The value of life methodology has been recently applied to a wide range of contexts as a means to evaluate welfare gains attributable to mortality reductions and health improvements. Yet, it suffers from an important methodological drawback: it does not incorporate into the analysis child mortality, individuals’ decisions regarding fertility, and their altruism towards offspring. Two interrelated dimensions of fertility choice are potentially essential in evaluating life expectancy and health related gains. First, child mortality rates can be very important in determining welfare in a context where individuals choose the number of children they have. Second, if altruism motivates fertility, life expectancy gains at any point in life have a twofold effect: they directly increase utility via increased survival probabilities, and they increase utility via increased welfare of the offspring. We develop a manageable way to deal with value of life valuations when fertility choices are endogenous and individuals are altruistic towards their offspring. We use the methodology developed in the paper to value the reductions in mortality rates experienced by the US between 1965 and 1995. The calculations show that, with a very conservative set of parameters, altruism and fertility can easily double the value of mortality reductions for a young adult, when compared to results obtained using the traditional value of life methodology.


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We investigate the effects of augmented life expectancy and health improvements on human capital investment, labor supply and fertility decisions. Our main motivation is the prediction of human capital theory that a longer and healthier life encourages educational investment and female labor force participation, while discouraging fertility. To assess the magnitude of these effects, we explore a national campaign against Chagas disease in Brazil as an exogenous source of adult mortality decline and improvement in health conditions. We show that, relative to non-endemic areas, previously endemic regions saw higher increases in educational investment, measured by literacy, school attendance and years of schooling, following the campaign. Additionally, we find that labor force participation increased in high prevalence areas relative to low prevalence ones. Furthermore, we estimate a substantially higher effect on female labor force participation relative to male, suggesting that longevity gains and health improvements affected women's incentives to work, encouraging women to join the labor force. We do not find significant effects on fertility decisions.


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The Health Family Program (HFP) was founded in the 1990s with the objective of changing the health care model through a restructuring of primary care. Oral health was officially incorporated into HFP mainly through the efforts of dental professionals, and was seen as a way to break from oral health care models based on curative, technical biological and inequity methods. Despite the fast expansion of HFP oral health teams, it is essential to ask if changes are really occurring in the oral health model of municipalities. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the incorporation of oral health teams into the Health Family Program by analyzing the factors that may interfere positively or negatively in the implementation of this strategy and consequently in the process of changing oral health care models in the National Health System in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. This evaluation involves three dimensions: access, work organization and strategies of planning. For this purpose,19 municipalities, geographically distributed according to Regional Public Health Units (RPHU), were randomly selected. The data collection instruments used were: structured interview of supervisors and dentists, structured observation, documental research and data from national health data banks. It was possible to identify critical points that may be impeding the implementation of oral health into HFP, such as, low incomes, no legal employment contract, difficulty in referring patients for high-complexity procedures, in developing intersectoral actions and program strategies such as epidemiologic diagnosis and evaluation of the new actions. The majority of municipalities showed little or no improvement in oral health care after incorporating the new model into HFP. All of them had failures in most of the aspects mentioned above. Furthermore, these municipalities are similar in other areas, such as low educational levels in children from 7 to 14 years of age, high child mortality rates and wide social inequalities. On the other hand, the five municipalities that had improved oral health, according to the categories analyzed, offered better living conditions to the population, with higher life expectancy, low infant mortality rates, per capita income among the highest in the state as well as high Human Development Index (HDI) means. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that public policies that include aspects beyond the health sector are decisive for a real change in health care models


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The life expectancy of dogs is increasing and is associated with a greater frequency of age-related disease, including that of the prostate gland. A marker of cell proliferation, CYR61, may be detected in a number of conditions in humans, including hyperplasia and neoplasia. The objective of the present study was to investigate the degree of CYR61 expression in a number of different prostate diseases in dogs in order to understand the potential of this marker for diagnosis of prostatic disease. Immunohistochemistry with a CYR61 antibody was performed on prostatic tissue from 22 dogs with different diseases. Intense stromal staining was observed in cases of prostatic dysplasia and benign prostate hyperplasia. In contrast, CYR61 staining was very intense in alveolar epithelial cells in cases of epithelial benign prostate hyperplasia and one case of adenocarcinoma. An obvious CYR61 staining pattern was absent in cases of prostatitis. In conclusion, CYR61 may be a useful marker of cell proliferation in a number of prostatic pathologies, although further studies of normal tissue are warranted. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Generalized Bessel polynomials (GBPs) are characterized as the extremal polynomials in certain inequalities in L-2 norm of Markov type. (C) 1998 Academic Press.


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This study investigated the effects of growth hormone therapy on energy expenditure, lipid profile, oxidative stress and cardiac energy metabolism in aging and obesity conditions. Life expectancy is increasing in world population and with it, the incidence of public health problems such as obesity and cardiac alterations. Because growth hormone (GH) concentration is referred to be decreased in aging conditions, a question must be addressed: what is the effect of GH on aging related adverse changes? To investigate the effects of GH on cardiac energy metabolism and its association with calorimetric parameters, lipid profile and oxidative stress in aged and obese rats, initially 32 male Wistar rats were divided into 2 groups (n = 16), C: given standard-chow and water; H: given hypercaloric-chow and receiving 30 % sucrose in its drinking water. After 45 days, both C and H groups were divided into 2 subgroups (n = 8), C + PL: standard-chow, water, and receiving saline subcutaneously; C + GH: standard-chow, water, and receiving 2 mg/kg/day rhGH subcutaneously; H + PL: hypercaloric-chow, 30 % sucrose, receiving saline subcutaneously; H + GH: hypercaloric-chow, 30 % sucrose, receiving rhGH subcutaneously. After 30 days, C + GH and H + PL rats had higher body mass index, Lee-index, body fat content, percent-adiposity, serum triacylglycerol, cardiac lipid-hydroperoxide, and triacylglycerol than C + PL. Energy-expenditure (RMR)/body weight, oxygen consumption and fat-oxidation were higher in H + GH than in H + PL. LDL-cholesterol was highest in H + GH rats, whereas cardiac pyruvate-dehydrogenase and phosphofrutokinase were higher in H + GH and H + PL rats than in C + PL. In conclusion, the present study brought new insights on aging and obesity, demonstrating for the first time that GH therapy was harmful in aged and obesity conditions, impairing calorimetric parameters and lipid profile. GH was disadvantageous in control old rats, having undesirable effects on triacylglycerol accumulation and cardiac oxidative stress.


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The treatment of choice for these cases was surgical removal. In both cases the diagnostic was infiltrative follicular carcinoma of thyroid. The first animal did not present a good recovery after the surgery, and died four hours after the procedure. In the second case, the diagnosis was more precocious and antineoplastic chemotherapy was used after the surgery. At the time of submission of this manuscript, this animal had survived for foully months. Currently, there is a need to define the protocols of chemotherapy to avoid relapse and metastases, in order to increase the life expectancy in dogs with thyroid neoplasm.


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Trying to reduce particle contamination in lubrication systems, industries of the whole world spend millions of dollars each year on the improvement of filtration technology. In this context, by controlling fluid cleanliness, some companies are able to reduce failures rates up to 85 percent. However, in some industries and environments, water is a contaminant more frequently encountered than solid particles, and it is often seen as the primary cause of component failure. Only one percent of water in oil is enough to reduce life expectancy of a journal bearing by 80 percent. For rolling bearing elements, the situation is worse because water destroys the oil film and, under the extreme temperatures and pressures generated in the load zone of a rolling bearing element, free and emulsified water can result in instantaneous flash-vaporization giving origin to erosive wear. This work studies the effect of water as lubricant contaminant in ball bearings, which simulates a situation that could actually occur in real systems. In a designed bench test, three basic lubricants of different viscosities were contaminated with different contents of water. The results regarding oil and vibration analysis are presented for different bearing speeds.


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Includes bibliography


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The digital divide exacerbates inequalities in access to information and knowledge, making it more difficult to socialize with peers and limiting awareness of and the ability to use basic tools for life in society. Reducing this gap sets in motion virtuous synergies of social and cultural inclusion for children and adolescents, facilitating skills development and generating lifelong opportunities. Although the younger generations are connected digital natives, inequalities persist among socioeconomic groups, though these have been tempered by connectivity programmes in public schools in the region. The main article of this edition of Challenges uses current information to examine the progress made and the gaps that remain in this area. Providing children and adolescents with access is merely a first step. They then need to be protected from the risks associated with information and communications technologies (ICTs), which must be harnessed for purposes of meaningful learning, promoting uses that are more in line with the educational curriculum. Lastly, the article posits that connectivity policies must be linked to the fulfilment of children’s rights in the framework of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. As is customary, this issue also contains information on meetings and conferences held in the region during the year and recent publications in this field. Mention is also made of good practices from Peru in reducing gender gaps and a joint initiative between mobile operators and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to protect children in the digital age. Viewpoints includes expert opinion on the potential of ICTs as tools that can facilitate the exercise of the rights of children and adolescents, but also lead to violations of these rights.


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Purpose provides a moral compass for young people to apply their strengths and virtues in their lives. Deepen the studies about youth purpose may contribute to the design of new and more efficient moral education strategies, aiming the development of greater citizenship awareness, social justice and youth engagement in the construction of a society based on democracy, justice and social solidarity. This research paper explores the identification of life goals, the beyond the self or self-oriented purpose in life, a meaningful engagement in purposeful activities and the well-being and satisfaction with life in Brazilian youth engaged and not engaged in social and community issues.


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“Significs” is provisionally defined by Welby (1911: vii) as the study of the nature of significance in all its forms and relationships, of its workings in all spheres of human life and knowledge. Considering “significs” as a movement highlighting significance, Welby explores the action of signs in life; and more than the Saussurean sign composed of signifier and signified, the sign as understood by Welby refers to meaning as generated through signs in motion. This notion of “significs” empowers the study of signs when it considers the sign not in terms of the Saussurean structural representation of the union of the concept and acoustic image, but as (responsive and responsible) sign action in the world, in life. This also means to take into account the “extra-linguistic referent” (translinguistic and transdiscursive character of significs), history (space-time), subjectivity, the architecture of values connected to language, their communicative function. We believe that a dialogue can be established between Welby’s vision of significs and the notion of ideological sign proposed by Vološinov in Marxism and the Philosophy of Language, expanding the notions of “meaning” and “sense.”