949 resultados para HYDROCARBON OXIDATIONS


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A descoberta de petróleo na camada de Pré-Sal possibilita a geração de ganhos em relação à dependência energética do país, mas também grandes desafios econômicos e tecnológicos. Os custos de extração são maiores devido a vários fatores como a exigência de equipamentos de exploração que suportem elevadas pressões, altas temperaturas e grandes concentrações de gases ácidos, tais quais, dióxido de carbono (CO2) e sulfeto de hidrogênio (H2S). Uma das principais preocupações com o CO2 é evitar liberá-lo para a atmosfera durante a produção. Com a modelagem termodinâmica de dados de equilíbrio de sistemas envolvendo CO2 supercrítico e hidrocarbonetos é possível projetar equipamentos utilizados em processos de separação. A principal motivação do trabalho é o levantamento de dados de equilíbrio de fases de sistemas compostos de CO2 e hidrocarbonetos, possibilitando assim prever o comportamento dessas misturas. Os objetivos específicos são a avaliação do procedimento experimental, a estimação e predição dos parâmetros de interação binários para assim prever o comportamento de fases dos sistemas ternários envolvendo CO2 e hidrocarbonetos. Duas metodologias foram utilizadas para obtenção dos dados de equilíbrio: método estático sintético (visual) e método dinâmico analítico (recirculação das fases). Os sistemas avaliados foram: CO2 + n-hexano, CO2 + tetralina, CO2 + n-hexadecano, CO2 + n-hexano + tetralina e CO2 + tetralina + n-hexadecano à alta pressão; tetralina + n-hexadecano à baixa pressão. Para o tratamento dos dados foi utilizada equação de estado cúbica de Peng-Robinson e a regra de mistura clássica


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Neste trabalho, algumas caracterizações químicas foram realizadas em arenitos asfálticos da região de Piracicaba-SP, Formação Piramboia da Bacia do Paraná, para verificar seu potencial de produção de óleo. Para isso, as amostras obtidas da região foram submetidas a avaliação por termogravimetria, teor de umidade, teor de cinzas, teor de material orgânico por extração, pirólise, análise elementar e fracionamento em coluna. Por TGA observou-se que a 500 C praticamente todo material orgânico presente sofreu pirólise. A extração colaborou para se obter a classificação das amostras quanto ao teor de material orgânico, apresentando entre 4 e 13%, sendo que pelos teores encontrados a amostra AM06 é considerada de alto potencial produtivo, as amostras AM05, AM08 e AM09 são de médio, as amostras AM01, AM02, AM03 e AM07 possuem baixo, mas ainda atrativo, e a AM04 não possui atratividade. Pela avaliação elementar, a relação H/C e O/C dos extratos evidenciaram que algumas amostras estão no processo final da diagênese e outras no início da catagênese, indicando que elas estão no processo inicial de maturação. A avaliação cromatográfica dos extratos revelou que houve perdas de óleo por intemperismo restando majoritariamente compostos de alto peso molecular. O fracionamento permitiu verificar que as amostras AM01, AM06 e AM09 possuem maior quantidade de hidrocarbonetos livres e as amostras AM06 e AM07 e AM09 apresentaram maior teor de óleo. O procedimento de pirólise evidenciou que as amostras AM01, AM05, AM06 e AM09 apresentam maior potencial de geração de óleo, sendo que a faixa encontrada de óleo pirolítico ficou entre 2 e 8%, e através de avaliação por CGAR e CGAR-EM observou-se que ela promove a liberação de quantidades consideráveis de substâncias mais leves do que quando comparados aos extratos obtidos diretamente nas amostras originais. Além de produzir uma série homóloga de hidrocarbonetos parafínicos e olefínicos. A comparação dos produtos de pirólise dos arenitos com os produtos de pirólise de um resíduo de vácuo por CGAR-EM permitiu observar que existe similaridade entre suas composições, onde o processo de pirólise do resíduo de vácuo gera uma série homóloga de hidrocarbonetos entre C10 a C32, similar aos produtos de pirólise da amostra AM09, porém com menor variedade de tipos de hidrocarbonetos. A pré-avaliação da co-pirólise dos arenitos com resíduos plásticos indicou que é possível aumentar a geração de líquidos, porém é necessário mais estudo para afirmações inequívocas. Com base nos resultados das avaliações realizadas podemos concluir que a região apresenta na sua maioria potencial interessante para produção de óleo utilizando pirólise


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Os dados geológicos e geofísicos escolhidos para o tema de estudo pertencem a Bacia do Amazonas, na região centro-norte do Brasil. A Bacia do Amazonas é uma bacia intracratônica com cerca de 500.000 km. A mesma está limitada ao norte pelo Escudo das Guianas e ao sul pelo Escudo Brasileiro. O limite oeste com a Bacia do Solimões é marcado pelo Arco de Purus, ao passo que o Arco de Gurupá constitui seu limite leste. Possui características inerentes a uma bacia intracratônica paleozóica, com uma longa história evolutiva, marcada por discordâncias expressivas e com uma cunha sedimentar relativamente rasa se comparada às bacias cretáceas brasileiras, o que levanta controvérsia a respeito da suficiência do soterramento para a eficiência de geração de hidrocarboneto. Podem ser reconhecidas nos 5000 m do preenchimento sedimentar da Bacia do Amazonas, duas seqüências de primeira ordem: uma paleozóica, intrudida por diques e soleiras de diabásio, na passagem do Triássico para o Jurássico, e uma mesozóica-cenozóica que representam um aspecto importante na evolução térmica da matéria orgânica que ocorre na primeira seqüência. Com relação à exploração de petróleo, apesar do fomento exploratório ocorrido nos últimos anos, a bacia ainda é considerada pouco explorada sendo sua maior reserva a da província de Urucu. Um dos fatores que dificultam bastante a exploração desta bacia assim como a bacia do Solimões a oeste é o acesso restrito, pois estão situadas em áreas remotas e florestadas, de difícil acesso, com muitas reservas indígenas e florestais, o que causa restrições logísticas, operacionais e legais. O efeito térmico das intrusões ígneas é considerado como o responsável pelo acréscimo de calor necessário à maturação da matéria orgânica e conseqüente geração de hidrocarbonetos. Este trabalho contribui com a reconstrução da história térmica desta bacia a partir da modelagem das variáveis termais e da história de soterramento. Para isso, foram utilizados modelos consagrados na literatura, que permitem, de forma simples, a estimativa do fluxo térmico através do embasamento e da seqüência sedimentar. Na análise da influência de intrusões ígneas na estrutura térmica da bacia, o modelo bidimensional desenvolvido pelo método de diferenças finitas se mostrou apropriado. Utilizou-se o fluxo térmico basal calculado nas condições de contorno da modelagem da influência térmica das ígneas. Como resultado obteve-se a estruturação térmica da bacia e a historia maturação de suas rochas geradoras


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The Deepwater Horizon (DWH) accident in the northern Gulf of Mexico occurred on April 20, 2010 at a water depth of 1525 meters, and a deep-sea plume was detected within one month. Oil contacted and persisted in parts of the bottom of the deep-sea in the Gulf of Mexico. As part of the response to the accident, monitoring cruises were deployed in fall 2010 to measure potential impacts on the two main soft-bottom benthic invertebrate groups: macrofauna and meiofauna. Sediment was collected using a multicorer so that samples for chemical, physical and biological analyses could be taken simultaneously and analyzed using multivariate methods. The footprint of the oil spill was identified by creating a new variable with principal components analysis where the first factor was indicative of the oil spill impacts and this new variable mapped in a geographic information system to identify the area of the oil spill footprint. The most severe relative reduction of faunal abundance and diversity extended to 3 km from the wellhead in all directions covering an area about 24 km2. Moderate impacts were observed up to 17 km towards the southwest and 8.5 km towards the northeast of the wellhead, covering an area 148 km2. Benthic effects were correlated to total petroleum hydrocarbon, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and barium concentrations, and distance to the wellhead; but not distance to hydrocarbon seeps. Thus, benthic effects are more likely due to the oil spill, and not natural hydrocarbon seepage. Recovery rates in the deep sea are likely to be slow, on the order of decades or longer.


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NOAA’s National Status and Trends Program (NS&T) collected oyster tissue and sediments for quantification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and petroleum associated metals before and after the landfall of oil from the Deepwater Horizon incident of 2010. These new pre- and post- landfall measurements were put into a historical context by comparing them to data collected in the region over three decades during Mussel Watch monitoring. Overall, the levels of PAHs in both sediment and oysters both pre- and post-landfall were within the range of historically observed values for the Gulf of Mexico. Some specific sites did have elevated PAH levels. While those locations generally correspond to areas in which oil reached coastal areas, it cannot be conclusively stated that the contamination is due to oiling from the Deepwater Horizon incident at these sites due to the survey nature of these sampling efforts. Instead, our data indicate locations along the coast where intensive investigation of hydrocarbon contamination should be undertaken. Post-spill concentrations of oil-related trace metals (V, Hg, Ni) were generally within historically observed ranges for a given site, however, nickel and vanadium were elevated at some sites including areas in Mississippi Sound and Galveston, Terrebonne, Mobile, Pensacola, and Apalachicola Bays. No oyster tissue metal body burden exceeded any of the United States Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) shellfish permissible action levels for human consumption.


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渤海湾沿岸人口密集,工农、航运发达,渤海自身净化能力非常有限。因此,渤海湾 环境污染的压力越来越大,主要污染物包括重金属和持久性有机污染物的。四角蛤蜊广泛 分布于渤海湾海域,是一种重要的经济贝类,对污染物具有较强的富集能力。为了研究不 同站点渤海湾四角蛤蜊软体部重金属含量,选择大港油田、高沙岭码头、涧河村三个断面 进行研究,对不同站点四角蛤蜊软体部重金属含量进行了分析和讨论,最后对水生动物的 POPs 毒理调控通道进行了探索性研究,得到以下结果: 1. 通过比较渤海不同站点四角蛤蜊软体部重金属含量分布特征和方差分析,发现四 角蛤蜊软体部必需重金属元素含量较高,而非必需重金属元素含量较低,这是由于必需重 金属元素具有重要的生理功能作用。侧重比较A、B 两个断面各站位间四角蛤蜊软体部重 金属含量,发现虽然各站位间分布规律不明显,但各站位间差异显著。 2. 利用简单相关回归分析金属元素间及其与生物学性状间的关系,发现Mn 与Zn 之 间,Cu 与Zn 间均存在显著正相关,Se 与As、Cd 间存在显著正相关。另外,A 断面,BL 与Cd 含量显著负相关其回归方程为:Y(Cd)=-1395.97+88.34(BL);R=0.633;在B 断面,利用BW 和BH 分别与Cd 和As 显著负相关和显著正相关,其回归方程分别为:BW 和Cd 的回归方程为:Y(Cd)=-1968.80+220.72(BW);R=0.656。BH 和As 的回归方 程为:Y(As)=1496.86+227.82(BH);R=0.656。 3. 利用PLS(偏最小二乘分析)方法分析,发现五个生物学性状都与Co、As 呈正相 关,而与Cr、Pb、Se 呈负相关,而与必须重金属元素相关不明显。进一步分析表明表明 渤海湾海域中Co、As 含量低于四角蛤蜊正常生长发育的需要,而Cr、Pb、Se 的含量超过 四角蛤蜊正常生长发育所需的量。最后,通过PLS-DA 分析方法,发现C 站点样品能与A、 B 两个断面的站点区分开,而A、B 间未能区分开,反映了渤海湾三个断面的实际污染状 况。 4. 四角蛤蜊软体部重金属含量进行风险评价,首先,利用单因子污染指数法比较分析, 发现从1997 年-2008 年,渤海湾四角蛤蜊软体部Cd 的污染水平在不断降低,现在其含量 已低于《海洋生物质量标准》(第二类)标准。而Cr、As 有污染的趋势,需要引起重视。 然后,利用金属污染指数法进行比较研究,发现B 断面>A 断面>C 断面。最后,利用《人 体消费卫生标准》进行比较分析,发现Cd、Ni 存在轻度污染,因此需要加强其污染源的 控制。 5. 渤海湾污染物除了重金属外,还存在一些典型持久性有机污染物。为进一步揭示 二者间协同毒理机制,利用分子系统学方法,对芳香烃受体通道进行了探索性研究,发现 水生动物AhR通道基因在进化过程中发生了适应性进化,对进一步研究重金属和POPs对双 壳贝类的毒理机制具有参考价值。


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This article presents a laboratory study on the consequences of the application of combined soil stabilization and bioaugmentation in the remediation of a model contaminated soil. Stabilization and bioaugmentation are two techniques commonly applied independently for the remediation of heavy metal and organic contamination respectively. However, for a cocktail of contaminants combined treatments are currently being considered. The model soil was contaminated with a cocktail of organics and heavy metals based on the soil and contaminant conditions in a real contaminated site. The soil stabilization treatment was applied using either zeolite or green waste compost as additives and a commercially available hydrocarbon degrading microbial consortium was used for the bioaugmentation treatment. The effects of stabilization with or without bioaugmentation on the leachability of cadmium and copper was observed using an EU batch leaching test procedure and a flow-through column leaching test, both using deionized water at a pH of 5.6. In addition, the population of hydrocarbon degrading microorganisms was monitored using a modified plate count procedure in cases where bioaugmentation was applied. It was found that while the stabilization treatment reduced the metal leachability by up to 60%, the bioaugmentation treatment increased it by up to 100% Microbial survival was also higher in the stabilized soil samples.


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Our group recently reproduced the water-assisted growth method, so-called "SuperGrowth", of millimeter-thick single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) forests by using C2H4/H2/H2O/Ar reactant gas and Fe/Al2O3, catalyst. In this current work, a parametric study was carried out on both reaction and catalyst conditions. Results revealed that a thin Fe catalyst layer (about 0.5 nm) yielded rapid growth of SWNTs only when supported on Al2O3, and that Al2O3 support enhanced the activity of Fe, Co, and Ni catalysts. The growth window for the rapid SWNT growth was narrow, however. Optimum amount of added H2O increased the SWNT growth rate but further addition of H2O degraded both the SWNT growth rate and quality. Addition of H2 was also essential for rapid SWNT growth, but again, further addition decreased both the SWNT growth rate and quality. Because Al2O3 catalyzes hydrocarbon reforming, Al2O3 support possibly enhances the SWNT growth rate by supplying the carbon source to the catalyst nanoparticles. The origin of the narrow window for rapid SWNT growth is also discussed.


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A noncatalytic chemical vapor deposition mechanism is proposed, where high precursor concentration, long deposition time, high temperature, and flat substrate are needed to grow large-area nanocrystalline graphene using hydrocarbon pyrolysis. The graphene is scalable, uniform, and with controlled thickness. It can be deposited on virtually any nonmetallic substrate that withstands ∼1000 °C. For typical examples, graphene grown directly on quartz and sapphire shows transmittance and conductivity similar to exfoliated or metal-catalyzed graphene, as evidenced by transmission spectroscopy and transport measurements. Raman spectroscopy confirms the sp 2-C structure. The model and results demonstrate a promising transfer-free technique for transparent electrode production. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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We study the Fe-catalyzed chemical vapor deposition of carbon nanotubes by complementary in situ grazing-incidence X-ray diffraction, in situ X-ray reflectivity, and environmental transmission electron microscopy. We find that typical oxide supported Fe catalyst films form widely varying mixtures of bcc and fcc phased Fe nanoparticles upon reduction, which we ascribe to variations in minor commonly present carbon contamination levels. Depending on the as-formed phase composition, different growth modes occur upon hydrocarbon exposure: For γ-rich Fe nanoparticle distributions, metallic Fe is the active catalyst phase, implying that carbide formation is not a prerequisite for nanotube growth. For α-rich catalyst mixtures, Fe3C formation more readily occurs and constitutes part of the nanotube growth process. We propose that this behavior can be rationalized in terms of kinetically accessible pathways, which we discuss in the context of the bulk iron-carbon phase diagram with the inclusion of phase equilibrium lines for metastable Fe3C. Our results indicate that kinetic effects dominate the complex catalyst phase evolution during realistic CNT growth recipes. © 2012 American Chemical Society.


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Chemical looping combustion (CLC) uses a metal oxide (the oxygen carrier) to provide oxygen for the combustion of a fuel and gives an inherent separation of pure CO2 with minimal energy penalty. In solid-fuel CLC, volatile matter will interact with oxygen carriers. Here, the interaction between iron-based oxygen carriers and a volatile hydrocarbon (n-heptane) was investigated in both a laboratory-scale fluidised bed and a thermogravimetric analyser (TGA). Experiments were undertaken to characterise the thermal decomposition of the n-heptane occurring in the presence and in the absence of the oxygen carrier. In a bed of inert particles, carbon deposition increased with temperature and acetylene appeared as a possible precursor. For a bed of carrier consisting of pure Fe2O3, carbon deposition occurred once the Fe2O3 was fully reduced to Fe. When the Fe2O3 was doped with 10 mol % Al2O3 (Fe90Al), deposition started when the carrier was reduced to a mixture of Fe and FeAl2O4, the latter being very unreactive. Furthermore, when pure Fe2O3 was fully reduced to Fe, agglomeration of the fluidised bed occurred. However, Fe90Al did not give agglomeration even after extended reduction. The results suggest that Fe90Al is promising for the CLC of solid fuels. © 2012 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Understanding mixture formation phenomena during the first few cycles of an engine cold start is extremely important for achieving the minimum engine-out emission levels at the time when the catalytic converter is not yet operational. Of special importance is the structure of the charge (film, droplets and vapour) which enters the cylinder during this time interval as well as its concentration profile. However, direct experimental studies of the fuel behaviour in the inlet port have so far been less than fully successful due to the brevity of the process and lack of a suitable experimental technique. We present measurements of the hydrocarbon (HC) concentration in the manifold and port of a production SI engine using the Fast Response Flame Ionisation Detector (FRFID). It has been widely reported in the past few years how the FRFID can be used to study the exhaust and in-cylinder HC concentrations with a time resolution of a few degrees of crank angle, and the device has contributed significantly to the understanding of unburned HC emissions. Using the FRFID in the inlet manifold is difficult because of the presence of liquid droplets, and the low and fluctuating pressure levels, which leads to significant changes in the response time of the instrument. However, using recently developed procedures to correct for the errors caused by these effects, the concentration at the sampling point can be reconstructed to align the FRFID signal with actual events in the engine. © 1996 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.


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A one-dimensional model for crevice HC post-flame oxidation is used to calculate and understand the effect of operating parameters and fuel type (propane and isooctane) on the extent of crevice hydrocarbon and the product distribution in the post flame environment. The calculations show that the main parameters controlling oxidation are: bulk burned gas temperatures, wall temperatures, turbulent diffusivity, and fuel oxidation rates. Calculated extents of oxidation agree well with experimental values, and the sensitivities to operating conditions (wall temperatures, equivalence ratio, fuel type) are reasonably well captured. Whereas the bulk gas temperatures largely determine the extent of oxidation, the hydrocarbon product distribution is not very much affected by the burned gas temperatures, but mostly by diffusion rates. Uncertainties in both turbulent diffusion rates as well as in mechanisms are an important factor limiting the predictive capabilities of the model. However, it seems well suited to sensitivity calculations about a baseline. Copyright © 1999 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.


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The presence of liquid fuel inside the engine cylinder is believed to be a strong contributor to the high levels of hydrocarbon emissions from spark ignition (SI) engines during the warm-up period. Quantifying and determining the fate of the liquid fuel that enters the cylinder is the first step in understanding the process of emissions formation. This work uses planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) to visualize the liquid fuel present in the cylinder. The fluorescing compounds in indolene, and mixtures of iso-octane with dopants of different boiling points (acetone and 3-pentanone) were used to trace the behavior of different volatility components. Images were taken of three different planes through the engine intersecting the intake valve region. A closed valve fuel injection strategy was used, as this is the strategy most commonly used in practice. Background subtraction and masking were both performed to reduce the effect of any spurious fluorescence. The images were analyzed on both a time and crank angle (CA) basis, showing the time of maximum liquid fuel present in the cylinder and the effect of engine events on the inflow of liquid fuel. The results show details of the liquid fuel distribution as it enters the engine as a function of crankangle degree, volatility and location in the cylinder. A. semi-quantitative analysis based on the integration of the image intensities provides additional information on the temporal distribution of the liquid fuel flow. © 1998 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.


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About 50-90 percent of the hydrocarbons that escape combustion during flame passage in spark-ignition engine operation are oxidized in the cylinder before leaving the system. The process involves the transport of unreacted fuel from cold walls towards the hotter burned gas regions and subsequent reaction. In order to understand controlling factors in the process, a transient one-dimensional reactive-diffusive model has been formulated for simulating the oxidation processes taking place in the reactive layer between hot burned gases and cold unreacted air/fuel mixture, with initial and boundary conditions provided by the emergence of hydrocarbons from the piston top land crevice. Energy and species conservation equations are solved for the entire process, using a detailed chemical kinetic mechanism for propane. Simulation results show that the post-flame oxidation process takes place within a reactive layer where intermediate hydrocarbon products are formed at temperatures above 1100-1200 K, followed by a carbon monoxide conversion region closer to the hot burned gases. Model results show that most of hydrocarbons leaving the crevice are completely oxidized inside the cylinder. The largest contribution of remaining hydrocarbons are those leaving the crevice at temperatures below 1400 K. The largest fraction of non-fuel (intermediate) hydrocarbons results from hydrocarbons leaving the crevice when core temperatures are around 1400 K Copyright © 1997 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.