957 resultados para Great Salt Lake (Utah) -- Aerial photographs
Uusiutuvan energian käytön lisääntyminen lisää sähkön varastoinnin tarvetta. Litiumioniakku-jen on todettu olevan oivallisia keinoja varastoida sähköä esimerkiksi sähköautojen energian-lähteeksi. Tästä syystä akkujen kysyntä kasvaa nopeaa tahtia, jolloin nykyiset litiumlähteet ei-vät enää riitä tuottamaan tarpeeksi litiumia kasvavaan tarpeeseen. Tämän vuoksi litiumin tal-teenottoon tulee valjastaa uusia litiumin lähteitä, joiden hyödynnettävyys nykyisellä tekniikalla on pienen litiumkonsentraation ja muiden alkali- ja maa-alkalimetallien läsnäolon takia vaikeaa. Tällä hetkellä litiumia otetaan talteen eniten korkean litiumpitoisuuden luonnon suolajärvistä. Nykyisin käytössä oleva litiumin erotusprosessi on hidas ja sen käyttö pienten litiumkonsent-raatioiden suola-altailla on kannattamatonta. Tehokkaampana talteenottomenetelmänä luonnon suolajärvillä nähdään litiumin selektiivinen uutto ionisilla nesteillä. Menetelmä on todettu toi-mivaksi suolajärvillä, joilla on matala litiumkonsentraatio. Uusien suolajärvien käyttöönotto ei ratkaise kaikkia litiumin talteenottoon liittyviä ongelmia, sillä suolajärvet ovat alttiita ilmastonmuutokselle, eikä niiden litiumvarannot ole ehtymättömät. Merien litiumvarantoja sen sijaan pidetään lähes ehtymättöminä. Litiumin talteenotto meristä on mahdollista ionisia nesteitä ja membraaneja hyödyntävällä elektrodialyysilaitteistolla, jolla litiumia voidaan ottaa talteen myös hyvin pienistä pitoisuuksista. Lisäksi on mahdollista, että litiumin talteenottoon yhdistetään juomaveden valmistus. Tällainen vedenpuhdistusprosessi olisi myös hyvä kestävän kehityksen näkökulmasta.
Includes a Report of the Exerciese in the Salt Lake Assembly Hall.
Scale 1:125,000: 1 in. equals approx. 2 miles.
Dissertação de mest. em Estudos Marinhos e Costeiros Ramo Gestão Costeira, Unidade de Ciências e Tecnologias dos Recursos Aquáticos, Univ. do Algarve, 1996
In this issue...Physical Plant, Oredigger Football, Palm Tree, Geology 415, Kopper Kadets, Delmoe Lake, Smokey Quartz Crystals, Salt Lake City, Governor Babcock
This document is a list of contacts for each airport in South Carolina, with address, company or agency affiliation, phone number, fax number, and title for each contact. It also has aerial photographs of each airport.
Esta tesis de grado se intereza por observar y análizar las red migratoria de los Kichwas de Sesquilé, especificamente en los procesos que permitieron la construcción y consolidación de las redes migratorias, las cuales se encienden o se apagan, a partir de las configuraciones políticas, religiosas, culturales y económicas que la comunidad ha experimentado.
Resumen: Este artículo constituye parte del diagnóstico físico-ambiental que se redactó como uno de los componentes del Plan Regulador de Esparza. Mediante el acopio de informes técnicos, mapas temáticos, fotos aéreas y trabajo de campo, se caracteriza,geológica y geomorfológicamente el sector. En este último apartado se identifican veintiséis geoformas que son objeto de un cuidadoso análisis para identificar no solo los tipos de amenazas naturales que hacen vulnerable cada uno de esos territorios, sino que se formulan restricciones de uso y propuestas de uso apropiado. Abstract: This article is a part of a physic environmental diagnosis that was composed as a section of Esparza Urban Planning. In order to characterize geological and geomorphological aspects, it was necessary to use technical reports, thematic maps, aerial photographs and fieldwork. As a part of a geomorphologic research we identify twenty six landforms. Each one of them has not only a technical name but also a kind of natural hazard. At the same time we analyze their vulnerability and propose use restrictions and made recommendations about their suitability.
En el siguiente artículo se analizan las transformaciones en el uso de la tierra en la microcuenca de la quebrada Estero en San Ramón, provincia de Alajuela. La investigación se basa en el análisis de fotografías aéreas pertenecientes a los períodos que abarcan 1979, 1989 y 1999. Se estiman los cambios en el área ocupada por los diferentes tipos de usos de la tierra. Se identifica su evolución y se muestran, a partir de suficiente información cuantitativa, los porcentajes de cambios en los distintos usos y las tendencias espaciales de éstos. La investigación demuestra que actualmente existe un acelerado crecimiento urbano con un inadecuado patrón de ordenamiento territorial y una disminución progresiva de áreas dedicadas a bosque, pasto y cultivos.ABSTRACT In the following article, transformation of land use in the microcuenca Estero in San Ramón, province of Alajuela is analyzed. The investigation is based upon the analysis of aerial photographs of three different periods of 1979, 1989 and 1999. This allows for the estimation of change in each distinct Land use type and the identification of the evolution of Land use, gives enough quantitative information to calculate the percentage of change between each period, and the tendencies of incremental expansion. The investigation shows a current, incremental acceleration of urban áreas with minimal territorial planning and a progressive decrease of áreas previously occupied by forests, pastures and agriculture.
Usando procedimientos de trabajo con fotos aéreas de diferentes años, se analiza en el caso de la ciudad de Limón el avance del poblamiento hacia áreas costeras sujetas a inundaciones. Una vez diseñado el mapa que muestra para cuatro períodos la información extraída de las fotos aéreas, se realiza-un análisis físico –social de las condiciones que dan origen a la vulnerabilidad al riesgo por inundación. En el caso del poblado de Parrita, se reconstruyen con ayuda de fotos aéreas, los distintos cursos fluviales que el río Parrita ha formado en un período de toma fotográfica aérea para cuatro años diferentes. Una vez dibujado este documento, se efectúa un análisis sobre las áreas de mayor riesgo por inundaciones, evaluando los aspectos sociales y económicos de la población afectada. SUMMARY Using aerial photographs of different years, we analyze in the case of the Limon city, the growth population in coastal areas affected by flooding. A map showing four periods of aerial photointerpretation, fieldwork and another sources, gives information about the physical and social conditions of some areas with vulnerability by flooding. In the case of Parrita town, the use of aerial photographs of four periods, make it possible to know the geomorphological dynamic of Parrita river. With this map, we evaluate the risk by flooding, taking into account the social and economical aspects of the affected population.
Tonle Sap, the Great Lake of Cambodia fisheries and fish production are discussed considering also the problems affecting the lake.
The Mundel Lake is an extremely shallow lagoon on the west coast of Sri Lanka. It is connected to the Puttalam Lagoon through 15 km long Dutch Canal. Salinity measurements and daily sea level data were obtained fortnightly from January 1993 to March 1994 and they were used to quantify the salt and water budget along with precipitation, evaporation and freshwater runoff. Extreme fluctuations of salinity and sea level are striking features of the system. Salinity of the Mundel Lake and Dutch Canal varied from 5-46.5 and 6 61 ppt respectively while the sea level ranged from -0.25 to +1.2 m. Tidal variations were not seen in the lagoon due to its long narrow canal system. Salt budget showed that the deposition of salt on the lagoon bottom during periods of decreasing water level. During increasing water level, salt is dissolved again. Flow of water through the Dutch Canal between the Puttalam Lagoon and Mundel Lake is driven by the changes in sea level. These changes are mainly due to seasonal changes of net freshwater supply and, to a lesser degree, to seasonal changes in sea surface height. As the flow rates are small due to the long and narrow canal, the residence time ranges between two months and several months in the Mundel Lake, except during season of high freshwater supply. As the water exchange is weak, the Mundel Lake becomes hyper saline with strong fluctuations in salinity. This implies a stress to all lagoon dwelling aquatic organisms and also to aquaculture practices in the area.
Includes index.