948 resultados para Haakon Herðibreið, king of Norway, d. 1162.
The main objective of the project was to develop a geochemical method for exploration of ores associated with granitic rocks. Fe and Mn oxidates were sampled in streambeds and lakes from 129 localities in Southeastern Norway. 65 of these localities are situated in the northern Oslo Graben. The samples were examined mineralogically and chemically by a variety of methods. Geochemical maps of the element content in oxidates show regional distribution patterns for several elements. Sampling and analysis of oxidates can be used in exploration for mineralizations such as the Skrukkelia Mo-deposit in the northern Oslo Graben. New anomalies (especially for Zn and W) have been detected. Appendix I contains a description of samples, chemical and mineralogical determinations performed on the samples, backscattered electron image-, X-ray image- and scanning electron image pictures of the oxidate preparates. Appendix II contains spectral plots, point analysis with the microprobe, X-ray diffractograms, analytical results, correlation coefficient matrix, scatterplots, frequency distributions and information on data storage. Appendix III containS maps of the element content in oxidates.
This paper offers an extensive survey and a critical discussion of the empirical literature on the driving factors of R&D. These factors are subsumed under five broad types. The paper first summarises the key predictions from theory regarding each type's R&D effect. It then examines for which factors differences in the theoretical predictions can also be found in empirical studies, and for which factors the empirical evidence is more unanimous. As the focus is on the empirical literature, methodological issues are also highlighted. The major factor types identified in the literature are, individual firm or industry characteristics, particularly internal finance and sales; competition in product markets; R&D tax credits and subsidies; location and resource related factors, such as spillovers from university research within close geographic proximity, membership of a research joint venture and cooperation with research centres, and the human capital embodied in knowledge workers; and spillovers from foreign R&D. Although on balance there is a consensus regarding the R&D effects of most factors, there is also variation in results. Recent work suggests that accounting for non-linearities is one area of research that may explain and encompass contradictory findings.
This work is an investigation into collimator designs for a deuterium-deuterium (DD) neutron generator for an inexpensive and compact neutron imaging system that can be implemented in a hospital. The envisioned application is for a spectroscopic imaging technique called neutron stimulated emission computed tomography (NSECT).
Previous NSECT studies have been performed using a Van-de-Graaff accelerator at the Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory (TUNL) in Duke University. This facility has provided invaluable research into the development of NSECT. To transition the current imaging method into a clinically feasible system, there is a need for a high-intensity fast neutron source that can produce collimated beams. The DD neutron generator from Adelphi Technologies Inc. is being explored as a possible candidate to provide the uncollimated neutrons. This DD generator is a compact source that produces 2.5 MeV fast neutrons with intensities of 1012 n/s (4Ï€). The neutron energy is sufficient to excite most isotopes of interest in the body with the exception of carbon and oxygen. However, a special collimator is needed to collimate the 4Ï€ neutron emission into a narrow beam. This work describes the development and evaluation of a series of collimator designs to collimate the DD generator for narrow beams suitable for NSECT imaging.
A neutron collimator made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and lead was modeled and simulated using the GEANT4 toolkit. The collimator was designed as a 52 x 52 x 52 cm3 HDPE block coupled with 1 cm lead shielding. Non-tapering (cylindrical) and tapering (conical) opening designs were modeled into the collimator to permit passage of neutrons. The shape, size, and geometry of the aperture were varied to assess the effects on the collimated neutron beam. Parameters varied were: inlet diameter (1-5 cm), outlet diameter (1-5 cm), aperture diameter (0.5-1.5 cm), and aperture placement (13-39 cm). For each combination of collimator parameters, the spatial and energy distributions of neutrons and gammas were tracked and analyzed to determine three performance parameters: neutron beam-width, primary neutron flux, and the output quality. To evaluate these parameters, the simulated neutron beams are then regenerated for a NSECT breast scan. Scan involved a realistic breast lesion implanted into an anthropomorphic female phantom.
This work indicates potential for collimating and shielding a DD neutron generator for use in a clinical NSECT system. The proposed collimator designs produced a well-collimated neutron beam that can be used for NSECT breast imaging. The aperture diameter showed a strong correlation to the beam-width, where the collimated neutron beam-width was about 10% larger than the physical aperture diameter. In addition, a collimator opening consisting of a tapering inlet and cylindrical outlet allowed greater neutron throughput when compared to a simple cylindrical opening. The tapering inlet design can allow additional neutron throughput when the neck is placed farther from the source. On the other hand, the tapering designs also decrease output quality (i.e. increase in stray neutrons outside the primary collimated beam). All collimators are cataloged in measures of beam-width, neutron flux, and output quality. For a particular NSECT application, an optimal choice should be based on the collimator specifications listed in this work.
The research and development costs of 106 randomly selected new drugs were obtained from a survey of 10 pharmaceutical firms. These data were used to estimate the average pre-tax cost of new drug and biologics development. The costs of compounds abandoned during testing were linked to the costs of compounds that obtained marketing approval. The estimated average out-of-pocket cost per approved new compound is $1395 million (2013 dollars). Capitalizing out-of-pocket costs to the point of marketing approval at a real discount rate of 10.5% yields a total pre-approval cost estimate of $2558 million (2013 dollars). When compared to the results of the previous study in this series, total capitalized costs were shown to have increased at an annual rate of 8.5% above general price inflation. Adding an estimate of post-approval R&D costs increases the cost estimate to $2870 million (2013 dollars).
The transition of epithelial-like tumour cells to those exhibiting mesenchymal characteristics (Epithelial-to-mesenchymal Transition; EMT) is an integral process in breast cancer metastasis. EMT can be promoted by Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) which can be found at high levels in the tumour stroma. Tumour-associated macrophages (TAMs) can also induce EMT in breast cancer cells, which is one way that they promote breast cancer metastasis. Vitamin D signalling has been implicated in EMT suppression and plays a role in modulating macrophage differentiation and stimulating their anti-inflammatory functions. This project had two major aims. First, we aimed to create and verify a unique fluorescent reporter gene construct designed to evaluate the dynamics of EMT in real-time and at the single-cell level. While some components of this reporter system were successfully validated, work to complete the final reporter construct is ongoing. The second and main aspect of this project focused on exploring the ability of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25D3) to modulate the interaction between mesenchymal mammary tumour cells and TAMs. Unexpectedly, in short-term treatment (48 hours) studies of 4T1 murine mammary tumour cells, we observed that 1,25D3 and TGF-β signalling work together to increase expression of the mesenchymal markers, Snai1, Fn1, and Col1a1. 1,25D3 and TGF-β also synergistically activate transcription of the gene encoding the 1,25D3-catabolizing enzyme, Cyp24a1. The ability of 1,25D3 and TGF-β to enhance expression of these genes was diminished in a long-term treatment (14 days) of 4T1 cells, and this effect was accompanied by a decrease in cell proliferation. 1,25D3 may also cooperate with cytokines produced by normal macrophages and macrophages considered to be TAM-like. Conditioned media experiments revealed that in the presence of factors from normal macrophages, 1,25D3 enhanced expression of Fn1, and in the presence of factors from TAM-like macrophages, 1,25D3 enhanced expression of Fn1 and Cyp24a1. Rather than mitigating the interaction as hypothesized, 1,25D3 may exacerbate the tumour-promoting effects of the EMT-TAM relationship. Also, signalling pathways involved in the EMT-TAM relationship may synergize with 1,25D3 to upregulate Cyp24a1 expression. These findings are important for understanding the potential of vitamin D compounds to be used in the treatment of breast cancer.
This paper proposes a JPEG-2000 compliant architecture capable of computing the 2 -D Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform. The proposed architecture uses a single processor and a row-based schedule to minimize control and routing complexity and to ensure that processor utilization is kept at 100%. The design incorporates the handling of borders through the use of symmetric extension. The architecture has been implemented on the Xilinx Virtex2 FPGA.
Chapter 2 recognises the important role that context plays in shaping the new directions of L&D professionals. In this chapter, Robin Bell and I discuss how L&D’s role is significantly influenced by contextual factors such as the external environment, organizational life-cycle and size, business/ industry of the organization, organizational goals and senior management’s view of strategy. Irrespective of L&D’s influence on organizational strategy, which varies amongst organizations e.g. whether L&D is a ‘scope maker’ (involved in helping to set direction) or ‘scope taker’ (involved in implementation after the direction has been set), understanding the context they operate within is crucial. This chapter discusses the sources and nature of change, and its impact on industry and organizations’ business model. We also discuss how this has influenced the general nature of work, the workforce, and ultimately, their learning and development.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Abstract not available
In the second half of the fifteenth century, King Ferrante I of Naples (r. 1458-1494) dominated the political and cultural life of the Mediterranean world. His court was home to artists, writers, musicians, and ambassadors from England to Egypt and everywhere in between. Yet, despite its historical importance, Ferrante’s court has been neglected in the scholarship. This dissertation provides a long-overdue analysis of Ferrante’s artistic patronage and attempts to explicate the king’s specific role in the process of art production at the Neapolitan court, as well as the experiences of artists employed therein. By situating Ferrante and the material culture of his court within the broader discourse of Early Modern art history for the first time, my project broadens our understanding of the function of art in Early Modern Europe. I demonstrate that, contrary to traditional assumptions, King Ferrante was a sophisticated patron of the visual arts whose political circumstances and shifting alliances were the most influential factors contributing to his artistic patronage. Unlike his father, Alfonso the Magnanimous, whose court was dominated by artists and courtiers from Spain, France, and elsewhere, Ferrante differentiated himself as a truly Neapolitan king. Yet Ferrante’s court was by no means provincial. His residence, the Castel Nuovo in Naples, became the physical embodiment of his commercial and political network, revealing the accretion of local and foreign visual vocabularies that characterizes Neapolitan visual culture.
The article appeared in a Festschrift devoted to a distinguished Polish linguist Professor Alfred F. Majewicz. It discusses the Christian name Alfred born by the Jubilarian in its various aspects: its Anglo-Saxon origins, etymology and popularity (past and present) in various European countries, with particular emphasis on Poland. It also presents some famous people, literary characters and pop culture heroes bearing this name.