999 resultados para Gemstone Team SOLAR CAMPUS
Aquest projecte pretén aconseguir un Campus Virtual més flexible i més obert, on el professorat pugui fer una gestió més acurada i específica dels seus espais de docència, a més de poder crear-se d’altres espais organitzant els grups de matrícula de la forma que més li convingui. La idea és canviar la manera com s’aprovisiona actualment el Campus Virtual amb les dades de gestió acadèmica per tal d’aconseguir un campus on el professorat tingui totes les eines i dades disponibles per a que les pugui utilitzar de la manera que cregui més adient, i no d’una manera predefinida i tancada com es feia fins ara, on el professorat es trobava un espai per cada assignatura que impartia, però no en podia modificar gairebé res. A banda d’aquest objectiu fonamental, aquest treball facilitarà en gran mesura les tasques realitzades per l’equip que gestiona el Campus Virtual en els processos de gestió d’espais de docència i del tractament dels seus participants en sincronització amb els sistemes origen.
En el present informe s’analitza la producció científica de les dues escoles del Campus del Baix Llobregat, l’Escola d’Enginyeria de Telecomunicació i Aerospacial de Castelldefels (EETAC) i l’Escola Superior d’Agricultura de Barcelona (ESAB) durant el 2014.
En respuesta al reto que supone el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), las bibliotecas universitarias deben adaptarse al modelo de un Centro de Recursos para el Aprendizaje y la Investigación (CRAI). En el caso del CRAI Biblioteca de Medicina de la Universidad de Barcelona se hace énfasis en los espacios, la difusión y el fondo bibliográfico.
A novel and unique in a brazilian university experience for rigorous handling of chemical residues of research and teaching is described. The activities since 1998 of a laboratory for the adequate treatment and recovery of chemicals at the São Carlos Campus of the University of São Paulo are summarized. The necessity of environment conscience future professional is enhanced.
This work presents a proposal for the management of residues from teaching laboratories. The main goals of the proposal are: scale reduction of experiments, reuse of residues as raw materials for new experiments and appropriate treatment and storage of residues. The methodology includes standardized labels for residue classification and registration of experimental classes and their residues in files. The management seemed to be efficient, resulting in a reduction of the amount of reagents utilized and residues generated, and an increase of reutilization of residues. A considerable decrease of needed storage space and suitable methods for correct residue disposal were achieved. We expect that all laboratories, including those exclusively for research activities, become involved, in a near future, in the Residue Management Project of URI - Campus Erechim.
This thesis was produced for the Technology Marketing unit at the Nokia Research Center. Technology marketing was a new function at Nokia Research Center, and needed an established framework with the capacity to take into account multiple aspects for measuring the team performance. Technology marketing functions had existed in other parts of Nokia, yet no single method had been agreed upon for measuring their performance. The purpose of this study was to develop a performance measurement system for Nokia Research Center Technology Marketing. The target was that Nokia Research Center Technology Marketing had a framework for separate metrics; including benchmarking for starting level and target values in the future planning (numeric values were kept confidential within the company). As a result of this research, the Balanced Scorecard model of Kaplan and Norton, was chosen for the performance measurement system for Nokia Research Center Technology Marketing. This research selected the indicators, which were utilized in the chosen performance measurement system. Furthermore, performance measurement system was defined to guide the Head of Marketing in managing Nokia Research Center Technology Marketing team. During the research process the team mission, vision, strategy and critical success factors were outlined.
The paper presents the variability of major floods in Switzerland for the period 1800-2008 from a summer index (INU). The index is constructed from the damage caused by flooding, with the aim of establishing the possible influence of the solar and climate variability on the major floods. The coincidence of flood-rich periods with those observed in other regions of different climate and fluvial regimes suggests that climate forcings and changes in the general circulation of the atmosphere are those who govern the appearance of these high-frequency temporal clusters.
Identification of clouds from satellite images is now a routine task. Observation of clouds from the ground, however, is still needed to acquire a complete description of cloud conditions. Among the standard meteorologicalvariables, solar radiation is the most affected by cloud cover. In this note, a method for using global and diffuse solar radiation data to classify sky conditions into several classes is suggested. A classical maximum-likelihood method is applied for clustering data. The method is applied to a series of four years of solar radiation data and human cloud observations at a site in Catalonia, Spain. With these data, the accuracy of the solar radiation method as compared with human observations is 45% when nine classes of sky conditions are to be distinguished, and it grows significantly to almost 60% when samples are classified in only five different classes. Most errors are explained by limitations in the database; therefore, further work is under way with a more suitable database
Tannery effluents are very dangerous for the environment since they contain large amounts of dangerous and biorecalcitrant contaminants (organic matter and Cr(VI)). This paper reports the efficiency of heterogeneous photocatalysis, based on the application of solar and artificial radiation, furnished by UV lamps, using TiO2 fixed on a flat plate, in the treatment of synthetic effluents. The results of COD and Cr(VI) demonstrate that the use of solar radiation is the most efficient way to perform the photocatalytic treatment of these effluents since a minimum removal of 62 and 61% was observed for Cr(VI) and organic matter, respectively.
Dairy wastewater is characterized by frequent episodes of drastic increases of organic content, giving rise to bulking filamentous bacteria and compromising the biological treatment process. This study reports the reduction of organic content of such wastewater by the application of the solar photo-Fenton process. For a wastewater containing 335, 2627 or 5400 mg C L-1 between 90% and 50% of the organic carbon content were removed after 3.5 h irradiation. The results show that the solar photo-Fenton process can be a good alternative for the abatement of organic content of dairy wastewater, especially in cases of organic content fluctuation, allowing an efficient biological treatment.
Destruction of Padron® (dye and picloram) was evaluated using a photoreactor and a solar reactor. Photolysis was observed using only a germicide lamp (GL). Black light (BL) and H2O2 (172 mmol L-1) promoted a conversion of 49% and 6% of dye and picloram, respectively. Photocatalytic processes were more efficient using TiO2/GL (96%-dye; 60%-picloram) than TiO2/BL (44%-dye; 40%-picloram). Photolysis using sunlight was not observed during PadronÒ recirculation in the reactor constructed with four borosilicate tubes. Meanwhile, adding H2O2 resulted in 12% conversion of dissolved organic compounds. Finally, the most efficient mineralization (60%) was obtained using the Fenton reaction ( H2O2-176 mmol L-1; FeSO4x6H2O-90 mmol L-1) and sunlight.
Aquest informe recull els 228 treballs publicats per 177 investigadors/es del Campus de Terrassa en revistes indexades al Journal Citation Report durant el 2013
This is a study of team social networks, their antecedents and outcomes. In focusing attention on the structural configuration of the team this research contributes to a new wave of thinking concerning group social capital. The research site was a random sample of Finnish work organisations. The data consisted of 499 employees in 76 teams representing 48 different organisations. A systematic literature review and quantitative methods were used in conducting the research: the former primarily to establish the current theoretical position on the relationships among the variables and the latter to test these relationships. Social network analysis was the primary method used in identifying the social-network relations among the work-team members. The first and key contribution of this study is that it relates the structuralnetwork properties of work teams to behavioural outcomes, attitudinal outcomes and, ultimately, team performance. Moreover, it shows that addressing attitudinal outcomes is also important in terms of team performance; attitudinal outcomes (team identity) mediated the relationship between the team’s performance and its social network. The second contribution is that it examines the possible antecedents of the social structure. It is thus one response to Salancik’s (1995) call for a network theory in that it explains why certain network characteristics exist. Itdemonstrates that irrespective of whether or not a team is heterogeneous in terms of age or gender, educational diversity may protect it from centralisation. However, heterogeneity in terms of gender turned out to have a negative impact on density. Thirdly, given the observation that the benefits of (team) networks are typically theorised and modelled without reference to the nature of the relationships comprising the structure, the study directly tested whether team knowledge mediated the effects of instrumental and expressive network relationships on team performance. Furthermore, with its focus on expressive networks that link the workplace to a more informal world, which have been rather neglected in previous research, it enhances knowledge of teams andnetworks. The results indicate that knowledge sharing fully mediates the influence of complementarities between dense and fragmented instrumental network relationships, thus providing empirical validation of the implicit understanding that networks transfer knowledge. Fourthly, the study findings suggest that an optimal configuration of the work-team social-network structure combines both bridging and bonding social relationships.
In the last two decades of studying the Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) phenomenon, intensive emphasis has been put on how and when and where these SEPs are injected into interplanetary space. It is well known that SEPs are related to solar flares and CMEs. However, the role of each in the acceleration of SEPs has been under debate since the major role was taken from flares ascribed to CMEs step by step after the skylab mission, which started the era of CME spaceborn observations. Since then, the shock wave generated by powerful CMEs in between 2-5 solar radii is considered the major accelerator. The current paradigm interprets the prolonged proton intensity-time profile in gradual SEP events as a direct effect of accelerated SEPs by shock wave propagating in the interplanetary medium. Thus the powerful CME is thought of as a starter for the acceleration and its shock wave as a continuing accelerator to result in such an intensity-time profile. Generally it is believed that a single powerful CME which might or might not be associated with a flare is always the reason behind such gradual events.
In this work we use the Energetic and Relativistic Nucleus and Electrons ERNE instrument on board Solar and Heliospheric Observatory SOHO to present an empirical study to show the possibility of multiple accelerations in SEP events. In the beginning we found 18 double-peaked SEP events by examining 88 SEP events. The peaks in the intensity-time profile were separated by 3-24 hours. We divided the SEP events according to possible multiple acceleration into four groups and in one of these groups we find evidence for multiple acceleration in velocity dispersion and change in the abundance ratio associated at transition to the second peak. Then we explored the intensity-time profiles of all SEP events during solar cycle 23 and found that most of the SEP events are associated with multiple eruptions at the Sun and we call those events as Multi-Eruption Solar Energetic Particles (MESEP) events. We use the data available by Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronograph LASCO on board SOHO to determine the CME associated with such events and YOHKOH and GOES satellites data to determine the flare associated with such events. We found four types of MESEP according to the appearance of the peaks in the intensity-time profile in large variation of energy levels. We found that it is not possible to determine whether the peaks are related to an eruption at the Sun or not, only by examining the anisotropy flux, He/p ratio and velocity dispersion. Then we chose a rare event in which there is evidence of SEP acceleration from behind previous CME. This work resulted in a conclusion which is inconsistent with the current SEP paradigm. Then we discovered through examining another MESEP event, that energetic particles accelerated by a second CME can penetrate a previous CME-driven decelerating shock. Finally, we report the previous two MESEP events with new two events and find a common basis for second CME SEPs penetrating previous decelerating shocks. This phenomenon is reported for the first time and expected to have significant impact on modification of the current paradigm of the solar energetic particle events.